
Anyone doing IVF in July/August?


Re: Anyone doing IVF in July/August?

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    Blood test was negative as I expected. Doc agrees with me that I probably need surgery to remove the endo and maybe my left tube. The ERA test is a good option too. So that's what's next. Thank you all for the support.

    Good luck @ReesaAnne16 and @Malibu45. The both of you need to get our very first positives!

    Me:35 DH:37
    Married 09/2013

    *TW* TTC #2 since June 2016 *END TW*


    March 2017- IUI#1- Clomid - BFN
    April 2017 - IUI #2 - Clomid, Ovidrel - BFN
    May 2017 - IUI #3 - Clomid- cancelled cycle

    July 2017- IVF #1-Microdose Lupron protocol, Gonal-F, Menopur, HCG trigger- 12 mature eggs, 9 fertilized, 4 frozen- 2 PGS normal!!

    August 2017- FET #1

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    @allycheer00  I'm so sorry, you must be so disappointed :( It's good your doctor has a plan to try to improve your odds before your next FET. I'm sorry things are delayed because of it though. Treat yourself this weekend, you deserve it

    Me 34 DH 36 Married since July 2010 
    MFI (High DNA Fragmentation) & Mild endometriosis
    TTC #1 since June 2015 
    Aug 2016 - May 2017  6 IUI's with letrozole - BFN
    April 2017 - laparoscopy to remove mild endo
    June 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU - Cancelled early ovulation, no eggs retrieved. 
    Aug/Sept 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU, cetrotide - 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature
    5 eggs ICSI'd 6 eggs frozen - 1 day 5 blast transfered, 2 expanded blast frozen - BFP!
    May 2018 - Baby girl born - Our Joy

    TTC #2 since July 2019
    July 2019 - FET - BFN
    Jan 2020 - FET - canceled due to family health issues
    Mar 2020 - FET - low beta - chemical pregnancy
    July 2020 - ICSI'd remaining 6 eggs - 3 fertilized - 2 survived to early blast stage, transfered both - Chemical Pregnancy

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    Thank you @dragonette505 !  That is a great way to look at it ❤  I'm trying not to be too discouraged...
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    @BusinessWife well that's why some places only tell you about mature eggs since those are the only ones that can fertilize. It's still good to know totals because you need to stay hydrated when they take as many as they got from you. 
    Will they give you a 3 day report?
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    @allycheer00 I am so sorry to hear that. I am glad you have a plan to move forward. I hope you can get in for the surgery soon. Hugs to you today.

    @BusinessWife that is still awesome! FX they all make it to freeze.
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    Thanks guys, ❤ no 3 day report @dragonette505. Maybe only bad news???  :# lol We can expect to hear fx so much Good News Thursday...
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    Ahh I've been cramping yesterday and today ! I am trying to keep it together but am slowly losing it !! I already know didn't work :(:( Sorry for the rant :( 
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    @Malibu45 when is your beta? Cramping is both a sign of AF and a sign of pregnancy..... unfortunately it feels exactly the same..... exactly. Cramps won't tell you either way. Sending hugs to help hold you together. 
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    My beta is on Tuesday ! I have one home pregnancy test though and I keep going back and forth whether I should test or wait for the beta. Thank you !
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    @Malibu45 well don't ask me! I'm a poas addict and would have peed 3 times today already! It sux that early pg symptoms are the same as pms... 

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    Exactly the same here !! And the day of my beta is my first day of school ! How am I gonna be at work all day with the a pending voicemail waiting? Lol 
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    @southerngirl31. Ah!!!  So exciting!!!  Fx for everything tomorrow!!!!
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    <b>Question:</b>  I guess I am having trouble understanding how they are counting the days.  I feel like if they are counting hours from retrieval, Saturday 1030AM should have been 24 hours. Sunday 1030AM will be 48. Mon, tues, weds... 1030am should be five days.  So we are having to wait a full SIX DAYS to get our report???? I don't get it. :/
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    @southerngirl31 yay!!! Grow embies grow!
    @BusinessWife retrieval day is day 0, not day one. So Saturday was day 1 after Friday retrieval. Wednesday will be day 5
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    edited September 2017
    Right that makes sense, @dragonette505 so is that normal not to get an update till day 6??? They told us Thursday... :/

    ETA does this means no o e is peeking in and looking at them that whole time, so no one actually knows?  Or are they monitoring rhey just don't want to deal with a million phonecalls?
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    @BusinessWife normally they check on 3 and 5. That's pretty standard. Not sure why you wouldn't get a day 3 report (must just be the policy of your clinic) Also not sure why they are already saying Day 6. I've got a Day 6 embie frozen but they told me my day 5 report and said one more may make it on day 6 and then emailed me on day 6 with the one that made it. That's Ben the case for the 2 other clinics I've cycled at. I'm not even sure with this new one.
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    Yeah, I guess its just policy... @dragonette505. It's a huge place.  Day 3 plus day 5 reports just means double the phone calls the lab has to make?  Idk. Or maybe since day 3 is the holiday???  You would think they could call Tuesday with the day 3 report tho.  Maybe they figure it's like ripping off a bandaid.  You wait long enough, and whether the news is great! Or horrible, you get it all at once!  :#
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    @BusinessWife I'm sorry you're not getting more updates :( we got a day 1,2,3,5&6 reports. Even though we had a good blast to freeze on day 5, they let them all grow another day, because the day 6 ones freeze and thaw better I guess. Maybe it's because you're freezing all and not doing a fresh transfer? the decision for us was made on day 2 whether to do a day 3 transfer or wait until day 5, so many that is why we got reports those days. 

    Me 34 DH 36 Married since July 2010 
    MFI (High DNA Fragmentation) & Mild endometriosis
    TTC #1 since June 2015 
    Aug 2016 - May 2017  6 IUI's with letrozole - BFN
    April 2017 - laparoscopy to remove mild endo
    June 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU - Cancelled early ovulation, no eggs retrieved. 
    Aug/Sept 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU, cetrotide - 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature
    5 eggs ICSI'd 6 eggs frozen - 1 day 5 blast transfered, 2 expanded blast frozen - BFP!
    May 2018 - Baby girl born - Our Joy

    TTC #2 since July 2019
    July 2019 - FET - BFN
    Jan 2020 - FET - canceled due to family health issues
    Mar 2020 - FET - low beta - chemical pregnancy
    July 2020 - ICSI'd remaining 6 eggs - 3 fertilized - 2 survived to early blast stage, transfered both - Chemical Pregnancy

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    @Malibu45 I think *most* people have processed out the trigger by 14 dp trigger. I went through the same thing and was in agonies because all my online searching showed that while 99.9% of the time it was always a real positive, there was always one girl who was like.... nope, trigger stayed in my system 14, 15 and even 16 days post trigger. My suggestion is to test tomorrow and see if it gets progressively darker. If it starts getting darker, you're good
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