
March FET Buddies


Re: March FET Buddies

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    How exciting @rachd110 !!! 
    Good luck today @rachlee2010
    @capps42613 ah fingers crossed for you !! Keep us posted !!!! 

    I spent last night in the hospital . I started bleeding profusely (more than a period ) and having intense cramps and back pain . I called my doctor and he told me to go to the er in case he had missed an ectopic implantation of my second embryo . I had an US and they found no evidence of ectopic . They found my baby in my uterus and just barely detected a heart beat . They found a subchorionic hemmhorage. They said that's why I'm bleeding . I was sent home and I'm going to see my RE shortly . I'm so worried . I've never bled this much before . 

    **BFP and loss warning**

    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    Us: Married Valentine's Day, 2015
    DH: No issues.
    Me: PCOS, unexplained infertility (whatever that means!!)
    June 2015 Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    July 2015:  Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    August 2015: IUI: BFP. Chemical pregnancy :(
    October 2015: IUI: BFN
    January 2016: Egg retrieval: 10 frozen embryos!
    March 2016: FET Cycle- 2 embryos transferred!: BFP !
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    @mskeenan I am so sorry you are going through this. Hoping and praying that it is not in anyway going to affect your baby. 

    @rachlee2010 my current symptoms: nausea, runny nose, heightened sense of smell and breasts are only a little tender. They definitely are fuller than usual, but do not hurt as much as I expected them to. With my ectopic last year, they were so painful, but that could have been from the stims. The veins on my chest are a lot more apparent now, which appeared 3-4 days ago. I was experiencing on and off left side cramping since 4 weeks, but I haven't felt it in 2 days. I have felt some twinges in my uterus as well. Oh and I am always hungry and thirsty. I'm probably drinking more than 100 ounces of water a day, which is causing me to use the restroom every 45-60 minutes. 

    @capps42 good luck! How many dpt will you be when you POAS? I wouldn't say my IF journey is over yet. I'm still very cautious. I probably won't be able to say that until I have my LO in my arms. 

    @JWilsonKC I can't believe we saw the heartbeat. I wish I could tell everyone, but it is still very early on. I am definitely having a hard time concentrating at work. I can't wait until you see your heartbeat on Wednesday!

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    @mskeenan oh no! That classic IVF bleed I keep reading about on here. Take it easy, you're in my thoughts. 

    @Rachd110 Sunday will be 10dp3dt. Eeek!!
    ****Siggy TW****
    natural pregnancy: 2008 
    Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
    Together since: 2010
    Married: 2013
    TTC: 2013
    Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
    Met RE: January 2016
    ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
    fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
    EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
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    @mskeenan I am so sorry for your scare!!! Praying everything is fine! Keep us posted! 

    @Rachd110 congratulations!!! 

    AFM first beta in 138 9dpt!!! It's official!!! Now for the second beta!!!! 
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    That's great news @alexiskiriluk! That is a great number for 9dpt.  
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    @mskeenan that is so scary but glad things seem ok with the baby

    yay @alexiskiriluk when is your second beta.

    AFM my 3rd and last beta today came in at 4308 so more than doubled from Wednesday when it was 1805.  My first ultrasound is scheduled for next Friday morning!!!
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    I havent posted in this group before but ive occasionally be checking in on everyone. @mskeenan congratulations on the BFP, sorry for the recent scare but hope and pray things continue to get better for a long healthy pregnancy.

    @alexiskiriluk congratulations on the BFP!

    I wont be under going FET until April/May, the doctor hasnt said anything to us yet about if he will be transfering 1 or 2 embryos, this will be our first transfer cycle and i am just curious what different Drs reasonings were on @ of embryos to transfer. 

    Me (28) DH (32)
    Married: Dec 2011
    TTC#1 May 2014
    Dx: MFI (low count)
    FET#1 May 2016  BFP 
    EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July  o:)o:)
    FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC o:)
    FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC o:)

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    @kjplaza how are you doing? Excited for your FET?? 

    @mskeenan how was your doctors appointment? Are you feeling better? 
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    How's everyone doing?? I had some spotting last night which freaked me out.  I spoke to the on call dr around 8:30 last night and she wasn't concerned.  It was short lived and not a ton at all and I have no cramping.  I barely slept last night though because I was a nervous wreck and I was getting up to go to the bathroom and check constantly.  There is very little there overnight and this morning and when there is something is it very small/light and of a darkish color.  I called the office this morning when they were open and spoke to another nurse just for peace of mind and she also wasn't concerned.  Really hoping this is nothing...this started less than 12 hours after my 3rd beta that showed great numbers going up so hoping this is just that common spotting people have in pregnancies.  Doesn't make it easy though 
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    @Rachd110 Wow! It´s amazing they detected a heart beat! It almost makes me cry...I bet you did. So excited for you. :)
    @alexiskiriluk Congratulations! That´s such exciting news!  :)
    @mskeenan It must of been scary to have all that bleeding and go to the hospital. However, it´s great confirmation they still saw the baby and heartbeat.  :) From what I read, subchorionic bleeding should end in a healthy pregnancy and resolve on its own, so that is good news. Praying for you and LO.
    rachlee2010 Glad you got confirmation about spotting. I just read this morning on my clinic´s website some helpful information. They are FAQs:
    I am pregnant and am having vaginal spotting, should I be worried? 
    Spotting in early pregnancy is very common.  It is common to see pink tinged, tan or even dark brown spotting.  If you have bright red vaginal bleeding call the clinic.If you are using vaginal suppositories, they can irritate the cervix and cause spotting. You may use the suppositories rectally if you wish.  
    My pregnancy symptoms have gone away is this normal? 
    Pregnancy symptoms will come and go, this is very normal and common.
    I feel like I am going to get my period, I have cramps, do I still need to do my BHCG (pregnancy) test? 
    Yes, cramping is a very common early pregnancy symptom.
    My home pregnancy test is negative; do I still need to have a blood test? 
    If your have not had a regular menses you will need to have a blood pregnancy test. If you are doing an IVF or FET cycle you must have your blood testing done.  Some patients will bleed and still have a positive pregnancy test.

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    @saritafernandez thank you so much. That document from your dr helped a lot. At this point it is def spotting not bleeding and it's barely there anymore. Just the teeniest tiniest bit when I wipe. I'm just way over tired from no sleep due to worry last night so hoping to get a nap in today
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    Just got our latest update from the embryologist. I will also include Thursday´s update that I was too nervous to post:

    Day 1 3/24/16: 5/6 matured with ICSI where 3 fertilized normally and 2 they were questioning. 
    Day 3 3/26/16: 3 embies divided into 6 cells (she said is normal) and 1 of the ones they were questioning divided into only 3 cells. I´m fairy certain the 3 cell is not good.
    As for quality, she said 1 is excellent due to no fragmentation and the other two are good with less than 10% fragmentation and should make it to blast stage (Monday). 

    Transfer is set for Monday, March 28 at 12:00 CT. At first I was disappointed with the results, but I´m slowly trying to pump myself up. She said that on Day 3 the male factor starts to kick in (in our case, severe) and that got me down and of course it seemed to me like less is more, but after reading other posts online I am going to try to remain positive that their is a chance. They will only freeze blastocysts.
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    I POAS this morning @ 9dp3dt and received my BFP with FRER & CB digital. Beta scheduled for Tuesday. FX this is the real deal!
    ****Siggy TW****
    natural pregnancy: 2008 
    Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
    Together since: 2010
    Married: 2013
    TTC: 2013
    Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
    Met RE: January 2016
    ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
    fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
    EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
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    I am doing good, i've been off the bump for awhile both with travel and just trying to take my mind off everything for bit. Im excited for the possibility of being a mommy soon but dreading the never ending Dr. appointments and blood work and meds even though i know its worth it. 
    Me (28) DH (32)
    Married: Dec 2011
    TTC#1 May 2014
    Dx: MFI (low count)
    FET#1 May 2016  BFP 
    EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July  o:)o:)
    FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC o:)
    FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC o:)

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    @capps42613 congrats!!!!!
    Married May 2009, TTC since November 2012 (Together since 2006 ish - had my eyes on him since 2001)
    Me: 32 (33 in May), Him: 37 (January)

    DX: Me: High Prolactin, Possible Autoimmune Disease Issues, though RE not concerned (?)  New RE has a plan!!
           Him: Minor Varicocele, low morphology, slightly low count


    Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
    Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
    Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer. 

    3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
    Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
    Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
    HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)

    Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March

    Fourth IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - December, 2015 - BFN
    Third IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - November, 2015 - BFN
    Second IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - September, 2015 - BFN
    Started Prolactin Medication October 15 - Levels quickly regulated to with in normal range
    First IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - August, 2015 - BFN
    After no BFPs (ever) First RE/Urologist visit in Feb 2015
    HSG w/ OB, 2014 = all clear
    Trying to conceive since November 2012
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    @capps42613  Yay, that's great news! FX for beta on Tuesday!
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    @rachlee2010 I also stated spotting yesterday. I'm trying not to worry because everything I read says spotting is normal. I've noticed that it happens to me after I insert my vaginal progesterone, Crinone, and it's only a tiny amount. I'm hoping it is the Crinone, I will talk to my clinic tomorrow. 

    @saritafernandez I definitely cried when we saw the heartbeat. It was the best moment ever! Thank you for posting the information about bleeding. It's helped put me at ease. Good luck tomorrow!

    @capps42613 YAY! Congrats on your BFP. 

    @mskeenan thinking about you. Hope everything is ok.

    Happy Easter to all those that celebrate it! 
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    It probably is nothing dr ended up calling me this morning because he was on call in the office and saw the notes left from the nurse. He told me I could come in for an ultrasound just for peace of mind but he really thought everything was fine.  I went in and we saw the gestational sac and yolk sac..everythign measuring as it should.  He did see a spot between the uterus that has some old blood, probably from the transfer so he said to expect more but to call anytime I am worried.  We have our official first ultrasound Friday and he is hoping to be able to see a heartbeat by then.  
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    BFP today!!!!! Used three different types of hp tests and all say we are pg. Over the moon. Beta tomorrow. We put in two 5 day embryos, so now on to see who made it :) 

    Happy Easter everyone!
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    @capps42613 @ssandberg Congrats, that is so exciting! 
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    @saritafernandez good luck tomorrow!!!! What time is your transfer?? 
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    @ssandberg Good luck on your beta today!!

    @mskeenan Thinking of you!  I hope you can get some answers soon.  Sounds like a good thing you went to the ER with that much blood loss.   Keep us updated. 

    @Rachd110 I'm so glad you noted the always hungry.  I'm going to ask my nurse today, because I feel like it is out of control.  Pre-pregnancy, I was fine with three meals a day and didn't snack at work- I feel like I could eat a chicken breast or hamburger every three hours! 

    @alexiskiriluk Congratulations!!  That sounds like a great first beta!

    @kjplaza in regards to your question on the number of embryos to transfer- I met with several fertility specialists before deciding which one to proceed with; with every doctor I asked if they picked the number to transfer or if we did.  From the start they said it would be our choice to do 1 or 2.  We decided to have the embryos tested for chromosomal issues which decreased our embryos from 13 to 8.  Everyone (doctor, nurse, embryologist) knew we always intended to transfer 2.  They wait until the day of the transfer (things got very stressful!) to try and "talk us into" only transferring one.  They said because of my age (34) and that we had tested the embryos their recommendation was one.  If 35 or under they recommend one (generally) assuming no other significant issues.  We may have been fine with transferring one had we not been totally blindsided when I'm literally in a gown ready for the procedure (after acupuncture and everything); my husband and I had no chance to talk about it.  When the doctor came in, it was the doctor and two nurses- they gave us no privacy to discuss the situation.  We ultimately decided to proceed with two.  As a follow up...on Wednesday we had an ultrasound and they found FOUR gestational sacs and four yolk sacs (two of which are in the same gestational sac) and the fourth gestational sac showed no yolk sac.  We apparently are that rare couple who had both embies split!  We are now faced with some very hard choices on how to proceed.  This process never gets easier!  Good luck in your decision.

    @saritafernandez Good Luck on your transfer today!  Stay positive!

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    edited March 2016
    Transfer is complete! We only had one make it to blastocyst  :| ER said that it is an excellent embryo, however, so 
    DH and I are hopeful. I'm at home resting and already wondering how to make it through nine more days of waiting.
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    edited March 2016
    @alexiskiriluk it was at noon CT today :smile: 
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    Yay @saritafernandez you are PUPO! I thought the TWW was never going to end, but trust me, days and hours will still pass. FX!
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    @saritafernandez congrats, PUPO! Hoping your perfect embaby sticks!! 
    ****Siggy TW****
    natural pregnancy: 2008 
    Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
    Together since: 2010
    Married: 2013
    TTC: 2013
    Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
    Met RE: January 2016
    ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
    fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
    EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
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    @saritafernandez Congrats, PUPO! I wish I could say the nine days will go fast. I wish they would invent something that can detect pregnancy much sooner!

    @jwilsonkc, my ultrasound is also scheduled for Friday. Good luck to us!

    I talked to my RE's office about my spotting. They are switching me from Crinone to progesterone in oil shots. I know a lot of women don't like vaginal inserts, but I prefer them over shots. Any advice for less painful PIO shots from anyone on them now?

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    @Rachd110 draw up oil with 18g needle & inject with a 22g (takes longer to push, but friendlier on your butt), warm up the oil in the syringe with your hand prior to administering, and apply heat to injection site afterwards. This seems to help me the best. I'm at the point where I've had so many injections there to both sides that I occasionally develop welts and bleed afterwards :-1: 
    ****Siggy TW****
    natural pregnancy: 2008 
    Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
    Together since: 2010
    Married: 2013
    TTC: 2013
    Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
    Met RE: January 2016
    ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
    fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
    EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
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    @Rachd110 I'm doing them in prep for my FET on Monday. Ice for a few minutes first, then heat after! I swear I almost never feel the needle go in and the heat/light massage after keeps it from forming a painful lump. I just use a hot water bottle. GL!
    *TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
    Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13
    Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
    IUI #1 & #2- BFN
    IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
    IVF #2- started stims 10/24  ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
    FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
    IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16  ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
    FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
    ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
    FET #3-  2 embryos transferred August 14,2016  BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22  Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 
    Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
    Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. 
    FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
    Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8  Miscarriage on 9/18
    FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
    Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
    IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
    FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 
    Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!

    BabyFruit Ticker 
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    @Rachd110 I ice for just a min or two right before. I quickly warm up the PIO in the syringe as well. After the shot I massage the area and put heat on it. I don't think its so bad

    I also have my first official ultrasound on Friday.  Really hoping to see a heartbeat. I got to go in yesterday for an ultrasound for peace of mind after spotting over the weekend.  We didn't see a heartbeat but everything we saw looked as it should.  The dr wasn't concerned about no heartbeat either. I thought I was 5w 3d, he said i was 5w 4 days and the sac measured 5w 5d..all about the same but really hoping once I'm over 6 w on Friday we see the heart beat!!!

    Congrats to all the new BFP and those who did their transfers!
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    Beta came in at 469, 10dp5dt. This is happening!!!!!
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    @Rachd110 ty! I have to administer my PIO injections bc my DH wussed out big time. :neutral: you can do it. Awesome surprise reveal, btw!
    ****Siggy TW****
    natural pregnancy: 2008 
    Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
    Together since: 2010
    Married: 2013
    TTC: 2013
    Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
    Met RE: January 2016
    ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
    fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
    EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
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    @Rachd110 I have not given myself a PIO injection but I know people do.  The nurse told me if I was going to do it myself cross your legs as you helps.  How far along are you? Have you seen the heartbeat?  Sorry there are so many people I am getting them confused? When is your next ultrasound??

    Of those of you who are pregnant do you feel pregnant??  Sometimes I feel a twinge in my boob or uterus area but a lot of the time I feel totally normal. I don't want morning sickness but it would be a nice reassurance that things are doing what they should (my mom and grandmother never had morning sickness so I'm not concerned )
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    Hello All - I have been following this entire thread as I am directly behind all of you and I must say I go back and read your posts over and over as they give me so much hope as so many of you have gotten such great news - its really been what I have needed. My transfer is scheduled in two weeks from today (currently on Estrogen) and since you all had such great results I have some questions for you if you wouldn't mind answering. When did you stop 1. drinking 2. exercising 3. caffeine (I stopped wine and caffeine two weeks ago but was just curious) Did you go on bed rest after transfer?  Will you workout in your first trimester - if so what will you do? What were your major symptoms from the hormones (mine has been weight gain and exhaustion) and any other tips for people getting ready to transfer? Thanks all! 
    Me: 33 DH: 37

    10-2014: IUI #1 BFN
    11-2014: Lap Surgery (Endometrosis) 
    1-2015: IUI #2 - BFN 
    2-2015: IUI #3 - BFN 
    6-2015: IVF #1 - Cancelled Cysts 
    1-2016: IVF #2
    8 eggs retrieved
    3 fertilized
    3 made it to 5 day blastocysts (frozen)  
    3-25-15 Begin FET 
    Transfer of (2) 5 Day Blasts 
    Baby C Due 12/16

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    @rachlee2010 for the past 2 days I've been sporadically having a sharp pain underneath my belly button. I googled it & it came back "round ligament pain". Apparently it's the uterus expanding. Not all women experience it, but it's more common in the 2nd trimester, or with twins. Eeeek! Hoping both embabies took!!
    ****Siggy TW****
    natural pregnancy: 2008 
    Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
    Together since: 2010
    Married: 2013
    TTC: 2013
    Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
    Met RE: January 2016
    ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
    fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
    EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
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    @ssandberg Congrats on a great beta!  It is hard to believe it is happening, at times I think it is too good to be real. 

    @Rachlee2010 There are times I feel pregnant and other times I feel totally fine.  As of today I am 6 wks 2 days and supposedly pregnant with 4 or 5 (we will find out this week), I only note that as my symptoms could be different due to that.  Starting late last week I have been very hungry, I am packing snacks for about every two hours to get through the work day.  The good news is I've been craving meat, vegetables, & fruit.  For the past two night I've been getting nauseous at bedtime, but luckily I fall asleep very quick and then it doesn't bother me.  And most notably, I go to bed at 8pm and get up at 6am- I couldn't this weekend due to family in town and the next day wasn't pretty...I was crabby! 

    @cmmxv8 Welcome!  I didn't join the board until after my transfer and wish I would have much sooner.  It is very comforting to talk to other ladies who understand exactly what you are going through.  My DH is fantastic with the situation, but there are just some girl things he can't understand.  :)  As for your questions: 1. I stopped drinking in July and my retrieval was the first week in December.  This isn't necessary, but they told me that alcohol can stay in your body for three months so both DH and I stopped drinking.  We decided if we were going to spend this much money we were going to take it very seriously!
    2. Exercising: Stopped as soon as we started the medicine protocol before retrieval.  They gave me guidelines in regards to keeping my pulse at a reasonable level and what activities were fine.  They recommended yoga, however, I didn't do it. 
    3. Caffeine: I drank until the night before transfer. 
    4. Bed rest after transfer: I was on bed rest the remaining day of transfer (mine was on a Friday), all day the following day (Saturday), and Sunday the clinic said it would be fine for us to travel home (around a 10 hour drive).  That was all they recommended, but I did end up taking Monday off as well just because I was tired from the traveling and wanted to get things unpacked and settled at home.
    5. Exercise during 1st trimester- I would love to, but again, they are saying not to.  I found that I get to make very few decisions for myself in this process!  My nurse said I shouldn't even be brisk walking around a mall for an afternoon!  I am in my 6th week and I am still restricted to lifting no more than 5 pounds.  It gets hard because I feel "normal" like I can do all my normal activities, so it is a constant reminder that I have to take it easy.  I had bleeding last week (non-serious) and they were sure to quiz me on what activities I had been doing and gave me the reminder to take it easy. 
    6. Major symptoms from hormones- I'm right with you on the weight gain.  I feel like I should be nine months pregnant with the weight I've gained.  I found myself to be very on edge and snippy at DH during the retrieval meds- I'll be honest, I did not handle that well!  I also started getting headaches when I started estrogen, but my body has apparently gotten used to them as that has gone away.  Transfer meds haven't been so bad for me and I think this weekend the pregnancy hormones have really started kicking in- I've had that urge to start crying a couple times for things I normally would never cry about. 
    Good luck with your continued journey!  Keep us posted!

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    1st beta 12dp3dt: 249!
    Repeat beta on Thursday & probably 1 more after that. US @ 6.5 weeks (week of 4/11)
    ****Siggy TW****
    natural pregnancy: 2008 
    Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
    Together since: 2010
    Married: 2013
    TTC: 2013
    Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
    Met RE: January 2016
    ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
    fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
    EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
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    @rachlee2010 I am 6 weeks 3 days, we were able to see the heartbeat during our first u/s at 5 weeks 6 days. My next u/s was scheduled for Friday, but it has been moved to Monday. I'll go into the reason for that later in my post. As for as pregnancy symptoms, I feel nauseous when my stomach is empty. So like, @JWilsonKC, I am eating/snacking every two hours. I have been experiencing on and off cramps since I was 4 weeks along. My breasts are only mildly sore, but my areolas have definitely gotten darker and veins are more apparent. My face has broken out pretty bad and I am very bloated. 

    @cmmxv8 welcome to the group! Good luck on your upcoming transfer. Here are my answers to your questions:
    1. I stopped drinking August 2015. My retrieval was early November, but I made the decision to stop drinking early on because I didn't want to put anything in my body that can possibly hamper my fertility. Now everyone is different and my doctor didn't tell me to completely give up alcohol, but it was a decision I wanted to make. ***loss mentioned***After my ectopic in December, I did have a couple glasses of wine in early January.
    2. I stopped exercising when I started stims last October. For my FET cycle, I stopped exercising right before my transfer. I just started walking the track at my gym last week, but now I have to stop. I'll go into that later.
    3. I stopped drinking coffee in June 2015, around the time I started seeing my RE. That was also a decision I chose to make because I did not want to put anything in my body that could possibly hamper my fertility. I know women who drank coffee throughout their pregnancies and had no issues.
    4. I was put on couch rest for the day of transfer. I took the next day off as well and took it easy for about 3-4 days.
    5. Fortunately, I did not gain weight from the stims. I was very bloated, to the point where walking was uncomfortable.  
    Acupuncture helped me relax during my fresh and frozen cycles. I like to think it aided in my bfp.

    @capps42613 That's a great number. Congrats!

    As for me, I had a very eventful morning. My nausea was really bad this morning, but I pulled it together and went to work. Around 10 am, I went to the restroom and had bright red blood on my pantyliner. The blood was flowing out of me like a heavy period. Sorry TMI. I was so scared, I immediately called my doctor and he asked me to come in for an exam. Fortunately, I have a very understanding boss, so I was able to leave. As soon as I arrived to the office, they were ready to do the u/s. Thank goodness they were able to see the baby and detect a heartbeat! The bleeding is coming from where the placenta attached to the uterus. My doctor wants me to continue the Crinone 2x a day, but also start PIO shots every night. He also told me not to workout, to take it easy and to stay hydrated. He said I will most likely continue to bleed for at least 10 days as my placenta gets bigger and pushes the blood out. It was a very scary morning, but I'm so relieved my baby is ok.

    I'm helping host a friend's baby shower this weekend, but now I can't help decorate or clean up. I think I'm going to tell people that I pulled a back muscle to get out of it. I'm currently at home on the couch for the rest of the day. I'm still worried that the placenta might detach. Hoping the extra progesterone and lack of activity will help the placenta attach stronger. My next ultrasound is scheduled for Monday. It was supposed to be this Friday, but since I came in today, my doctor pushed it back a few days. 
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