July 2017 Moms

Randoms 2.0


Re: Randoms 2.0

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    @LoveLee8, like to show off nurseries?  We just finished painting, but I feel so far behind, I wonder how far other people are on their's.
    @Itsnotyourturn painting is further ahead than me! We haven't even emptied out the room we are going to turn into the nursey! No way are you behind!
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    This baby's room is currently DH's office. And DD is using the crib. It's converted to a toddler bed right now. We're so far off from having anything even close to ready for this baby, it's not even funny. We'll probably get a nursery set up for them towards the end of this pregnancy. I'm honestly in no hurry anyway. DD didn't even use hers except for diaper changes until she was 8ish weeks anyway. 
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    oheliza44oheliza44 member
    edited January 2017
    Edit: deleted post because I posted in the wrong thread! My bad ladies! 
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    Our nursery is done because there's a one year old currently occupying it. Her new room has a queen size bed in it and nothing else. Painting and setting up after house guests come for a weekend in Feb. In the closets tho, all in boxes and only bc I found great deals: crib, mattress, double stroller, night light, second camera for monitor, changing pad, hamper...I think that's it. 
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    I'm definitely in the "haven't even started on the nursery" camp. The future nursery is our office, but other than painting when we moved in, we haven't done a thing. Maybe next month...
    Me: 30 DH: 30
    Dating: 12/21/2001
    Married: 09/08/2012
    TTC: 09/2016
    BFP: 11/16/2016 EDD: 07/27/2017
    Baby Fish born: 08/01/2017

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    Haven't started the nursery or DS's big boy room.  My mom is staying with us until March and her room is DS's new room so we can't do anything.  When she leaves we will move the guest room to our main floor bedroom, get the big boy room ready and him moved and finally tackle the nursery.  If it's done before this baby is actually ready to move into it I will consider it a win.  
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    munchkinsmamamunchkinsmama member
    edited January 2017
    I made a list of what we need to make our oldest sons room into the "boys" room and what we might need for the baby, we have a lot of stuff already.

    Eta: does anyone have the Kura bunk bed from Ikea and if so what were your kids ages?
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    You all need not worry about the nursery yet. You can go ahead if you feel like it but it's really far away. DD moved to her room after 3 months. She lived in the bassinet of her stroller until then. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    DcwtadaDcwtada member
    edited January 2017
    We will be moving in June/July/august - whenever the house is finished and knowing my husbands record of hitting his deadlines it will probably be September
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    DcwtadaDcwtada member
    edited January 2017
    is anyone else having trouble with their comments getting cut off and it won't let you fix it? 

    "We will be moving in June/July/august - whenever the house is finished and knowing my husbands record of hitting his deadlines it will probably be September

    And setting up the nursery (especially as a FTM) is more about momma than baby. We knew our daughter would sleep in our room the first couple months but I remember after strong arming my husband into painting and carpeting the nursery sitting in there lovingly and excitedly unpacking and assembling everything. It was better than Christmas."
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    I'm currently living with my mom to save for a house, and have delayed my plans to move by a couple months. I wish I could nest , but I don't want to pile too much on my plate. We will have a slightly delayed nursery one day...
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    cssme13cssme13 member
    edited January 2017
    @crzyforbabies we are in the same boat, living with ILs until we get a house but that probably won't be till the end of the year, I'm hoping by Christmas we'll be in something and then I'll have a whole house to get put together so the nursery will definitely be delayed.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Married: 05/26/2012

    DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013

    Natural M/C: 07/08/2014

    DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015

    BFP #4: 11/15/2016

    EDD: 7/27/2017

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    Anyone else notice their pets acting differently? My cat is really affectionate for a cat but she normally prefers my DH. Slowly throughout the pregnancy she's been more affectionate with me, but especially over the last week or so though she's been choosing me and is extra super cuddly and wanting to sleep on me. It makes me wonder if she senses the baby, or maybe I'm more motherly so she wants me more. She was cuddling with my bump this weekend. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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    @Dcwtada I can't see anyone's profile pictures.
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    @kerils I remember my puppy (he's since passed) getting super snuggly with me when I was pregnant with DS. He was also a little protectivw. Animal intuition I'd say.
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    That's super cute! Our dog is generally very affectionate, so I haven't noticed her being more needy than normal :) It will be interesting to see if that changes.

    @kerlis I just noticed your siggy - all good things come to you in July!
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    plumpous said:
    You all need not worry about the nursery yet. You can go ahead if you feel like it but it's really far away. DD moved to her room after 3 months. She lived in the bassinet of her stroller until then. 
    Reorganizing the house, painting, putting together furniture, and decorating sound very not fun with a newborn.  Or even while lumbering around like a beached whale in the later months.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin' 
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    @kerlis mine are usually snuggle bugs anyways but they seem to be even more so now. But who knows it might be in my head. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @Dcwtada yes! And I had typed so much I was like "leaving it" 
    EDD: 13/07/2017
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    @kerils I read it's because you are warmer when you're pregnant. And cats looooove warm things. 
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    @kerils my doggies won't leave me alone. I love puppy cuddles but an 80lb lab laying on your legs isn't the most comfortable way to spend the evening. My other dog is really attached to me and super affectionate so no real change there. Now they just fight for the space next to me.
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    @PurplePumpernickel lol yes they do! My LO has so many days he can end up being born on that are something else too. Fourth of July, wedding anniversary, DH birthday. Oh I also got my cat last July (well she got me), Yeesh that month and me. 

    @Twinkiedoll That makes sense. She likes to lay on top of the freezer (it's old and gives off heat) for the same reason. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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    BusyZeeBusyZee member
    edited January 2017
    I would love to see nurseries! I have so many nursery ideas (mostly old fashioned ideas) but then I realize everything is 6 months away and my bank balance worries me. I will try to make the most of it though because it's my first and I don't want to spend money on things that I don't like after a year. I'm really picky about what I buy, id rather have one thing I love and compromise in other areas but that's just how I am. It's hard doing what you want!! 

    Edit: I have zero typing skills.
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    We won't have a nursery until after DS2 is born. I'll reuse my Carter's woodland theme from DS1. DS1 and DD share a room right now so baby will be in our room. Were planning on moving in may/June when DH graduates. It seems like everytime we move I'm pregnant and it's hard.
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    I made a list of what we need to make our oldest sons room into the "boys" room and what we might need for the baby, we have a lot of stuff already.

    Eta: does anyone have the Kura bunk bed from Ikea and if so what were your kids ages?
    @munchkinsmama We have the Kura bed and I love it.  DS1 is 5 now; he's been sleeping on the top bunk for about 6 months.  We had to do a lot of practice at the playground for him to be comfortable with ladders.  Ikea recommends waiting until age 6 for the top bunk, but he was so motivated and he's very careful.  You have to make sure to get a very thin mattress for the top bunk, but he still seems comfortable.  

    DS2 slept on the bottom when we got an AirBnB with a Kura.  He loved it, and now refers to the bottom of DS1's bed as his bed.  When we move this summer, we'll put them in the same room and he'll sleep on the bottom. They'll be 6 and 3 then.  DS2 is still in the crib now because he hasn't figured out how to climb out yet and I'm ok with that.  
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Moving into a new house that has a Dr Seuss themed mural painted on all 4 walls  currently trying to decide whether or not to repaint or just let it be my son's room even though its smaller and more ideal for a nursery 
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    plumpous said:
    You all need not worry about the nursery yet. You can go ahead if you feel like it but it's really far away. DD moved to her room after 3 months. She lived in the bassinet of her stroller until then. 
    Reorganizing the house, painting, putting together furniture, and decorating sound very not fun with a newborn.  Or even while lumbering around like a beached whale in the later months.
    My whole view on this is paint colors, themes and cute baby things. You can post a picture of your 'wants' or 'likes' to share on here. It doesn't have to be stuff you have done yet. My son is 16 months and still doesn't 'need' his nursery, so that's not the point. It's just fun to get ideas and pictures to share. 
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    @Xath thank you! DS already has an ikea bed with two thin mattresses stacked (you can pull his bed out and lay mattresses side by side for guest) so we have mattresses for both, my boys will be a bit younger, the oldest just shy of 4 and youngest 2 but my oldest is a ladder pro. Your lucky your little guy isn't a climber, my little one just can't get his leg high enough yet. We plan on converting his toddler bed for a few months before putting them together. 
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    @nktrodden826 I love the Dr. Seuss theme.  Gah, I want to steal it. 
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    Trigger Warning

    I had the strangest dreams last night.  I was pregnant with twins (I am only pregnant with one), and had my babies midday by c/s, one was a 13 lb boy, and the other was 6lb girl. She was born and wasn't breathing, they told me she had died, and there was nothing they could do. I held her close, deperately wanting her to live, trying to wake her up. It was all I wanted. Trying to get her to nurse. She started to move and nursed for 5 minutes before she passed away. At least I got to have that, I woke up crying as I am now. Very traumatic dream.

    Then I was able to get back to sleep and dreamed that I had left my 13lb newborn day old baby boy with my mom to go find nipple pads (I am sure they are called something else, but I had to use them alot for DS, my boobs would spray EVERYWHERE) and it was some sort of 99 cent store. They had everything, but I couldn't find those. So I ended up with a cart full of crap, which I call the Target effect, and was so worried about my baby because I had been gone so long and my boobs were so full and he was going to get hungry and the store was closing which meant I had been there forever. THEN a bunch of people started shouting THE CANNIBALS ARE COMING and all these people with sharp teeth came stumbling through the front doors. Then the one that was coming towards me turned out to be a nice guy and walked me to my car because I couldn't run because of a c section.

    Btw, I recommend Lansinoh disposable nipple pads over platex disposable nipple pads. Much better absoration and less expensive.
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    Wow @CarsonsMommy, I've had some odd dreams since pregnancy (throat punched by grandma for taking my cured meats) but that is really interesting.
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    @CarsonsMommy WOW!  Your dreams sound like mine.  Would anybody be interested in a pregnancy dreams thread?  I have had some crazy ones this past weekend!

    Me: 26  Him: 27
    Dating: 5/2011 Married: 6/2014

    Mirena out/TTC: 02/2016

    BFP #1: 12/01/2016

    EDD: 07/24/2017

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    plumpous said:
    You all need not worry about the nursery yet. You can go ahead if you feel like it but it's really far away. DD moved to her room after 3 months. She lived in the bassinet of her stroller until then. 
    Not entirely true, but to each their own. DS didn't sleep in his nursery for a couple of months, but I still used it for changing him, feeding him, and laging him down to naps to get him used to his crib. I would have hated to have to paint and set up furniture with a newborn. 
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    @CarsonsMommy WOW!  Your dreams sound like mine.  Would anybody be interested in a pregnancy dreams thread?  I have had some crazy ones this past weekend!
    You all made me laugh through my unreasonably sad hormone tears. Yes! We NEED this thread!
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    supermom83supermom83 member
    edited January 2017
    The nipple pad recommendation ending was a nice touch to that horror show. 
    I can't stop laughing! Like seriously, I keep remembering this and laughing out loud randomly. lol

    @CarsonsMommy that was an intense crazy dream! I feel stressed out just reading about it. I don't think I could have survived dreaming that! My nerves would be too entirely shattered. 

    Edit: spelling
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    @CarsonsMommy I can totally relate to your dream! I've been having horrific dreams that have made me almost cry as soon as I wake up!!! Please make that thread since it's your idea . 

    If it it makes you feel better, in our culture if you have a dream that makes you cry within the dream you get good news/money/whatever you've been waiting for etc. it's usually been true for me and I hope it's true for you aswell! 
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