July 2016 Moms

Sleep Regressions/Sleep Help


Re: Sleep Regressions/Sleep Help

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    @CarbAddict with E, it took 3 weeks to get her re-sleep trained at 11 months old. Hang in there, it's so so hard but you can do it! Unfortunately not all babies fit into that "give it 3 days" mold.
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    @LDSJM123 - we are in the same boat.  A few nights ago she finally slept all through the night again but right back to 1-2 wake ups.  I'm pretty positive 99% of her wakeups are because of her teeth right now, though.  One of her molars has cut, 1 I can feel the tooth right under her gums so she is super close, and the other 2 are super swollen.  Ugh.  I get up with her and give her some tylenol and she gets back down pretty quickly.  I tried to skip the tylenol and just comfort her one night and it was a royal disaster.  Teeth are mean, lol.
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    I find ibuprofen works a little better than Tylenol at night for teeth..maybe worth a try? Lasts longer:)
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    @john5111 - I've heard that before...unfortunately it doesn't do a thing for S.  Doesn't even help her a little :-\
    Thanks though!
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    Is this age a big time for separation anxiety or something?  I didn't think there was another sleep regression until ~18 months...but holy smokes.  She used to sleep for 11 hours every night pretty consistently but the past few weeks she goes down easily then wakes around 230-330 and completely melts down when I try to lay her back down.  It it taking 1-2.5 hours to get her back down.  The regression, for lack of better terms, started when she was cutting a molar so I get that...but it hasn't stopped.  It is hard to check her gums without getting my finger bit off these days but I'm pretty sure the teething symptoms have subsided, at least mostly.  #mommaneedssleep
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    @kmurdock925 We're dealing with the same thing this week, the past couple weeks it has happened a few times and the last two nights he's woken up around 4 and won't go back in his crib, he ends up in bed with us. No idea what's waking him up!
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    The past two nights mine has screamed his head off from like 12 on will fall back to sleep and scream ten mins later.. ahhh I have given him ibrouphen before bed...I had his ears checked sunday thinking it was that and they said they were red but not infected. making me wonder if I need to bring him back
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    Ok so at least I'm not alone here...we've been on the Tylenol train thinking it was her teeth but she seems perfectly content if i'm holding her.  If I even stand up to think about laying her down she will go stiff and refuse...must be an age thing...gah, not sure if that is positive news or not, haha.
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    @kmurdock925 J's molars have been coming in. She doesn't want to play or be by herself but she would be 100% fine as long as I was holding her. She wouldn't play but just sit on me. I ended up giving her Tylenol the other day and she ended up playing by herself no problem. Maybe it is your LO teething but you being there helps comfort them? 
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    We're going through the same thing. He goes down great at 630-7, but instead of sleeping til 7, he's up at 4am and just won't go back down. It's a real killer. Ours started with teeth, then I think went to separation anxiety cause he'll sleep another 4 hours if it's on me in the rocking chair. I know he's cut yet another tooth and today he's been messing with his ear again, but it seems to be more than just regular teething 
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    @FTM53 - this! That is exactly what we're dealing with.  She goes down around 830 though and up around 230 330.  It started with the molars and its like it became a habit or sep. anxiety or something. 

    babycakesday - She is ok during the day and plays just fine (when she was actively cutting her 1st molar there was a HUGE behavioral difference so I'm pretty confident she isn't cutting, maybe working on getting close though).  I've given her Tylenol at night just to be sure because I know the dull pain can be worse at night from laying down and lack of distractions.  She goes down initially just fine it is only after that first motn wake up (which I thought we were beyond) where she just wants to snuggle. 

    I will say though, that before the molars started coming in I could lay her down awake and she would roll over and go to sleep...now I have to rock her for +/- 15 mins prior to laying her down so I kind of fear a new habit was created.  I let her cry for 15 mins last night (it has been a while since I reached the point of letting her cry for a bit) and it was rough.  Big Heaving Cries - so far beyond fussing.
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    I've had to had him CIO recently, too. It's SO hard. 
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    Ugh why is bedtime such a struggle lately???? He goes down like an angel for naps and lays down just fine at night...for five minutes and then he's standing up crying. He will be up and down in his crib for the next hour if I let him go, he is so so stubborn. I'm on here trying to ignore him but it's not working very well....
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    We have the opposite problem @winnie1122.  Bedtime/overnight sleeping in the crib is going great but nap is a mess.  He'll sleep for 30 mins and then wake up immediately and won't get himself back to sleep.  Then he's crabby for the rest of the day :(.  I don't get it because overnight he'll just roll back over if he wakes up.  Weird babies!!!
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    Uh...nap times...the daycare has switched him to one nap a day, but he never sleeps the whole time so he's exhausted in the late mornings and by bed time. I've noticed he does much better with two one hour naps. But he generally fights going down 
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    ugh @ftm53 - you can't request 2 naps?  I'm guessing its just based on the age of the room he is in?
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    FTM53FTM53 member
    edited September 2017
    Nope. I can't. It's based on his room. But I'm seriously considering just pulling him all together. We joined our local Y and they have a kid zone where they'll watch the kids for up to 2 hours at a time, I figure between that and the tot time, he might get enough time with kids his age. 
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    @FTM53 - worth a shot!  Sounds more cost effective too. 

    So we are still on the crazy sleep train.  I don't get how she can go from sleeping 11 hours a night consistently to waking up sometime between 930 and 11 and 3am or 6am and just cryyyyyiiinnngg.  I'm thinking it has to be separation anxiety based on the regularity of the wake-ups but there is just that what-if in the back of my mind.  I think it is still too early for her to be afraid of the dark. 
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    @kmurdock925 I get the impression it's a bit of separation anxiety here too, because he's perfectly fine as soon as DH or I walk into the room and he'll even lay back down as long as we stay there with a hand on his back or something (he would never lay back down if I was in the room before). The other night he would keep opening his eyes to check that I was still standing there before trying to fall back asleep. I'm not sure, but I don't think he's got any teeth coming in and he doesn't seem uncomfortable or scared when he wakes up, he just wants mom or dad. We're going on about a week of at least two of these wake ups a night...
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    Yup, we are probably around a month and a half of these wake-ups.  The adjustment from sleeping aaallll night to this is tough.  Both left side molars are in so I'm sure her right sides will be coming soon but it just doesn't seem like teething pain.  I thought maybe a tummy ache at one point when she just had one super long wake up from 3-5 but this is far too consistent for that. 
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    I also think it's separatation anxiety. AJ wakes up a few times through the night. Though it's lessened considerably again the last two-three weeks. For DH he'll lay back down in his crib. If I go in there, he stands up and wants me to hold him. 
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    @shanparadise - ha!  I'm just picturing that happening and have to laugh a little (says the mom w/o twins...).  I always wonder how that works having 2 that young in the same room because as we all know baby/toddler sleep is straight up cray.
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    shanparadiseshanparadise member
    edited September 2017
    @kmurdock925 If we had the space, I would definitely have them have separate bedrooms. But we don’t, so this is what it is. For the most part we don’t have many problems, but I attribute that to them being in the NICU with other babies and coming home and being in their room, in their own cribs, from day one. 
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    @shanparadise I've always wanted twins. This sounds hilariously exhausting 
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