March 2016 Moms

Question Thread - "Stupid" or not - just ask away


Re: Question Thread - "Stupid" or not - just ask away

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    MIL DRAMA- we found out the sex and planned on announcing it on social media. Everyone has been texting me asking, but I was trying to wait to tell MIL first who is in Aruba on vacation (and having an awful time) how?... Anyways, she said she doesn't want to find out till the baby is born. I told her that's pretty much impossible since our twin toddlers know the baby is a girl and talk about it constantly. Plus I plan on decorating the nursery accordingly, buying clothes, ect. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm not about to alter my conversations, hide baby girl things, tell my kids not to talk about their sister, just so MIL can "be surprised.
    I haven't had this exact situation but my MIL used to be very demanding like this on certain things. Like she said we couldn't cut DD's hair until after she was a year old and then we could only have MIL's sister do it because she does for everyone. We said no and did our own thing. I think that's all you can do, say it isn't possible to keep the sex from her and go on with life. If she is upset or tries to keep pushing, just let her know again that it wasn't something that was even possible and you already discussed it. End of story. This is something that isn't a reasonable accommodation and not something you can avoid just for her. If anything, I would just tell others in person/over the phone and don't put it out on social media yet until you've had a chance to tell her that's what you're doing. Then she can decide if she wants to hear it from you or via FB/others/etc.
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    @adotgorman I agree with @llybeck. I'd just let her know that you guys are finding out, your toddlers will know and that she is bound to find out so would she rather know before everyone now or find out accidentally down the road? Because realistically those are the only two options unless she plans on quaranteening herself for the next 4-5 months.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    adotgormanadotgorman member
    edited October 2015
    Thank you! So far that's what I've been doing, texting friends, calling family. I just think it's a crazy expectation to think she wouldn't find out. Someone will tell her eventually, why wouldn't she want to hear it from us? Oh well, just add it to the list I guess.
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    kowens07kowens07 member
    edited October 2015
    We didn't want to know the gender because we wanted them to put it in an envelope so we could find out with family later. We told the tech and asked this very same question on whether or not we'd be able to tell ourselves. She let us look at the screen and then told us to look away when she got to that part of the body. She said our baby was being shy so we could look and wouldn't be able to tell. I think if you explain this to the tech they can let you watch part of it and look away for some. I know friends who have clearly been able to tell it was a boy without a tech telling them, so I wouldn't look when they get to that part of the scan.

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    What's the deal with the username Knottie3857648292 ?? Are they The Knot users or something? Is being resistant to lurking a common trait of theirs? I'm intrigued...

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    ecwk said:
    What's the deal with the username Knottie3857648292 ?? Are they The Knot users or something? Is being resistant to lurking a common trait of theirs? I'm intrigued...
    Ahhhhhh, this makes so much more sense. I feel like an idiot, I was thinking it was the same person, hahahahaha! I don't know what I was thinking
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    ecwk said:
    What's the deal with the username Knottie3857648292 ?? Are they The Knot users or something? Is being resistant to lurking a common trait of theirs? I'm intrigued...
    Yeah they set up their accounts with the knot years ago that just took whatever username it gave them.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
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    Has anyone else had an anatomy scan that seemed a little rough?  I was on the verge of tears several times and now afterwards, I'm still sore.  We got to see the little guy and everything looks good, but I feel almost bruised.  Kiddo was being uncooperative, facing my back.  Anyone else?  
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    alanna3622alanna3622 member
    edited October 2015
    @J234 that sounds strange. This was an abdominal scan yes? Were you feeling poked because of an over full bladder? My tech had me use the washroom because my bladder was too full. But I didn't feel bruised.

    Hugs to you.
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    J234 said:

    Has anyone else had an anatomy scan that seemed a little rough?  I was on the verge of tears several times and now afterwards, I'm still sore.  We got to see the little guy and everything looks good, but I feel almost bruised.  Kiddo was being uncooperative, facing my back.  Anyone else?  

    My baby was sleeping at the beginning of the ultrasound and it was painful at times. The tech was just trying to get better measurements by poking around, but I have to go back for another now at 26 weeks because it wasn't happening. My pain stopped when the ultrasound stopped though, nothing after.
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    Thanks, ladies.  I had just eaten a big dinner, so maybe that was something.  I don't know.  I am not actually bruised and feel better today. The important thing is that things looked good.   
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    J234 said:

    Thanks, ladies.  I had just eaten a big dinner, so maybe that was something.  I don't know.  I am not actually bruised and feel better today. The important thing is that things looked good.   

    Ultrasounds are always pretty painful for me because my belly stays pretty tight, so I know what you mean. I was making a lot of ouchy noises during our a/s and clenching my fists.
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    smushi said:

    So anterior placenta... For those that have it or have previously, what else does it mean beyond just not feeling kicks as early?

    I was told that it doesn't really matter as long as it's higher up in the uterus. For me it has meant that so far the only movement I've felt consistently is punches in the cervix or bladder. O.0
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    smushi said:

    Went for my 20 week ultrasound today and my OB said the baby is breached, I'm guessing he didn't really make a big deal out of it because he believes shes hgoing to turn herself later on but has anyone had this happen around this time and did the baby turn head down before delivery? Or is it normal for them to not be head down just yet? Thanks in advance for your responses!

    It's my understand that they move a lot before they get too big to get into the right position.  There are some positions you can do to encourage baby to move (one is essentially getting on elbows and knees, sticking your butt high into the air, and wiggling your butt around; very glamorous - just don't let DH catch you lol)

    Hahaha, I do this on the regular. It's my go-to solution for bad gas pains!
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    This isn't really a pregnancy question but maybe ye can help me...

    I'm going to a party and bringing a dish. Nut free dishes were requested. If I use prepackaged cookies in the mixture that don't contain nuts but don't say nut free, is it ok? It has a warning about other ingredients like soy but no nut warning....any ideas?

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    ecwk said:

    This isn't really a pregnancy question but maybe ye can help me...

    I'm going to a party and bringing a dish. Nut free dishes were requested. If I use prepackaged cookies in the mixture that don't contain nuts but don't say nut free, is it ok? It has a warning about other ingredients like soy but no nut warning....any ideas?

    Please don't quote me lol but I would think they would be okay. From what I've noticed with packaging is that there's usually something that says "may contain traces of _____". Like I said though, I could be wrong.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    @ecwk I second what @kynbar5 said too. If they don't contain nuts and the package doesn't say "May contain traces of nuts" it usually means that they are produced in a nut-free environment.
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    Since yesterday evening I've been having a feeling like my stomach is tight and sometimes feels a little crampy or tender. It's not a braxton hicks because I get those also and my stomach feels super hard like a basketball when that happens, but that's not happening now. Aside from that it feels very similar to braxton hicks but its a pretty continuous feeling. I'm already waiting on a call back from the nurse, but thought I'd ask if anyone knows what I'm feeling? Or have felt something similar? 


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    elle313 said:
    Since yesterday evening I've been having a feeling like my stomach is tight and sometimes feels a little crampy or tender. It's not a braxton hicks because I get those also and my stomach feels super hard like a basketball when that happens, but that's not happening now. Aside from that it feels very similar to braxton hicks but its a pretty continuous feeling. I'm already waiting on a call back from the nurse, but thought I'd ask if anyone knows what I'm feeling? Or have felt something similar? 
    Have you had a big poo lately?  I was like this last week and it was a combination of needing to poo and the baby wedging herself pretty low

                                                                  LFAF- Best Olympic Moments...  Jackie Joyner-Kersee


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    Lol @MrsLeanMeanCleanit could be that! I have been a little backed up... that makes me feel better that it could be as simple as that! I'm such a worrier. 


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    elle313 said:
    Lol @MrsLeanMeanCleanit could be that! I have been a little backed up... that makes me feel better that it could be as simple as that! I'm such a worrier. 
    I used it as an excuse to have an Indian food fuel gluten fest... 24 hours later my cravings were satisfied, I felt a lot more empty and less achey

    Also I was at the docs on Friday and as I have just really popped they said it could also be the additional strain all of a sudden

                                                                  LFAF- Best Olympic Moments...  Jackie Joyner-Kersee


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    Oh I love indian food, I might need to try that  :))


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    @elle313 I'm with @MrsLeanMeanClean on this one. I've developed a lactose intolerance with this baby, so when I feel like that I eat some ice cream and it clears out all of my problems haha
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    elle313 said:

    Since yesterday evening I've been having a feeling like my stomach is tight and sometimes feels a little crampy or tender. It's not a braxton hicks because I get those also and my stomach feels super hard like a basketball when that happens, but that's not happening now. Aside from that it feels very similar to braxton hicks but its a pretty continuous feeling. I'm already waiting on a call back from the nurse, but thought I'd ask if anyone knows what I'm feeling? Or have felt something similar? 

    Is it your first baby? I had so much cramping and stretching during my first pregnancy, especially from like 18-24 weeks. It was right when I started showing. I went to the doctor to get it checked out because it felt like cramping, but they said it was all good and just growing pains. I didn't feel it with my second or this one so far, I guess everything is pre stretched :)

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    kh1824 said:
    Since yesterday evening I've been having a feeling like my stomach is tight and sometimes feels a little crampy or tender. It's not a braxton hicks because I get those also and my stomach feels super hard like a basketball when that happens, but that's not happening now. Aside from that it feels very similar to braxton hicks but its a pretty continuous feeling. I'm already waiting on a call back from the nurse, but thought I'd ask if anyone knows what I'm feeling? Or have felt something similar? 
    Is it your first baby? I had so much cramping and stretching during my first pregnancy, especially from like 18-24 weeks. It was right when I started showing. I went to the doctor to get it checked out because it felt like cramping, but they said it was all good and just growing pains. I didn't feel it with my second or this one so far, I guess everything is pre stretched :)

    This is actually my second baby but the nurse did say it might just be round ligament and stretching pains. I hadn't had any stretching pains earlier in this pregnancy but I had a ton of cramping last time around. Whatever it is, it seems like it's nothing to worry about. Thanks guys!



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    How long does it take to deliver the placenta? Is it painful? Can this happen while doing skin to skin and trying to breast feed for the first time?

                                                                  LFAF- Best Olympic Moments...  Jackie Joyner-Kersee


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    How long does it take to deliver the placenta? Is it painful? Can this happen while doing skin to skin and trying to breast feed for the first time?

    It's different for different people, just like labor. I barely even remember it either time. I didn't have any meds with my second and I don't remember it hurting. With my first it was when he was getting cleaned up. I honestly don't remember what I was doing with my just didn't take very long and wasn't very memorable

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    How long does it take to deliver the placenta? Is it painful? Can this happen while doing skin to skin and trying to breast feed for the first time?

    Mine was uneventful as well, it was pretty quickly after delivering and I just remember each time the doctor sort of rubbed my stomach and worked it out. I do remember feeling a slight feeling but it didn't hurt at all. @smushi my goodness! That does sound crazy! The only thing I have even close to this ***warning ftm's I don't want to worry or scare*** my 1st son was born with the cord tightly around his neck. It had to be cut as soon as they saw it (before he was fully delivered) and when they cut it the nurse standing to my left gasped (think mouth wide open) and all I saw was cord blood go flying across the wall behind me- and into her mouth. I almost threw up. That's the most and only traumatic story I have.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    kynbar5 said:

    How long does it take to deliver the placenta? Is it painful? Can this happen while doing skin to skin and trying to breast feed for the first time?

    Mine was uneventful as well, it was pretty quickly after delivering and I just remember each time the doctor sort of rubbed my stomach and worked it out. I do remember feeling a slight feeling but it didn't hurt at all. @smushi my goodness! That does sound crazy! The only thing I have even close to this ***warning ftm's I don't want to worry or scare*** my 1st son was born with the cord tightly around his neck. It had to be cut as soon as they saw it (before he was fully delivered) and when they cut it the nurse standing to my left gasped (think mouth wide open) and all I saw was cord blood go flying across the wall behind me- and into her mouth. I almost threw up. That's the most and only traumatic story I have.
    Hahah this just killed me. No idea why, just imagining the blood flying and open mouths. There's never a guarantee you won't come home without other people's body fluid in the medical profession =))

    March 2016 Moms: January Siggy Challenge "Pregnancy Problems"
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    @MrsLeanMeanClean I think they were cleaning DS when I delivered the placenta and it was quick and easy. Over in no time.

    @SarahFoley725 first it's only colostrum and then when your milk comes in after a few days (this variate a from person to person, took me 4 days with DS) your boobs get HUGE (like Hello-Dolly-Parton-huge!)!! This is when the real milk starts coming and your boobs will not just be big, but also rock hard and sore at first (at least mine was). However, that adjust itself quite fast when bf'ing. Your milk supply goes up and down with baby's demand to feed. Which basically means you produce as much as your baby wants to eat.
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    I'm already a DDD so I'm cringing at the thought of larger boobs. I'm planning to try to Pump exclusively if I even produce enough. I just wasn't sure if there was a surplus because I would like to be able to save some as well. So if I'm pumping enough will my body think I need more and make it for me? I just want there to be enough for someone to feed her if I'm not there. I'm sure this is a really dumb thing to worry about but I can't help but wonder how this all works
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    soxfan9968soxfan9968 member
    edited October 2015
    @kynbar5 thanks for giving the small chested hope that we can succeed at this breastfeeding thing!! ;)

    Edited because apparently autocorrect thinks I meant small cheated! Which to be fair I do feel cheated in the boob department!! Lol!!

    December Siggy Challenge

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    I'm already a DDD so I'm cringing at the thought of larger boobs. I'm planning to try to Pump exclusively if I even produce enough. I just wasn't sure if there was a surplus because I would like to be able to save some as well. So if I'm pumping enough will my body think I need more and make it for me? I just want there to be enough for someone to feed her if I'm not there. I'm sure this is a really dumb thing to worry about but I can't help but wonder how this all works

    The more you pump (or nurse), the more milk your body will make. So if your baby is eating 7 times a day but you are pumping 9 times, you will probably make more than the baby eats in a day, so you would be able to build a surplus. However, many people find that their body responds better to the baby nursing than pumping, so you might not end up with much extra. Just depends on the person. When I was back at work after my first, I would pump, but I wouldn't get as much milk as he drank when I was gone. Luckily I had built an excess stash during maternity leave, but you just kind of have to wait and see how your body responds to pumping

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    ecwkecwk member
    edited October 2015
    @kynbar5 though I'm obviously happy to read that us small chested gals can breastfeed just as well as our ample bosomed counterparts I have to admit I was looking forward to rocking the gigantic boob look for a short while ;) haha lol

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    @ecwk I'd be happy to pass some of mine along to you.
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    I didn't get milk until day five, latched at a minimum every two hours, and still never over produced- some of the time I had to supplement 2-3 ounces a day because the significant weight loss of the baby. I ended up on meds to try to make more, I don't think it did anything. I would only get engorged at night. I added in pumping to encourage it to pick up, but it didn't really work. I also never really noticed when it came in at day five, I never got sore from the growing. The sore nipples from getting used to baby latching was 10x worse than being over full. I think everyone is different.
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