July 2016 Moms

June Symptoms Thread


Re: June Symptoms Thread

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    Jodi1980Jodi1980 member
    edited June 2016
    @Kellyj103 absolutely....let DH be your crutch in the middle of the night since they say to walk it off or flex your foot! That pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! 
    whitehall, pa
    every adventure requires a first step- C.C.

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    @sboston06 I was in the same boat, horrible sciatic pain on my left side and standing all day at work. It got to where I literally couldn't walk because when I'd move my left leg forward, I'd get an intense shooting pain in my butt cheek/hip. I'd sit on the ground cross-legged and it would make me cry in pain. The chiropractor couldn't get my hip to adjust but they offered me a 1 hour massage for $15 that I couldn't turn down. That lady worked my butt cheek like her life depended on it. I was SO sore for the next couple of days but it eventually helped tremendously. 
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    @Jodi1980 I'm with you. I had the worst one ever. Down the back of my calf and then when I tried to walk it off it wrapped around the front and into my foot. There was no one here to help me and I walked around crying and swearing for about 10 minutes before it subsided. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @sboston06 it's takes forever but lots of stretching, Epsom salt baths, using a tennis ball or foam roller help it some 
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     I all of a sudden cannot eat ANYTHING without puking. I don't even feel nauseous, it's just like whatever I eat sits in my stomach like a rock, doesn't go anywhere, and then comes back up thirty minutes later. I ate half a cup of yogurt this morning and I couldn't even keep that down. I'm getting frustrated.  :(  
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    @txteacher91 the same thing happened to me last weekend through the beginning of this week. I ended up having to go to L&D for fluids because of dehydration. They told me to choose fluids and sports drinks over food for awhile. I hope it gets better for you! 
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    Anyone have loose stools/diarrhea yet? Yup, right here. Since Friday. I know I'm not sick, it's not like I have stomach cramps or anything along with it. I've read online that once your joints start to loosen up closer to labor, it loosens the bowels too. Totally didn't have this with DD. Pregnancy is so glamorous. I'm taking this as a sign that baby boy wants to come on his own soon!
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    @MDmomma1217 I would definitely say on the softer side lately but nothing unusual. I'll take what I can get these days. The past few weeks I have this lovely intense pressure while I'm sitting down to pee. I'm sure she's running out of space in there and sitting a little lower. It's all so great. 
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    Holy swelling. I thought it was bad these last few weeks, but what was happening before was an adorable, cutesy version of what has happened the last two days. I feel like I have I have walrus ankles and my feet no longer resemble anything I grew up with. 

    Id be worried except I've had no other questionable symptoms. Plenty of regular symptoms (BH, back aches, sciatic pain, etc) but none of the symptoms my doctors said to call with. 

    Either way I am so ready for this to be over. Five more days and baby's considered term. 
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    @MDmomma1217 mine has been like this for weeks. No matter what I eat to try and fix it nothing is working so I'm just accepting it as a normal part of my life now. And I'm constipated some days and then it's like the dam broke on other days. I'm over this not being consistent thing. 
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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    @MDmomma1217 yup I get it occasionally. 

    Im also having a lot of period like cramps off and all weekend anyone else? 
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    @MDmomma1217 yup I get it occasionally. 

    Im also having a lot of period like cramps off and all weekend anyone else? 
    Yup. And back aches. I can't wait until Wednesday for my next appt and hopefully they'll do a check. I know SOMETHING is going on down below. Things have....changed. 
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    @Backbypopulardemand Yep, and same with the back aches. Mostly just when I'm up and walking around though, so I've been sitting a lot because standing and walking are so uncomfortable and I get lightheaded and winded easily. 
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @Backbypopulardemand this past week or so I've started getting period like cramps throughout the day. I will have BH all day long and I had back pain before I was pregnant, so I'm hoping the imminent labor pain is a bit more obvious lol. 
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    @Backbypopulardemand Yes to the period-like backaches. Makes me nervous/excited because LO is measuring 4 weeks ahead, so I don't know if/when my big boy will make an appearance! Definitely experiencing a lot more symptoms over the past week or so.
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    @Backbypopulardemand I started having lower back pain yesterday. We were at Hershey Park for my husband's company picnic and I had to sit down three separate times before we made it to the picnic grove. Between being out of breath and the pain it was hard to keep walking. I know DD is measuring about two weeks ahead but I really want her to stay put as long as possible. I have had a few twinges of period like cramps but they didn't last that long.
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    @Backbypopulardemand yes to the crampiness! It's not consistent or anything but definitely annoying. 
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    lucy2113lucy2113 member
    edited June 2016
    I'm right there with ya @Backbypopulardemand! i keep taking a bath in hopes it helps. My nurse said it nothing to worry about. 
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    @MDmomma1217 I have been having loose stool as well and not feeling ill either. So glamorous 
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    Yes to the period like cramps. I'm also constantly wondering if my water broke, or if it's just pee/discharge.
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    @schaze. Yes!! It's so gross but in my case, too slow to be amniotic fluid. 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    schaze said:
    Yes to the period like cramps. I'm also constantly wondering if my water broke, or if it's just pee/discharge.
    Someone mentioned a good trick on here I think of laying down for 30 minutes and have a pad on and then stand up to see if it was your water breaking since it should still be coming and pool while you lay down and you will fill the pad pretty quickly than once you stand up. I just don't remember where I saw that tip 
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    I don't know if it's the triple digit heat bullshit but the past few days I've had diarrhea AND normal bowel movements interchangeably (and more than once a day), the back of ONE hand has a weird rash (does not look like puppps), and I'm getting dizzy w/ white starbursts randomly (sometimes if standing up too fast, sometimes while just sitting still). I'm definitely hydrated (tracking 80 plus oz. daily) and I've been staying in the air conditioned house (not above 80).
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    @Nerdchild yikes no fun and triple digit heat?! I think my body would just straight up go nope and die. Definitely things to stay aware of and maybe call a nurse line tomorrow if you feel okay enough.

    With the diarrhea do you think you are able
    to keep enough fluid in your body ?  
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    @backbypopulardemand Yeah, I'm pretty sure, because I'll have a normal bm, then 4 hours later suddenly-run-to-the-bathroom diarrhea, then nothing for a few more hours, repeat. 
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    @nerdchild I'd call about the starbursts. That's one of those things that if it keeps happening could indicate something bigger. just to be safe. 
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    So I tried to take a bath last night and ended up with hives/prickly heat rash all over my body (at least the part that was submerged). It was gone by the next morning but guess I just can't take the heat! Sucks because baths are great for my sore body but apparently my skin hates it :(
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    I may or may not have lost some of my mucus plug yesterday... it was after pooping so I guess I'll never really know what it was or where it came from! I'll at least mention it to my doctor at this week's appointment.
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @Nerdchild You should probably call about the starbursts. This weekend I've been in a similar bm situation but I found changing what I was eating and drinking even more ice water than usual helped last night
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    Little boy its very hard for mommy to get anything done when you're making me feel so sick. I feel like I'm in the first tri again. Please feel free to come anytime now little one.
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    @LadyFleck and @joleri23 I brought up the 'starbursts' at my last appointment (last Tuesday) and my doctor mentioned that my bp had dipped (96/58) and advised me to 'try not to pass out'. So helpful, doc. 
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    I have tons of Braxton hicks some are crampy some are not! The movements this kid makes are also so crazy! Ds never hurt me like this little guy does! He's gonna be feisty and I can't wait to meet him!
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    My pelvis area hurts so bad that it took me like 5 good minutes to get up and out of the bed to go pee, and to get up this morning.  Also hurts when I walk.  That's on my left side.... on my right side, my legs hurts from all the intense calf cramps I"m getting.  So I'm limping around pretty badly today. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Holy sciatica batman. It's so bad that just lifting my right leg to scoot my office chair is excruciating.  The long hobble to the bathroom every 30 mins is just awesome.  So over this shit. 
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    eymieymi member
    When baby pushes extra hard to stick out making my stretch marks hurt so bad  :(  And not knowing whether my legs/feet have been swollen for days or if my feet just straight up grew and got fat.
    I stared at my feet for 10 minutes this morning trying to figure put if they grew or were swollen. And oh the heartburn... I didn't know I was capable of drinking so much milk. 
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    eymieymi member
    megstervt said:
    I'm short of breath all the time, but especially after I eat.  My choice right now is either room to expand my lungs or room to expand my stomach to digest food.  LO will not make space so I can do both apparently.
    I was dealing with this really bad until a few days ago - I guess baby finally dropped. Yay for breathing but not so much for the constant hip pain.
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