November 2016 Moms

Baby Gear

I figured now that we've got a little experience under our belts we can talk about baby gear. What have you loved, what was useless, whats just meh...
TTC#1 July 2015 
  • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
  • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019 
  • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20


Re: Baby Gear

  • Swing - useless (but hoping maybe he will try again when he's a bit older)
    Rock n Play - meh. It wasn't the miracle cure although he is content to sit in it for a bit while I get a few things done or eat
    Play mat - nice to lay on and easy to wipe clean. He's not into the toys quite yet though 
  • I have now had two kids reject the mamaroo swing. It was a hand me down so it's no skin off my teeth but what a rip off. Those things are expensive. 

    BOBA wrap is great up until about 20 lbs. it keeps LO sun protected, warm or cool depending on how you dress them and you can NIP easily. 

    The OSPREY backpack carrier is also awesome. We hiked through Utah with our first in it and this LO already digs the view. We don't use strollers as a result - stairs and tight spaces are a non issue for us. 

    California Baby products have been awesome for both kids' skin. 

    Im sure more will come to mind... hoping someone has an awesome sitting up suggestion that holds the heavy LOs. I'm working with a 14 week old at 19.5 lbs. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
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  • jsmaijsmai member
    LO loves the kick n' play mat, rock n play for napping. I love my tula carrier for wearing her now that she's almost 15 lbs. (I loved the ktan when she was smaller but it's too hard on my back now)

    She had zero interest in the bouncers or anything that vibrated. 
  • kristah2kristah2 member
    edited March 2017
    Love: sleepers with zippers! Swing (but only recently and because I can strap him in while we eat etc). Nursing pillow. Bottle steralizer. Bottle warmer (with defrost option!). Teething toys (like Sophie, keys etc). Bibs (never knew I would need these back so much!). Receiving blankets (I use them for everything!)

    Meh: chair (He's just now using it). Pacifiers. Play mat (all fine but a blanket would have been fine). Stroller (don't use it too often yet). 

    do without: baby wrap (he has no time for it) nursing scarf (useless). Formula (I stocked up. Didn't need it). Baby shoes. Bassinet (forgot this first! It's been in storage. He hated it from day one). Baby bath tub (used twice. We just use the real bath and take him in). 
  • @jsmai I was really interested in the Ktan but kept balking at buying one. But I have a structured carrier which I'm not a fan of, it is ok holding him but if he gets restless/fussy then it's a pain to get me out of it (he comes out easy though)
  • Love: Chicco frame stroller, swing (best $20 I ever spent, bought used, it plugs in and is a bouncer), Coconut oil, aden + anais burp bibs and bandana bibs, Summer Infant wood walk through gate (more for my dog, but will be great for the kid too), things that light up, wipeable change pad cover, rocking chair, generic nose frida

    Meh: Rock n Play, Ergo, Mei Tai, (she currently doesn't like carriers for very long, hoping that will change), boppy pillow, pacifiers, formula dispensers, halo sleep sacks,

    Didn't like/Useless: My boobs and breast Pump/Supplies, the gown sleepers with the hole in the bottom, baby bath tub, Moby wrap

    Am I the only one who prefers the snaps over zipper pjs? I personally like the ones that snap down one leg not both. I feel like I got more but can't think of it.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • @m6agua I'm a snaps person. Easier to change a sleeping baby's diaper. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • I can't decide if I like snaps or zippers better. On one hand zipper is much easier if he's not having it because I usually mess up the snaps if he's freaking out. But sometimes he refuses to straighten his leg and I can't get the zipper up which doesn't work either. 
  • Love the boba wrap, swaddle me sleep sacks, podster, white noise machine

    Hates the swing, wipe warmer was useless,my boobs were useless as well.

    @m6agua I saw people using breast milk storage bags for home made purees. I have a ton since I never got any milk in and I have tons of pumping supplies
  • @sarac986 luckily I didn't open any of the bags so I was able to return a lot. The couple things I did open I gave to my friend who gave birth the month before. Mostly what I had though is what came with my Medela pump.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • Love: SwaddleMe's, Margaux and Mae muslin blankets, Zutano booties, Lamaze dangle toys, Boppy Lounger, Rock N Play, Medela Symphony, Haakaa, Seventh Generation Wipes, Sit Me Up

    Meh: Blooming Bath, Pampers, hair bows (which is weird because I loved them with DD1!), car seat canopy, nursing scarf

    Dislike: Co-sleeper, Mamaroo, bouncer, whatever brand of diaper has blue and green circles on it

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  • @m6agua I'm a snaps person. Easier to change a sleeping baby's diaper. 
    I also like snaps! They seem to fit my babies better

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  • car seat cover (the fleece lined shower cap style) - thought I would need it bc I see people using them a lot but I just throw a blanket on him. We go from house to garage and garage to store so no real cold temps for long 
  • I love my car seat cover! I also have the fleece shower cap style one. But it gets reallllyyy cold here and is always raining for snowing. 
    Im dreading when he grows out of his click and connect because I won't be able to use it anymore. 
  • kristah2 said:
    I love my car seat cover! I also have the fleece shower cap style one. But it gets reallllyyy cold here and is always raining for snowing. 
    Im dreading when he grows out of his click and connect because I won't be able to use it anymore. 
    Same here but the upside is it will be warm out when they outgrow it and presumably walking. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • kristah2 said:
    I love my car seat cover! I also have the fleece shower cap style one. But it gets reallllyyy cold here and is always raining for snowing. 
    Im dreading when he grows out of his click and connect because I won't be able to use it anymore. 
    I love mine too! I have 2, Cozy Cover and a JJ Cole one. Both are shower cap style. We also just recently purchased a carseat canopy. Now that the weather is finally starting to warm up but is still windy and rainy, I see us using the canopy more. The flaps on the covers keep just sitting on her face.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • What kind of stuff are people getting for the 6-12 month phase. There's a consignment sale this weekend but I don't know what toys or gear to look for. I have a riding toy he can also push but thinking look for a walking toy but not sure what else. 
  • kvruns said:
    What kind of stuff are people getting for the 6-12 month phase. There's a consignment sale this weekend but I don't know what toys or gear to look for. I have a riding toy he can also push but thinking look for a walking toy but not sure what else. 
    A walking toy is great! An exersaucer is on my list for next item to get. The little toys that suction onto high chair trays are good too. Stacking toys become fun soon, too. Maybe a swing for outside?

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  • This toy kept DD entertained for months and really helped develop her coordination:

    Exersaucer is pretty great too.
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • I was just thinking I want to get M a tree swing! I think he'd absolutely love it!
  • kvruns said:
    I can't decide if I like snaps or zippers better. On one hand zipper is much easier if he's not having it because I usually mess up the snaps if he's freaking out. But sometimes he refuses to straighten his leg and I can't get the zipper up which doesn't work either. 
    All day with the not straightening his leg crap haha. But I guess the lazy me gets annoyed with snaps.
  • Love: Dock-a-tot (spendy, but she loves feeling cocooned in, and it was great to nap next to her on the bed while I was home with her.) , Rock n'play was the only way she would nap longer than 20 minutes for awhile, Lille Baby carrier, Blueberry OS Simplex diapers (so easy to use and wash, wish my whole stash were BB), Diono Radian RXT convertible carseat (got one for our second vehicle so we wouldn't need to buy another base, and this seat will last her forever)

    Meh: Sakura Bloom ring sling (not as easy to use as the Lillebaby), Chicco KeyFit infant seat (now that she is heavier it is hard to lug around)

    Didn't Like/Useless: baby socks (do they stay on anyone's baby?)

    I'm sure I have more, but that's all I can think of right now

    Me: 32 DH: 31 Married since 2010
    MC January 2016
    BFP February 2016 Baby Girl born 11/2016
    BFP 8/16/2018 EDD 4/29/2019 MMC 10/3/2018
    BFP 12/16/2018 EDD 08/26/2019 MC/CP 12/20/2018
    BFP 03/28/2019 EDD 12/07/2019 Hoping for our rainbow

  • @megz1902 Infant socks are a cruel joke. I don't even think they are designed to withstand the crazy leg movements. I gave up a while ago. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • @megz1902 We gave up on socks. Which reminds me I like the pants that have footies.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • I found one type of socks that work! Most fly off but I found some baby b.u.m from wal mart that work so well! 
  • I put the Zutano booties on everyday because they actually stay on!

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  • hoosiermama-2hoosiermama-2 member
    edited March 2017
    @Megz1902 Glad to hear about the Dock-a-tot. We have the SnuggleMe... loved it but now she looks so squashed in (we actually slept without it last night). Kinda wish we wouldve paid more for a Dock-a-tot so she could use it longer!

    • Boppy Lounger, seriously, WOW! The most used thing from our registry.
    • Pack n Play - I think ours was a little more costly because it has a vibrating feature and sounds, both of which we never used. But the bassinet, napper and changing table thing have been awesome to have in the living room.
    • BrestFriend nursing pillow.
    • Our glider - Seriously, I am so glad we went with this one. It's so affordable that my mom bought us a second one so we have one upstairs and down. It's held up great and we use them a LOT. 
    • SnuggleMe cosleeper
    • Flensted mobile - we have the black cat one above the nursery changing table. She looooooooves it. It moves so easily and lightly. And cats.

    • Boppy nursing pillow. Glad I have it in addition to the BrestFriend so I can have one upstairs and down, but this thing probably frustrates me as much as helps.
    • Medela hands-free nursing pumping bra. It was great for the first month-ish when I was pumping all the time, but since things got regulated, I haven't used it anymore.
    • Boba wrap & 4G carrier. If there's one thing about motherhood I can't get the hang of - it's these things.
    • Chicco lullago travel crib. Great in theory, and the quality seems good but it's been sitting in a corner of our bedroom since we came home because we decided to cosleep.

    • Pacifiers. She took the Soothie for a while but at around... 2 months? No more. Now I have a bunch from the shower that are just sitting in the kitchen cabinet.
    • Sterilizer supplies. We've never sterilized one thing. Whoops. 

    I could keep going but this is super long. :sweat_smile: That was fun.
  • +1 on the never sterilizing things. Who has time for that?
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • I just sent a friend an email with all my registry advice. Here's some of what I sent:

    1. Bathtub4 Moms Tub - We use this in our laundry room sink and it makes life so much easier than bending over the bathtub.
    2. SwaddlesMiracle Blanket - I ended up buying the Miracle Blanket because it made the swaddling easier. HE can bust out of it now if I do both arms in but I would definitely still recommend this.
    3. Stroller: Citi Select Baby Jogger - I chose this stroller because we're going to have another baby next year and so I know I'll need a second seat soon. This one allows us to add another seat really easily. It's pretty heavy (like 25lbs) and you need two hands to open and close it - those are the biggest cons for me. But it is easily pushable with one hand which is important to me.
    4. Newborn StrollerKeyfit Cart - I had a c-section so I was limited by how much I could lift and my stroller was way too heavy. I borrowed this one and it was a life saver. 
    5. Baby WrapSolly Baby - Solly Baby was recommended to me by my hairdresser and I love it because it's a much thinner, more breathable fabric with a little more stretch than the Moby or K-Tan. Plus, they're cuter.
    6. Structured CarrierBaby Bjorn -  The only way I'm able to grocery shop now that M is too big for the wrap. 
    7. Baby Monitor: Infant Optics
    8. Travel CribBaby Bjorn -  This travel crib is worth the money. So light and easy to set up. Only drawback is if you're using it for play in the house it's a little small. 
    9. Baby BottlesSample Set - Since you have no idea what bottle LO will take. 
    10. ThermometerRectal Thermometer - I bought one of those temporal thermometers where you just scan their forehead and they are complete garbage.
    11. Bath TowelsMy Faves
    12. BassinetHalo Bassinet - I was going to borrow my SIL's bassinet which is a more traditional style (like this one) but with the c-section it didn't work for me. I'd have to prop myself up to see inside and that really hurt with the incision. So my parents bought this one on a whim and it is AWESOME. I recommend it for everyone, regardless of how you deliver. It's mesh so you can see inside without sitting up and it swivels out of the way when you get in and out of bed. Definitely worth the money. 
    13. White Noise MachineJBL Speakerand An Old Cell Phone with Bluetooth - The nursery versions of a white noise machine are garbage and do not get loud enough.


    1. Boppy nursing pillow - I use a regular pillow and it's way better and easier to handle with one hand. 

    2. Temporal thermometer - See above

    3. Diaper Genie

    4. Mamaroo
  • I sterilized all the bottles and pacifiers when I first opened them. Just put them in boiled water for 10 minutes. I also re-sterilized when we thought she had thrush.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • @hoosiermama We have the lullago also. We put the dock a tot in there and she starts the night there, I'll bring her into bed with me to nurse and she probably sleeps in our bed about 2 hours a night if I fall asleep nursing (which I do often). I'm kicking around the idea of sleeping with her in the guest bed, since DH is not very comfortable having her in our bed. He worries he'll hit her when he tosses and turns at night, which is a fair concern.
    Me: 32 DH: 31 Married since 2010
    MC January 2016
    BFP February 2016 Baby Girl born 11/2016
    BFP 8/16/2018 EDD 4/29/2019 MMC 10/3/2018
    BFP 12/16/2018 EDD 08/26/2019 MC/CP 12/20/2018
    BFP 03/28/2019 EDD 12/07/2019 Hoping for our rainbow

  • @MrsMaryK2016 do you just throw diapers in the regular trash? Or bag separately? I have a diaper genie in both rooms he uses and I get annoyed that the one in his room doesn't have the foot pedal thing. 
  • kvruns said:
    @MrsMaryK2016 do you just throw diapers in the regular trash? Or bag separately? I have a diaper genie in both rooms he uses and I get annoyed that the one in his room doesn't have the foot pedal thing. 
    I just use a regular trashcan with a foot pedal to open. At this point the diapers don't really smell and I was going through diaper genie refills so fast. It just seems pointless to me. I may change my mind when he's eating solids and poops really stink though!
  • I just use regular trash bags in the diaper genie. They hold so much more and are less expensive of course. It can be annoying having to keep pulling the opening of the bag up through the can when it gets heavier but I'd still rather save the money and not have the smell. 
  • kvruns said:
    @MrsMaryK2016 do you just throw diapers in the regular trash? Or bag separately? I have a diaper genie in both rooms he uses and I get annoyed that the one in his room doesn't have the foot pedal thing. 
    I just use a regular trashcan with a foot pedal to open. At this point the diapers don't really smell and I was going through diaper genie refills so fast. It just seems pointless to me. I may change my mind when he's eating solids and poops really stink though!
    Baby B's diapers reek if he does a #2!
  • Seems we will need a high chair quicker than I anticipated.  Any suggestions on one that is affordable that you like?
  • We were really careful about what we brought into the house because we don't have a lot of space for baby things, so mostly we have things we love.

     K'tan carrier, gym from Ikea that we can put on top of any blanket (, Fisher Price Whale bathtub, Pack n play (we use it instead of a crib), muslin swaddle blankets, burpcloths, lillebaby all seasons carrier, thule jogging stroller (haven't used it much yet, and not for jogging, but so far love it), height adjustable bouncer (, footed outfits (either zipper or snaps), zutano fleece booties, target nursing tanks, timbuk2 diaper bag (messenger style)

    Meh: Swing (which was a hand-me-down), Goodnight Moon (she cries every time)

    Didn't like/Useless: Nose Frida (DH has gotten very sick soon after using it both times that he did, it blocks snot, but not germs), nursing cover scarf (it's a great scarf, but I can't effectively nurse while covered), pastel pink clothes
  • @SandNStarsNJ - you're already using your osprey backpack carrier? I thought that you couldn't use it until baby was sitting up on her own. I can't wait to use ours!
  • @SandNStarsNJ - you're already using your osprey backpack carrier? I thought that you couldn't use it until baby was sitting up on her own. I can't wait to use ours!
    He's big guy and sits up on his own. We stuff a blanket in down by his butt for extra snug too. We live by that thing!

    And THANK YOU for making that stupid diaper genie a little less tedious! We used just a garbage can with our first but lived in a one story house. So when we moved I bought the diaper genie thinking it would handle more diapers and the smell but was so wrong. I feel like I empty that thing daily!
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
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