June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    I got  a zulily BOX yesteday...makeup galore! I may or may not have ordered stuff from there again monday....
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    sdnybrk said:
    I got  a zulily BOX yesteday...makeup galore! I may or may not have ordered stuff from there again monday....
    A BOX?! I need to step up my Zulily game!
    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

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    I've never ordered from zulily.  <hides>

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    @Lilwatz me neither.  I don't quite get it.
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    Lilwatz said:
    I've never ordered from zulily.  <hides>
    This is only my second time and I did it because of the Toms sale. 
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    amangels2 said:
    @Lilwatz me neither.  I don't quite get it.
    I've browsed it once or twice.  Nothing ever sucked me in I guess?

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    Lilwatz said:
    amangels2 said:
    @Lilwatz me neither.  I don't quite get it.
    I've browsed it once or twice.  Nothing ever sucked me in I guess?
    I never shopped on the site until recently. There's a lot of stuff I'd pass on, but I have managed to purchase a couple of nice maternity items, cloth diapers, and baby clothes at an excellent price. 
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    You inspired me to check my mail and nothing.  :(  I want my tunic! 
    My tracking number for my Zililly package said it was supposed to be here yesterday,  but last night it updated to say Friday  :/
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    HBamama2BHBamama2B member
    edited February 2016
    I raced home Bc the wind was so bad and I was freezing. I just realized I forgot to pick up stuff to make cake and now I'm like really sad. Oh hormones. But seriously, I was so excited to make cake.
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    @WinniethePoohsPants bahahah thought I was the only one. 

    @DeePaddy24 I have a very serious addiction to zulily. I have a heap of those wine cards..

    @sdnybrk what is a BOX?!? Please say it's like ipsy but better!
    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

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    @WinniethePoohsPants bahahah thought I was the only one. 

    @DeePaddy24 I have a very serious addiction to zulily. I have a heap of those wine cards..

    @sdnybrk what is a BOX?!? Please say it's like ipsy but better!
    Oh man, I wish! It's just a box full of zulily stuff.  I apparently went crazy last time I ordered.  I wish they did a monthly box!
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    Sorry to interrupt the zulily talk, but oh my goodness, my pubic bone is going bonkers banana pants (thanks, @Emztron500!!).  
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    My little boy is on my bladder right now, kicking away. I'm sitting in the drive thru right now and need to go to the bathroom so bad!!! 
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    Lol!!!! I had a hard enough time getting the cup in position at the doctors today. Don't think I could make that happen lol 
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    Lol @HBamama2B exactly!!!! I'm just glad my doctor supplied gloves. And I'm only 6 months pregnant! What's going to happen in another month or two. Sheesh! 
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    HBamama2B said:
    amangels2 said:
    Lol!!!! I had a hard enough time getting the cup in position at the doctors today. Don't think I could make that happen lol 
    Omg what is that?! Last OB Apt I was like how the hell am I supposed to pee in this tiny thing? I can't even see my vajayjay let alone this dinky Dixie cup! Give us a the wide mouth version! Or a funnel at least. 
    You could get one of those female penis funnel thingies...
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    I haven't peed in a cup since like 8 weeks... Do you all pee at every appointment?
    Married: June 25, 2011
    DS #1: Born September 29, 2013
    Baby #2: Due June 3, 2016

    DST T4L

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    NicknShan said:
    I haven't peed in a cup since like 8 weeks... Do you all pee at every appointment?
    Yup.  I got yelled at because I forgot to at my 16 week appointment.  My office checks for leukocytes (sign of a  UTI), protein and sugar every time so they have a baseline as you get further in and they can catch a potential issue early on.  Either that or it makes them feel justified to make you come in, it's more than just taking your weight, blood pressure, checking the heartbeat and asking how you're feeling.  They at least do something kind of medical. 
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    NicknShan said:
    I haven't peed in a cup since like 8 weeks... Do you all pee at every appointment?
    At every appointment.  I think they check for protein in the urine and maybe some other stuff.  

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 
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    PBear93 said:
    NicknShan said:
    I haven't peed in a cup since like 8 weeks... Do you all pee at every appointment?
    At every appointment.  I think they check for protein in the urine and maybe some other stuff.  
    I'm another one who has to pee in the cup every time. 

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    I don't pee in a cup every appointment, thank god. I haven't successfully given a urine sample yet this pregnancy. I think my midwife has given up on me until the next round of lab work at 28 weeks.

    Seriously if anyone has tips for peeing on command, I'm all ears. I pee every 15 minutes around the clock until I'm given a little cup and then I'll spend an hour in there (literally) and can't coax a single drop. fml.
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    I also have to pee in a cup every time. Normally I'll hold that first pee until I get to the dr (always schedule my appointments for first thing in the morning). Although I really had to pee before my last appointment and then I couldn't pee in the cup!!

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    My doctor just started having me pee in a cup. Starts after 24 weeks to check for protein in the urine. 
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    Yup, every appointment for my entire pregnancy. 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    I did with my first two, but have yet to this time. Win!
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    I don't pee in a cup every appointment, thank god. I haven't successfully given a urine sample yet this pregnancy. I think my midwife has given up on me until the next round of lab work at 28 weeks.

    Seriously if anyone has tips for peeing on command, I'm all ears. I pee every 15 minutes around the clock until I'm given a little cup and then I'll spend an hour in there (literally) and can't coax a single drop. fml.
    I used to have problems with this too. I believe I was referred to as a pee-tard.

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    NicknShan said:
    I haven't peed in a cup since like 8 weeks... Do you all pee at every appointment?
    Every. Single. Time. 
    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

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    Another pee in cup every timer over here.  Both pregnancies.  I used to have the stage fright as well but a job I had for a decade randomly drug tested 3x per year so I ended up having to do it about once a year for 10 years.  I got real good at it by the end.  Luckily they stood outside the bathroom (not even the stall) which helped.  But one time they kept popping their head into the bathroom part and asking if I was done.  NOT HELPING.  They even lectured me about other people waiting.  What exactly did they think that was going to accomplish???

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    HBamama2BHBamama2B member
    edited February 2016
    Every time. And my office does not provide gloves. Note to self: next apt request gloves. Bring funnel.

    the worst is being able to pee, having t go everywhere BUT the damn cup, then looking at the stupid thing like... Ewwww, I went through that for nothing.
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    Every appointment for me as well.  No gloves, but they provide a sanitary wipe.  And then I have to bring the cup down the hall to my appointment room.  So fun walking down the hall with a clear pee cup, and my husband waiting in the room.  :) 
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    Every time here! They have a little drive through door that you put it in, so no walk of shame for me! :wink: 
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    I've had to pee in a cup a few times over this pregnancy, but my midwives give you the chemical strip tests for glucose and protein at every visit so you can just pee directly on the strip. The strips are in the washroom and you don't have to bother anyone or bring your pee anywhere. MUCH better system, imho, although I guess it relies on the honour system that you tell the truth about what the chemical strip says. Although really, why would any pregnant woman lie? Not that it's fun to have elevated numbers but that's obviously symptomatic of something potentially serious so there is zero sense in lying about it.
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    Yep, gotta pee in the cup everytime, too. 
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