June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    dennyandleedennyandlee member
    edited February 2016
    @fishwife799 congrats on baby boy! 

    @Huskerfanz I'm so glad everything is ok! I probably would have cried when I heard the heartbeats too! 

    For weight gain: I'm up over 30 lbs at 24 weeks. I'd lost a lot of weight before I got pregnant and it just came right back. I'm really disappointed in myself and I hate how I look right now. 
    Girl, don't be so hard on yourself. You aren't alone in that battle, I promise. 

    And ps... we had tater tot hotdish tonight and it was awesome. Having it again for lunch tomorrow!

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    @fishwife799 congrats on baby boy! 

    @Huskerfanz I'm so glad everything is ok! I probably would have cried when I heard the heartbeats too! 

    For weight gain: I'm up over 30 lbs at 24 weeks. I'd lost a lot of weight before I got pregnant and it just came right back. I'm really disappointed in myself and I hate how I look right now. 
    Girl, don't be so hard on yourself. You aren't alone in that battle, I promise. 

    And ps... we had tater tot hotdish tonight and it was awesome. Having it again for lunch tomorrow!
    Thanks. I try to not be, but I had finally gotten to a size were I felt fit and was happy with my body. And now I jiggle again. I just keep telling myself that it's temporary and baby is worth it. My OB was concerned about the amount until I told him about the recent weight loss, and he told me it's common for weight to come back fast in that case. 

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    Glad it went well @sdLindenberg
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    @hockeyfan42 not gonna lie, kinda jealous that you might have a legitimate out to Canada if the US goes crazy!  For all we've been saying about wanting to move to Canada, we'd all likely have issues actually getting employed without legal residency.  :(
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    Everything is good!  I had some contractions yesterday but it wasn't frequent or painful.  Today they got worse and fairly frequent and chugging water and laying down wasn't helping.  So, I called the nurse and she had me come in.  My cervix is 3.3 which is better than I expected.  I am contracting a bit but nothing too productive.  I'm back on the med for a few days to calm things down.  He said this isn't surprising since I'm measuring 8 months.  I heard all three heartbeats and cried.  It was an emotional day. 
    So happy to hear that everything is ok!!  
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    edited February 2016
    Last night my hot water heater burst, and my DH left early this morning for a 7 am flight for a business trip. So as of right now I have no hot water and no hubby until Monday morning. This is going to be a long and stinky weekend
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    Last night my hot water heater burst, and my DH left early this morning for a 7 am flight for a business trip. So as of right now I have no hot water and no hubby until Monday morning. This is going to be a long and stinky weekend
    Noooooooooooooo.  This calls for a hotel stay.

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    Last night my hot water heater burst, and my DH left early this morning for a 7 am flight for a business trip. So as of right now I have no hot water and no hubby until Monday morning. This is going to be a long and stinky weekend

    Oh no that sucks! Is it a rental? We have a rental so maintenance is free....
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    CourtJack said:
    Last night my hot water heater burst, and my DH left early this morning for a 7 am flight for a business trip. So as of right now I have no hot water and no hubby until Monday morning. This is going to be a long and stinky weekend

    Oh no that sucks! Is it a rental? We have a rental so maintenance is free....
    Luckily I'm renting my house so I don't have to pay anything for repairs, but I'm still grumpy about it. I might stay with my parents until it gets fixed.
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    Last night my hot water heater burst, and my DH left early this morning for a 7 am flight for a business trip. So as of right now I have no hot water and no hubby until Monday morning. This is going to be a long and stinky weekend
    That sucks.  I'm glad it's a rental and should hopefully be taken care of pretty quickly then.  
    I'd probably go stay with my parents if I still lived near them until it was fixed if I were you.  

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    @WinniethePoohsPants I am sorry. That really blows. :-(
    Married: June 25, 2011
    DS #1: Born September 29, 2013
    Baby #2: Due June 3, 2016

    DST T4L

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    @WinniethePoohsPants: Ugh. :( Hope the landlords have it fixed soon!
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    I actually looked up to see what it would take for a teacher from the US to get a job in Canada.  Pretty darn impossible lol.  I would like to go up to Canada on vacation.  Hopefully someday I will take my son up to Vancouver to explore :smiley: 
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    OMG DeePaddy24  that made me laugh alone in my cubicle!
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    I love Canada.  ❤️ Canada is me and DH's "oh yeah we really do have feelings for each other" special place. We would move there in a heartbeat if it were easier and family wouldn't be far away.  

    Is anyone else tired of seeing all the new swimsuits coming out for the spring/summer?  
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    CourtJack said:

    Aside from all the rational, logical, smart reasons for you guys to move to Canada, may I present you with one more. THIS is our Prime Minister. *swoon* 

    Canadian gals - I'm totally outing myself here as a full blown hardcore Liberal. But, I can't help it. I <3 JT :)

    It's nice living in the land of attractive politicians. This is our mayor here in Edmonton:

    You should all totally move here. The weather's even unseasonably, almost worryingly nice! Thanks, global warming!

    Oh la la. I was not aware of Edmonton's hot mayor!
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    I don't find either of those guys attractive. *ducks*
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    Mini annoyance. I'm throwing a baby shower for my cousin this Sunday. It started out as a small family shower (less than 20 invited) and morphed into a larger family and friends shower (40 invited) because her friend throwing the other shower found out she is pregnant afrer christmas. Hellllloooo... does that make her suddenly disabled, bc I'm much farther than she is and look who has double the work now! Plus my cousin's two sisters didn't even offer to throw her a shower, so I knew she wouldn't have one if I didn't do it bc get sisters are selfish B's. 
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    @sdnybrk I'm soory it's more work, but I bet she will be super appreciative of it. 

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    I just got out of the shower, and couldn't shave my lady business.
    Bushin' it from here on out ladies.

     Yeah the shower mirror is my friend these days.  Even with that, it could easily end up a bloody massacre. 

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    @DeePaddy24: Zulily packages are little blue packages of Happy. Got one today, too, and legit did a happy dance (once I got inside, of course!). Boo for wine teases...:(
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    You inspired me to check my mail and nothing.  :(  I want my tunic! 
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

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    I got my zulilly package today too! I love getting fun mail!
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