March 2015 Moms

The first rule of The Bump...We do not talk about The Bump!! (randomness)


Re: The first rule of The Bump...We do not talk about The Bump!! (randomness)

  • Ehhh maybe we're being a little overly PC here. I know what they meant, I'm sure they wanted to speak to someone who speaks coherent English. I know Spanish is becoming very popular in America though so maybe it's important to clarify. I think the biggest issue is the outsourcing of jobs to people in other countries who you can't even understand. Like if I'm calling Comcast, a company based here in America, I would like to not speak to someone in India. I'm not gonna pretend to fully understand outsourcing but it's definitely a frequent minor annoyance I've run into when trying to get in touch with a company.
  • Thank you @janda426‌ for explaining it better than I could. I'm not trying to ruffle anyone's feathers. All I was saying is I'd like to speak with someone I can understand, not someone who sounds like they're drunk.
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  • kcbizme said:
    Thank you @janda426‌ for explaining it better than I could. I'm not trying to ruffle anyone's feathers. All I was saying is I'd like to speak with someone I can understand, not someone who sounds like they're drunk.
    The problem is, this assumes that everyone should be like you and that speaking another language is wrong. Those same customer service reps speak to people whose native language is not English as well, should they be expected to sound like those folks as well?    
    A work in progress

    MMC April 2014 at 6w2d, D&C at 9 weeks

    MMC August 2014 at 9w1d, D&C at 12 weeks

    CP October 2014

    My Ovulation Chart

  • kcbizmekcbizme member
    edited October 2014
    wendyld said:

    The problem is, this assumes that everyone should be like you and that speaking another language is wrong. Those same customer service reps speak to people whose native language is not English as well, should they be expected to sound like those folks as well?    

    **Edit for quote fail**

    As I said previously, if you're going to work someplace like that where you will be speaking to people who don't speak your native tongue, you should be able to speak theirs correctly. I never once said I expect them to sound like me. I'm not that narcissistic. I would just like for them to be coherent. And again I will reiterate what I previously said, I have no problem with accents. That's fine and dandy as long as you can be understood.
  • wendyld said:

    You know there's no such language as "American" right?
    **quote fail**

    Of course. That's not what I was saying.


    Ok, so when talking to an American, what language do you need to speak?

    Oh oh! Pick me! Pick me! American?

  • drudolph11drudolph11 member
    edited October 2014
    @hollmb‌ holy crap man I don't know if you didn't see her original post or not but she was asking for opinions on whether she should take her dermals in her face out or not. I didn't just randomly comment about her needing to taking her piercings out. I was sharing only my personal experience and the whole "soccer mom" comment I followed up with a JK in case you missed that cuz I was just kidding when I made that comment hence the JK Im not trying to start drama but I think your comment was a little hasty. And if you didn't also notice @kellbell1982‌ "loveit"ed (i don't know how to say that lol) the comment so she was obviously fine with the comment and in no way offended. Hopefully maybe you go back and find what she originally posted and maybe you will understand what I said better before you automatically jump down my throat for no reason. on another note I have no problem with piercings. I wish I could still rock mine because I loved them for as long as I had them. Im sure there are plenty of mom's on here with those type of piercing and I say hey if you can still rock them then i am all for it!!! All I was saying was my personal opinion was that I had just outgrown them. And I think she looks great with or without them. Just sharing my personal feelings on it. Not trying to be nasty and really don't wanna turn this into a thing just thought I would maybe clarify myself a little. Hopefully I didn't offend you. I didn't mean to at all. (Again sorry for the book meh :-\)
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    March 15' January Siggy Callenge: Animals Being Jerks
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    For @suzyq0525 and all of our other M15 loss moms
  • I miss my late night chat buddies. I am always alone. That is all.
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  • Can STMs or anyone explain this to me. If you're "measuring ahead" your due date does not change correct? You shouldn't deliver much earlier than your due date right, you're just bigger?

    This chick I follow on IG was induced at 34 weeks because she was "measuring 5 weeks ahead." Then her son had to spend 2 weeks in NICU cause he was too small. She's pregnant again and is talking about being induced at 37 weeks because she's "measuring ahead" again. Im fully aware I may not have the whole story but based on the info she's divulging it seems kinda unsafe. I feel like she would've learned her lesson from last time about being induced too early and how maybe your belly is just bigger and the baby isn't necessarily ready to come out? I'm a FTM so not an expert obvi but yeah. Just a random observation.
  • blinksmbblinksmb member
    edited October 2014
    @hollmb‌ holy crap man I don't know if you didn't see her original post or not but she was asking for opinions on whether she should take her dermals in her face out or not. I didn't just randomly comment about her needing to taking her piercings out. I was sharing only my personal experience and the whole "soccer mom" comment I followed up with a JK in case you missed that cuz I was just kidding when I made that comment hence the JK Im not trying to start drama but I think your comment was a little hasty. And if you didn't also notice @kellbell1982‌ "loveit"ed (i don't know how to say that lol) the comment so she was obviously fine with the comment and in no way offended. Hopefully maybe you go back and find what she originally posted and maybe you will understand what I said better before you automatically jump down my throat for no reason. on another note I have no problem with piercings. I wish I could still rock mine because I loved them for as long as I had them. Im sure there are plenty of mom's on here with those type of piercing and I say hey if you can still rock them then i am all for it!!! All I was saying was my personal opinion was that I had just outgrown them. And I think she looks great with or without them. Just sharing my personal feelings on it. Not trying to be nasty and really don't wanna turn this into a thing just thought I would maybe clarify myself a little. Hopefully I didn't offend you. I didn't mean to at all. (Again sorry for the book meh :-\)
    I had read her initial post before I replied to yours and it still doesn't change the fact that I fundamentally disagree with everything you said in your comment. I didn't jump down your throat for no reason, I jumped down your throat for sounding intolerant and judgmental. If you were trying to say "if you can still rock them then I'm all for it" then you failed completely. In fact you said that you had to take them out and "grow up a little" as well as admitted that you openly judge older people with piercings. Even completely ignoring the statement you "JK"ed later, to me that is the polar opposite of what you're claiming to have said. 
    Whether or not @kellbell1982 is offended is irrelevant. I wasn't speaking for her, I was speaking for myself as I was personally offended. To me it isn't any different than any of the other issues regarding physical appearance that people here argue so vehemently.
    I stand by my statement and I think that you should try to practice more tolerance or at the very least think twice about something before you say it if you are in fact completely in denial of the overall tone of your initial post. 

    Edit - I now see that you apologized for potentially offending. I appreciate that. I also do not wish to start a huge fight here, I just get really ruffled easily when people practice tolerance selectively, in some areas and not others.
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  • JenLa21 said:

    The moon is spectacular this morning.

    I'm also a Disney fanatic, we're going to see Mickey in 9 weeks!!! I can't wait, we took DS when he was 14 months old and he LOVED IT! Hopefully he still loves it after turning 2. A friend posted this pic yesterday, and I think I'm totally stealing her idea.

    Love that idea! We just went to Disney in August & my son had goofy sign his stuffed animal on the bottom of his foot. It was so cute. He also got his hat singed by everyone, he loved it!
  • So this happened today. My ass. It hurts like whoa. Why did no one tell me about this indignity?!? I'm only 15.4 too; Dr. Google says tailbone pain will only get worse!!!

    Well-behaved women rarely make history.

    BFP #1 ~ 4.29.11 | Blighted Ovum 6.2.11 | D&C 6.9.11
    DX Unicornuate Uterus 4.12
    BFP #2 ~ 10.12.12 | m/c 11.25.12 | D&C 2.8.13

    BFP #3 ~ 12.11.13 | heartbeat ~12.20 :) | no heartbeat ~12.27 | D&C 1.6.14

    BFP #4 ~ 7.20.14 | EDD 3.29.15 | heartbeat x2 eeek! ~ 8.4 | heard heartbeat-120 ~ 8.8 |

     11.6.14 Courtland Jeremiah & Landon Joseph born sleeping

  • Guys, that bad news NT scan thread is a zombie and I'm not sure what OP's end results were and thus am not sure we should be posting on it.

    @chaysefaith ?
  • janda426 said:
    Can STMs or anyone explain this to me. If you're "measuring ahead" your due date does not change correct? You shouldn't deliver much earlier than your due date right, you're just bigger? This chick I follow on IG was induced at 34 weeks because she was "measuring 5 weeks ahead." Then her son had to spend 2 weeks in NICU cause he was too small. She's pregnant again and is talking about being induced at 37 weeks because she's "measuring ahead" again. Im fully aware I may not have the whole story but based on the info she's divulging it seems kinda unsafe. I feel like she would've learned her lesson from last time about being induced too early and how maybe your belly is just bigger and the baby isn't necessarily ready to come out? I'm a FTM so not an expert obvi but yeah. Just a random observation.
    This does not sound right at all. In my last pregnancy, I went from measuring right on schedule to suddenly measuring like 3 weeks ahead. As a result, my doctor ordered an ultrasound to see if anything was going on. It was determined that baby was fine and no worries to be had, went on to 40+ weeks and kid was only 7lbs6oz at birth. 

    All that to say, if she was "measuring ahead", and they were concerned enough to discuss an induction, they would more than likely do an u/s to look at baby and see what was up. I do not think any reputable doc would just go and order induction at 34 weeks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Pregnancy Ticker
    image <3 Suzyq 
  • Back story: I haven't driven since we were in a car accident a few weeks ago, and every time I'm in the car with DH I feel super nervous and anxious. I've never liked driving since we moved to NC from North Dakota. I find the drivers here seriously intimidating, and the car accident has not helped anything.  I'm not working so I really have no reason to leave during the day anyways. 

    Tonight: I was craving tacos thanks to this board, and I asked DH if we could go out for dinner to satisfy said taco craving. He said we could go only if I drive because he is tired of being the one to always drive us. This led to a huge fight because I feel like he isn't being sensitive to my feelings at all. I ended up having a gross frozen dinner instead. 

    So lay it on me. Am I being ridiculous for being scared to drive? 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Yeah who knows the rest of that story. Hopefully her baby is okay. I can just imagine though so many moms being told "oh look at that, no need to wait the last 6 weeks the baby is a super grower!" If that's anywhere near the case with this guy Id be afraid.
  • No no no no to the HDBD resurrection by a J(une)15.
  • @hollmb‌ yes I did apologize because like I can see where your coming from really I can. And I can admit when I have made a mistake. I know how I wanted my response to sound in my head and it sounded fine but you know how texts and such are devoid of all emotion. The only thing you have to show emotion is smiley faces and quotations I guess. I did not mean it to sound judgemental what so ever and even hesitated to put the line in there about "growing up" mostly cuz I didn't want it to be taken as me saying "you need to grow up and take your piercings out" which im sure it prob did for real I see that. The "older people with piercings" comment may have been uncalled for and I apologize for that. That should not have been in there. I apologize for the way it sounded. I only wanted to share my personal experience which is why I decided to take my piercings out and it came across wrong in what I said and I am sorry for that. And the soccer mom/pta comment I really was trying to just make a joke and make light of that stereotype cuz I in no way identify myself as such. I really do feel as though if you can still rock them and feel comfortable in your own skin doing so then im all for it. Really all I was trying to do was say in your life at the moment if the piercings suit your lifestyle then go for it but in my life at the time they didn't and I don't regret my decision to take them out. I really am sorry if what I said offended you and am glad we can squash this without any drama starting. (And again it's a book, sorry sorry)
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    March 15' January Siggy Callenge: Animals Being Jerks
    photo jerks_zpsk4p1dtwb.gif

    photo candle_zpslg8yegqf.gif
    For @suzyq0525 and all of our other M15 loss moms
  • Guys I just pinned a bunch more homemade baby food recipes. I just got ridiculously excited about being able to make baby food again. I'm a weird one.

    Not weird at all. I LOVE making baby food.
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  • blinksmbblinksmb member
    edited October 2014
    @hollmb‌ yes I did apologize because like I can see where your coming from really I can. And I can admit when I have made a mistake. I know how I wanted my response to sound in my head and it sounded fine but you know how texts and such are devoid of all emotion. The only thing you have to show emotion is smiley faces and quotations I guess. I did not mean it to sound judgemental what so ever and even hesitated to put the line in there about "growing up" mostly cuz I didn't want it to be taken as me saying "you need to grow up and take your piercings out" which im sure it prob did for real I see that. The "older people with piercings" comment may have been uncalled for and I apologize for that. That should not have been in there. I apologize for the way it sounded. I only wanted to share my personal experience which is why I decided to take my piercings out and it came across wrong in what I said and I am sorry for that. And the soccer mom/pta comment I really was trying to just make a joke and make light of that stereotype cuz I in no way identify myself as such. I really do feel as though if you can still rock them and feel comfortable in your own skin doing so then im all for it. Really all I was trying to do was say in your life at the moment if the piercings suit your lifestyle then go for it but in my life at the time they didn't and I don't regret my decision to take them out. I really am sorry if what I said offended you and am glad we can squash this without any drama starting. (And again it's a book, sorry sorry)
    It happens, no irreparable harm done! We're all adults here :)
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  • wendyld said:

    Or lying. I have a hard time believing any OB would induce at 34 weeks for what is essentially, a cconvenience. There are plenty of reasons to induce then: IUGR, eclampsia, etc. but size isn't one of them. I'm also not buying that someone was really measuring a full 5 weeks ahead.
    I was measuring an average of 3-5w ahead with Owen. And he was big for his age. But big=/= ready. He was born at 33w5d because of PTL and distress and he was 5lbs4oz. He still spent 18 days in the NICU because he wasn't ready. It doesn't matter that full term babies can be 5lbs.
    TTC #1 June 2010
    1/3/11 S/A - Count 45; Motility 32; Morph 4.3 - 2/10/11 - S/A Count 17mil; Motility 39; Morph 7.9
    1/5/11 Femara Cycle #1 = BFN  2/4/11 Femara Cycle #2 = BFP: 3/4/11 - Starting Progesterone suppositories 
    Beta#1 15DPO = 108; Beta#2 17DPO = 179; Beta#3 18DPO = 259; Beta 4# 20DPO =659!!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    TTC#2 Pulled goalie 5/12, PPAF 3/13, BFP 6/27 Beta 15DPO=248! 
    Dx Severe Hydrocephalus and severe Dandy Walker Cyst.   Stillborn 10/19/13
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    TTC#3 - (No preventing, TTC+progesterone starting 12/13)
    4/7/14 CD3 BW - FSH 5.6; AMH 0.469 - 4/11/14 S/A Count 35, Motility 47, Morph 1.5
    4/16/14 - Cycle 6 - Natural IUI - Beta 12DPIUI = 3; Beta 13DPIUI=4.  15DPIUI=6. 17DPIU=4. Chemical Pregnancy  
    TTC #4
    5/5/14 Dx MTHFR homozygous A1298C, Benched 1 cycle HSG 5/14 both tubes open w/scarring on the left   
    5/28/14 Starting clomid 6/8/14 IUI #2 1 dominant follicle 31mm Beta 11DPIUI =4, 15DPIUI = 74, 17DPIUI = 165 
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers
  • suzyq0525 said:

    Thanks for the tough love. Looking back at what I wrote I know I sound absolutely ridiculous. I guess I'll be driving my ass to get tacos tomorrow for lunch (there are fewer cars on the road then ;) ).

    I think driving somewhere when you don't HAVE to be somewhere is a great start. Just take a leisurely drive for tacos, baby steps, and it will start to feel normal again.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • hollmb said:


    I would like to think so but sometimes on here I question that a bit. Some people either start up drama just to start shit or just argue to argue. I read something's sometimes and im just like omg you got called out and your wrong let it the hell go!! Thanks for understanding :-) I really am sorry for the way it came across.
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    March 15' January Siggy Callenge: Animals Being Jerks
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    For @suzyq0525 and all of our other M15 loss moms
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