I'm 12 weeks today. Woot! But something has been bothering me since my last U/S. Based on my LMP I'm 12 weeks on the dot but baby measured 2 days behind. I asked the nurse if I should change my due date from July 15 to July 17 and she said no. But every time I get to a milestone I think I'm technically two days behind. So what would you guys consider? 12 weeks 0 days or 11 weeks 5 days?
I'm 12 weeks today. Woot! But something has been bothering me since my last U/S. Based on my LMP I'm 12 weeks on the dot but baby measured 2 days behind. I asked the nurse if I should change my due date from July 15 to July 17 and she said no. But every time I get to a milestone I think I'm technically two days behind. So what would you guys consider? 12 weeks 0 days or 11 weeks 5 days?
Go with what they say. If you are within a few days they go with the lmp. I was more than a week off so my due day changed . Baby is now growing a day ahead. They change and grow but go with the 12 and try to not overthink it. The reality babies rarely come on their due date anyway.
Serious question for STMs- what do you do when your belly is so big that you can't groom your pubes anymore? Seek professional help? Go full on Tarzan down there?
(I've been meaning to ask this so thanks for the segue @LilLambie )
We had an entire thread on pubic vajazzle and never once needed a gif...ugh I'm irritated that a bunch of pubes show up when you open this thread. Yeah I'm pissy today but I mean come on..
@elenabrent I know some ladies wax, I personally can't do the pain but I've heard people do both some get help, some let it grow I think it's more personal preference. I'll probably try to nair spray it as best I can.
We had an entire thread on pubic vajazzle and never once needed a gif...ugh I'm irritated that a bunch of pubes show up when you open this thread. Yeah I'm pissy today but I mean come on..
@elenabrent I know some ladies wax, I personally can't do the pain but I've heard people do both some get help, some let it grow I think it's more personal preference. I'll probably try to nair spray it as best I can.
I had laser hair removal years ago. My hair grows back now, due to my first pregnancy. It is still a whole lot less than before.
I shave some, but once I can't really reach, I will start getting waxed. Since I will be a scheduled CS,I will get waxes about 3 or 4 days prior to that. I have found out that the natural musky smell after birth is a lot more mild with less hair.
Opps sorry @Lindsayleigh1989. Mixture of feeling constantly crappy and tired means I find weird things funny. Saw it on facebook and just about died laughing. My bad.
Serious question for STMs- what do you do when your belly is so big that you can't groom your pubes anymore? Seek professional help? Go full on Tarzan down there?
(I've been meaning to ask this so thanks for the segue @LilLambie )
I tried, but towards the end I gave up. It looked a lot like a Jewish rabbi down there - complete with tendrils.
I'm 12 weeks today. Woot! But something has been bothering me since my last U/S. Based on my LMP I'm 12 weeks on the dot but baby measured 2 days behind. I asked the nurse if I should change my due date from July 15 to July 17 and she said no. But every time I get to a milestone I think I'm technically two days behind. So what would you guys consider? 12 weeks 0 days or 11 weeks 5 days?
My doctor told me that if you measure less than a week off from your LMP, they stick with the original due date. If it's more than a week, they adjust. I'd stick with 12!
Serious question for STMs- what do you do when your belly is so big that you can't groom your pubes anymore? Seek professional help? Go full on Tarzan down there?
(I've been meaning to ask this so thanks for the segue @LilLambie )
On the topic of shaving DH and I have agreed that once I can not physically see what is going on down there he will be assisting me in the grooming process. This may gross some people out but I figure I shave his back regularly he can help me out down south.
@DarkCat I also have the same issue. My baby is measuring six days "behind", according to my lmp but it's measuring on time according to when I ovulated, but they won't change my edd. The issue that I have with it is that I had to redo my blood work for my NT scan because according to the baby's measurement I got my blood work done a week before I should have. I get that the baby most likely won't come on its due date but clearly the baby's measurements has more say than my edd.
Married: August 2012
TTC #1: July 2015
BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
We had an entire thread on pubic vajazzle and never once needed a gif...ugh I'm irritated that a bunch of pubes show up when you open this thread. Yeah I'm pissy today but I mean come on..
@elenabrent I know some ladies wax, I personally can't do the pain but I've heard people do both some get help, some let it grow I think it's more personal preference. I'll probably try to nair spray it as best I can.
Wait. Isn't this a ransoms thread? What's the issue with the pubes post?
I am fighting an uphill battle with stomach acid. There's not enough zantac or Tums in the world right now. I didn't deal with this until much later in my last pregnancy. Waaaah!
Serious question for STMs- what do you do when your belly is so big that you can't groom your pubes anymore? Seek professional help? Go full on Tarzan down there?
(I've been meaning to ask this so thanks for the segue @LilLambie )
Do my best without being able to see. I don't trust DH with a razor down there. Haha. Anyone remember this?
I am fighting an uphill battle with stomach acid. There's not enough zantac or Tums in the world right now. I didn't deal with this until much later in my last pregnancy. Waaaah!
I had to switch to doing a Prevacid in the morning and two Zantac at night.
I have freakishly long arms...so luckily I don't have to worry for a while. But when I do, I probably won't worry about it...DH isn't going anywhere near my lady bits with a razor!
Me: 32, DH: 38
Married 1/14/12
NTNP Since 12/13, TTC Since 1/15
BFP: 11/4/15 Found out we were having TWINS 12/9/15 EDD: 7/11/16 Born: 6/29/16
With the current threads going on in FFFC and here, I just had a disturbing thought... What if my belly gets so big I can't reach myself to masturbate?
Re: January Randoms
Little boy due July 31st 2016
Little boy due July 31st 2016
(I've been meaning to ask this so thanks for the segue @LilLambie )
@elenabrent I know some ladies wax, I personally can't do the pain but I've heard people do both some get help, some let it grow I think it's more personal preference. I'll probably try to nair spray it as best I can.
I shave some, but once I can't really reach, I will start getting waxed. Since I will be a scheduled CS,I will get waxes about 3 or 4 days prior to that.
I have found out that the natural musky smell after birth is a lot more mild with less hair.
Little boy due July 31st 2016
Since thus is our last child, I will have more laser hair removal. My initial one was about 10 years ago.
July BMB May Signature Challenge
July BMB May Signature Challenge
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙