March 2019 Moms

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Re: Question? Need help? ***POST HERE***

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    @Sparkylove I am PGAL (ectopic late last year) and my family dr agreed to do one beta draw, which isn't particularly helpful since it's really the progression you need to watch for. He then scheduled me for a dating scan but not until 12 weeks. (I'm pg after ectopic and used fertility meds to get pg, hence the 'early' scan)
    I couldn't handle waiting that long (if this had been another EP my tube would certainly have ruptured by 12 weeks, which can be fatal) so I went to a private place, with a great reputation, and had a scan around 8 weeks for peace of mind. I'm so glad I did, it was well worth the $50. 
    When I was pg with my DD (also used fertility meds to get pg) I was followed by an obgyn who specialized in infertility. He did a 7, 12 and 20 week scan so I'm totally comfortable with having 3 scans at those stages this pg. 
    How far along will you be at your scan on Aug 9? At this point it's probably best to just wait until then, since the ultrasound will tell you much more about the viability of the pregnancy than a beta result or two. I really hope the time flies by for you!!!
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    Anyone else’s doctor not do beta testing unless something is “wrong”? **trigger** I have had a mmc and a CP so I’m sooo nervous and they won’t let me do betas for a little piece of mind... ): I’m going to go crazy! Also, my CP was last month so i haven’t had AF since then so I don’t even know a due date! I have an ultrasound scheduled for August 9.... hope these next 10 days fly by! /:               
    Same boat here hun I'm so sorry . Praying it flies by for you.
    I've had 3 back to back MCs and was mad they wouldn't run bloodwork to help me ease my mind. Found out at 4weeks ....8weekstoday & It was my first appt and I was even more ticked that it apparently was just an intake blood. No ultrasound. Just urine. I run blood next week and my first ultrasound is scheduled for when I'm 10 weeks. I'm literally going insane and trying not to stress or worry . 
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    @Sparkylove My office doesn’t routinely do betas, and I don’t believe they typically do a dating US either. I think my 8 week appointment this week will just be a meet and greet and urine. 

    I’m sorry it’s so stressful. I hope time flies until your first appointment and you get some peace of mind for your rainbow. 
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    Thank you all for the kind words! I should be between 6-8 weeks for the ultrasound (not sure since I didn’t have a period since my Cp... I hope y’all have peace of mind soon Also! Xoxo 
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    Anyone else’s doctor not do beta testing unless something is “wrong”? **trigger** I have had a mmc and a CP so I’m sooo nervous and they won’t let me do betas for a little piece of mind... ): I’m going to go crazy! Also, my CP was last month so i haven’t had AF since then so I don’t even know a due date! I have an ultrasound scheduled for August 9.... hope these next 10 days fly by! /:               
    I go to a freestanding birth center, so by definition, I am low risk. They do not do betas. My understanding is this is pretty common, even at regular medical practices. 
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    I posted this in my weekly update, but I thought I'd throw it out here too. My midwife only does one u/s at the 20 week mark. So at the first appointment (mine is on 8/30 which is Week 11), she'll check the heartbeat at least to confirm that everything is ok, right? Have any of you been to first appointments in the past where they didn't do dating u/s? I know it's pretty standard, but I was really surprised to hear that, and now I'm just questioning all of my assumptions about what that first appointment will be. I just want to make sure that something will be happening to reassure this constant paranoia!
    Just my experience, call and ask. My Dr didn't do u/s or check heartbeat with my 2nd pregnancy. Not worth it my opinion.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie - YeTq
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    @auburnvelvet86 I don’t have my first appointment until I’m 11 weeks, and yes they will check for heartbeat at that time. It might be too light to hear with a fetoscope so they will likely use a Doppler :) I also won’t get an ultrasound until 20 weeks when they check baby’s growth, placenta position, and for anything out of the ordinary. This is normal care for a low risk pregnancy :) 
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    Currently sitting up wondering has anyone else’s morning sickness come at 2 in the morning or any other time like that?? 
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    Yes, and at 4:30 PM and 6 am and every other time.

    please head over to the introduction thread and introduce yourself, and change your username so we can get to know you a little better!!

    [spoiler=TW in signature]

    Me: 36, DH 37.

    August 2014- 6w MMC

    July 2015- CP

    PCOS, plus some medical issues that make me high risk.

    Our rainbow babies are due 3/21!!!!!


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    Yes! I was up at 2am as well! I had to do the old college trick and sleep on the couch with one leg on the ground to help the dizziness. 
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    @auburnvelvet86 with my last pregnancy (also my 1st & only other than this one) we didn’t have our first appointment until week 8. It was a urine test for confirmation, a these are your options for early testing, this is what you should eat/shouldn’t eat, here are somethings for your symptoms you can try, and a regular pap. Other than that they didn’t even try to hear the heartbeat because it can be too early to be heard at only 8 weeks. They didn’t have me come back in for 6 more weeks and at that time they listened for and we heard a heartbeat. We also didn’t have any ultrasounds until week 20. I would think at 11 weeks they would be able to hear a heartbeat and would listen for one but you can always call and ask to be sure.  

    This time I went in for my first appointment at 7 weeks. It was the regular urine pregnancy test, regular pap, how are your symptoms, these are early testing options, this is what you should eat/this is what you should avoid, etc. We are having an ultrasound at estimated 9 weeks only because my periods have been pretty irregular since having and breastfeeding my son so long. 
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    I have my first appt at 7w because I had some spotting at 4w and I had bleeding due to low progesterone with DD (5). I did bloodwork at 4 weeks. They put me on progesterone again but I just looked up my lab results and progesterone was normal so I asked if I should still be taking it. She said to take it every other day instead. All of my symptoms have been mild except for the breast pain (probably has to do with the progesterone) and my cramping

    I'm Britt. Me 29 | MH 29 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Oh no! I think I had forgotten to do my progesterone yesterday and then I was late this morning because I set my alarm wrong. I’m just doing the cream, in fact it was the first attempt I had while using it. My friend had been telling me to use it for ages and whatever it did helped me get pregnant...but now that I messed up the last day, I woke up with light spotting and I’m freaking out a bit. My midwife is on vacation and her back up said to add an extra dose today to bring my levels up again and asked if I wanted to do blood work. Anyone have any insight? My first two pregnancies were really uncomplicated but this one took a long time to happen and now this....
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    @peacebubblebaby I’ve never worked with a midwife but I had spotting with my last pregnancy right around this time (somewhere between 6-8 weeks, I can’t remember) and I called my OB and he did an u/s just to check (I hadn’t had one yet anyway) and everything was fine. So that may be an option (I forget if you were the one who posted about concern about non-necessary ultrasounds though) I think it can be pretty common in the first trimester and it does sound like it was just related to a hormone fluctuation! 

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    Hey ladies! sorry if this has already been discussed. I went yesterday for my first appointment and based off my last period i am 8 weeks 1 day but baby was measuring 7 weeks 1 day. Is this normal? Strong heartbeat at 160 so I’m trying not to worry! I don’t go back until September! 
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    @tami0623 I think there are a lot of factors to consider with the dating US. First, from what I have read the machines can be accurate +/- 3 days. Next, they are just going off your last period but that doesn’t take into account the exact day you ovulated or the day of implantation. Finally, you saw a strong heartbeat and it doesn’t sound like your doctor was alarmed. Therefore, all of those things considered I don’t think you need to worry. But as always if you are concerned you could always call them and discuss it. And I completely understand worrying, I seem to always find something to worry about these days! Hang in there!! 
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    char245 said:
    @tami0623 I think there are a lot of factors to consider with the dating US. First, from what I have read the machines can be accurate +/- 3 days. Next, they are just going off your last period but that doesn’t take into account the exact day you ovulated or the day of implantation. Finally, you saw a strong heartbeat and it doesn’t sound like your doctor was alarmed. Therefore, all of those things considered I don’t think you need to worry. But as always if you are concerned you could always call them and discuss it. And I completely understand worrying, I seem to always find something to worry about these days! Hang in there!! 
    +1 to everything here. Additionally, it can be affected by your cycle length. The standard 40 week/280 day pregnancy length calculation is based on a standard 28 day cycle. Having a longer cycle than normal will make you not as far along as you think you are. That has to do with ovulation as well. The average woman ovulates two weeks before her next period. So a longer cycle will typically push your ovulation later. 
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    Thanks!! it totally makes sense. I didn’t have that with my daughter so when she said it, i was like “wait...what?!”
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    laur84nslaur84ns member
    edited July 2018
    @peacebubblebaby The same thing happened to me this morning! I forgot to take my progesterone last night (but did eventually hop up to take it right before falling asleep around 11:15pm) and woke up to a little bit of pink spotting this morning. My heart nearly stopped. I have not had ANY other spotting this pg, so it really freaked me out. Thankfully it hasn't happened since (I must've checked/peed about a dozen times today) but I'm still nervous. I'm not sure if it's just because my body didn't get the progesterone it was expecting at 10pm (but would an hour really make any difference?) or what. 
    Of course I googled it and spotting around 8-10 weeks can potentially be related to the placenta attaching to the uterine wall. I'm 8w 5d so I'm going with that (since it makes me feel less anxious). 

    Has anyone else had any pink spotting around 8-9 weeks?!
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    @laur84ns I had some around week 6 after sex. I also had pink spotting with a yeast infection last pregnancy. I wouldn't worry too much its its pink and goes away quickly. That said, trust your gut and call the doc if you feel the need. 
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    @JLaVO888 Thanks for responding! I wouldn't be as worried if I had recently DTD, since I had spotting after DTD with my previous pregnancy.... unfortunately I haven't done anything remotely physical (DTD, vigorous exercise...). Oh well. I'm just going to pray it stays away, and I'll bring it up at my appt on Thursday. Thanks again!
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    JLaVO888JLaVO888 member
    edited July 2018
    I would be more concerned if it was bright red. In my mind pink just relates to an irritation of sorts. 
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    @laur84ns mine has stopped I think. So fingers crossed that was it
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    @peacebubblebaby Ok, phew, mine too. Fingers crossed for both of us that it stays away (and that we remember to take our progesterone on time!)
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    @laur84ns I don’t remember how many weeks I was, but last pregnancy I had a tiny bit of spotting once or twice when I wiped on the same day. It never came back and I have a healthy baby boy now. Obviously, you should call your doctor if you’re worried, but I think it can be perfectly normal especially when it’s such a small amount. 
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    @chocolatelemons Thanks for responding! I was feeling calm because it was just once this morning, but now I've just had some again. Pink, definitely not brown/old blood. Ugh. So stressful. I did spot throughout my first trimester with DD, but since I haven't had any spotting at all this pregnancy, I can't help but feel like maybe something's wrong. I may end up going to the ambulatory care centre tomorrow to see if they'll give me an ultrasound. I hate the first trimester!! 
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    @laur84ns I’m glad everyone was talking about spotting today! Sunday I had brown spotting but figured I overdid it with my run Saturday. I had some spotting around this time with DD as well. But then today I had pink spotting and it freaked me out. I’m 9w,2d
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
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    @novelblessings Ugh, that sucks. Brown I wouldn't be worried about at all, but the pink makes me nervous. From LMP I'm 9w 2d but based on ovulation I believe I'm 8w 6d today. From what I've been reading (Google - gulp!) lots of people complain about spotting around 8-9 weeks, so we are not alone. After last night's spotting, which was more than the mornings', I'm going to go to a clinic this morning and see if I can get in for an ultrasound. I'll also ask them to check for a UTI since I've seen a few girls on here who have had them in the past while pg and they caused spotting. 
    I will let you know what they say about spotting around 8-9 weeks when I get back!
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    edited August 2018
    My my first appt. is August 17th. That seems like a lifetime away. This is baby #4 for me. Multiples do not run in my family but I am starting to wonder about this pregnancy. I found out that I was pregnant super early. I had Beta's drawn awhile ago because I had a CP the month before getting pregnant this time. My first hcg was done on a Friday and was 29. The second one was on Monday and was 150. I have lost a few pounds from being nauseated constantly and my pants already don't fit! I am not even 7 weeks yet. Is it because of more than one baby or because this is my 4th? Any ideas/similar experiences? August 17th.... Hurry up!
    Edited to add: if there is more than one, it will be shocking but a blessing as well. 
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    Can I vent here? I need to wait until 8/20 for my
    first appointment! Living vicariously through you all while I pee on sticks and wait to see the little bean. 
    This is my first appt too. They don’t even know how far along I am because they think I ovulated late (based on lmp and hcg levels). I pretty much just had a confirmation my levels were rising apt and wait for a u/s on the 20th! So I feel your pain girl!
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    @bluebell08 and i both had this question in our due date check in thread but i figured i'd drop it here too to get more opinions. are any of y'all eating deli meat? the listeria thing seems so far fetched to me! granted my mother was pregnant 31 years ago but when i mentioned this to her she was shocked and said she ate it throughout all three of her pregnancies..... basically i'm dying for cold cuts. is this really something we have to avoid completely? i'll be asking my doctor at my next appointment, but i'd love to hear you ladies weigh in! 
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    @indigoheightsblog I am avoiding deli meat (unless heated). I feel like it’s probably an abundance of caution but I’m doing it anyways. If it helps, I’ve got my deli fix by making ham and cheese croissants and heating them in the oven 
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    @lovesclimbing that’s kind of how I’m feeling...... im headed to Italy in 3 weeks (Home of allllllll the cold cuts!!!!) and I have a pregnant cousin who lives there. I would put money on it that she’s knocking back deli meats on the reg!!!! If I see her doing it..... it’s going down  :D
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    @indigoheightsblog At this point you’re more likely to get listeria from frozen peas than deli meat. I’ve already eaten it and hot dogs several times before the MS kicked in. Just do what you’re comfortable with. 
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    @indigoheightsblog good question! I was wondering the same thing. A co-worker was kind enough to bring me a sandwich from my fav Italian deli for lunch today. I opted for a caprese to be safe, but I so wanted smoked turkey and salami. Please update us on what your doc says. Have so much fun in Italy!! I was there in Sept last year and it was unbelievable. You are going to have the best time.

    @mamakeeg and @kateemgeethesequel my first appt is on 8/20 too so I’m counting down the days with y’all! 19 days to go!
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    Hey everyone! I am so sick, im not sure if I have the flu or just a really bad cold. I have chills, fever on and off, pain, and congestion on top of nausea and all the fun pregnancy symptoms. I had my 1st OB appointment today and was told Dayquil was okay, but doctor google has me worried... Anyone have any thoughts on this?  
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    @beachbaby0523 thank you! we actually have a home out there in calabria where my father was raised. it's amazing and we go every year. every august i look forward to it. next august will be even more special with baby in tow!!! i'll let you know what my doc says about the deli meat :) i'm really craving it! 

    @jenahcounihan oh nooo feel better!!!!! i've had a bad cold all week as well. no fever/chills but tons of congestion and throat pain. my OB told me the only thing i can do is drink lots of fluids, do a saline nose spray 2x a day, and take zyrtec to dry out some of the mucus. i was hoping to take over the counter stuff but they didn't mention any of that. HOWEVER - it sounds i'm not nearly as sick as you, so i think getting you better is first and foremost. dayquil in controlled doses for a few days sounds better than a mommy who is really really ill.... that can't be good for baby either. rest up and let us know how you're feeling tomorrow! 
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    @indigoheightsblog ah sorry you have a cold as well!! Seems like it may be more common with pregnancy. Im going to stock up on fluids and some saline spray. My doctor was a little frazzled and told me he was up all in the hospital (he was wearing scrubs and hadn't slept in a long time). I may just play it safe and tough it out! Thanks for the extra opinion :) 
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