Hi everyone! With Christmas around the corner DH and I are planning to announce within the next 2 weeks and figured it would be fun to share stories!
1. How far along are you/due date?
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends?
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how?
Feel free to post any picture announcements too!
Re: Pregnancy Announcements
2. We will be telling close friends this weekend at our annual wine tasting party (obviously because I wont be able to partake and everyone knows I am a huge wine drinker- so they'll be suspicious!) and telling our families on Christmas day
3. We will probably announce on social media either on Christmas after telling our family or the day after Christmas because I'll be 10 weeks and we are sending extended family and other friends Christmas Cards with some type of announcement. (waiting for our ultra sound picture on Friday and then will take our Christmas card photo) Plus our families will probably blab so we want to get the word out before them haha.
2. Close family and friends already know. We'll be telling extended family on Christmas Eve with DS wearing a Big Brother shirt. They know we had a bad loss last spring and I've been hearing from my mom and sister that they've been asking if we're going to try again. They'll all be really happy for us.
3. I'll be over 12 weeks on Christmas so I'll probably announce on social media around the same time, I'm torn between a sneaky pic of DS in his big brother shirt and seeing who picks up on it or possibly a Santa picture with something like "little brother/sister" on his Christmas list. But that would require a lot more planning so we'll see what I come up with lol. We're also thinking maybe a Christmas stocking? So many options!
ETA: This was our announcement with DS
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? Parents already know, and a couple of friends. The rest of the families are being told on Christmas.
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? We will probably post to FB either on Christmas or New Year. Still undecided. Still thinking about ideas for this yet.
DD: 07/19/18
EDD: 06/22/22
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? On Christmas day is the plan so far! I'm hoping I get an ultrasound at my doctor's appointment& then we are going to take a picture with the ultrasound& buy a cute picture frame that says family(or something like that)& give one to my parents& one to his! And that's all it will take for everybody else to find out! Lol
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how?
No social media!
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? - we got photobooks made for the grandparents for Christmas of our twins first year. The last page is a pic of us and the boys with Santa and is captioned "Merry Christmas 2017 Love the five of us...and we don't mean Santa! Baby B #3 coming July 2018)
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? - we did one last time that I'm still so impressed with but I don't think I'm going to bother this time. This was our social media announcement for the twins....we're clearly Canadian lol.
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? 4 of my siblings know and a couple friends. Everyone else, including my parents and mil, will be told Christmas Eve. We were planning on using our furbaby with my side of the family, however, the festivities got moved to my step-brother's house...poopy.
This is what we bought for my mom and step-dad.
This is for my MIL (She only speaks spanish). It says, "A Little birdie told me you are going to be a grandma". I got mint colored booties.
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how?
DH and I decided not to do any social media announcements. So Pari dog will just get to prance around the house in the shirt.
*Edit - verbage
2nd Edit- remove social media announcement
haha i love this, because my MIL will totally do the same thing!
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? We are sending out the Christmas card at the bottom
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? Probably not until January. Maybe a post about how 2018 will be a big year for my son...he starts kindergarten also! ETA-new and improved version our card. With the correct year
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
10w0d due 7/3/18
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends?
we have already announced to our family and a few friends
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how?
we will post an announcement on Christmas Debating between a few ideas
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? I have my first u/s tomorrow so we may tell our parents soon after that. I think we will tell extended family at Christmas if all looks fine. I would actually be fine waiting to tell our parents at Christmas as well. It's been nice just keeping it to ourselves. We've told our close friends already. I don't know if that's weird or not but we always tell close friends before family.
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? I think we will announce on social media at Christmas also. I took some pictures of the kids at the Christmas tree farm over the weekend with a chalkboard sign that said "Adding another stocking next year...Baby #5 due July 2018" so if I don't post it before/on Christmas it's kind of lame to use the stocking line, right? Didn't really think that through lol. I'll be 10 weeks at that point. It's a little earlier than we typically announce on social media but I think I'll be fine with that.
Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues
TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui
TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12
TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks
Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15. Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15. Forever in our hearts.
TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? we already told both immediate families, a few close friends, and both sets of bosses. We are planning to tell the second tier of family/friends after our u/s on the 11th or maybe after the NT scan on the 18th if everything is ok.
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? Not sure we will do something on social media...if we do it’ll probably after we know the genders and are much closer to the end. Might just wait til the babies are born and post something then
My mom just told me she’s making ornaments with my ultrasound picture for everyone who will be at Christmas... it makes me uncomfortable because I’m not super close with my extended family and the idea of my US hanging on their trees weirds me out. I told her it makes me uncomfortable and she won’t relent.
Are my pregnant hormones overreacting?? Or is this weird to anyone else?
8 weeks, EDD July 15
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends?
Have only told two of my best friends and my immediate family. I will tell a few more as I see them in the next coming weeks. Christmas Eve we will most likely reveal to the big party we go to!
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how?
honestly- I am so not into announcing via social. I think I would like to keep it to close family and friends. I’m a neurotic FTM and I just am not comfortable sharing this news with people I don’t see on a regular basis. (Or family)
@samjjorgensen you poor thing! It sounds like it’s a nice idea- but I completely understand your wanting to keep your sonogram picture private- perhaps she can use another graphic- that will help the point across...? If she insists on doing it lol
6wks+2d, EDD July 29
2. When will you be announcing to close friends/family? We told both of our parents already and are waiting to tell siblings at Christmas, close friends will be after that
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? We’re going to wait til 12 weeks. We have a Disney trip planned for the middle of January so we might take some sort of photo reveal when we’re there
So Canadian I love the Tims announcement
How far far along are you/due date?
7 weeks due July 24
When will you be announcing to close friends and family?
Most know. I’m a wineo and have been trying for a while. When I said no to wine it was a dead give away. I also had some spotting while my mom and sister were visiting so I had to tell them.
When will you be announcing on social media and how?
Well originally before my complications I had our family Xmas photo shoot planned and so I got a custom ornament that said each of our family members name on it Mommy, daddy, DD name and then baby with Xmas 2017 written on the bottom and I was going to gift it to him during the photos and capture his reaction and the photos of us and the ornament would have been given to close family and possibly posted on social media. But now that’s a no go so we will either announce on our vacation in January or post a photo on Christmas of the ornament on the tree. With our dd we were at our favourite ball teams game and we had someone take a pic of us holding up a baby Jersey with our last name on it with the year of babies due date. People loved it. So no decision yet but I’ve been thinking of a few different things.
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (I’ll be 11+6/12)
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? Not sure yet if I will, we didn’t with DS.
We did just take a super cute picture we are going to frame for our parents to give them for Christmas.
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends? We already told our immediate family. And very best of friends. but waiting for everyone else.
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? We are going to announce on Christmas, I will be 12 weeks on the 28th. So I figured 3 days is safe to announce. I just don't know for sure how yet.
2. At this point, no one knows besides my husband and I and you lovely ladies of the internet. We’re supposed to tell our family next weekend (the 16th). I’m hosting them for a pre-Christmas dinner/present opening. I’m still trying to think of a cool way to tell them. So far the only idea I have is this:
I’m actually more excited to tell our kids, which we will do a few days before the dinner. I don’t want them to have to keep a secret for too long.
3. No social media announcement.
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends?
Family will find out at Christmas. My husbands parents already have 8 grandchildren so we got a onesie for the youngest that says “I’ve been promoted to big cousin”. My parents don’t have any grandchildren so we got an ornament with a little snowman family and there’s a little heart and the word baby on the belly of the wife
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? I have no clue. Definitely not until after 12 weeks. Hopefully I can keep our families from putting anything out there.
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends?
4-5 very close friends already know. We are telling our parents on 12/23. I'll be 12 weeks then and hopefully the genetic screening results will be in too. I made cards that say "the best parents get promoted to grandparents"- we'll add a picture of the ultrasound inside. Similar cards for my best friends ( "from bestie to auntie").
3. DH works for a video game company so our post will show 3 game controllers. Player one, ready, player two, ready, player three -loading- July 2018. We'll say something along the lines of "the game of Life is about to get interesting in 2018". We'll probably post it on new year's. Other than that I'd like to keep the sharing of social media to a minimum:)
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends?
So far no one knows besides H and I...except my work husband, who I had to tell because I needed a wing man at work for when I was feeling really sick. I ordered my toddler a big brother shirt, and myself a Christmas shirt that says something like "extra merry this year" with baby footprints on the belly. I guess my plan is for my son and I to wear our shirts to Christmas and just wait for family to notice. We have three Christmases to attend, on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of Christmas weekend (for my in laws, my dad, and my mom - divorced parents), so hopefully it will still be a surprise by the time we get to Christmas day.
Has anyone used the big brother shirt to announce before, and if so, how did you execute it? Just wait for people to notice?
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how? Not sure yet...was thinking about posting something on New Years Day, but my 12 week scan is the following day and I'm oddly afraid of posting and then getting bad news the very next day.
2. I have told my mom (she lives with us), and a sister-in-law (Bc I work with her). We are always pregnant within six months of another sister-in-law. The day we found out I was pregnant with #4 was the day she announced they are expecting #4 in June. So I bought their baby a onsie that says "Big Cousin" and we are exchanging gifts tomorrow.
My kids have no clue. My daughter has been begging me for a baby sibling. I told her to ask Santa. So she wrote a sweet letter to Santa about her wanting a baby sibling. So for Christmas she will open a big sister shirt, her brother will open big brother, then current baby of the family will open his big brother shirt with a big brother book. The whole family will be there and I am taping it to share online.
I'm 9+3, due date 7/9/18.
2. When will you be announcing to close family/friends?
We told all our close family right around Thanksgiving (with the exception of my DH's father because we haven't seen him in person yet). We put my son in a big brother shirt. No one noticed at either gathering so we had to call it out, so it failed miserably, hah. I told close friends right away, even before family.
3. When are you announcing on social media (if applicable) and how?
I think we're going to send out Christmas cards to announce it even though it's before the second trimester. Social media will probably come well after that.