Trying to Get Pregnant

IF Testing and Treatment w/o 8.24

This is a place for those of us who have already started TTC, but have started infertility testing and/or treatments. You can express your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations on infertility. TTC can be a long journey naturally, then add in the difficulties associated with infertility, and it becomes a whole new ball game. The road to infertility can be lonely, frustrating, and complicated, so let's make this a place where we can vent, ask questions, and support one another. Feel free to resurrect this thread at any point in the week if you have something to say. Treat this as an ongoing conversation. 

Diagnosis (if you've been): 

Status (WTO/TWW/TTA):

What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): 

How are things going?: 

Any questions?:

GTKY: What is your favorite way to treat and/or pamper yourself?

Re: IF Testing and Treatment w/o 8.24

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    @kpearse99 Hugs, friend! Hope the short break was cathartic! 💓💓💓

    @emeraldduchess Thinking of you this morning!!! 

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    @emeraldduchess thinking about you today friend!! Hope everything goes smoothly and painlessly, and they get as many little eggies as possible!!! 

    @kpearse99 Ouch to your hamstring, what did you doooo?

    @misshelen86 bummer about your manager, she sounded really supportive. Hopefully the new one will have your back as well! Glad you're feeling good about moving on to IVF <3  we're all rooting for you too!!
    @akoros Woooo for AF saving the day. Sorry your weekend was so blah, I hope this week is already looking up for you. That "unexplained" dx is so hard, and it's so easy to fall down that rabbithole of 'what-ifs' but you didn't cause your MC and none of this is your fault <3  you sound like you're in great hands and you're your own best advocate so this is a new cycle, and hopefully you're setting off on a better path to your THB. Hugs!

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

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    @misshelen86 Isn't not actively TTC so freeing?!?! I hope you enjoy that massage tomorrow, you deserve it! And I"m sorry to hear about your manager leaving, ugh! I'm sure all will work out though <3

    @akoros Being in funks are the worst, especially when you don't even really know or understand why you're in one. I'm glad you're feeling better and happier now though!!

    @kiki047 That GIF is spot on and hilarious! haha I honestly think it's from the extra workouts I've been doing (DH would 100% tell you that I've been pushing myself too hard, but I disagree haha). It's so weird though because I was so happy and thinking that the strength training and focus on my legs has actually made my hamstrings stronger but then last week my left one started really hurting, like even when I'm just sitting on the couch at the end of the day, and the pain and discomfort has been radiating to my left hip too. It feels really tight and restrictive like it needs to "pop" and that's how it felt so many years ago when I had scans done and saw the orthopedic. They said it was torn pretty badly and almost detached. It took several months of PT and a few weeks of steroids for it to finally feel better... For now I'll just keep rolling the back of my leg and under my butt check on the roller and stretching it out as much as I can, I guess.

    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1: May 2011
    BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
    DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

    TTC #2: September 2018
    Me: 36 | DH: 39
    Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
    BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
    July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
    August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
    9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
    10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
    11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
    3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
    11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

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    @kiki047 I know it feels far away but it's basically in 2 weeks!! It will be here before you know it.... I just your raging psycho-ness tames itself soon haha I agree, time away with DH (just as a couple) is the greatest thing!! I love that you and YH have that wonderful bond!! <3
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1: May 2011
    BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
    DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

    TTC #2: September 2018
    Me: 36 | DH: 39
    Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
    BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
    July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
    August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
    9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
    10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
    11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
    3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
    11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

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    @emeraldduchess I'd say you certainly earned that smoothie, netflix and a nap!!! Take it easy, girl!! What an amazing number of 29 eggs!!!! woohoo!!!!
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1: May 2011
    BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
    DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

    TTC #2: September 2018
    Me: 36 | DH: 39
    Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
    BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
    July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
    August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
    9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
    10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
    11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
    3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
    11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

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    @emeraldduchess That’s an amazing number of eggs! Woohoo! Hope you get some rest, some food, & heal quickly.💗💗💗
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    Don't have time for a full post today so just doing a drive-by to say woohoo to @emeraldduchess! Way to go ovaries! Hope you are resting and getting spoiled today <3
    *TTC History*

    Me: 37, MH: 38; Married August 2017

    TTC #1 October 2017: BFP on 12/1/2017, DD born 7/24/2018 @ 37+1 after induction due to preeclampsia

    TTC #2 January 2020: AMA, dx with DOR in May 2020

    IVF July 2020: 16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 12 fertilized, 3 blasts, 2 PGT-A normal

    FET 10/7/20: BFP on 10/12/20!!! (EDD 6/25/21); First beta 10/16/20 (9dpt): 148; Second beta 10/19/20 (12dpt): 621; Third beta 10/26/20 (19dpt): 4732; Fourth (and final!) beta 11/2/20 (26 dpt): 22,000+

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    @kpearse99 welcome back friend! I hope your brief break helped. I'm so sorry that you're world outside of TTC is so stressful at the moment. Hope your hamstring feels better! That's just what you need right now, huh? Glad you're feeling more like yourself today!

    @misshelen86 I'm so excited for your treatment to start in 2 weeks! For me it wasn't nearly as complicated as I thought it would be. That's tough about your manager leaving, though. Hopefully her replacement will be approachable and willing to accommodate your treatment schedule!

    @akoros glad your body seems to be doing what it should! I'm sorry you and your doc aren't seeing eye to eye on your test result and your recent loss. That would make me anxious, too. 

    @kiki047 I am SO excited for your FET!! I hope the time flies by! That spa near you sounds amazing. I don't like massages but the jacuzzis and giant recliners would be heavenly! 

    @gingermama29 I am so proud of you for advocating for yourself with your PCP. Being open and honest about your mental health takes a LOT of guts. Glad she validated your feelings and was supportive. 
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    @inthewoods23 that gif has me in stitches! I almost fell out of bed when they told me. 
    I'm glad that you had a good talk with your PCP about your anxiety and the possibility of meds. 
    As for the other thing you mentioned today...*TW*
    I am so, so sorry you got that news about your sister lapping you. That sucks so much. Obviously it's not a competition but it's so unfair to see others have multiple babies in the time you're still trying for one. Scream all you want, feel how you need to feel. We get it. Every time I get a text alert from my SIL I am afraid that she'll tell us she's KU again. I hope that your sister will be sensitive to your feelings when she talks about it and shares things. 
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    @emeraldduchess that number was totally unexpected! It always seems like those on that high of a dose of meds get so few, but I'm so happy that wasn't the case for you! Are you getting updates on day 3 and 5?
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
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    @kpearse99 missed you last week, but happy to hear the break did you well. Also sorry about your hamstring. That sounds pretty painful and I'm cringing as I write this. 

    @misshelen86 enjoy your NTFP as you await your IVF cycle! I think I must have missed it... did you decide to go straight to IVF given YH post-wash sperm count at the IUI? 

    @akoros Yay AF! I always chuckle at how heartily we celebrate something we usually don't want to show up. I'm sorry the call with MFM left you feeling anxious. As @kiki047said though... you did not cause your MC. Be gentle to your self. 💜

    @kiki047 Sep 8! Wow... so soon! (Yet so far away!) Are you doing anything relaxing to try and counter the Estrace?I hope the PIO shot go well; that's the thing I fear most about IF treatments, if we ever get to them. 


    (besides that, same question as @inthewoods23 ... when is the next update?)

    @gingermama29 C'mon high temp! 🤞🏻I said it in the dailies, but I'll say it again here: thanks for being transparent about how you're handing your mental health. 

    @inthewoods23 What's the next steps for you? Are you continuing with the 2nd opinion RE? What's next there. As for *TW*
    Gah! I am so sorry to hear that. Was she sensitive about the delivery of that information? Hugs to you. 

    TTC History
    Me: 40.5; MH: 39 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020
    TTC #2 ... preparing as of March 2024

    TTC #1
    Me: 36, MH: 34 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020
    TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022
    2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis
    07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis
    07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment
    07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS
    08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA
    09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
    09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required
    10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN
    10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic
    11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN
    11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
    12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN
    01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN
    02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing 
    03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️
    04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN
    04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance
    05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF
    05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH. 
    06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded
    07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid
    08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d
    09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid
    11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation
    12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN
    01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN
    02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity
    03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022
    05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering... 
    06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022
    07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023

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    edited August 2020
    Diagnosis (if you've been): RE says it's "unexplained". NaPro called it Late Luteal Phase Defect. PCOS dx at age of 25 though; and some mild MFI in there too. 

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): WFAF

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): just received our IUI protocol for this cycle coming up; currently WFAF, wondering how long it'll take before she shows up. This had been my first cycle taking progesterone, so I have no idea how my body reacted to it. 

    How are things going?: Had a bit of a mental breakdown yesterday; the fact that my body isn't doing the things it's supposed to be doing. I thought that I was mentally prepared for this -- given my shady menstrual history, I always knew something was "wrong". But I was still hoping for the best. And I've also been super open with my friends about our fertility journey, claiming that "I'm on a mission to educate / inform so that we can break the silos", and I realized that while I was "informing" my friends about where we are in the process, and the testing we're doing, and the costs associated, blah blah, I wasn't really sharing with them how it was making me feel. And the reality is that I feel like my body betrayed me. So, I had a bit of cry yesterday. Then talked w/ DH about it and he reminded me that during IUI orientation, they talked about free counseling resources. So, this morning I e-mailed the clinic asking how I can book myself in. 

    I'm also nervous about not knowing when AF will show up. We still have to do consent form signing w/ the nurse, prior to starting treatment, but she was OOO today, and at this point I'm hoping she can get us booked in either for tomorrow or Wed but before AF shows up. Otherwise we might miss out on this cycle... 🙀

    Any questions?: My protocol calls for 100mg of Clomid which I find is really it not high? Also, the standard protocol is only 1 u/s on Day 10, but there's an * saying that additional u/s might be required. For those of you with IUI experience, was more than 1 u/s required? How big do follicles have to be when they trigger? Finally... has anyone had an IUI cancelled because of too many follicles? I think that's what I'm worried about the most. Oh, and do folks generally stop posting to dailies when IF treatment starts? I feel like posting to (especially) WTO might be irrelevant since O will be "fabricated".

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to treat and/or pamper yourself? Oh man, definitely a day at a Scandinavian style spa (which I haven't come across in the US yet!); must include champagne and assorted cheeses and a book. 
    TTC History
    Me: 40.5; MH: 39 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020
    TTC #2 ... preparing as of March 2024

    TTC #1
    Me: 36, MH: 34 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020
    TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022
    2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis
    07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis
    07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment
    07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS
    08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA
    09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
    09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required
    10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN
    10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic
    11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN
    11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
    12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN
    01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN
    02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing 
    03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️
    04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN
    04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance
    05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF
    05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH. 
    06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded
    07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid
    08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d
    09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid
    11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation
    12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN
    01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN
    02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity
    03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022
    05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering... 
    06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022
    07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023

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    @acleverusername the geothermal spas of Iceland was probably my favorite part of our honeymoon there! We didn't do much other than sit in the water, but it felt amazing! My next steps is to call when AF arrives. We'll redo the baseline BW and DH's SA to see how everything looks and then move into an IUI the following cycle. Now that I'm on medication, I want to give that some time to work before even attempting another FET. It likely wouldn't be for 2 months when I call the first clinic back anyway. Maybe longer with covid going on. My previous IUIs they had me come in for the first US on CD12. IUIs 2 and 3 had follicles ready that day (they like to see it at least 20mm) but my first one I had an additional US and triggered around my usual O date of CD17. That was with Letrozole. Based on the size (or sizes) at the first US, they'll calculate how many days it will be for the follicle(s) to grow to the required size and have you come back for another US. They typically grow 1-2mm a day so that 2nd US was scheduled for like, 3 days later or something. Don't quite remember. There's no rule that you shouldn't post to the dailies doing IF treatments. Some of us don't join in there, others do - whatever your preference is!
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • Options
    edited August 2020
    @inthewoods23 I responded pretty well to the letrozole when I did medicated cycles (to the point where they warned me during one cycles I could have high-order multiples). But since none of those cycles resulted in a BFP, I am concerned about egg/sperm quality. But I do know that the more eggs, the more likely we'll get a few good ones! Doing ICSI can only help, too. DH is feeling better about that now. His ego was a little bruised yesterday when I told him his sample wasn't the best. He wanted to call the IVF lab and request a "do-over". Pretty sure it doesn't work that way!

    @acleverusername they said they'll call me this afternoon with an update about how many eggs fertilized and I assume we will continue to get updates on Day 3 and 5/6. We're going to freeze the embryos and have them biopsied because I am AMA and *TW* we have had 2 losses, one at 5 weeks and one CP. End TW* I know that there is a huge drop off between Days 1, 3, and 5, so I am prepared for that. If anyone follows Amy Schumer on Instagram, she wrote about her IVF experience and shared how she got 35 eggs to start with, but in the end she has 1 normal embryo and 2 mosaic. 
    I think we can all relate to how you're feeling right now about your body betraying you. So many hugs. It's incredibly frustrating when you're told your whole life that everyone's reproductive system works a certain way (thanks, middle/high school health class) and when yours doesn't, it's a major blow. 

    ETA: Anyone have tips on managing the post-retrieval bloat? I'm certainly feeling it today! 
  • Options
    @emeraldduchess I definitely think ICSI helped our fertilization rate. They watched 15 of 17 in the following days. Yeah, you definitely can't exactly wait around for 2 days for YH to build up sperm again 😆 those eggs would be no more. Keep us updated!
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • Options
    @gingermama29 I think it's amazing how you advocated yourself to your PCP!! I'm so proud of you for speaking up about how you've been feeling!

    @inthewoods23 Yes, an hour massage is NEVER enough!! Since I don't go too frequently I now book the ones for 90 minutes... that's where it's at!! 

    @emeraldduchess So glad you're not in pain! I hope today continues that way for you!  Also, I believe you have an interview today?!?! So, good luck, friend!!!

    @acleverusername Hey friend!! I think 100mg does sound high but I also only did one cycle on clomid, the others were on letrozole. I pretty much always had 2 ultrasound/monitoring appointments with my IUI cycles. I went in on CD 10 or 12 (I can't remember) and my follies were always growing nicely but I typically needed to go back the next day or two for another one to make sure they kept getting bigger. Then I would trigger that night and IUI in another two days. If everything looks good for you on CD 10 then you won't need to come back for another. Mine on CD 10 were always at like 16mm and my RE wanted them to be at least 18mm before telling me to trigger. So when I went back in the next day or two they were then above 20mm! I never had a cancelled IUI due to too many follies, I had 3 mature ones at one point and other smaller ones but mostly had 2 mature follies and smaller ones to tag along. I did have one cancelled IUI due to my follies shrinking though! That was a mess of a cycle!
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1: May 2011
    BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
    DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

    TTC #2: September 2018
    Me: 36 | DH: 39
    Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
    BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
    July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
    August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
    9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
    10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
    11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
    3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
    11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

  • Options
    @kpearse99 thank you! Yes, I have one this morning and another one tomorrow. Someone called me to schedule an interview while I was in the OR, so I woke up to a missed call/voicemail notification. Haha. I waited until the anesthesia wore off completely to call them back, though.  :D Loopy Emerald, while tons of fun, is not the first impression I wanted to give!
  • Options
    edited August 2020
    Diagnosis (if you've been): Secondary Unexplained Infertility

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA): TWW - however, today is 12DPO and BFN this morning

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?): Letrozole, Ovidrel trigger shot and timed intercourse

    How are things going?: Not looking too promising since BFN this morning but we'll see if AF comes. This was second round using Ovidrel, not sure if we'll have to go the IUI route this time. I am a little bummed because I had some good follicles I was working with this month so I was feeling hopeful!

    Any questions?: Any other success stories with Letrozole + Ovidrel + TI? 

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to treat and/or pamper yourself? Definitely a spa day...nothing more relaxing in my book!
  • Options
    @acleverusername I have not done IUI but I can tell you that my Letrozole dose is four 2.5mg tablets a day for five days. That is up from 3 the month before because I only had one small follicle that month. This dosage got me 2 big follicles and 2 pretty decent ones to work with. DH and I did timed intercourse and doctor still had my trigger on day 12 with these follicle sizes:

    25.5, 18, 13.5 and 11

    Although I have heard of canceling a cycle for too many, I was happy that was not the case for me. I'm in TWW but had a BFN today, 12 DPO, so even with quite a few follicles I've still had trouble.

    As for ultrasounds, I always have a midcycle ultrasound somewhere around day 12. I had to have a repeat ultrasound in July two days after the first because I only had one small-ish follicle and they wanted to see if it grew before allowing me to trigger.
  • Options
    misshelen86misshelen86 member
    edited August 2020
    @akoros Yay for af arriving! Glad to hear that you are in a better place now. Mac n cheese sounds like a great way to treat yourself!

     @kiki047 Yay! Your FET is just around the corner!! Right at the same time I’ll be starting IVF. So excited for you! Would your H be willing to give you the IM injection? I feel like it would be really difficult to do an IM yourself in the butt.

     @emeraldduchess WOW!! That’s an amazing number! Glad you’re feeling okay other than bloated. Were you expecting that many eggs based on your follie count or was it a surprise?

     @gingermama29 Glad you are taking control of your mental health!

     @inthewoods23 So sorry to hear about your sister. Your feelings are totally valid and if you need to avoid her for now that is okay! Glad you are taking steps to optimize your mental health.

     @acleverusername Yes we decided based on his post-wash count.. it’s not the first time he’s had a super low count so my Dr wasn’t optimistic that his count would ever be good enough for success with IUI. Glad to hear you are moving ahead with IUI.. I totally understand the mixed emotions. I recommend counseling.. I see someone pretty much once a month. For my IUI, I did 2 ultrasounds since my follies were too small on the first one. They generally want them to be 18-20 mm before triggering. It’s a really weird feeling when the meds kick in.. the Dr. Scanned my right ovary first and said there was nothing there. I told him I was pretty sure there was something going on with the left side because I could feel lots of twinges. Sure enough, I had 3 on that side.. but in the end just 2 mature ones.

     @babyfeverbeliever Welcome to our group.. hope your stay here is short. Sorry for your BFN!

    *Edited for formatting 
    Me: 35 DH: 35
    TTC since 9/2018
    Dx: MFI
    10/19- First RE visit
    2/20- DH had surgery for bilateral varicoceles 
    7/20- IUI with 5 mg letrozole- BFN
    9/20- IVF. 9 eggs retrieved, 9 mature, 8 fertilized with ICSI, 7 blasts, 4 PGT-A normal
    11/20- Mock transfer/ERA
    12/20- FET #1- transferred one 4AB- BFN
    3/21- FET #2- transferred one 3AB- BFP! Due Dec 2021
    12/21- Baby girl born!

  • Options
    @emeraldduchess WOW girl, 29 eggs is amazing!! Way to be an overachiever. So happy for you! Will be anxiously awaiting your update later today!! Also GL on your interviews this week, hope you knock those out of the park too! <3  Drink lots of fluids, try to stay away from really sugary stuff (and especially artificial sweeteners), carbonated drinks and heavy starches. 

    @gingermama29 *hugs* friend, I'm glad you were able to talk to your PCP. There is no shame in taking something for your anxiety. MH has been on Zoloft for a few years now and it is just the right amount of support for him to be able to function without the crushing weight of his anxiety hanging over his head. I hope it helps ease some of that for you too! 
    @kpearse99 thank you, lol, MH thanks you too. I'm less 'raging' these days and just regular psycho :lol:  Only two more weeks of this....... just wait til we add in the PIO, yikes! He has a major needle-phobia so he's been "practicing" by pinching my butt lately and that is NOT helping my mood LOL. Men! 

    @inthewoods23 Ohhh I just teared up reading your update. No, sister, why?! I'm so, so sorry. It's so unfair, and you have every right to be upset. MH is on Wellbutrin but he's never been pregnant (lol) so no useful anecdotal evidence here. He does feel better when he's on it, especially in combination with the zoloft. 
    @acleverusername omg that egg gif had me cracking up :lol: I'm so sorry you had a tough day yesterday. I have always struggled with my boundaries and how/when/what I shared with those in my inner circle. I think everyone close to us (and then also anyone my big-mouth mother talks to) knows we're doing IVF but basically nobody asks us about it so we feel like they might as well not know. My TB ladies have been my lifeline these last 2 years and I'd be lost without them. YGPM about my IUI experience. Oh, and next time you're back in Canada they're opening up another Scandinavian spa about 20mins north of us and I'm sooo excited. I think their opening is majorly delayed due to covid but I'm stoked it'll be so close. 
    @babyfeverbeliever hi there, welcome! So sorry for your BFN this morning. 
    @misshelen86 so MH has an intense fear of needles, like will practically faint/puke at the sight of it lol. I had him help me with stims by letting him do the mixing part to get him used to the idea of it with much smaller needles but he still could barely watch me do it. So he says he'll "help" me with the PIO but if we're being honest with ourselves, it's not going to happen. I don't know that I trust him to do it anyway, he'll panic and just stab me then need to go dry heave in the corner. So maybe he can help me direct my hand so I can get the angle/location right, and I'll do the rest? 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

  • Options
    @kiki047 I'm sorry but I'm laughing soooooo hard at the fact that YH keeps pinching your butt as "practice"  :D:D:D
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1: May 2011
    BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
    DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

    TTC #2: September 2018
    Me: 36 | DH: 39
    Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
    BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
    July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
    August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
    9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
    10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
    11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
    3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
    11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

  • Options
    @kiki047 in combo?? that seems like overkill, but I'm not a doctor so what would I know! I'm in a much better headspace with it now. Like worst timing considering I got BFN that morning. My mom's side has lots of April birthdays so there was always a cake at Easter to celebrate the 5-6 of us so I guess it will be fun to celebrate nearby birthdays. I'm sure I'll be excited for it as time passes.
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • Options
    @emeraldduchess I don't know what to say other than I'm so sorry you're going through that 😢💚💚 your feelings are so valid. We all know IF issues can be caused by one or the other, but that doesn't mean the other can just let go of themselves. It still takes 2 to make IF treatments successful! Sending you so much love and hugs 💚💚💚. I really hope you beat the odds. We're here for you! Ok I'm gonna go tear up now 🥺
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • Options
    @emeraldduchess I am so so sorry to hear all of this! 😢 I am sending you huge virtual hugs across the internet. That is such an incredibly difficult situation to be in. You have every right to be furious, frustrated, wanting to scream etc. I am 🙏🏽praying🙏🏽 that those 4 that fertilized DO make it to biopsy! It
    may be too much to even think about this, but being that the insurance may present a problem for future cycles: could you do a fresh transfer now of the best-graded embryo and then wait to see if the others make it to freeze? Crossing everything that you get some healthy embryos!💓
  • Options
    kiki047kiki047 member
    edited August 2020
    Oh @emeraldduchess, my heart is breaking for you. <3<3 That must have been really hard to hear, and not what you were hoping. Sending all our love and hope your way to give those embies their best fighting chance. We only got 5 eggs at my ER, and still ended up with 3 PGT normal embryos so anything is possible. Feel all the feels, you have every right to be upset after everything you've been through. Hugs!!! 

    @inthewoods23 yeah, he's tried one or the other but finds he feels his best while on a low dose of both. His psychiatrist explains it like the zoloft is a powerful anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med and the wellbutrin acts as a mood stabilizer when used in tandem so it kind of evens out the highs and lows. It is also meant to counteract some of the sexual side-effects from the zoloft because it has major impacts on his performance and fertility. Wellbutrin is one of the only known anti-anxiety meds out there that doesn't have as much of an effect on libido. Without it he has virtually zero drive, which led to him starting to skip his zoloft, which led to major withdrawal issues, which led to depression... sooo he has to be on both. 
    ETA: glad the butt pinching is amusing, lol, he thinks he's hilarious. 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

  • Options
    @kiki047 interesting! That's kind of what I'm hoping to do. My moods swing to the extremes really easy so I wonder if I would do good with a combo. Plus, in case a doctor would recommend going off the Wellbutrin once KU I could just wean off the Wellbutrin and keep going on the Zoloft. Idk, maybe this is all something I can ask at my follow up in 2 weeks.
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • Options
    @inthewoods23 it's something to keep in mind. Try with just one for a while, see how you feel. It took him 2 years to get just the right combo of meds and dosages to find one that made him feel good. He was on escitalopram (lexapro) before that and was having a lot of side-effects from it. Everyone will react differently to medication so it's all about working with someone you trust, and listening to your body to see how you feel after being on it for a while. Like anything else, it'll take time for you to adjust. I'm glad to hear you're taking steps towards bettering your mental health, it's just as important as our physical health! <3 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

  • Options
    @emeraldduchess OMG friend, I am speechless for you and in total shock. I am so sorry you're jumping over (and probably feels like tripping over) another hurdle. You have every right to feel the anger and emotions you are feeling but, if I may make a suggestion, I do think it's important you talk those feelings out with YH (If you haven't done so already). Don't hold them in because it will fester and keep growing until it explodes one day and I wouldn't want you to end up resenting him. You guys need each other in this situation. 
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1: May 2011
    BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
    DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

    TTC #2: September 2018
    Me: 36 | DH: 39
    Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
    BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
    July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
    August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
    9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
    10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
    11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
    3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
    11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

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    @emeraldduchess Oh friend, I’m so sorry you are facing another obstacle. My heart goes out to you. This is all so unfair, and you have every right to feel all those feelings. Take whatever time you need to feel them and know that we are all here for you. I’m keeping everything crossed that your embryos make it to day 5.  <3 Huge hugs to you
    Me: 35 DH: 35
    TTC since 9/2018
    Dx: MFI
    10/19- First RE visit
    2/20- DH had surgery for bilateral varicoceles 
    7/20- IUI with 5 mg letrozole- BFN
    9/20- IVF. 9 eggs retrieved, 9 mature, 8 fertilized with ICSI, 7 blasts, 4 PGT-A normal
    11/20- Mock transfer/ERA
    12/20- FET #1- transferred one 4AB- BFN
    3/21- FET #2- transferred one 3AB- BFP! Due Dec 2021
    12/21- Baby girl born!

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