August 2018 Moms



Re: Introduction

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    I changed it but it's still showing up that way. Any idea what I can do?
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    I changed it but it's still showing up that way. Any idea what I can do?
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    @warriormommy another 3 boy mama! Yay!!! My people! 

    11/18/16 missed m/c 9w1
    05/2017 cp
    08/03/17 no hb 8w

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    Hi all! I juuuuust found out, so I’m something like 3w6d. I’m a 30 year old food blogger, and I have a 2-year-old son! We’re hoping for a girl but we will be thriiiiilled either way. We’re telling the family on Christmas Eve with I’m sure a ton more of you!
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    Hello ladies! I’m Jaime- mom to 10 year old son, 15 month old daughter and am currently 4w4d with baby #3. Took 7 months to conceive this little one and with my AMA we had just had a consultation with an RE Monday, Tuesday got my BFP!!!!!! RE is monitoring us closely! We will find out the sex- likely with the maternity 21! 
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    edited December 2017
    Hey everyone! I am awake at 4AM with momsomnia, so I figured I’d jump in here. 28 yo STM from MN; DS is 2, DH is 40.
    EDD based on LMP is 8/13. First pregnancy was easy and symptom-free. Hoping that is the case again! I was active on the Nov ‘15 board and am cautious to be back on TB due to a couple of catfishers on the board last time. I am, however, super excited to see the organization on this board!! Nice to meet all of you ladies! I will add myself to the spreadsheet tomorrow when I get on the computer - my phone doesn’t want to open the Sheets app.
    ETA ages
    Me: 28, DH: 40
    Married 9/28/13
    DS born 11/12/15
    EDD 8/13/18
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    Hi my name is Christina and I am a SAHM to a 4 year old boy and 2 year old girl and run an etsy shop on the side. We were a little surprised with this pregnancy but are very excited! My EDD IS August 3rd!! So happy to be here!
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    Hi! I was also a part of Bump with my 1st. He will be 4 yrs old soon. I had a missed miscarriage in October 2016 (11 weeks). I'm 6 weeks today. My husband and I are praying all goes well. I'm hoping for a girl this time. 
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    Hi all! I’m Kona, 32, have a two year old. EDD is Aug 20. I’m excited to participate on the BMB and get to know you.
    Coffee Bean Born 6/13/15.
    2nd round exp 8/20/18.
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    Hi! I am Hannah. We found out we were pregnant yesterday!!! I was 6 days late but I didn't think anything of it. My son is only 16 month old and aunt flow decided to come back just a couple of months ago so I figured my cycle wasn't just out of whack. 4BFP & lots of shocked years later, we are excited! This is baby #3 for us. Ellie is 4 and Liam is 16 months. 
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    Sorry I forgot to add my EDD, August 4th.
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    chickadee55chickadee55 member
    edited December 2017
    Hi month twins! I'm Sarah, FTM, EDD August 6, but I should have a more exact date after my doctor's appointment on Tuesday. My fiance and I were planning to wait until after our wedding next fall to start trying, but we're so excited to become parents sooner than expected. I'm 28, live in North Carolina, and I'm the public relations manager for a global business software company. I'm so glad I found this board, and I can't wait to get to know you ladies :)
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    Hi all, I am Jillian from Nashville, TN. I am 38 and a pediatric nurse who is excited to join the board and announce our pregnancy. Hoping I get to hang around for the long haul. I have had 3 early losses over the last 3 years, but feel so great about this little bean sticking. My first beta was at 5 weeks 0 day at 4110, the doc didn't even recommend a repeat as it was so high and suggested an ultrasound as the next step. Progesterone was 34.1. Went in for transvag ultrasound yesterday at 6 week 0 day and much to my delight we saw the heartbeat!!!! I've never made it far enough along to see the heartbeat. So I know I am not out of the woods yet, but it feels so exciting!! This will be our first child and we are due Aug 3. I look forward to connecting with you all over the next 7+ months. Congrats to all and sprinkling sticky baby dust to all us Mommas to be!! 

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    Hi everyone! My name is Kayleigh and I am 28 years old from Alberta, Canada. I have an 11 month old baby girl, and just found out this morning that I am pregnant with #2...not expected haha, but DH and l are sooo excited!! I was in the Jan 2017 BMB before this, and have become sooo close with those ladies. I am so excited to get to know all of you! <3
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    My name is Niki, and I am 29 years old. Currently 4 weeks aa of today, with an EDD of 8/18. This is my second pregnancy, with the first ending in m/c at 14 weeks. This pregnancy will be high risk, as I have complicated Crohn's disease, and autoimmune liver disease. Eagerly waiting to call my doctors officd on monday morning. 
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    My name is Melissa.  I’m 39 with a 2 1/2 year old son living in NYC. 
    Currently 4 weeks 3 days pregnant. I’ve had 4 losses and 2 of which were this year. I’m causiously optimistic but really super excited and trying to hide it. 

    Congrats to all and wishing us all a wonderful and healthy 9 mo!!
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    Hi everyone! My name is Danielle, and this will be my second child! My EDD is Aug 3rd, and right now I'm 6w 2 days. I, unfortunately, had 2 miscarriages this year alone so we are cautiously optimistic in regards to this pregnancy. I have a good feeling about this one though. I had a BFP at 8dpo with my betas at 10dpo: 33 and 12 dpo: 90. We didn't do anymore as my doctor was happy with these! My first appointment is this Thursday so hopefully we will see a healthy little bean in there with a heartbeat <3. Nice to meet all of you!!
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    Hi everyone and congratulations! My name is Kate and my husband and I are both 37. We have an 8 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. A little nervous about the age gap with the new little one, but so excited! EDD is Aug. 14th
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    Hello Everybody! My name is Annabelle. I believe i am almost 6 weeks along and my due date is August 5 or 6, will confirm with doc this coming week.  My husband and I have one son, Aidan, he will be 3 in March. Very excited to have an addition to our family! So far Ive been very tired and I cant stand the smell of Gain laundry detergent which is funny bc i loved the smell prior to pregnancy. Im also excited to be apart of this board, I was apart of M2015 and the ladies offered great advice. I hope to do the same for any first timers here or anyone else. 
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    hardlyhannahhardlyhannah member
    edited December 2017
    Hello everyone! My name is Hannah and this is baby #2. I have an adorable 2yo little boy and I was active on TB with him (D15 though I was induced 3 weeks early with pre-e and he was born in November). We worked with an RE for him and for this one, but got lucky on the first cycle with each. EDD is 8/20, and I had beta 12dpo at 67, and 14dpo today came back at 184.8! Go in for a viability scan in a few weeks. I’m excited to get to know another group of amazing women!

    August '18 March Siggy Challenge - You had ONE JOB

    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Hello, my name is Shana, and this will be baby #1 for me! I’m super excited but also don’t know what to expect. Im due Agust 5. I do already have a step daughter, so we’re hoping for a boy!
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    Hi all, first timer here. EDD Aug 1, which puts me at 6 weeks today. DH and I are both 31. We are super excited. 

    We are currently dealing with when and how to announce to our families.  I’d normally want to wait until 12 weeks, but with the holidays coming up I think we may do it sooner! Do you all think 8/9 weeks is too early?

    Looking forward to having an online community as we go through this new adventure! 
    Hi all! I updated my username and gave the system some time to figure it out. 
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    edited December 2017
    Yay it worked!
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    @barristerninja your new name shows up now!
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    Hi everyone! My name is Megan and I am a 27 year old RN, living in Kentucky (but from Tennessee!). I have a 4 year old son, Aiden. I just got my BFP yesterday at 13DPO, which means my EDD is Aug. 20.  I am waiting to call my doctor after my missed period in a few days. Unfortunately my OBGYN has stopped delivering babies so now I have to find a new one, which gives me anxiety! Haha. I am excited to be here, although a little nervous to start all over! I look forward to getting to know everyone!
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    @mdc2013 due date buddies!

    August '18 March Siggy Challenge - You had ONE JOB

    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Hi everyone! My name is Laura, I’m 31, and I’m a first time mom in Arizona. I’ve been lurking on the July 2018 boards, but my EDD just got bumped to August 1. It’s already been an exciting ride for me. Lots of pain in the beginning, plus a UTI and some early bleeding have given me the opportunity for 4 ultrasounds already, though I’m less than 7 weeks! Thankfully all of the ultrasounds have shown normal development, and we even saw a flashing little baby blob with a heartbeat last Thursday. I have another ultrasound scheduled for this Wednesday. So far, I’m hugely thankful that I have a very responsive doctors office and what appears to be good insurance! Looking forward to getting to know you all through this journey and hoping for the best for everyone!
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    kjswan3kjswan3 member
    edited December 2017
    Hi everyone! I’m Katie! I live in Colorado with my hubby, my little girl (3.5), my son (2), and our fur baby. I was on here with my past two pregnancies and I found great support here. Really excited to be a mommy of 3, but to be honest a little nervous as now we will be on zone defense!! I am still unsure of my EDD as I’m pretty early still....I am for sure somewhere in the middle of August! I just got a faint positive and it was confirmed by my OBGYN! I have had some spotting on and off for about 10 days now, which makes me nervous...but I had this even worse with my first two pregnancies which were successful! Anyone else who has had spotting and would love to share I would love to chat! 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    @alainaf23 I am having #3 as well! My daughter is 3.5 and my son just turned 2! Excited and nervous for #3 as it will be even crazier!!! 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    It’s such a pleasure to meet everyone. My name is Ella, I am from FL, and this is pregnancy #1 for us. I am due on August 15 and so nervous! I’m usually so easy going but this pregnancy has given me all sorts of anxiety lol. 

    Im a business owner and thankfully can pick and choose my hours, which has been super helpful because I am SO TIRED! My husband is an attorney and we are so excited to be first time parents. 

    Im so glad to be part of this group and see how everyone’s pregnancies are going. I look forward to hanging with you all for the next 9 months. 
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    @emilyinoregon this will be my 3rd kiddo too! Yay for zone defense
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I tried to change my username, I hope it worked!
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    kentuckymommakentuckymomma member
    edited December 2017
    Yay it did!
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    babycromie818babycromie818 member
    edited December 2017
    Hi everyone! So excited to be here with you! My name is Courtney and I am a 32 year old FTM hopeful! I'm 5w1d on 12/11 with an EDD of 8/12! We live just outside of Pittsburgh, Pa with our 4 dogs who will be the best older siblings ever!!
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    *TW early loss mentioned

    Hi I am Anne, 32 with 3 dogs, a husband, 2.75 year old son. We got a positive in August and then I miscarried within a week. I am excited and nervous to have another positive pregnancy test! My EDD is currently August 22nd. 
    Married - 3/2013
    Baby Boy - 3/2015
    MC - 8/2017
    EDD - 8/2018
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    Hello and congrats to you all, 
    I got my bfp yesterday, on my daughter’s birthday,  and am due Aug 24th. This is my 5th pregnancy but wil be my 4th child; I had a miscarriage last March at 10 weeks pregnant. I’m 37, my DH is 35, DS 11, DS 8, and DD 3. My family and I just moved 3 states away from my family a few months ago so I’m nervous about going through this without their support. Thankfully, I’ve made a few good mommy friends in our new neighborhood.  Looking forward to getting to know all of you and going through this journey together. 

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