June 2018 Moms

Rants Rants Rants Rants Rants Rants! (3/12)


Re: Rants Rants Rants Rants Rants Rants! (3/12)

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    @krashke Preach, girl! I've been on an unfollow/unfriend streak of those "friends" who consistently only share incorrect and inaccurate information like that. Do a little research people!
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    @krashke those are some odd "instead of" options given the charities listed as "bad"... IMO... also clearly a lack of understanding of what March of Dimes does..... research and education are important too! 
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    @LaceyBee522 I actually don't have anyone in my feed who shares things like this. I'm fairly lucky that most of my friends on facebook are either deadzones who post nothing at all or are very media savvy. DH has a few distant relatives who I unfriended because they posted weird stuff, but it was more like...... elderly aunts posting photos of themselves in lingerie, so... decided I didn't need that in my life anymore lol  :D They probably would've also eventually posted ill-informed articles, but oh well, I'll never know now. hahaha
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    @doxiemoxie212 Oops...sorry! I meant to tag @krashke
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    Maybe this is more of a FFFC but... I unfriend people who consistently post crap articles that aren't remotely true. Whether it's vaccines, politics, whatever. If you're posting fake articles from shady sources, I'll post a link refuting it from a real news source one time. After that, you're gone. *exceptions may be made for family members I like. 
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    @May14th2011 me too. I (weirdly) feel like my tolerance for that BS is has changed significantly since becoming a parent. 

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    I would unfriend them and comment all the links if it wasn't my aunt. I should probably just unfollow her. 
    *TW LC*
    Me & MH: 32
    DS: 6/1/18 (Pre-E; IUGR; seizures; NICU)
    TTC #2: 12/2019
    Sept 2020: HSG possible blocked right tube
    Nov 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFN
    Dec 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFP!!! EDD 9/18

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    @krashke I regularly crush my aunt's soul with logic and peer-reviewed science when she says crackpot stuff. Doesn't change her mind, infuriates my mom (her sister), but makes me feel lovely so I count it as a win! lol  :p 
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    I got off my butt and made banana bread, which I have been craving for weeks. Made two loaves, so I can have more than one slice (because let's be real, DH and the kids will demolish it) and DH tried to take a loaf to work with him. 
    When I said No, he got pissy. Told me "you don't need two loaves." Which of course made me pissy.
    Sometimes I bake enough to share with friends and his coworkers, but not every time. I'm not sending them food every time I bake. 
    So now he went to work pissy and I'm feeling both pissy and upset because I hate disagreements, even minor ones. Bah.
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    @May14th2011 I am the same way. Even minor disagreements make me so blah. I'm sure he will be over it by the time he gets home. Enjoy your banana bread. I wouldn't share either!
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    Why does every bra ever feel like torture device these days? I even got a bigger one this weekend.

    I also had a discussion with MH about my boobs and how huge they have gotten, how I now have "pepperoni nipples" and how my nipples have gotten darker. He has definitely been less interested in them lately so I was asking him if he still likes them or if he liked them better before. He said he likes them but he already sees them as the babies. They are just so different that he has disassociated with them. It made me kind of sad. He has always been a boob man and he has already given up on them and probably wont get them back for at least 18 months and then I'll get pregnant again. 
    *TW LC*
    Me & MH: 32
    DS: 6/1/18 (Pre-E; IUGR; seizures; NICU)
    TTC #2: 12/2019
    Sept 2020: HSG possible blocked right tube
    Nov 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFN
    Dec 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFP!!! EDD 9/18

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    @krashke bras are my enemy. But going braless sucks too because they’re so big now. I thought maybe it was the underwires but no.

    And yea, I used to have very cute, 32C/30D boobs with very small nipples, and now I’m just like ugh, these huge things that sit on my belly and have weird huge lumpy nipples. And DH laughs at them lol. I’m mostly fine with them not being sexual, I’ve never gotten any sexual pleasure from them in the past, but it’s annoying that the weight of them hurts my back but any kind of support hurts my rib cage. Ugh! 
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    My biggest issue is when people are posting about gun control in the states. I don't wanna get into a huge debate because I'm sure everyone is dealing with it as well, but the lack of knowledge and the lack of communication political parties.

    It's not an easy conversation, but it's one that needs to be had.
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    oh bras- had to get new ones this weekend too....and yet they're still not comfortable.  there is no winning.
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    oh bras- had to get new ones this weekend too....and yet they're still not comfortable.  there is no winning.
    If you have a Thyme Maternity, go there. I've gotten 2 in entire time and they're great. I had to get resized before buying the first, but they're so comfy.
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    I have a new appreciation for you ladies who are naturally chesty. How the ever-loving-FUCK do you ladies do it?

    You are the real heroes ...
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    @MissKittyDanger With DD, I actually lost cup and band size (went from 44 DDD to a 42 DD.) With DS1, while nursing, I went up to a 42F.) I currently have no bras that actually fit me and am hesitant to spend any money, as I have no idea what the girls will do post-partum.
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    Thank you  @MissKittyDanger ... as a large breasted woman for the last 30 years (yes 30! Boob fairy was both early AND generous) I appreciate the fact that there is recognition of our plight.  I never really passed the pencil test, prefer have it the 8-pack crayon test (fail that now too, post partum), no cute sundresses with spaghetti straps for me, and strapless dress sans corset is essentially a belt waiting to happen.  Swimsuits, cute tank tops,  not shopping at Victoria's Secret or any other mainstream CUTE lingerie store, and no boyfriend getting anything lacy and or cute. It is a challenge we have to bear... 

    Being a 36-38 F/G pre baby, with an expanded rib cage apres DD to a 42DDD, and then add on some for this wee one, I am one bra hate wearing mother. But, let me tell you, I will not unleash these puppies on the world without one. 

    Mama to a wonderful DD - Sep 2015, Wife to my DH since 2011, 2 dogs, a cat, and hoping to add No. 2 in May/June 2018. Canadian.
    5 - IUIs, 3 - IVF retrievals, 2- failed transfers (fresh, and frozen), PGS on second IVF resulted in 1 perfect emby, and DD. 
    3rd IVF w PGS resulted in 3! perfect embys. 1st transfer - Sep 2017 2 more on ice. 
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    @misskittydanger - I don't know that I've heard of that place.  With the exception of the bras this weekend (and some new nursing tanks) I have only gotten 1 new mat shirt this time and am using everything from last time so I haven't exactly been on the look out for maternity clothes
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    Has anyone found a good, wireless, nursing bra for those of us who are larger?  I hated the ones I wore last time.  I like Bravado Bliss, but I want something a little more comfortable immediately postpartum.  I've heard good things about the Kindred Bravely bras, but I haven't bitten the bullet yet.  
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    @kfren @rnielsen321 I was average 34B, and when I got measured I was closer to a 36C {boobs grew quick with this one lol} and I just can't imagine this being the size constant. Friend of mine was DD in grade 7, and it's just like howwwwww
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    My boobies shrank after breastfeeding my son for about 1.5 years. Then again, I lost a lot of weight in general as a result of the breastfeeding, so it's hard to say what exactly was happening there. Now all my bras overfloweth again, so they're baaaack. 

    I also have the dark pepperoni nipples (thanks @krashke - perfect description) only the edges are kind of uneven. My partner thinks I look hilarious in my bras but luckily he is as into the boobs as ever. Bless him. 

    None of that was a rant. I guess my rant is how difficult is to find a decent pull-out couch around here. We spent all of Saturday shopping around for one. We must've hit 12 stores but only saw THREE pull-out couches. In a city where 70 square meters / 800 square feet is the norm, you'd think these things would be in demand??!! Nope. So we ordered an air mattress. 
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    going to rant about bras also. I'm normally extremely picky with bras and the shape they give me. when I was pregnant with DS, I needed bigger bras and found this one kind of bra that was perfect... even nice and cheap from target! I've been wearing this brand ever since. same bigger size also. for some reason they are not working this pregnancy. I feel like I'm bouncing all over the place and the shape is awful. but I have absolutely no interest is going out hunting for new bras cause, again, extremely picky. so since I WFH, I'm just dealing. wear a tank top under some tops to hold the girls down more.
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    MissKittyDanger - yup, 90% of my maternity wardrobe is from motherhood (including this recent round of bras).

    I was around a 34 c pre pregnancy (1st preg), got up to a 34DDD, was down to 34 c post pregnancy, and just got 36 DDs this weekend. 

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    Mine haven’t changed size this pregnancy (and didn’t with DD), just feel fuller and heavier? I didn’t let my milk come in with DD because I was just over it with the latch issues so idk whether to expect they will grow at that point this time? I have a couple of nursing sports bra type things, I’m hoping they will hold me over until I see if they end up growing or not..

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    I normally have mosquito bites for boobs, so I am slightly enjoying being a bit more filled out. However, underwire is terrible, so I don’t get any lift of shape. So, defeats the purpose.

    I gave up Facebook for Lent and contemplating clearing out my friends list when I return because of the crap people post.
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    Maybe I'm really ranty today, lol.
    Finally got referrals for DS to speech pathology and audiology. Called to make appts and they are booking through May and my waiver runs out in March. So now I have to wait for the insurance to give me an actual authorization. So by the time he has his appt, I'm gonna be a million weeks pregnant or have newborn which I'm not going to want to drag 2 hours away. 

    And just to prove that my day isn't all bad, I got a brand new leather jacket for DS for $10, it will fit next winter. And we're having steak for dinner, which I'm excited about so, my day is not going all bad, just pieces of it lol.
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    @May14th2011 dang girl that sucks juggling pre auth and appts... Plus thinking of the journey with likely two children! But, glad you got the ball moving that's got to feel accomplished.  Nice score of the leather jacket and steak too!
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    @Amphibious22 your mom and my mom must read the same parenting newsletter. I'm super laid back, even now with 2.5 kids lol. My mom brings it up all the time. My kids are allowed to be crazy wild at home, running, jumping, screaming etc (at least until it gets on my nerves lol) and we've gone 6 years with no ER visits from my laid back attitude. *knock on wood* lol. 
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    @Amphibious22 I am flipping them all off with you! And a bunch of other not nice gestures.  
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    @Amphibious22 fuck 'em. I'm sorry they were shitty. What size did you get in the bamboobies bra? I keep seeing it advertised on FB, but I'm on the cusp of the band being too large but the cups being too small... it looks so comfy, though!
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