Hi everyone, jumping on here! A little about myself...I'll be 33 in about 3 months, DH is 34. We've been trying for a year and half. I've been diagnosed with unexplained infertility. All my test are normal, DH sperm are fine. I had two failed IUI's and now moving on to IVF.
@colleen0516 I'm so sorry you were delayed. All this waiting sucks! I'm a few days behind you. Hopefully, I'll be starting my stims 10/25.
I'm going on vacation 11/25 to 12/2. I'm hoping I'll know if I'm pregnant before I leave. If I'm not pregnant, I'm definitely going to enjoy a few cocktails on the beach. Since I started seeing my RE back in June, I significantly cut back on alcohol and caffeine. I'm also going to schedule acupuncture once a week until after my transfer. Not sure if it will work, but at this point, I'll try anything.
For those ladies that are trying to lose weight. I usually drink a green smoothie every morning (recently stopped because my blender broke). It really helped me lose weight. I was able to lose 5 lbs from working out and an additional 3 lbs from just drinking green smoothies and counting calories. I was not working out when I lost the three lbs.
Good luck to everyone. I hope we have as much success as the ladies in the September/October board.
I want to start with I wish everyone a stress free, calm and successful cycle.
A little background on my journey...
I have endometriosis resulting in a lot of damage since I was 19. During an emergency lap ten years ago they removed 75% of my left ovary. After years of being told I would never get pregnant I somehow did it at 28. I have one son. Last year, I learned my right tube was blocked. It was ligated. So, my plumbing doesn't connect. We have gone through 4 failed cycles and 1 chemical pregnancy. We tested our last batch of 2 embryos. I currently have one heathy embryo waiting patiently for me. I am now starting my 6th cycle, my third ER .....
Started Estrace last week.
I'm scared. I'm nervous.
I have a really hard time keeping calm and stress free. I'm sure everyone can relate.
@braz7911 I think the stress of this is enough to make anyone crazy and when you add hormones to it, it's a wonder anyone can hold it together! I hope you get a BFP for your birthday, that would be the best gift!
@Rachd110 I am actually hoping you don't get to enjoy any drinks on your vacation, which would usually sound so mean, but not in this case!
Here's a question for everyone: It seems like everyone is doing PIO, but my RE is having me do P4 suppositories. Am I the only one who won't be doing injections?
@erinscaren I hope I don't get to drink either. I am a little worried about the PIO shots while on vacation. I know I'll figure it out. I'm already thinking about how worried I will be if I am pregnant and on vacation since there are higher risks with IVF. I know, I think way too much!
@erinscaren As of right now, I don't think I'm doing a PIO in any form. I have been prescribed Estradiol (Estrogen) only. Who knows...maybe that will change...
Hi Ladies! I'm in the 2WW after my first IVF cycle. I had ER on 10/3 and fresh ET of one 5d blastocyst (grade AB) on Thursday 10/8. My RE does the first beta on 13dp5dt, which seems like several loooooong days longer than most! I'm fairly certain I'll POAS before then!
@erinscaren I'm also doing three-times-a-day progesterone suppositories. From what I've been reading, sounds a heck of a lot better than PIO!
Jenn from DC
EDIT: ET was Thursday 10/8 not Thursday 10/12. First sign of pregnancy brain? :-P
@2mommiesforbaby .. I'm in the 2ww as well. Mine was on the 9th. First FET for me. I think my doc told me 10 days... 10 looong days!!! The PIO is definitely a pain in the a$$!!
@ufjenna I am also a teacher. I was very concerned about my schedule. I talked to my supervisor telling him I was going to need some time off but i was very vague regarding the reason. He has been very understanding so far but I am a lil concerned about how many times I will need coverage during my morning visits. I know I will need at least 2 days off for ER and transfer. I am hoping at least one of those days falls on a weekend. This is my first IVF cycle so it worries me that I may have to do this multiple times.
On another note, I just picked up all my medication. DH and I went to an injection class last Friday. Although the information was very overwhelming I felt like it was manageable. The amount of medicine I just picked up seemed insane. I don't recognize most of the names. I am just hoping the nurses are able to explain which medications I am supposed to take when..... It's very exciting to be almost there but its very scary at the same time.
@erinscaren I have PIO injections too; I'd be happy for those suppositiories! Lol
@villacis811 I hope your school is as supportive as mine has been. I've been really surprised with how my AP has arranged different administrative assistants to cover my classes. They're pissed to be doing that instead of their own job, but who can blame them? Oh well.
AF arrived today so I got to arrange my baseline appointment for Thursday. My RE has been so positive that I feel like I'm really getting my hopes up. I am very very excited to get going with the FET but every so often I get bouts of "what if it doesn't work?" and how devastated I'd be. Trying to keep those thoughts out, and trying to be realistic with statistics.
Speaking of statistics: how did you all in 2ww decide on single embryo transfer or double embryo transfer? DH and I disagree. He's leaning for double so our success probability is higher... I have been so racked emotionally during infertility that I can't imagine a high risk multiple pregnancy OR having two babies being good for my mental health. BUT I see his point and want it to work SO BAD. Ahhhh! Man! Decisions like this are so important, I still can't believe we have to make them
@Ufjenna because of my age (32) and my clinic's success rate, my RE recommends only transferring one. I don't mind transferring two, but I'm going to listen to my RE. Hopefully, I'll have some embryos to freeze. That makes it easier to comply to transferring only one.
Yes, my RE also said they typically transfer one because of their success rate. I personally wouldn't mind doing 2, but will go with whatever she recommends when it comes to that.
I agree with @erinscaren and @rachd110 I would have also done 2 but our RE recommended doing one so we will be transferring one. He says bc of my age (32) that he we have time.
@Rachd110@erinscaren@villacis811 That is so interesting; I feel like my RE is pressuring for two! He said "and if you're the kinda person who is just completely terrified, nothing-could-be-worse, anti-twins... You can choose to transfer 1." Okay? I'm only 30. (DH is 42, so maybe he was considering his age?) 3 weeks to mill it over, I guess. Thanks, ladies!
@Rachd110 - what do you put in your green smoothies? I'm actually considering doing a juice cleanse / fast to try to jumpstart things, but I love smoothies.
*** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl!
As of this afternoon we received an update. Of the 8 that fertilized, 6 are healthy blastocysts and had a cell drawn for testing. The 6 are now frozen and test results in a week. Yay!
@emsmama15 I use spinach, kale and fruit of your choice to mask veggie taste. I usually use strawberries, but have also thrown bananas, oranges and plums in it. I also either add carrot juice or coconut water. Carrot juice makes it a little thicker. If you're not used to green smoothies, best to start with more fruit than slowly add less. I prefer 75% veggie 25% fruit ratio.
I've read that smoothing is a lot better than juicing. When juicing you lose fiber. I need to buy a new blender prompto! I miss my green smoothies. I'm looking into the Ninja or Vitamix. I'm leaning towards investing in a Vitamix, but not sure if it's smart to spend money on it when our medical bills are racking up.
@erinscaren my ER is estimated anywhere between 11/5 and 11/9. We'll probably only be a day or two apart if not same day! How long does your RE wait to do a pregnancy test? For IVF, my RE does betas 10-12 days post transfer.
@lizg19 I am so sorry for your BFN. I've heard FET sometimes work better because your body has had time to recuperate from ER.
Hi Everyone! Just hopping over from Sept/Oct IVF to say hello and best of luck to everyone! I went through IVF and also FET so please holler if I can help in any way!! Fx to all!!!
@erinscaren I'm going to really try not to poas. Although, if it's bad news I'd like to be prepared for it. I poas during my two failed IUI cycles. I'm glad I did. It softened the negative news after my beta.
Hi! I'm 32 and DW is 28. I have anovulatory cycles so we are going to try reciprocal ivf and I'll carry my wife's egg. Our first consult is Nov 2 with our new RE. I know we won't do the transfer in Nov, but that is when our ivf journey will start. I'll just read and learn all I can here and then join whichever ivf month board once we get a date!
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary. Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
Hi everyone I was in sept/Oct but joined a little late . But learned a lot from that group. A little about myself. Me and DH are both 33 we got pregnant went we were 19 but had a miscarriage. Got married last year and a few days after the wedding found out we had an eptpoic. (Fun honeymoon lol ) we tried again and sure enough another eptpoic. Had my tube removed and with Dr. Recommendations decided to do ivf. Today will be our fifth day of injections (they do get easier ) ER is estimated 20-22 of oct and ET is estimated for the 25-27 Oct.
Wishing everyone good luck BTW is anyone here from Canada? I noticed it was mostly the US in the sept/oct
@lizg19 I went right away! Emotionally I was ready to keep moving so I just went with it... after my fresh IVF BFN it took 4 days for AF to come. Then I started baseline testing, BC for 3 weeks, then on to Lupron, followed by PIO, estrogen, baby aspirin.... It still took about 8 weeks so I am glad we did not wait a cycle. If you keep going now, hopefully you will get your BFP right before Christmas!
@lizg19 I've never been 'this pregnant' before so I think I am still cautiously optimistic, haha. But all well so far. Feeling bloated and tired, but not too much different. Oh yea the hot flashes are alarming! ">
Re: October/November IVF
@Rachd110 I am actually hoping you don't get to enjoy any drinks on your vacation, which would usually sound so mean, but not in this case!
@Knottie52234364 FX for a good ER!
@Drumski I don't blame you for being scared and nervous. You have been through the ringer it sounds like! We are here for you!
Good luck to all the October/November ivfers!
I hit enter twice for new paragraphs.
@emsmama15 I use spinach, kale and fruit of your choice to mask veggie taste. I usually use strawberries, but have also thrown bananas, oranges and plums in it. I also either add carrot juice or coconut water. Carrot juice makes it a little thicker. If you're not used to green smoothies, best to start with more fruit than slowly add less. I prefer 75% veggie 25% fruit ratio.
I've read that smoothing is a lot better than juicing. When juicing you lose fiber. I need to buy a new blender prompto! I miss my green smoothies. I'm looking into the Ninja or Vitamix. I'm leaning towards investing in a Vitamix, but not sure if it's smart to spend money on it when our medical bills are racking up.
@lizg19 I am so sorry for your BFN. I've heard FET sometimes work better because your body has had time to recuperate from ER.
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
A little about myself. Me and DH are both 33 we got pregnant went we were 19 but had a miscarriage. Got married last year and a few days after the wedding found out we had an eptpoic. (Fun honeymoon lol ) we tried again and sure enough another eptpoic. Had my tube removed and with Dr. Recommendations decided to do ivf.
Today will be our fifth day of injections (they do get easier ) ER is estimated 20-22 of oct and ET is estimated for the 25-27 Oct.
Wishing everyone good luck
BTW is anyone here from Canada? I noticed it was mostly the US in the sept/oct
@twomommiestobe That is very exciting, wishing you the best luck for a bfp!
@poeface How you feeling so far? I start injections in 8 days!
Btw I am Erin from North Carolina!