June 2018 Moms

February Symptoms Thread


Re: February Symptoms Thread

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    No problem @aharv77 - There are some others on here (I can't remember exactly who) that had it with past pregnancies as well.  It's certainly an odd feeling.  I noticed my hands "went to sleep" while I was sleeping the other night even though I wasn't laying on them or anything.  So I'm thinking it's close to time to get the wrist braces back out.  They're not fun or sexy, but they did help me.

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    @aharv77 yes, it is. I've experienced both times, now and last time. It bothers me the most while I'm sleeping because I sleep with my hands up by my face and under pillows. It wakes me up several times a night because my hands are asleep and I need to roll over. 
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     Austenista said:
    @aharv77 yes, it is. I've experienced both times, now and last time. It bothers me the most while I'm sleeping because I sleep with my hands up by my face and under pillows. It wakes me up several times a night because my hands are asleep and I need to roll over. 
    Same. This was happening to me a couple weeks ago and it didn't happen with previous pregnancies. I had been wondering if it was pregnancy related. So @mytinc you're saying it's related to carpal tunnel syndrome? It's died down for me recently but it's good to know that wrist braces might help.
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    @llamamama14 I didn't experience this with my first either! So far no tingling today. I'm just keeping a watchful eye. Might run to Walgreen's over the weekend for some wrist braces to just be proactive about it!
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    @mytinc do you just use regular run of the mill braces? I just noticed this morning that my hands/fingers were going numb and tingly despite not having them above my head or laying on them or anything that would normally cause them to fall asleep. I already have poor circulation issues so I just thought it was that but if braces might help I’m definitely gonna try because it’s so annoying! 
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    How about an internal anxious, stressed feeling. Not like anxiety... but like in your limbs? It's really hard to explain. DH said maybe it's like restless legs? But I've never had that to know. If I lay back, try to relax my body and/or prop my legs up it sometimes helps. Or Sometimes I'll just start shaking my arms to try to stop it lol. 
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    @catlady1215 that does sound like possible restless legs. I've been getting a similar feeling more and more frequently as this pregnancy goes on. I usually get up and walk around or just move around until it settles. 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

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    @catlady1215 yeah that could be restless legs, which I get during pregnancy. It's sooo annoying and I usually have to get up and walk for it to go away. I've never experienced it in my arms, though. 
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    @amphibious22 @lrichhx05 maybe i'll try the walking then also. thanks! yah, the arms isn't as much as the legs.
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    @catlady1215 I most definitely have experienced some degree of this since pregnant. Usually just shaking them and wiggling my feet and toes is enough for me, but I can imagine that a worse case could really suck.
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    Still puking, but less often. I think this is just going to be how pregnancy is for me. 

    +1 for the RLS. 

    For several weeks I've had this weird feeling under my bottom right rib, almost like its falling asleep...seems to be getting worse. Worse laying on either side and if I'm not sitting totally straight up. 

    Also having mid-back pain, but I think it's muscular and related to our shitty chairs at work. 
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    @catlady1215 what you described is the ONLY way my anxiety manifests. Maybe I just have restless leg syndrome instead! Lol face palm. I should stop self diagnosing myself. 
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    I get really dizzy and break out in a sweat if I stand for too long without moving. Walking is fine, but if I’m not moving because I’m cooking dinner or trying to decide on a product at the grocery store, for example, I start to feel sick. It’s becoming a bit of an annoying problem. I was looking at vitamins in Whole Foods yesterday and ended up needing to go sit down in their cafe for a bit because of this. 
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    @Austenista I have this problem too. It gets to the point where I feel like I'm about to pass out. The other day at clinical I was in a patient's room with my nurse and we had been standing for awhile and I had to cut him off and basically run out of there to go find somewhere to sit before I ended up on the floor. Super annoying symptom. 
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    I'm still not feeling an overwhelming amount of movement. There was one night last week where he was moving a bit and MH was actually able to feel it, but I feel like I'm still feeling pretty much nothing most of the time. I try not to let it worry me since I'm only 25+3 but I feel like I should be getting close to being able to track movement and it's just so few and far between. 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

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    @Amphibious22 the providers at my OB tell us not to start kick counts until 28 weeks. Can be hard before then to consistently feel baby.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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    @sabby2 that's what I read too. It's just hard not to stress about it. I know I'll probably eat these words, but I can't wait for 3rd trimester to get here. 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

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    @Amphibious22 I'm on the exact timeline as you (25+3) with an anterior placenta and have been feeling the exact same way.  I had just gone a couple of days without really feeling anything and it really got me down because who knows what's actually going on in there?  Thankfully yesterday she was super active and could feel her a lot more but I understand your worries and frustrations!
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    @Amphibious22 your baby might just be really chill, and that’s not a problem at all. In fact, my guess is you’ll be quite pleased once they’re an outside baby lol. I’m worried mine will never sleep with how active she is.  :# Double also, you’re on your feet a lot for work right? The more you’re walking around the more baby gets lulled to sleep. 
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    @doxiemoxie212 DD was a super active baby in utero.  I swear it was like she never stopped.  She was a super chill baby and was a decent sleeper (still is) from the start.  

    I can usually tell sleep cycles with this LO but he moves a lot.  I feel him all the time now even with an anterior placenta! He was measuring almost a whole week ahead at our 20 week us so I sometimes wonder if him being bigger makes a difference in what I feel.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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    @Amphibious22 @becca_123 Woohoo! I'm your due date triplet! I actually had one day where I felt it was much too quiet and voiced my concern to one of the rotating doctors at the OB office when I saw her on Valentine's. She was super relaxed and told me not to worry at all; everything is perfectly fine if you don't feel much movement on some days. She promised me it would come in an almost "just you wait" kind of manner, lol. So I guess there really is something to waiting until week 28 to start kick counts.
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    think my internal thermometer is going up. at this point with DS it was july.. so hot months and I remember the heat being so bad! I took icecold baths multiple times a day and used cool washcloths (we also don't have AC). Didn't think it'd be a problem this time of year but I see a difference. definitely snuck the house thermometer down yesterday (sorry ds and dh lol). and just do a couple house chores had me breaking out in sweat lol. nowhere ready for cold baths though! ha
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    @catlady1215 I’ve been having hot flashes and I’m usually a cold person. Like sit in a house with sweatshirt and blanket on me if the heat or AC is lower than 73 kind of person. 

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    @catlady1215 I've been sweating so much in my sleep. I really need to buy a lighter duvet. 
    DD born 6/21/2018
    DS born 9/24/2020
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    @2589 that's me. normally in the winter, I live in sweat pants and sweatshirts and am always covered when on the couch. I haven't touched a sweatshirt in months and the cover is even being kicked off when on the couch.
    But to feel the sweat start after a quick 20 min clean session... dishes, vacuum etc. geez!

    @elsie42 same here. I've been noticing I'm sticking legs out of the covers lately.

    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    I’m not sure if it’s the same for the other ladies having hip pain, but is it like your muscles or actually your hip joint bothering you? Because what I’ve got going on is definitely muscle on the outer aspect of my hip, extending up my side and down my thigh. It has been out of this world the last couple days (amazingly my lower back is better ATM so I’m pretty sure my left hip muscles and glute are over compensating). So I’ve tried heat, ice, massage, tape... the support brace I have is comfortable when I’m standing and walking but totally cuts into the bump when I sit. Does anyone have one that’s working better? @amys614 I think it was you who was having good luck with a certain one?

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    @2589 I use this one, but I wear it slightly lower. I've been wearing it since 15 weeks so I don't know if I'm just super used to it so I don't notice it much, or if its actually super comfortable, but I definitely don't have any discomfort or cutting into me and it helps my SPD a lot. I can say this: it's comfortable enough that I've slept in it, unlike bras that I can't wait to rip off at the end of the day.
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    @2589 The pain you're describing sounds like IT Band pain. Do you feel it from your hip, down the outside of your leg, basically to the outside of your knee? If yes, you should definitely consider getting a foam roller (if you don't already have one) and roll out both your IT Bands a couple of times per day. It will hurt like a motther-effer at first, but that just means it is working.

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    Thank you @amys614! @LaceyBee522 yes that does sound similar, though mine is mid thigh to mid flank?? DH does have a foam roller though so I’m definitely going to give it a try!

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    Sorry i haven't been on the BUmp in a few days, so I just saw your responses @Austenista @aharv77 , @llamamama14 , and @kellicoptor062018 .  Here's the WebMD info on pregnancy related carpal tunnel.  And yes, I just got regular wrist splints/braces from Walgreens that I wore at night.  I've had symptoms a few times this pregnancy, but not often enough to wear them nightly (yet).  I did find they helped with my other two pregnancies. 

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    So it's becoming hit or miss whether I can muffle my farts which is a fun, unexpected side effect of pregnancy. I used to be a master at silencing a fart, but now.......... not so much. Sigh. Pregnancy is very sexy.
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    edited February 2018
    I know a few of you mentioned about some lower back pain {lower back/upper butt} and like myself, it's super uncomfortable.
    So I mentioned it to my OB. I'm being tested for UTI just to ensure that's not an issue, but she suggested seeing an RMT about it. It's not uncommon, but she advised if it's not dealt with then it can feel worse and be more uncomfortable to bigger you get :(

    I'll be booking an appt once my tests are cleared, but to those with issues it might be worth looking into! :)

    Forgot to add. Mentioned that I've been wearing the belly band at night, and she said it does help relieve pressure but if that doesn't work to look at something a little more in depth. I think it was like a support band?
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    @MissKittyDanger what is an RMT? I want to ry to take a video of myself trying to walk when I first get up in the morning, or after laying down with my kids for a few minutes. I look like I am 90! I have been trying the stretches that someone recommended (I would have to scroll backward to find out who). They help for a bit, but it's really just painful after I get up from laying down.
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    @meg95995 Registered Massage Therapist. They're who do prenatal massages :) Talk to your OB, but my guess is they'll suggest it.
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    You just made me remember I have a prenatal massage scheduled next week.  *happy dance*
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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