
Anyone doing IVF in July/August?


Re: Anyone doing IVF in July/August?

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    @BusinessWife..thanks ! Whether it's real or not it was pretty cool to finally see a +
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    @Malibu45 that's my girl!! Poas!!!!
    @ReesaAnne16 it's funny... true ms can begin (though usually more mild) pretty early. Many girls start noticing for sure between week 5 and 6. But along with the progesterone you're taking, once you start being at a certain level of hcg, you can start feeling yucky. Again, it can also be in part due to the progesterone, but the yuckier you feel, the better! Lol
    @BusinessWife I've only ever done planned freeze Alls and always got Day 3 and 5 updates. I think it may just be your clinics policies? 
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    Thanks everyone for the kind words!
    @Malibu45 I'm willing to bet money that you're pregnant! Cramps are a real good sign. Most of the girls in my FB group who got their positives had cramping. I didn't have any so that's how I knew I was out. 
    @BusinessWife Thursday will be here before you know it. Once they told me how many fertilized, I asked them not to call until day 5 lol. Fingers crossed that every last one of them make it!
    @Hopeful_mom I have mid cycle spotting maybe coming from my partially blocked right tube. That might be creating a toxic environment for implantation. I think it's called hydrosalpinx. I'm probably going to call this specialist in Chicago to get a more educated opinion. As for another round of IVF, my thinking is to get this stuff removed, try the ERA test and transfer my last embryo. If that doesn't work, maybe I'll think about it then when I have the check I'm expecting. I'm also hoping that my chances of conceiving naturally again will go up with things cleared out. 

    Me:35 DH:37
    Married 09/2013

    *TW* TTC #2 since June 2016 *END TW*


    March 2017- IUI#1- Clomid - BFN
    April 2017 - IUI #2 - Clomid, Ovidrel - BFN
    May 2017 - IUI #3 - Clomid- cancelled cycle

    July 2017- IVF #1-Microdose Lupron protocol, Gonal-F, Menopur, HCG trigger- 12 mature eggs, 9 fertilized, 4 frozen- 2 PGS normal!!

    August 2017- FET #1

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    @BusinessWife I know it's so hard, but you are right; they are in God's hands, and only He can give and sustain life. It's amazing how weak my faith was those days of waiting, I was expecting the worst. But God came through despite my weak faith, and I know He's shaping your little ones too :)

    Me 34 DH 36 Married since July 2010 
    MFI (High DNA Fragmentation) & Mild endometriosis
    TTC #1 since June 2015 
    Aug 2016 - May 2017  6 IUI's with letrozole - BFN
    April 2017 - laparoscopy to remove mild endo
    June 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU - Cancelled early ovulation, no eggs retrieved. 
    Aug/Sept 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU, cetrotide - 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature
    5 eggs ICSI'd 6 eggs frozen - 1 day 5 blast transfered, 2 expanded blast frozen - BFP!
    May 2018 - Baby girl born - Our Joy

    TTC #2 since July 2019
    July 2019 - FET - BFN
    Jan 2020 - FET - canceled due to family health issues
    Mar 2020 - FET - low beta - chemical pregnancy
    July 2020 - ICSI'd remaining 6 eggs - 3 fertilized - 2 survived to early blast stage, transfered both - Chemical Pregnancy

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    @safire3 we are in exactly the same place. No changes, slow and steady. I honestly wouldn't care if it wasn't for my planned vaca (which they approved). I really prefer to retrieve no later than Thursday. I'm pretty sure this time there will be no ohss so I don't have to worry about that, at least. 
    Lol... love that gif! Perfect!
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    @safire3 also, when do you go back next? I'm Tuesday 
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    @angelbea yay!!!!! Lucky duckie!! Today is stim day 11..... I'm a slow developer and I've never had a typical
    10 days of stimming, it's always been more. I'm just anxious to not mess up my vaca 
    how is your follie count looking? Usually when you're feeling yucky you've got a good number!

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    Thanks @Hopeful_mom! I really hope this is real ! 
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    @Hopeful_mom right?!? It seems crazy to other people how emotionally invested I am with people's cycles and results, like truly overjoyed for good results and legit crying over bad....
    im actually waay open to the future growth of people I've decided not to invest in (because I can't.... I couldn't even keep up with the dailies on here last week! Lol). If a few of them grow up, I'd love to have them back in my life.... but on my new terms. Never as they were again. I just know some ppl can change (and I like to leave the door open for that *possibility*)

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    @BusinessWife jeeeeeeeeez ugh!!! Could that have been any more awkward?!? 

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    allycheer00 ha ha i was thinking the same thing about the dress!!  @BusinessWife  you were so concerned about missing the wedding and see you made it and all is good in the world.  Hoping you got to enjoy regardless of people making you feel bad in the moment!

    allycheer00 no offense taken at all - you're still young enough why can't you have that magic happen naturally!  I wish it for everyone.  The ones that do get it will never know how lucky they were to conceive that magic!! Did your gut really tell you not to transfer??  I always feel like my RE might be missing something but I don't know what else to ask for anymore.  I did get pregnant I just lost it...its so hard!!!

    Malibu45 you got this lets keep it going!!!
    History of TTC in spoiler box
    TTC since 2014
    Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
    7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN 
    IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle :( RE thought I would get at least 10.
    IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
    IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F,  3DT)-BFP  with TWINS // MC both at almost 10wks  :'( 
    IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP  (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal  :'( 
    IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!! :)
    IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!! :)
    IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!

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    tinjp78tinjp78 member
    edited September 2017
    Yes, @dragonette505 . ONE is frozen and TWO are still keeping the suspense. I just don't have any more info regarding those 2 other embies they are still observing. I also hope that they would have better result on Wednesday. 
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    tinjp78tinjp78 member
    edited September 2017
    How do you feel today @dragonette505 ?
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    @dragonette505. Thanks for the (((hugs))) Hope you get to trigger soon!!! ❤
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    @tinjp78. Fx so hard for your two lil fighters still in the ring!!!  I didn't know they would freeze a day 3, so that is lucky you can still have a chance there!!! Rather than to have lost that one completely. That's exciting!!
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    Yes, @BusinessWife I was just paralyzed this morning waiting for that call from our Dr. and when we got the news, I could breathe again. That ONE frozen one made me feel I was given a chance and that I should prepare well for this next stage.
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    @tinjp78 I agree with @BusinessWife that's it's so cool they froze a day 3 for you! I'm doing ok with these shots but I guess I'm finally starting to get physically a little beat up by them.... I've been mildly nauseous the past few days and today, couldn't keep down my prenatal vitamins....

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    @dragonette505 please try to get more R&R. I'm sending lots of happy thoughts and prayers your way. :smile:
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    Malibu45 said:
    Took my third and final pregnancy test before my BETA tomorrow morning and it came back positive! Fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow !! 
    Yay girl! This is it! Now it's just seeing how nicely your beta doubles! Did you do a digi? Those are great because you know for sure your beta will be over 50 
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