October 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms 9/12


Re: Weekly Randoms 9/12

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    bamacoop said:

    @bnsmith85 The same thing happened to me at my appointment yesterday! Did an NST, urine, blood pressure, all that good stuff, got placed in the room to wait for the doc. A couple minutes later the nurse strolls in and goes "You need the strep test today, I forgot. Bottom's off, here's a gown." and waltzed right out. Thanks for the warning!

    Also got a cervix check, which I'll be getting every week now. Damn that thing hurt and made me bleed. :(

    Question for y'all: doc said I'm 1cm dilated... she said it's normal (and good for me, since they want me to deliver early anyway), but I'm just wondering when others started dilating. Is 34 weeks a common time to start getting dilation underway? I thought that was kind of soon...

    @bamacoop Dilation happens at different times and at different rates for everyone. There's no way to tell what's common and what's not, because really, nothing is common.


    Baby GIRL born 9/16/201
    BFP! EDD 8/1/2019 CP 4w2d

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    @ibabyloveb87 brownies sound magical.  I might have to make some.  But a nearby pie shop is selling peanut butter banana pie this week only for sweet week.  Decisions, decisions.
    Peanut butter banana pie for breakfast, brownies for afternoon coffee. Easiest decision ever ;)
    DS#1 born 05 October 2016
    DS#2  due 25 April 2019
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    @kmolleltz whoa!! That's amazing! Congrats!! Does that mean you can make progress with the adoption as well?! So excited for your new life in your new home with your DH and 2 boys!!

    @emmaaa so glad to hear that your DH found a better situation! Nothing like a terrible job to make you feel miserable. And that's wonderful that he'll be making more money AND get to spend more time with you and baby!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Poor FI, he got a call earlier that one of his favorite cousins hung himself yesterday. It didn't kill him so he was put in the ICU and is on life support. He is completely brain dead and his mom decided to let him go this afternoon :( They were really close, so we'll be leaving town to go stay with his family for the weekend tomorrow. 
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    @LGW2015  YES! DH is going to start spearheading more of the adoption stuff because he (and most people here)  think it will go faster if it's him doing the stuff  (as a man, and as a Tanzania). We're getting all our documents in order and then it will just be working to set up a home visit! 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    ugh @allythekid that is so awful. I am so sorry for you guys
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    @AllyTheKid I am so sorry to hear that. Thinking of you and your family. That's tough.
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    @AllyTheKid I'm so sorry. That is absolutely awful.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @AllyTheKid I am so sorry to hear that. Thoughts with you and him. 
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    @bamacoop I was 1.5cm dilated at 32 weeks. But that's with twins and preterm labor under my belt. I'm still cookin at 2 days shy of 35 weeks. :) 
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    @AllyTheKid, that's absolutely horrible.  I'm so sorry. :(
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    @AllyTheKid - that's awful. I'm so sorry.

    I'm super craving brownies now.
    Me: 31
    DH: 32

    Married: Sep 2012
    TTC #1: Jan 2015
    Baby A (via IUI due to MFI): Sep 2016 born at 35+6

    Surprise but very welcome + on 5/16/2019, EDD 1/25/2020
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    @AllyTheKid What horrible news. Thinking of you and your FI and family! 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    My thoughts are with you and your family @AllyTheKid
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

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    Thinking of you guys, @AllyTheKid<3
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @AllyTheKid I'm sorry to hear about your FI loss. That is devastating.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Yay @emmaaa!  That sounds like a much better situation for your whole family.

    @kmolleltz that is so exciting!  I bet you can't wait to move in.

    @AllyTheKid you have every right to be nervous.  In fact, you'd have every right to not go, especially this close to your due date.  I'll send good thoughts your way that Baby stays put until you get back.  I'm so sorry for your fiance.  He must feel so helpless. 
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    @ashleyp625 That is so something my MIL would do! 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    @ignoscemihi I've been thinking about wiggling that option into the conversation once he gets home from work. He's a fairly reasonable man, this has crossed his mind I'm sure.
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    @ashleyp625 just tell her in super detail, and she'll never ask again. "Well see they had this swab they had to do..." haha

    @AllyTheKid :( Having gone through that a couple times, all I can say is just tell him to remember it wasn't anyone's fault. It is awful for that to happen. 

    @kmolleltz HOORAY for your house finally!!! I know that meant a lot for you for it to be done in time for baby.

    @emmaaa It's sooooo nice when your DH has a job he likes. Especially compared to being in a miserable work environment when they take their stress home. 

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    @emmaaa that sounds like a great new opportunity for your H! That's awesome

    @kmolleltz yaaaay!!!!

    @AllyTheKid thinking of you and your FI
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    Oh @AllyTheKid I'm sorry to hear that 
    Me {32} DH {34}
    Married 05/2014

    PCOS baby due October 09, 2016
    Beta #1: 22.5
    Beta #2: 74

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    @emmaaa Congrats to the hubby!!! Sounds like a great situation all around! More time with you and the babes and more $$

    @AllyTheKid  Ugh I am so sorry for your loss. Timing is never perfect but this isn't the best at all. 
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    @AllyTheKid 1) I'm so sorry to hear about FI's relative- that is awful. 2) Yes please start an O16 babies thread. It makes me ridiculously happy to see those sweet little faces. 
    @kmolletz YAY! So exciting!
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    Aw, @allythekid I'm so sorry for you and your family! :( Thinking of you all!
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    @emmaaa and @kmolleltz- congrats on the good news guys!!

    @AllyTheKid- I'm so sorry for your family's loss :( I wish we took mental health more seriously as a country. 

    Stuck in the box!

    Just wanted to say, ALL OF THIS.
    DS#1 born 05 October 2016
    DS#2  due 25 April 2019
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    DH is out of town tonight and I'm super worried about going into labor tonight. Even though there's no signs that it'll happen, who knows. The only person who could be there quickly is my crazy MIL. I told my BFF that I would call her. Y'all keep your fingers crossed that Baby B doesn't decide he wants to make a surprise appearance! 

    By the way this is totally not rational as there had been almost no signs that labor is close (though I guess there don't have to be signs). I'm sure he's going to be a late baby. 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    Don't blame you for feeling that way, I would be feeling the same way. I will keep our fingers crossed!! I'm on standby if you need your buddy @ibabyloveb87
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

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    @AllyTheKid I'm so sorry! Death is never easy to deal with, but suicide seems to always hit everyone harder.  Even though we're a virtual group, if you need us know we're all here for you!

    (PS I'm a +1 for baby picture thread)

    @emmaaa & @kmolleltz congrats on your good news :smiley:

    @ibabyloveb87 I get that fear every time hubby goes play baseball because I know I won't be able to contact him for 3-4 hours - not the same as being out of town, but ya I have no signs of early labour unless they induce me.
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    edited September 2016
    I found myself liking the ones on Sept 16 board ... before I realized what I was doing. Whoops! @PCOSbaby
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

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    I kinda wish now I had signed up for a labour buddy. I never cause I thought baby wasn't going to flip head down like my last one and I would have a scheduled c section so I didn't think there was a point in having one. Oh well! 
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