March 2015 Moms

The first rule of The Bump...We do not talk about The Bump!! (randomness)

drudolph11drudolph11 member
edited October 2014 in March 2015 Moms
Yup we have had the movie references going so I thought I would continue!

Let's get the randoms on....
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For @suzyq0525 and all of our other M15 loss moms

Re: The first rule of The Bump...We do not talk about The Bump!! (randomness)

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  • @RQuinlin‌ thanks! I went to the Christmas party last year with a girlfriend, but my mom loves Halloween, and has been dying to go! She hasn't been to Disney in 23 years, so I'm so excited to show her how freaking amazing it is! I'm so excited for the new Haunted Mansion merch store. I'm going to buy them out.
    BFP 7/10/14--EDD 3/17/15

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The moon is spectacular this morning.

    I'm also a Disney fanatic, we're going to see Mickey in 9 weeks!!! I can't wait, we took DS when he was 14 months old and he LOVED IT! Hopefully he still loves it after turning 2. A friend posted this pic yesterday, and I think I'm totally stealing her idea.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • @ettamichele‌ do you live in Orlando? Just asking because I do. I haven't been to not so scary in a couple of years, looking forward to going once this little one comes out and gets a little older. I'm looking forward to finally going to food & wine this weekend.
    For SuzyQ0525 and all the loss moms.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    March 2015 Siggy Challenge - Animals being jerks


  • @bakingmama123‌ I live in Fort Lauderdale, so about 3 hours from Disney. I was supposed to be running the Food and Wine Half in November, but seeing as I'm KU and was too sick to run for months, I had to defer for next year. Have fun!
    BFP 7/10/14--EDD 3/17/15

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I don't think I wanna do our halloween party this year. I bought custom invitations but the more I think about it the more I don't feel like planning and hosting a party. Plus we'd have to clean the garage out. Ugh

    Also I have something called vocal cord dysfunction which is where my vocal cords don't always open to allow air to flow through when I breathe in. Usually exercise or stress induced. It's been flaring up bad lately and I'm so sick of it. Like no doctor I talk to even knows what this is I guess cause they're all too dumb to look it up except for the doctor who diagnosed me who doesn't even work for that practice anymore. I'm so tired of it and I just want to breathe without having to make myself yawn. I'm trying to find a specialist who deals with this and of course the only thing coming up online is Cleveland clinic which is obviously not close to me /bitch
  • @drudolph11‌ wow! Two weeks is rough. I hadn't since Sunday, but it wasn't a big deal because I haven't kept down food.

    @almeyer2013‌ that is so exciting! I tried getting the techs pity yesterday and explaining to her that we were supposed to find out the sexes, but had to cancel since I was admitted to the hospital. It sort of worked but not enough for her to look for the sexes. She did give me a brief glimpse of the babies though and that made me happy. The ultrasound was for my pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys.
  • Morning everyone!

    My students are back today after five days off so they are going to be wild. I'm sleepy and so not looking forward to it! I missed them though so hopefully they can settle back in quickly.
  • JM0848 said:


    My H wants to go to a winter training in Finland for 5 days at the beginning of February. We'd have to pay 50 Euro for him to attend, plus the airfare to get him to Finland (around $250). It's a great opportunity for him- working with a partner nation and learning more specifically about how winter conditions affect the fight hand on instead of a textbook.

    I'd be 36 weeks at the time of the training. WWYD? I'm leaning towards no, but this is a really great opportunity for him.

    How far away is finland from you? Sorry don't know if you're US or not. I highly doubt you'd be going into labor at that point but maybe that late in the game have a back up plan for how he'd be getting home if there was an emergency.
  • janda426 said:

    How far away is finland from you? Sorry don't know if you're US or not. I highly doubt you'd be going into labor at that point but maybe that late in the game have a back up plan for how he'd be getting home if there was an emergency.
    I think JM is in Germany. I'd say go, but only if you are able to communicate with him throughout and he can leave during the training without penalty if you need him.
  • edited October 2014
    @janda426‌ that sucks, I'm sorry. I've had my fair share of doctors not believe me. I doubt I'd have he motivation to plan a Halloween party, but maybe it'll take your mind off things? Or just leave it up to your husband and just show up lol

    @almeyer2013 good luck today!

  • @drudolph11 I've been waiting for Blended to come to Redbox! I almost looked the other day, but DH is out of town so I thought to myself, I'll wait for him, cuz I'm so cute and nice like that. I'm glad you liked it, maybe we'll get it tonight! :)

    @katydid2014‌ I've had to wake up in the 5:00 hour the last 2 days, and it's crap! I am so not a morning person. My son doesn't even wake up before 8 usually. He knows better haha.

    @janda426‌ do you think you'll regret it come party night, if you decide not to do the Halloween Party? I would totally be boo-hooing my decision after the fact. We've had a small parties the last 2 years, but DH doesn't want to this year, and I'm sad about it. But I guess if I had to clean out my garage, I wouldn't want to do it. Good luck with finding a specialist, that sounds really annoying :(
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • @finallyourturn2 - I'm glad you didn't have to go through the surgery, but really sorry you're going through all this...hoping you get to leave soon and get back home, rest, and feel much better. Love the souvenirs ;)
  • edited October 2014
    God damnit my gifs won't work.

    In other news I can't stop eating pop tarts. Their sugar cookies one came back out and I think I have a problem...
  • pmv81 said:

    Since we just registered & I can't stop editing...I've been debating "to pack n play or not to pack n play". I'm going back through the "STM" thread with advice on what is a must or bust and it's much less overwhelming now! Loving all the feedback in that thread. 

    Hope everyone has great days & good luck to those with appointments! 

    18w today!!
    I love the pack n play. DS slept in it in our room for a while, and now and then when he's sick, he'll sleep in there so we can keep a closer eye on him. It also comes in handy as a spot to plunk them down while you go to the bathroom, or if you must shower when they're awake, and don't want to use the crib. It's also nice to have something portable to bring with you when you go away, or when the baby sleeps at the grandparents house or wherever else.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Happy birthday @ToasterCat‌!

    @MrsLaurenandDan‌ Congrats on passing your milestone!!

    I hope everyone has great appointments today :)
  • Happy Birthday @ToasterCat‌!

    Congrats on the milestone @MrsLaurenandDan‌!

    My friend texted me last night about one of her friends who just had a baby boy. She named him Jaxton.
  • Congrats to @MrsLaurenandDan‌ !
    Happy birthday @ToasterCat‌
    Yay for all the ladies having their a/s today!!
    @JM0848‌ / agree with PPs, if he can get home quickly if needed and if someone can stay/help you go for it!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • Also, congratulations. @MrsLaurenandDan‌ !!!!

    Good luck to everyone today with their a/s! Come back with stories and pictures.
  • Thanks ladies who sent positive vibes for today's scan. I am taking a German chocolate cake with the results written on the top to my grandpas this evening... I am really just wanting the cake now for breakfast.

    In other news I was just checking the March15 board on the what to expect app and came across this little gem.

    I guess we know where they all go to blow sparkles and smoke up each other's asses.

    I love lurking over there I haven't in awhile but I always seem to find one person I want to recruit lol I lurk in feb tho cause that was my birth month group before I found my haggard trolls
    autism photo: AUTISM autismglitter.gifBabyFruit Tickerphoto d61f26e5-4fb2-4a0b-b301-b0af2b53d4d3.jpg
  • @Darbie914‌ @totesmcgotes‌ I hope it gets better! You guys have me scared, we are looking to start trying potty training as DD is showing curiosity in the toilet. And she just moved to the big toddler room where they have open toilets and many of the kids are potty trained so it's a good atmosphere. I got the Everything Potty Training Book to try to learn how to start, any good resources you'd recommend? I honestly have no clue how to start and don't want to make it harder by doing it wrong.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • @MrsLaurenandDan Congrats on passing your milestone!

    My random is my dream last night. I dreamt I needed an eye transplant and my egg donor gave me her eyes! It was hella creepy looking in the mirror and seeing someone else's eyes on my face. And then I needed her legs too! So now my donor is out there somewhere without her eyes and legs because I needed them? WTF?!?!?!


  • Sorry I birthday slored all over the place again @FrecklesInside‌ . I got excited and blew my proverbial cake wad. I do love my some toasty Kitteh.
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