@funkykey sorry to hear about your cysts! I hope they go away quickly. Is there any pain?
*TW* me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
@JaeJayStark Good luck with the iui! Are you stuck in the office or can you go out for the hour wait? DF and I usually run out and grab a bite to eat or something, luckily there are a few places nearby! Sending good vibes your way!!!
@funkykey so sorry about your cysts! Retail therapy is definitely a good idea! Treat yourself to something awesome! Being benched sucks - I hope they aren't giving you any pain at least! *hugs*
@thothscribe81 we are sitting in the lobby now. There isn't anything terribly close and it's a rainy Seattle day outside. I need some starbucks for sure!
Thanks for keeping me company everyone!
*TW* me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
@JaeJayStark how do I change my username? I have looked everywhere. I have the worst username ever and it makes me so mad every time I look at it! Thanks for the encouragement regarding my little follicles. Hope they grow. I took @thothscribe81 advice of eating lots of protein. Hopefully that works.
@manders85 and @cinnamonn THAT SUCKS. I don't have anything else to say because it's the worst feeling in the world. I wish $5 fell out of an OPK with a BFN to soften the blow. Actually, I wish $30k fell out so we could all apply that toward IVF.
@funkykey that sucks about the cysts. are you in pain?? That's a lot of crappy news but retail therapy is a must!
Me: 36 DH: 33
TTC since June 2016
Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal
FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18
@Knottie1456269879 yes, it's so hard to mention you I had to email the bump to ask. I was a knottie too.
Your membership is valid
for all of our lifestage brands, including The Knot, The Nest and The Bump. If
you would like to change your username or edit your general profile, you will
need to log in to your account on TheKnot.com.
You can use the same email and password that you would normally use to access TheBump.com.
While logged in to your account on The Knot, go to your Account
Settings. This area will give you the option to review and change a variety
of details for your profile, including your username.
*TW* me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
I'm back to work right now. All went well! Now the tww!
*TW* me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
I'll be 8DPO tomorrow and planning to test in the AM! I just can't help myself!
Me: PCOS DH: No issues
August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN May '17: Took off due to cysts June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018
I don't blame you! I hope you at least get a squinter!
*TW* me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
So now that our first round didn't work, I'm curious if you guys recommend pushing RE to do something different Round 2/3/4 or if you tried the same course again? Clomid days 3-9 seemed to work and gave me 3 large follies CD12. DH had good counts on day of IUI. It's so frustrating when everything lines up and then no BFP. I know it all comes down to chance, but what are your thoughts on changing meds/timing of IUI, etc? I read in some places that women insist on two IUIs over 2-3 days and that could help?
TTC History in Spolier:
Me: 32, DH: 33 Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed. IUI - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI - 7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN *TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN *TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23. IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS. FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15 FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S
@Manders85 This is my second IUI and third cycle with my RE and hes' changed my protocol each month, getting a little more agressive each month (first cycle I was doing a low dose of clomid which we increased halfway through, second cycle we started on a higher dose of clomid, third cycle he switched me to letrozole and follistim injections). However my follicles weren't responding to the first two treatments. I would say if you are getting large follicles with the clomid and you are ovulating then it'd be best to stick with whats working. Unfortunately even when everything goes 100% right there is still only a certain percent chance of getting pregnant. It totally sucks thats the case though. I would say if the medicine is working stick with it because a change might not work as well. However definitely listen to your RE as they have the experience in this area!! *hugs* and positive thoughts for next cycle!!!!
@manders85 I totally understand the frustration of seemingly doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result. The only thing I would maybe ask about is getting a 7dpo blood draw to see what is going on with the progesterone or even an ultrasound to measure the lining. I had low progesterone and they gave me a half of a trigger shot. HCG tells the body to produce progesterone fast to thicken the lining. Just as @thothscribe81 said, if the follicle growth is good, I wouldn't change anything on the front side of the cycle. So fun that you are messaging from Colorado! It's going to be a beautiful weekend.
@Funnygirl34 pins and needles waiting to hear about your 8dpo!
Me: 36 DH: 33
TTC since June 2016
Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal
FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18
I've been lurking all month, but I'm back for my 3rd iui (maybe). I had a follicle check this morning (CD14) and I had 2 16 mm follicles but I also had 2 complex cysts. My Dr. sent me for lab work and he's waiting for those results before deciding next steps. I don't know how much more of this I can take! I'll be 35 next month and we have been trying for almost four years. I feel like I'm on a never ending roller coaster. I just want to get home and cry, but I had to swallow my tears and come into work.
Well, BFN this morning, but I'm not feeling discouraged since I'm only 8DP IUI. Here's to a 9DPO bfp... maybe?!
Me: PCOS DH: No issues
August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN May '17: Took off due to cysts June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018
@amanda_1182 sorry to hear about the cysts!! Hopefully the doctor will have good news when they call you. I can't imagine the frustration of going through this for four years - I will be 36 next month and we have been trying for only a year and its been such a journey already. Try to think positive and take some time out for yourself tonight. Going into work sucks when having to deal with not great news. *hugs*
@amanda_1182 Sorry about the cysts. Going to work feeling defeated is the worst. Let's just hope your lab work is good. I'm also 35 and have been trying for a year so I understand your frustration for sure. I'm on CD14 also! cycle buddies.
@Funnygirl34 still super early! cheers to tomorrow
Me: 36 DH: 33
TTC since June 2016
Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal
FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18
@amanda_1182 I too am sorry about the cysts! Thinking of you. I hope you get good news for sure.
@Funnygirl34 for my one and only pregnancy, I didn't see anything until 10 dpo. You've got time!
I had some pretty annoying cramps this morning. I think it's ovulation cramps. I haven't ever ovulated on both sides. I feel bloated and uncomfortable but I try to remind myself it means things are happening
*TW* me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
@Funnygirl34 Hoping you get a BFP on day 9. I think we both had our IUI the same day but I am trying not to test. Last night I felt like I was having AF cramps which would be quite early.
@amanda_1182 Sorry about the cysts, hope you can still continue with the IUI depending on what RE indicates.
@JaeJayStark - congrats on the IUI! No pain with the cysts... yet - but hopefully I will feel them rupture!
@amanda_1182 - I don't know how much more of this I can take! I'll be 35 next month and we have been trying for almost four years. - I'm so sorry. It is awful, and agonizing. I know you've been through a lot already, with the endo and everything. FX your lab work comes back ok, and that you can move forward.
If it makes you feel any better, this CD1 I stayed in bed basically all day, I didn't go to work. I'd woken up with bad cramps at 3am and had to drag myself to a 24 hour drugstore to buy painkillers, and then I couldn't fall back asleep, and I just thought: "Fuck it, take a sick day." I listened to an IVF podcast most of the day - Matt & Doree's Eggcellent Adventures.
@Funnygirl34 - sorry for the BFN! It is early, though!
@funkykey I hadn't even thought about looking up podcasts relating to infertility! And I went to download the one you mentioned and realized its Matt Mira, love him from The Nerdist!
Thanks for the responses. You guys are so thoughtful! I got a VM from my Dr. office saying my blood work showed I already ovulated. What?! I took Clomid CD 4-8 so if anything I thought I'd ovulate later than usual. They said to BD at home tonight, so no iui this month I guess. I'm so confused, and annoyed.
@funkykey - I'm totally going to peek around for infertility/IVF podcasts. I used to download pregnancy podcasts and disabled all of them once we got our diagnosis. But I'd totally be down for some good IVF podcasts. Thanks for the recommendation.
Me: 35 DH: 28 TTC since June 2016 Azoospermia diagnosis (zero count) Dec 2016 AZFc chromosome microdeletion discovery March 2017 Unsuccessful TESE for DH in August 2017 October 2017 IVF with donor sperm
29R, 24M, 16F, 2d5, 4d6 (6 embryos total) Only 3 could have PGS. 2/3 normal. 5 embies frozen 12/15/17 FET #1 (1 embryo)--CP 2/7/17 FET #2 (2 embryos)--BFN Chronic endometritis diagnosis May 2018
ERA Sept 2018--borderline receptive--12 more hours of progesterone Abnormal SIS Oct 2018 Repeat hysteroscopy Nov 1. Treated recurring endometritis. 12/4/18 FET #3 (2 embryos)--BFN Our journey has come to an end.
I've been lurking all month, but I'm back for my 3rd iui (maybe). I had a follicle check this morning (CD14) and I had 2 16 mm follicles but I also had 2 complex cysts. My Dr. sent me for lab work and he's waiting for those results before deciding next steps. I don't know how much more of this I can take! I'll be 35 next month and we have been trying for almost four years. I feel like I'm on a never ending roller coaster. I just want to get home and cry, but I had to swallow my tears and come into work.
@amanda_1182 I'm sorry about the cysts and then being told you've already ovulated, how flippin frustrating. I've also been trying to for an outrageous amount of time..3.5 years..and went in for my baseline ultrasound this morning and they found a 13mm cyst. The REs office said they'd call me today to let me know how we're going to proceed but they never did. I know it's extremely difficult when it doesn't happen month after month but you are doing everything you can Lots of hugs to you.
DH - 34, Me - 32 Married 7/13 TTC #1 since 10/13 BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15 IUI #1 2/25/16
IUI number: First one! Date of planned IUI: Already had it on March 10th
Testing: Beta March 27th
What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? What's this I'm laying on? Oh, fell asleep with earbuds in after doing my evening meditation.
Best compliment you have received? Recently? I guess it would have to be a hair compliment. "Your hair looks good!" or something like that.
If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Southwest salad with guacamole
What country do you dream of visiting? Transylvania
@Jeansis Congrats on your first IUI! Your beta sis a little longer than 2 weeks. Are you going to do any hpt?
*TW* me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal. • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
@Irisheyes81 - LOL re: march madness. You know, keeping track like this, it's actually like one of those playoff charts - hahaha! Except obviously, we're not competing with each other - and these are like much, much higher stakes than some trophy. And the play-by-plays can never be aired, because they are too X-rated.
Just imagined myself pulling an Oprah, but instead of: "you get a car", being all: "you get a baby, and you get a baby, and you get a baby."
@thothscribe81 I feel like I've been waiting an eternity for your beta haha. How is it all the way on the 27th? That seems like forever
@funkykey This is totally like a bracket! Oprah lol. For you and you and you and YOU! Instead of paying taxes on a car though, we get to give ourselves shots in the stomach! woohoo.
Me: 36 DH: 33
TTC since June 2016
Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal
FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18
@Irisheyes81 right?!?! I'm on day 4 of the tww and it feels like its been a month lol. I'm taking it one step at a time though ,I've got my progesterone level check on Monday so I'm just looking towards that and once thats done then I'll only have another 6 1/2 days till my beta! Not sure if I'm going to be able to hold out doing a hpt but we shall see!!!
@thothscribe81 I'm glad I'm not the only impatient one. I'm actually only 5dpiui, but if you could see how crazed I am, you'd think I was 5 months in with no end in sight. AND my clinic does beta at 16 days, so I'm not even close to testing!
Anyone have any awesome weekend plans? I think I might try to convince DH to to see Beauty and the Beast with me!
Re: March IUI
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
Thanks for keeping me company everyone!
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
@manders85 and @cinnamonn THAT SUCKS. I don't have anything else to say because it's the worst feeling in the world. I wish $5 fell out of an OPK with a BFN to soften the blow. Actually, I wish $30k fell out so we could all apply that toward IVF.
@funkykey that sucks about the cysts. are you in pain?? That's a lot of crappy news but retail therapy is a must!
Your membership is valid for all of our lifestage brands, including The Knot, The Nest and The Bump. If you would like to change your username or edit your general profile, you will need to log in to your account on TheKnot.com. You can use the same email and password that you would normally use to access TheBump.com.
While logged in to your account on The Knot, go to your Account Settings. This area will give you the option to review and change a variety of details for your profile, including your username.
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
May '17: Took off due to cysts
June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
@Irisheyes81, I too am messaging from Colorado
So now that our first round didn't work, I'm curious if you guys recommend pushing RE to do something different Round 2/3/4 or if you tried the same course again? Clomid days 3-9 seemed to work and gave me 3 large follies CD12. DH had good counts on day of IUI. It's so frustrating when everything lines up and then no BFP. I know it all comes down to chance, but what are your thoughts on changing meds/timing of IUI, etc? I read in some places that women insist on two IUIs over 2-3 days and that could help?
Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
IUI - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN
IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI - 7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN
*TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs.
IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
*TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23.
IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS.
FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S
@Funnygirl34 pins and needles waiting to hear about your 8dpo!
August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
May '17: Took off due to cysts
June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018
@Funnygirl34 still super early! cheers to tomorrow
@Funnygirl34 for my one and only pregnancy, I didn't see anything until 10 dpo. You've got time!
I had some pretty annoying cramps this morning. I think it's ovulation cramps. I haven't ever ovulated on both sides. I feel bloated and uncomfortable but I try to remind myself it means things are happening
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
@Funnygirl34 Hoping you get a BFP on day 9. I think we both had our IUI the same day but I am trying not to test. Last night I felt like I was having AF cramps which would be quite early.
@amanda_1182 Sorry about the cysts, hope you can still continue with the IUI depending on what RE indicates.
@amanda_1182 - I don't know how much more of this I can take! I'll be 35 next month and we have been trying for almost four years. - I'm so sorry. It is awful, and agonizing. I know you've been through a lot already, with the endo and everything. FX your lab work comes back ok, and that you can move forward.
If it makes you feel any better, this CD1 I stayed in bed basically all day, I didn't go to work. I'd woken up with bad cramps at 3am and had to drag myself to a 24 hour drugstore to buy painkillers, and then I couldn't fall back asleep, and I just thought: "Fuck it, take a sick day." I listened to an IVF podcast most of the day - Matt & Doree's Eggcellent Adventures.
@Funnygirl34 - sorry for the BFN! It is early, though!
@funkykey - I'm totally going to peek around for infertility/IVF podcasts. I used to download pregnancy podcasts and disabled all of them once we got our diagnosis. But I'd totally be down for some good IVF podcasts. Thanks for the recommendation.
TTC since June 2016
Azoospermia diagnosis (zero count) Dec 2016
AZFc chromosome microdeletion discovery March 2017
Unsuccessful TESE for DH in August 2017
October 2017 IVF with donor sperm
29R, 24M, 16F, 2d5, 4d6 (6 embryos total)
Only 3 could have PGS. 2/3 normal. 5 embies frozen
12/15/17 FET #1 (1 embryo)--CP
2/7/17 FET #2 (2 embryos)--BFN
Chronic endometritis diagnosis May 2018
ERA Sept 2018--borderline receptive--12 more hours of progesterone
Abnormal SIS Oct 2018
Repeat hysteroscopy Nov 1. Treated recurring endometritis.
12/4/18 FET #3 (2 embryos)--BFN
Our journey has come to an end.
@funkykey ooh I might try that podcast for my new 5hr RE commute! I had a day in bed this cycle too - ended up with neck ache instead, doh!
Apologies for being a bit of a lurker - it's been a busy month!
Long story short, I had my IUI on the 17th March - blood work scheduled for the 29th March.
TTC #1: Oct 2015
DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!!
Married 7/13
TTC #1 since 10/13
BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
IUI #1 2/25/16
Date of planned IUI: Already had it on March 10th
Testing: Beta March 27th
What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? What's this I'm laying on? Oh, fell asleep with earbuds in after doing my evening meditation.
Best compliment you have received? Recently? I guess it would have to be a hair compliment. "Your hair looks good!" or something like that.
If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Southwest salad with guacamole
What country do you dream of visiting? Transylvania
me 36 | him 42 | married 5/2016
Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained
• Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
• April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
• June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
• August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
• April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born.
• August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
• December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
Just imagined myself pulling an Oprah, but instead of: "you get a car", being all: "you get a baby, and you get a baby, and you get a baby."
OK, here's the updated chart - Welcome @Jeansis!
TTC #1: Oct 2015
DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!!
@funkykey This is totally like a bracket! Oprah lol. For you and you and you and YOU! Instead of paying taxes on a car though, we get to give ourselves shots in the stomach! woohoo.
Anyone have any awesome weekend plans? I think I might try to convince DH to to see Beauty and the Beast with me!