July 2016 Moms

S#!t just got real


Re: S#!t just got real

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    @randishane011804 how far along are you? I have my strep b swab next week and hoping to start progressing soon!
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    @mrsmommya 37 weeks!  I had my strep b 2 weeks ago.
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    @mrsmommya that makes me feel better. It wasn't until now near the end when they mentioned anything. I know it's a lot harder for them to scan when they are so big. She would take 5 or 6 measurements of each body part and averaged them out, but some measurements were closer to where I should be so I guess I shouldn't be too concerned. 
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    I have one month until my due date... and after seeing my friend have her baby between 34 and 35 weeks it is really sinking in that this could all happen at any moment now.
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    @sboston06 My OB sent me for and u/s at 35 weeks because she said it looked like I had low fluid. She was using a portable u/s machine and sent me to the sonographer who told me baby was measuring 5lb 11oz at that time. No clue how accurate that is. If the dr didn't detect low fluid I wouldn't have had a scan after the big 19/20 week scan. 
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    @BecauseBabyIamAPug when's the big day? You feel ready?
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    @BecauseBabyIamAPug sounds like a lucky day! I hope you can hang in there okay for another couple weeks. Ah!
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    @BecauseBabyIamAPug that's my husband's birthday and it's been good to him ;) 
    the end is close and soon you'll have your baby!!
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    @BecauseBabyIamAPug - my CS with tubes removed is scheduled for 7/5. Good luck! 
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    SJGR yesterday... due to a persistent complete placenta previa, my OB has scheduled a RCS for 6/30.  I'll be 36 weeks, so I had steroid shots yesterday and today to help baby girl's lungs finish developing.  I've been working like a madwoman to get everything ready for my maternity leave and make sure that I'm ready to hit the ground running when I return in September!

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

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    @jjtruffles FX everything goes well for you! Same thing happened to me during an NST and BPP a few weeks ago; nobody seemed too worked up about it except for me, so I can totally relate.
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    megstervt said:
    I bought half and half and the expiration date was after my EDD.  I could drink that creamer with my baby potentially.
    Ditto with yogurt i bought today!!
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    @jjtruffles fx you get answers soon!! That sounds very stressful. 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    I was told today that I'm being induced next week. I'm excited and nervous. My work schedule has been cleared. I feel like I have a ton of cleaning to do now. 
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    **Accidentally hit quote on someone's comment, but didnt mean to

    @megstervt I came her to say I also bought a dairy product that expires after my due date. Thought the same thing - Wholly crap! This baby could be here before we finish this gallon of milk!!! 
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    @jjtruffles FX for some answers and some peace of mind!

    Me: 32, DH: 38
    Married 1/14/12
    NTNP Since 12/13, TTC Since 1/15
    BFP: 11/4/15  Found out we were having TWINS 12/9/15 EDD: 7/11/16 Born: 6/29/16
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    Just had the thought that my baby's astrological sign will be cancer and its officially that time!
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    Holy one week til their birthday batman!

    Me: 32, DH: 38
    Married 1/14/12
    NTNP Since 12/13, TTC Since 1/15
    BFP: 11/4/15  Found out we were having TWINS 12/9/15 EDD: 7/11/16 Born: 6/29/16
    Team Blue x2!!

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    @randishane011804 - I feel the same way! Also, seeing people due the same week as me (34-35 weeks) is making things really real
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    @brandiK what is your due date? I'm guessing the baby hasn't turned yet? Just a week away...so exciting and scary all at the same time!
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    @simplymizzj I'm due on the 4th, so I'll be 39w2d at my surgery. I thought maybe she was trying to get situated correctly but sure enough, I feel her hard little head back in the same spot under my left ribs, just a bit lower now. I am definitely excited and terrified at the same time!
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    Good luck ladies!!
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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