Some of you have mastered the art of getting LO to sleep without too much fuss. I envy thee. As someone who struggles in this department, I was hoping to find a method that works for us. Please let me know what technique you used. Did you modify it in any way? How long did it take for LO to master it? Did you try any other methods that didn't work? TIA!
Re: Sleep training
With DS, we swung for the fences and it worked. With LO, we started with DH going in to settle her the first time she woke up (usually before midnight) because if I did it, she had to eat. You might need to enlist DH, at least for the first waking. When we started, she was waking at 10:30, 1, 3 and 5. We were able to drop the 10:30 and 3 pretty quickly. After a week, I stopped feeding her at 1 and that was when she switched to one waking between 4 and 5. She's eating several ounces at that feed, so I'm having a hard time getting rid of it.
The second one has been harder because I'm terrified of a sleep deprived 3 yo and I haven't been super consistent because she's my last baby and I love the snuggles.
I hope you find something that works. If you need more details, pm me.
I was so sad on Saturday, but am now amazed at how it helped.
Eta tagged wrong person..
I added a blanket between her plastic mattress and sheet to see if that keeps the chill off. She seemed to startle awake when hitting the cold mattress. I'm also back to swaddling (arms out) since she stopped flipping over for the time being. That's the only way that she would nap today.
I didn't do any formal sleep training and the only book I read was the Dr. Sears baby sleep book. I've just tried different things and have settled on my own method. We do our night routine (I don't go by the clock but by her tired cues so this varies between 6 & 7). We always put her special sleep music on. If she is hungry I have no problem nursing her to sleep. If I put her down and she fusses I try to soothe her by rubbing her back & saying our sleep cue "it's ok. Night night." A lot of the times she calms and starts to fall asleep & I sneak out. If the fussing escalates however I will pick her up and rock her a little and try putting her down again saying the same thing and rubbing her back. I'll use the paci if needed but she doesn't always need it. I don't leave the room if she's straight out crying I try to soothe more. But I will leave if she is awake or just fussing and I will let her fuss/cry for about five minutes before I go back in and try this same routine again. After the second time I will usually try nursing again in case she is actually hungry. I figure the fuller her belly the longer she will hopefully sleep! If she won't go to sleep after 45 min of us trying this I just get her up and try again after she starts getting cranky. After that she seems to go down easier the second round. Sometimes I will lie down with her too, whatever works!
My biggest goal was I didn't want her to be fearful of the crib or sleep (I have a lifelong history of sleep anxiety & I didn't want this for her). I think we've achieved this! I know she will sleep eventually and I prefer not to fight her on it so I kind of have a go with the flow attitude.
I think every baby is different and so is every parent so you have to find what works for you both.
I read somewhere to try to go in during a lull. I thought it was on here but maybe it was somewhere else.
I do nurse LO before I put him down though. I know it's said to separate feeding and sleep, but I really enjoy this time with him and he doesn't wake up to nurse any longer so I'm sticking to it.
I will share one thing that I think worked for us, and this is only my opinion...I rolled up two towels and placed them under his matress pad and sheet on either side of him. My son loved the feeling of being swaddled and I co-slept, so he likes that feeling of being close. I make sure to place his head above the towels (in case he turns his head, so he's not smooshed against be side of the towel) and he usually sleeps with his hands above his head, so the towels are basically hugging him on either side of his body (hope this makes sense).
It helped him feel snug and almost like he's being cuddled. So we did this and Ferber, and he's sleeping 7pm-8am every night. Ferber was hard in the beginning but by day 4 he was a different kid. Sorry for the worlds longest post!! Good luck and it looks like you're heading in the right direction.
Also to add, my son screamed bloody murder whenever I went in to "comfort" (didn't feel like I was providing any comfort in that moment!) him, so I drastically reduced the amount of time I was in there. Usually would be a min and he was shrieking by the time I left. Went down to 15-20 seconds. I found that I needed to reassure him that I was still around, but staying longer than the 15-20 seconds just aggravated him more. A quick pat on the back, stroke his hair and I was out the door!
And by WE , I mean my husband. I am not cut out for sleep training. I cry the entire time and would cave if it were just me. My husband had my daughter sleeping through the night and putting herself to sleep in about a week. We trained her at about 6 months as well.
He started to train my son two nights ago... the first night it was 90 minutes. Last night it was 45. Hopefully, the time will continue to decrease over the next week or two. Our son cried less and was less upset last night as compared to the first night.
I have to remind myself that this is our child learning a new skill. He doe snot understand what's going on and needs time to adjust to a new reality. AND that he has cried for much longer than 10 minutes in the car when I am unable to help him at all.... (that is just reassurance for me). AND that crying is ok. It does not hurt him just as it does not hurt me... (that is also reassurance for me!).
I hope your LO is doing well!
We were doing great at night until recent nights, I feel like I don't know what to do when she's crying in MOTN. I like the tip on letting DH do first wake- she expects to be fed if I go in.
BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days
ETA: I'm losing my mind by posting this because I just felt a top tooth today which could explain her craziness these past 2 weeks. Can't dirty delete so IGNORE THIS.
If you think LO is having night terrors, ask away. Ferber's book has a section on it that really helped me.
LO's new thing is screaming crying when I lay her down for a nap - or, like, if I even start to tip her in the general direction of the crib. I have to let her go ten minutes or so and she almost always falls asleep. But it sucks.
Ugh I'm am NOT looking forward to the top teeth coming in. We got the first two (bottom) very early at 4 months - and nothing since. But she chews on everything so I think it's coming!
If my baby is chugging bottles every time he wakes up.... Can I even do the Ferber method?! I've tried to just pick him up and soothe but he is dying for food apparently.
Who knows.... All I know is I'm desperate but I don't think I'll hack it if my kid is really actually hungry and I'm letting him self soothe ?
Have you tried smaller bottles? Maybe he really doesn't need a full one, but that's how he falls asleep? If you try a 2 or 3 oz bottle but he cries for more, you could definitely bring that up with the ped. If he falls back asleep, then it's a habit he's associated with sleeping.
If I remember right, your LO is no "delicate flower" so I would be surprised if he genuinely needs multiple full bottles at night. But with growth spurts and babies being babies, anything is possible.
Liquor definitely helps the first couple nights of sleep training.
1) tried bigger bottles....-absolutely clamps his lips down and refuses after 5 oz
2) rice cereal in the bottle
3) half formula/half breastmilk
BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days
Maybe try the opposite? Smaller bottles with the intent of weaning? I'd start with reducing the first feeding over the course of a week to try to eliminate it and leave the rest the same. I'm just throwing out ideas here. It sounds like you've tried almost everything.
I guess that's kinda what we did. She used to get up 3 times a night. First feeding was eliminated first. A week later, I stopped the 3rd feeding. A week later we started pushing the MOTN feeding later and later until we got to our current schedule. But she wasn't eating near the volume your LO is so it was fairly easy to drop feedings. Have you tried bacon?
I am terrible with sleep because my 4 year old comes in every night at some point and does t ever want to fall asleep without me... Ladies who get kids to sleep on their own keep up the good work!
DS1 was easier. @klkonwi is your LO just up eating and then right back down? DS did this 2-3 times a night until 13-14 months, then dropped it quickly over just a week. He acted ravenous at every wakeup. Frantic for food, then back down. He was plenty big. We eventually realized stressing over it was the tiring part and just hustled to feed him and get right back to sleep. At 13-14 months I all the sudden felt like I was being played. He no longer seemed that hungry. We were on formula bottles by then. I actually just started offering him bottles with water (since he was old and healthy), he'd drink a few sips and give up and go to sleep while I rubbed his back. After a few nights of this, he stopped waking. Honestly it sounds like your LO is hungry. Mine might just be fucking with me.
Yes he is up eating then right back down. Talked with his doctor today and he said we need to sleep train ........ With him going from the 64th percentile to the 90th .... He doesn't need that much food overnight.
Bah. Yeah I'm not cut out for it either but my doc assured me that with his 5 kids that they started sleep training with the 3rd and it's worth it.
I dunno. Sleep and food are stressful/overwhelming.
Roasted a butternut squash tonight for 60 min then put a tad brown sugar on it and tried to feed it to LO....... He still somehow KNEW it was a veggie and sealed his lips.
I have a piece of work over here..... God I love him though. Lol