July 2016 Moms

June Symptoms Thread


Re: June Symptoms Thread

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    I have no appetite for food but I crave ice. I drink a rob of water so I know it's not dehydration but my goodness. I cannot get enough. 
    I've been craving ice lately too. I've heard it can mean low iron but I dont know how true that is. I had a big cup of ice on my way to work this morning lol
    It does usually mean low iron but its also a common pregnancy symptom. I constantly eat ice during pregnancy and I do have low iron also. 

    On a side note I forgot to mention earlier in my symptoms rant about the severe pain of sitting. I cannot find any comfort no matter what position except being in the tub. If I didn't have other little ones to take care of I think I'd move into the tub for the remaining month. 

    I also am not convinced that little one is going to make it until his due date. He's been measuring larger all throughout pregnancy and I've been getting some very painful contractions lately. Two separate occasions now they were less than two minutes apart for an hour. They've been spread out the past few days but getting more painful. At my last appointment my cervix was still closed but as this isn't my first baby that doesn't surprise me. My first was the only one I dialated with before actually being in labor. 

    So needless to say I'm stuck in the middle of wanting baby out so I can get some relief from all the pain but knowing he's not ready yet and not wanting to have to leave him in the nicu while I go home and wishing for a way to speed up time to the end of July so it can be his due date.
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    sboston06 said:
    I know the baby is head down from the doctor's exams. Several times a day baby decides to do womb yoga and I get the butt bulging out on my right side and very strong kicks/stretching out on the left side. I thought the baby was supposed to be running out of room in there? Definitely feels like baby is making him/herself plenty of room!

    I do wish the butt was on the left side though...I've read that having the butt on the right side can lead to back labor?
    This! Besides the discomfort in my ribs every once in a while the right side of my bump gets really hard and round. I keep asking everyone if they think it's a butt!
    Same here. Baby used to sit high with a foot under my left rib, and now he's dropped a little and his bum is perpetually bulging out my right side. I looked down at my belly today and it was visibly lopsided with my left side looking deflated and this big bump out my right side. 
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    I have no appetite for food but I crave ice. I drink a rob of water so I know it's not dehydration but my goodness. I cannot get enough. 
    I've been craving ice lately too. I've heard it can mean low iron but I dont know how true that is. I had a big cup of ice on my way to work this morning lol
    Ive heard that as well. Fortunately my numbers have been good. Thought I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's snacking on ice!
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    When baby pushes extra hard to stick out making my stretch marks hurt so bad  :(  And not knowing whether my legs/feet have been swollen for days or if my feet just straight up grew and got fat.
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    The past couple of nights I've been waking up with an intense pressure in my stomach and it's been bloated. I honestly feel like it's all locked up gas. Walking around and rocking back and forth helps, but then I go back to sleep and I'm up again with the same thing. 
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    hreed7289 said:
    The past couple of nights I've been waking up with an intense pressure in my stomach and it's been bloated. I honestly feel like it's all locked up gas. Walking around and rocking back and forth helps, but then I go back to sleep and I'm up again with the same thing. 
    I been feeling like this too and for the last couple days I've had some crazy period like cramps with back pain. It's driving me crazy!
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    I just located an inch and a half long hair in my forearm.  I know pregnancy is supposed to stimulate hair growth but really? Arm hair? What's next? My eyebrows or perhaps a fetching lady stache?
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    @Weville I'll just start digging holes in the garden. That's my territory anyway. He has nothing to say about what goes on in there. My cucumbers look like shit anyway, and there's a nice breeze right there.....
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    am0987am0987 member
    ktomorrow said:
    I just located an inch and a half long hair in my forearm.  I know pregnancy is supposed to stimulate hair growth but really? Arm hair? What's next? My eyebrows or perhaps a fetching lady stache?
    My SO pulled one out of my chin last night! I was horrified!
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    Really lightheaded this morning...getting nothing done. Oh, and worst RLP ever this morning when I sat up out of bed. Ouch!! Ready for you to come out anytime baby boy...
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    My belly area under my belly button feels super sore. Not sure if this is because baby is super low, but it is crazy uncomfortable! 
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    @schaze mine too! The inside of my belly button and the area under it feel super tender. I assume it's from stretching and pressure but it is really uncomfortable. 
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    Today I feel this weird pulsing/thumping constantly in my lower stomach and sometimes in the pelvic region. Anyone know what that is? (Sorry if this is a dumb question).
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    @lizhurt sounds like hiccups.

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    I have a painful stretch mark in between my belly button and the top hole of where my belly button piercing used to be. It's red and shiny and super inflamed. Ew. 
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    LF93LF93 member
    @shanparadise Me too! I'm not going to complain though, so far to date it's the only stretch mark on my stomach, knowing my luck I'll have a million this time next week ;)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
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    @schaze I've had the same pain all week it's weird 
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    The pressure on my cervix is real!
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    @bunkie999 Exciting! Good luck!
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    @bunkie999 ahh exciting! Good luck!
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    @bunkie999 Woohoo! Good luck! I keep anxiously checking to see if mine has come out but no dice yet. My doctor said I was about 60% effaced so I figure it's got to be coming out soon! Then again, who knows...
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    Rapid Ear wax build up in one ear
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    I have a painful stretch mark in between my belly button and the top hole of where my belly button piercing used to be. It's red and shiny and super inflamed. Ew. 
    @shanparadise I have something similar...I have no other stretch marks on my belly except right above my naval where the piercing was. It has looked almost blue, but now I'm getting red too. Didn't have this at all when I was pregnant with DD.
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    Really lightheaded this morning...getting nothing done. Oh, and worst RLP ever this morning when I sat up out of bed. Ouch!! Ready for you to come out anytime baby boy...
    I had that happen to me the other day when I tried to roll over in bed!  I seriously thought I snapped the ligament or something; it hurt so bad!  I ended up having to tuck up into fetal position to roll.
    Me: 32 DH: 32
    Married: 05/31/2008
    DS: 11/06/2012 at 38w 1d
    M/C: 06/11/2015
    DD: 06/14/2016 at 37w 3d
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    Is dilation and effacement considered a symptom? Because I've got that crap going on and I don't want it yet. This babe needs to stay snug in my womb for at least three more weeks. Mama isn't ready baby!!
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    I thought I was one of the lucky few that pregnancy insomnia skipped. Nope. The heartburn doesn't help either! 
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    Sitting has become uncomfortable - no matter where it is. Wish I knew if baby was in fact head down now (I'm 33 weeks) because it feels like something pushing on my ribs when I try to sit certain ways. Nothing like trying to find a way to partially recline in my chair at work!

    This! At work I have a pillow with the cut out for my tailbone because it hurts to sit back on it, a pillow behind my back, and I put my feet up on a two drawer filing cabinet and lean all the way back with a wireless keyboard in my lap and a wireless mouse on my belly. It's absurd, good thing I work overnights. No way I would be able to sit up for 8 hours at the computer, it's so uncomfortable. 
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    I randomly have really dark colored urine. No matter how much water I drink I am constantly parched so I guess it could be due to dehydration. Oh and apparently I can't sleep anymore :( 
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    The insomnia... Every night. While my husband lightly snores next to me.  :s
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    This insomnia is starting to annoy me. I go to bed exhausted and then I'm wide awake three hours later. I woke up at 4:25 this morning and I'm still awake. At this point it's not worth it for me to go back to sleep since I have to be up in an hour anyway.
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    Has anyone found relief from sciatica? Heating pads work but only for a short time. I work on my feet all day and I don't know how I'm going to make it another month because it hurts to stand and I'm limping when I walk. 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    I had horrible sciatic nerve pain as well. I was seeing a chiropractor and they have massage therapists that work there also, u get a 20 minute massage every time u go. She really worked out that pain for me. Only had to pay my copay. Hoping you find relief I know it's terrible
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