My stomach keeps feeling funny. It's not the same bloated feeling as before, but I think it's essentially the same problem. It just feels different. SO made pasta last night which always kills my stomach. I had to lay down most of the night because sitting made my stomach hurt worse. I also go from not having to pee to having to go really bad. Since my stomach feels so funny, it's like I'm having to learn how these different things feel now that my stomach is bigger. Idk.
Ugh. I know it's midday but I was trying to get ready for the day and cramps from my cervix to my belly button just started and they will not give up, sitting makes it feel worst. I am so tired of feeling like I'm worthless. I cleaned the house today but I have so much more to do and sitting around on my pajamas isn't me. I also don't want to complain anymore to my DH.
My husband has finally noticed how bloated I get. He did a double take looking at me in the morning (I was laying on my back looking at my phone) and he was like, what happened?? You had a big belly last night!
I just cracked up trying to explain to him I wake up with a flat stomach every day and go to bed with a belly and he was shocked. Oblivious?!?!
All that to say, I'm super bloated still but at least I am finally able to pass gas when I need to. Only other symptom now is breast tenderness.
Me: 32 Husbando: 49 Married Since: 7/29/2012 omgosh
My SLEEP has retuned!! I am 13 weeks 3 days and the past three nights I have slept soundly and through the night! I am hopeful this continues!! I have not had such horrible MS, but it does sneak up on me from time to time. I am hoping I can keep it under control with "natural" methods...such as chewing gum.
@mariposa_767s I feel you. My stomach has NOT been my own the entire time. Stuff that did not happen with the other 3. And, you would like my body would be used to all of these changes but it seems this pregnancy is one of a kind!
In general, I feel like my body knows this will be my final pregnancy so it is throwing in ALL the symptoms so I don;t "miss" anything!
I just can't with the terrible MS. Saturday I couldn't keep food down which resulted in me feeling like I was starving all day. Sunday all I ate was toast and crackers and drank lots of water. So far today I'm feeling somewhat better. I was not at all like this with DS so this is so new. I'm super sensitive to all smells that I'm carrying a couple plastic bags in my purse just in case I can't excuse myself fast enough.
And I agree on the stomach feeling funky I just can't figure it out.
This is the first day I've felt gross. I wasn't hungry at all when I woke up, and lately I'm usually starving in the morning. I still ate breakfast just fine. I felt nauseous earlier, but luckily I bought Saltines last night and brought a sleeve with me this morning, so I ate two and felt better. And now I'm feeling it again. And I can smell old coffee from the kitchen and it's really grossing me out.
ETA: Welp, I can't delete this... I'm just lurking and I actually belong in December...I'm so sorry guys! That's embarrassing.
I've come to the conclusion that if I wasn't pregnant I would be seeing a doctor for a mood disorder. These ups and downs, days of depression, anger are seriously getting in the way of enjoying my life and parenting DS. I normally have to mostly deal with anxiety and therapy has helped immensely with that, but it's not seeming to make a difference with this.
Nausea-wise, I'm actually feeling a lot better today - it was terrible this weekend. Even the hand soap in our downstairs bathroom made me gag and heave every time I washed my hands. Aside from a slight headache, the only thing driving me nuts is still the ridiculous amount of saliva that I have. I bought a bunch of gum over the weekend and it helps a bit, but I am so sick of gum already. It's driving me crazy.
@artificialred Do you think it's possible that the pregnancy could be compounding the issue? I'm having much more ups and downs with this one and it's been harder to clear the fog, so to speak. I have ADHD with depression and anxiety, so I can't take anything but I've considered taking an anti-depressant to curb the lows. The lows are much more pronounced than they used to be.
@mariposa_767s I've already talked to my midwife about basically walking out of the hospital with a prescription for antidepressants, but I might need to start talking about what warrants them now. I'd rather not, just because I've never been on them before and this seems like a wonky time to start, but some days just really suck
@artificialred I'm in the same boat. I'm scared to start now because I'm not seeing clearly all of the time and I worry about how objective I can be about the medicine. But I suppose that goes both ways. My hope is that more energy and less fatigue will help my state of mind even though I know that doesn't make sense.
@mariposa_767sdo you think your DH could give you some objective feedback? At certain times I've felt lacking in self awareness, and have turned to those close to me to help assess.
Zits. Everywhere. This better be another one of the "you're so hideous while pregnant because your baby girl is stealing all of your beauty" type deals.
@mississippicatfish yes, but he doesn't think I need it right now. He was happy when I got off of Adderall because he saw how difficult it was on some days to come off of it at night (sometimes I'd have mood withdrawal, brain fog, or anxiety). I think he's worried too. His experience with anti-depressants was very negative. He got the really bad side effects, so he's against brain drugs unless it's necessary. He's helping me assess the situation when I need it, but he knows I'm definitely going on them after I have the baby if not before. He remembers how bad my anxiety was after I had DS. He knows how I feel is real, so he's trying to help provide clarity when I need it. Luckily, it's something he is good at. I have found that if I write down how I'm feeling, he understands it better than when I try to explain it verbally. When the time comes for me to get on medicine, he will be there to help me stay objective.
@MJDSquared It's fine! I could smell popcorn someone popped in the faculty room through the wall in my classroom. Not nearly as bad as when I could smell the nail salon through the wall from the deli. Killed both my appetite and desire to get my nails done.
It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*
@baby3forme same thing here, you are not alone! I usually have really clear skin, but this pregnancy has made me break out all over my face. And if I use any make up products at all, I break out even worse. There is no winning.
The all day nausea and headache continue. Ugh! I'm hoping this is the last week! The only thing that helps the nausea? French fries! I know weird and fattening!
@DuchessOfCambridge belly bands are terrible and I hate them. Necessary evil lol
@MJDsquared I totally lurk in October and have come so close to accidentally posting. It's all good!
@ArtificialRed and @mariposa_767s I've been thinking about asking for anxiety meds as well. It's out of control lately and I find myself waking up several times a night to make sure everyone in my bed is breathing which is ridiculous. I even check the dogs, and DS has stopped sleeping in his room because my anxiety couldn't handle not being able to check on him easily.
@2Dash my boobs are itchy. Same same but different?
@ArtificialRed@mariposa_767s interesting conversation. I've been wondering if I should take something for my depression but I can't figure out if it's just situational since my entire life essentially fell apart in the last 6 months. Going to bring it up with my counselor if I get to see her this week ( I've had to cancel my last 3 appointments due to fuckery)
Still all the exhaustion. I was just standing in the kitchen cooking dinner and needed to lay down. My husband was like "you're tired from just standing there?" Yes yes I am. Also tired because I'm growing a tiny human.
Last night was the first night I didn't feel like I just wanted to die from exhaustion and I'm feeling pretty good tonight so far. I could definitely do without the tiny bit of spotting that's happening, that always stresses me out. Plus the cramping I've had since like week 6. Over it. Nausea seems to be improving a little....just a little though.
Starting to not feel nauseous all day, so win! I'm still pretty tired, but sleeping at night is still not a thing that happens for me. My face has broken out, my hair feels brittle and gross, and I'm still bloated. So sexy!
Ugh I've been getting heartburn. I didn't get heartburn with DS and this sucks.
@jka427 this is about how far along I was when I passed out with DS. I got too hot. I keep looking for signs this time so I can sit down and breathe through it. It's not fun at I don't like people worrying about me.
The bloating. Omg. I actually have bought a few maternity tops because they help hide the bloat a smidge. Pants and all still fit pretty good but we are going to the mall tonight so I'll probably pick up a few maternity items (bras. Omg. Righty is at least a cup size bigger. Lefty is lagging a bit). Zits on my shoulders/chest (but not my face? Weird but good?). My scrub pants fit great yet but the track jackets I mostly wear up top during shifts aren't doing as great. I might have to switch to maternity tees for work just from bloat. I know it's too early for me to show (ftm, well, not first pregnancy but the others were losses by 11 weeks) at 11+3, and I'm plus size, but I carry all my weight in my belly so people are already commenting/touching my blump. Which is both cute (if I know them well enough to be ok with touching), and a little weird since they are just caressing my fat, lol! Oh, and I'm very emotional and scatter brained as evidenced by this post!
@angkay711 I was cooking in the kitchen last night and started feeling out of breath so I leaned on the counter. My boyfriend thought I was going to throw up. I said "I'm ok, just catching my breath" and he started cracking up!
I haven't even kept down water since last night. I have 30 people coming over tomorrow for a cookout and a to-do list as long as my arm and I can't stop puking.
Is anyone else losing lots of hair? It's getting ridiculous. I'm not one to wear me hair up but it's getting out of control and embarrassing having my hair all over the place.
Re: Symptoms 5/8
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
I just cracked up trying to explain to him I wake up with a flat stomach every day and go to bed with a belly and he was shocked. Oblivious?!?!
All that to say, I'm super bloated still but at least I am finally able to pass gas when I need to. Only other symptom now is breast tenderness.
Married Since: 7/29/2012
@mariposa_767s I feel you. My stomach has NOT been my own the entire time. Stuff that did not happen with the other 3. And, you would like my body would be used to all of these changes but it seems this pregnancy is one of a kind!
In general, I feel like my body knows this will be my final pregnancy so it is throwing in ALL the symptoms so I don;t "miss" anything!
And I agree on the stomach feeling funky I just can't figure it out.
Me: 28 DH: 29
#1 DS: 11/24/2016
#2 EDD: 11/15/2017
ETA: Welp, I can't delete this... I'm just lurking and I actually belong in December...I'm so sorry guys! That's embarrassing.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
TTC 9/2016 BFP 12/9/16 EDD 8/21/17 NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC 2/2017 BFP 3/6/17 EDD 11/17/17 DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018 BFP 6/2/19 EDD 2/12/20 NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019 BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19 IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20
AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
@MJDsquared I totally lurk in October and have come so close to accidentally posting. It's all good!
@ArtificialRed and @mariposa_767s I've been thinking about asking for anxiety meds as well. It's out of control lately and I find myself waking up several times a night to make sure everyone in my bed is breathing which is ridiculous. I even check the dogs, and DS has stopped sleeping in his room because my anxiety couldn't handle not being able to check on him easily.
@DuchessOfCambridge don't talk to me about belly bands.
@2Dash my boobs are itchy. Same same but different?
@ArtificialRed @mariposa_767s interesting conversation. I've been wondering if I should take something for my depression but I can't figure out if it's just situational since my entire life essentially fell apart in the last 6 months. Going to bring it up with my counselor if I get to see her this week ( I've had to cancel my last 3 appointments due to fuckery)
I'm having cramps again, they make me sad. Also why am i not asleep my eyes aren't literally burning from tired.
Ugh I've been getting heartburn. I didn't get heartburn with DS and this sucks.
@jka427 this is about how far along I was when I passed out with DS. I got too hot. I keep looking for signs this time so I can sit down and breathe through it. It's not fun at I don't like people worrying about me.
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
Me: 28 DH: 29
#1 DS: 11/24/2016
#2 EDD: 11/15/2017