June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    CourtJack said:
    So I see Trump won again. Side-eyeing Nevada right now.....
    If the whole world isn't side-eyeing the US right now there's a problem.  If he is for real (I'm still undecided on whether it's all just a ruse) hopefully he'll pivot back from the crazy needed to get the GOP nomination to the slightly less crazy that he used to be.
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    @CourtJack all you CA ladies better be ready for the mass exodus that the USA will have if he wins, myself included. 
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    If he wins, we will without a doubt be looking to move to Canada.  I just can't believe he's doing so well!  It makes me sad to be American...
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    CourtJack said:
    So I see Trump won again. Side-eyeing Nevada right now.....

    Same. I hope they can feel my side-eye from CA right now.
    I'm staring directly at them from New Mexico. WTF.
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    CourtJack said:
    So I see Trump won again. Side-eyeing Nevada right now.....
    I can't even fathom how that happened.  46%?!  I'm embarrassed.  Luckily I'm not in Nevada.  But I bet my state will suck ass too.

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    I'm currently hooked up at the Peri's office monitoring my contractions.  Fun stuff.
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @Huskerfanz- I must've missed something- what's going on????
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    @Huskerfanz whaaaat?? 
    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

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    @Huskerfanz hope everything is ok?? 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    Keep cooking Triplets!!!!
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    @Huskerfanz I hope everything is ok! 

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    @huskerfanz - Thinking of you and hoping everything is ok.
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    @huskerfanz hope everything is okay!
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    @huskerfanz update when you can! I hope everything is ok!!
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    I'm currently hooked up at the Peri's office monitoring my contractions.  Fun stuff.
    Oh no! I hope it's just pre-cautionary, mama! Thinking of you!
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    I'm currently hooked up at the Peri's office monitoring my contractions.  Fun stuff.
    Praying for y'all! Hoping they are just BH and leave your cervix alone!

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    I'm currently hooked up at the Peri's office monitoring my contractions.  Fun stuff.
    :( hope everything goes okay and they get them to stop so you can keep cooking those babies! 
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    I'm currently hooked up at the Peri's office monitoring my contractions.  Fun stuff.
    Hope the contractions stop and the babies stay put! 
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    Everything is good!  I had some contractions yesterday but it wasn't frequent or painful.  Today they got worse and fairly frequent and chugging water and laying down wasn't helping.  So, I called the nurse and she had me come in.  My cervix is 3.3 which is better than I expected.  I am contracting a bit but nothing too productive.  I'm back on the med for a few days to calm things down.  He said this isn't surprising since I'm measuring 8 months.  I heard all three heartbeats and cried.  It was an emotional day. 
    Glad to hear things are ok! And hearing those three heart beats must've been so amazing. :) will you go back in for a follow up soon? Hoping the meds work and contrax stop!
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    So glad things are going well, @Huskerfanz!! Take it easy, mama! And I totally would've cried, too :) 
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    @Huskerfanz - Prayers for you and babies. Keep us posted when you can!
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    CourtJack said:
    Everything is good!  I had some contractions yesterday but it wasn't frequent or painful.  Today they got worse and fairly frequent and chugging water and laying down wasn't helping.  So, I called the nurse and she had me come in.  My cervix is 3.3 which is better than I expected.  I am contracting a bit but nothing too productive.  I'm back on the med for a few days to calm things down.  He said this isn't surprising since I'm measuring 8 months.  I heard all three heartbeats and cried.  It was an emotional day. 
    Glad to hear things are ok! And hearing those three heart beats must've been so amazing. :) will you go back in for a follow up soon? Hoping the meds work and contrax stop!
    I go back tomorrow if the meds don't calm things down and Fri for my usual appt if things get better.
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @Huskerfanz so glad those babies are okay! My heart was skipping beats as I was scrolling down looking for an update--so glad it was a good one! But wow...yeah, I bet this HAS been an emotional day. Hope you can take it easy and be pampered.

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    @Huskerfanz good to hear everything okay!! Keep us posted :)

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    @KOR121 where is that shirt from, because I want it too!
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    Glad everything is okay with the babes @Huskerfanz
    TTC since 1/2013 on our own 
     HSG-2/2014 Rt ovary not visible and/or blocked 
     IF diagnosis 6/2014 
     DH on Clomid for low T 
     First cycle-clomid/ovidrel and TI 8/2015-BFN 8/31 
     Second cycle-clomid/ovidrel IUI 9/2015-
    BFP on 9/25/15 BabyFruit Ticker
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    @huskerfanz so glad everything is ok.  

    So my 3.5 year old has been in dance for 1.5 years.  She seems to like it--she will practice at home all the time and will just randomly do the different things she's learned when she's in the middle of playing.  She even plays dance class and is the teacher for me and my husband.  But every.single.week it is a raging battle to get her ready for class and even sometimes to get her to participate in class. She cried the whole way here today, and now I am hearing her teacher praise her several times for doing such a good job.  She participated in the recital last year and did a great job.  I am so over the battle.  If I ask her if she likes dance class sometimes she tells me no and that she doesn't want to come back.  Tuition for the last session before the recital is due on Monday and I'm really torn about paying it or just letting her stop.  We have already paid for her two costumes so we would be out that money.  But, I am so tired of this battle.  I think it would be better if my husband was home on Wednesday nights to help get her ready, but he never is--it is his night to hang out with friends and play his nerdy game--in fact one of the reasons we started our daughter in dance was because I needed to get out of the house on Wednesday nights since he was gone.  I really don't know what to do.  I think I remember around this time last year she started pushing coming, but she ended up doing great at the recital and asking to take it during the summer.  I can't tell if I reacting out of pregnancy hormones, or if I should keep making her go to class.  

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 
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    mommarich said:
    @KOR121 where is that shirt from, because I want it too!
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    HBamama2BHBamama2B member
    edited February 2016
    @huskerfanz so glad things are ok. It definitely sounds like an emotional 48hrs! Hugs, mama. Hope you have calm, sweet dreams about those healthy little heartbeats tonight.

    @deepaddy24 I've actually convinced my DH to legitimately consider emigrating. We are planning to leave NYC in a <2 yrs and Canada is on the list! :) (I've been pitching it for a year. Maine and Mass are also on the list).

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    Yay for the babies @Huskerfanz
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    Also: my favorite Onion headline as of late: "This Will Be The End of Trump's Campaign,' Says Increasingly Nervous Man for Seventh Time This Year."

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    Glad you're okay @Huskerfanz! Sending you healthy and positive thoughts. 
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    @fishwife799 congrats on baby boy! 

    @Huskerfanz I'm so glad everything is ok! I probably would have cried when I heard the heartbeats too! 

    For weight gain: I'm up over 30 lbs at 24 weeks. I'd lost a lot of weight before I got pregnant and it just came right back. I'm really disappointed in myself and I hate how I look right now. 

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