August 2016 Moms

Randoms 7/18

DH had an interview today with his current company for a management position. I really hope he gets it because it would mean a 10-15% pay increase. He should hear by the end of the week. 

Re: Randoms 7/18

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    @Lynnlove28 good luck to your dh! 

    I just realized the Christmas stocking I started making months ago for baby hasn't been touched in months. With less than 2 weeks until his arrival, I don't see it being done before Christmas this year. Here I thought I was on the ball starting it in may...
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    i was reading craziest places moms went into labor which was not such a good idea after all, there was some interesting ones, think i am scare to be out and about like at the store and my water just brakes there or something, has anyone thought about this other than me being weird :blush:
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    @emmeline714  every time I go to the gym I think about what I would do if my water broke!!
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    @texasmama2014 OMG that would be scary to have your water break at the gym, i already freak out about being at work as well and my water breaks they just cleaned the carpet and that would mean they would have to clean it again geez ........ 

    @Snaps816 now i want some of everything you have on that table it all looks so good

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    @emmeline714  My thought is that I pay them to use their facility, and the college student staff aren't ever that busy... Its summer session so there are very few people coming since its the recreation center at the college I work at and all the students are gone, so overall I think I'd just be happy to go into labor this time vs an induction!
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    @Lynnlove28 good luck to your DH!
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    edited July 2016
    @emmeline714 and @texasmama2014 I've been swimming lately and I keep thinking, "What if my water breaks in the pool?" I would feel really terrible, but swimming feels so good, so I don't want to stop.  Fingers crossed.

    Also, to add to the Randoms, do you ladies have any suggestions for shaving legs?  I tried today and I couldn't see anything and felt like I was going to totally tip over.  When I stood on one leg, I felt like my hip and/or ankle were going to snap in half, and I know that if I sit down, I'll be stuck there for a while (getting up off of the floor without help is pretty much impossible for me right now).  

    I usually don't care too much about shaving, but I haven't been able to in a while, I refuse to wear pants in this heat, I only have one long dress that still fits and I'm not buying new maternity clothes 38 weeks pregnant, so I am stuck in short dresses!

    ETA: @Lynnlove28 Best of luck to your DH!  Hope you get lots of good news in the next few weeks!!
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    @entropicallyfavored i just tend to do it and hold on to the bar in the bath tub which is well settled in there but  I am starting to feel some pain when i put my leg up a little, it is a hard task then i feel like I ran a marathon. I actually went to Target yesterday and they have extra 20% on cartwheel on top of the mark down for clearance i got a dress for $8 which i will use for my next session of my maternity pics :smiley: the dress was like $40 so i think i did pretty good.
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    @entropicallyfavored Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions, but I'm in the same boat! I have to bend down, take a few swipes, stand back up and pant. lol

    So I guess I'll put this here in random, but maybe it should go under mental health.  ;)  There is a guy laying down our new kitchen floors right now and he's been here since 8. And I am such an awkward weirdo that I have not left my room all day. :flushed: I heard him go out to his car for a minute and ran to get something to drink but the fridge was moved so that I couldn't open the door and I couldn't get to the pantry so I just filled my water bottle up with ice and ran back to our bedroom and filled it up in the bathroom sink. But I thought he would be done by now and I'm sooo hungry!! Why am I so crazy?  :D smh stupid social anxiety.
    <a href="" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="" alt=" IAmPregnant Ticker" border="0"  /></a>

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    I can only shave in the bath tub. It's a little difficult getting out, but I manage. And I don't shave above my knees, too hard and not worth it lol
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    @entropicallyfavored The only way I can manage it is with the schick intuition razor. You don't have to use cream, and it has a pretty long handle. Also, I stopped shaving above my knees. I'm not wearing short shorts or skirts above the knee, (and my hair is pretty fair and thin on my legs) so whatever.

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    I can only shave in the bath tub. It's a little difficult getting out, but I manage. And I don't shave above my knees, too hard and not worth it lol
    @entropicallyfavored This. So much easier to shave sitting down in the bathtub. No need to balance or get winded. Just hold on to the side of the tub when you're done and be very careful standing up.

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    Had an appointment today so I shaved just in case. I put A towel on edge of tub and sat on side of tub. Got legs wet, filled a cup with water for rinsing razor,  applied cream to leg, and shaved away. Then rinsed and did other leg. I only managed halfway up thigh before belly was in the way. I need to charge the trimmers before next week in order to take care of the business before my next check up tho. That should be an interesting challenge. 
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    I'm wondering if this full moon thing is affecting my kids already! They let me sleep in today, which was great, but I woke up to them fighting. But I slept good and felt good and rook them outside to swim. They haven't listened to me since. I sent them in an hour ago because they weren't following pool rules, and then they just end up fighting in the house. Tried to send them to their rooms, but my daughter locked herself out of hers. Ugh. And the cat is in there. So of course in all this I lose my shit and start yelling. Now we're all cranky and I have a headache. So much for having a good day :/ 
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    I just stand in the shower and prop my leg up on the lip of the tub. I haven't run into any issues yet but then again I have to shave everyday or every other day or my legs will be unbearably itchy. 
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    I sit on the floor of the shower to shave and it I found it helps my stabilization better than any other position lol 
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    I also use schick intuition. I crouch down and stick my foot out in front of me. 
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    I started using the Schick Intuition a few weeks ago. I try to shave in the bath tub, or put a something in the shower for me to prop my foot on. Still not ideal, but it helps. 
    34 Mother of 4 year old and 2 Labs. Happily Married to my Hubs of 6 years.
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    jacerujaceru member
    I'm locked out of the house and I have to pee! DH is still like 15 minutes away from home. Might start crying sitting here on the porch. 
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    @Jcr727 I would find a tree!
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    I loved all of these wonderful shaving tips! Thanks so much!  I'm going to try a combination of the suggestions and probably land pretty closely to what @texasmama2014 has to do-- shave different parts on different days... or just give up altogether and hope that baby comes soon!

    If I get pregnant again, I'll invest in a Schick Intuition razor!
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    In terms of shaving, I do basically what @texasmama2014 does... One section at a time. I can prop my leg up still, but only for a short time before I feel like I'm squashing LO (and all of my organs). 

    @Snaps816 now all I can think about is Oreos...

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    @entropicallyfavored You gotta get the intuition for everyday use, not just pregnant.  It is seriously the best and smoothest shave.  
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    @Mrsrundell Sold!  After all of these good comments about it, I think I will!  Maybe I'll even use some of that Target gift card money that I earned thanks to the tip from this board a few weeks ago!
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    Chicco brand Quick Connect carseat is a game changer. Seriously I never thought a carseat could be installed properly so quickly and easily!! Graco needs to take note!!
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    I feel like the majority of my day is cleaning up DS's toys. They're set up in little cubbys and I'm a slightly crazy about keeping them organized, but I'm seriously ready to just get a toy box and throw everything in and shut the top. 
    I'm right there with you
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    I've given up on picking up toys throughout the day. 6 toddlers can wreck a house in minutes. It took me a LONG time to not let it bother me. But now I'm just like whatever. If I'm feeling motivated I may have the bigger kids help pick up throughout the day. If not, no biggie. 
    However, talking about toys did give me a push to sort and organize them this morning. Alot of toys are getting sent to the basement today! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I feel like the majority of my day is cleaning up DS's toys. They're set up in little cubbys and I'm a slightly crazy about keeping them organized, but I'm seriously ready to just get a toy box and throw everything in and shut the top. 
    I'm right there with you
    A toy box is a game changer! I have no hopes of keeping anything about these kids toys organized until they're at least 4 or 5 and maybe not even then. 
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    @midwestbaby I do the same thing! I hated our shower seat up until about a month ago (i feel like it takes up too much space). Now I use it every time I shower for at least a portion of the time. 
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    @Bookhousegirl. I am the same way with DD1s toy bins (everything is divided) She even has one bin for Barbie/princess dolls and another whole bin for monster high/ever after high. I think this means she has too many toys. 
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    @tinkerbell11210 haha that's exactly how mine is - sports balls in one, squishy balls in another, small blocks in one, big blocks in another... And we just got rid of a bunch of toys when we moved!

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