I had a few good days! And then today I had morning sickness, afternoon sickness, and now evening sickness. Vomiting three times today is making me want to miss work tomorrow!!
@MKMandeville I have it too and it's definitely the baby based on my ultrasound yesterday. I think its feet are close to my bladder. Definitely feeling pressure this week. It's getting weird to bend or squat down. Just greeeeaaat for working with 9 year olds.
It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*
Craved some fish and veggies so cooked some. Then couldn't handle the smell even with all the windows open and had to go outside for like half an hour till the smell left. Sigh. So I had a Clif bar and toast for dinner. Sooo hungry but everything is gross.
@bannaners thank you! Feeling a bit better this morning but still got diahrrea. Couldn't find any Gatorade so have been having coconut water. Hopefully it's all ending soon:)
Holy shit guys. Lying in bed and can't fogureboit what this feeling is. I thought it was anxiety because I'm having a hard day, but it's never felt like this before... then I thought maybe I'm gonna throw up but I also feel kind of hungry and the nausea isn't like this at all. Took me forever to realize that I think this is heartburn. How uncomfortable!
@bcashaw heartburn is the worst. I have only ever had it while pregnant. I'm awake with a really gross stomach. I can't decide if I need to go to the bathroom or throw up. It just HURTS. Of course I need to be awake early for a full day tomorrow.
@KLink15 I sometimes wake up feeling like I did squats and feel super sore. I felt less of this when I bought a body pillow the last time. I think it's time to start using it again it helps relieve the pressure to my hips.
@bcashaw it took me 8 months to figure out it wasn't nausea a lot of the days last pregnancy and that I actually just get terrible heartburn. Tums are safe and help a ton, papaya enzyme, apple cider vinegar if you can handle it (I make like a little shot of it with about a tablespoon per day, lemon juice and honey and water), and if all else fails prescription heartburn meds do wonders. also chiropractic and massage if you are comfortable with those. It Does ease up some the second trimester usually! I get morning sick in the mornings and heartburn most nights, but from weeks about 14-23 I felt Amazing last time so I am kind of banking on that again. (I think it's either another boy or that my pregnancies are just super similar)
@KLink15 this morning I woke up feeling like I was doing deadlifts in my sleep. My back muscles are unbelievably sore! @bananers when I found out I was pregnant a friend brought me 4 bags of maternity clothes and 3 large bottles of Gaviscon for heart burn which I imagine is safe during pregnancy? I will double check though because you're the second person who told me tums!
I feel so incredibly normal today that I'm about to lose my gd mind. And I suck at figuring out where my uterus is but I really wish I could. I would do anything to have a Doppler delivered to my house tonight or to feel the baby move.
@ArtificialRed I'm sorry you're having so much anxiety As hard as it is, when I'm feeling that way I just remind myself that the risk of something going wrong is now so so small. Hugs
@ArtificialRed I had that same issue about 2 weeks ago. I had always thought home dopplers were a waste of money, but after my day of panic, I went to a yardsale Facebook site for my town, and bought one off of a mom who I knew and picked up that day and flew home to listen to the baby. All turned out fine, but I completely understand those moments of panic!
But! I'm choosing to believe I felt the baby tonight! I had just had a sort of sugary snack, was paying super close attention, and felt the movement where my waistband was digging in a little. I first felt DS also while sitting and having my seatbelt press in on me, so it feels pretty familiar with the added benefit of knowing my cereal snack might've woken baby!!
I keep waking up with numb shoulders. Not just one, both. I don't know what's going on. I did have two surgeries on the right one, but I'm wondering if it's like my neck or something because it has happened when I'm laying on my back (which is only really a pregnancy thing for me...I'm usually a side sleeper.) I do have my head propped up to like a 45 degree angle because of said shoulder and reflux.... I hope this stops because it's happening more frequently now.
It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*
@NYTino24 I don't have any answers for you but that sounds very annoying, sorry you're going through that hopefully your OB will have an answer for you at your next appointment.
Thanks, @DuchessOfCambridge! I am thinking it may be a chiropractic thing and that I need an adjustment. I have a herniated disc (but really low - L4/5-S1) and maybe I'm just out of alignment with the belly popping this week and walking around a lot while my students did 5 days of testing. I have to drop off a couple of insurance checks to them, so maybe I'll ask when I'm there.
It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*
@ArtificialRed I'm so happy (and very jealous) that you felt baby! @NYTino24 could it be a circulation issue? I'm just making up potentially helpful things now
Having a little bit of anxiety. I haven't spotted at all except for the first missed period and this morning I used the bathroom before leaving for work and there was a little bit of brown spotting. I know it's supposed to be normal or ok if it's brown but it's still giving me anxiety because I never spotted with my son. And I had to move my ultrasound from Monday to Wednesday because my work changed my day off so I have to wait until Wednesday to see that baby is ok.
Is anyone else having weird low, low back/butt pain? Like in your sacroiliac joint, around your tailbone area? I have been getting a strange, dull ache there and I don't know what it is or how to fix it. It does not radiate up my back or down my legs, it's completed isolated, as though I've been sitting on a regular uncomfortable chair for hours or something and I finally stood up.
Me: 32 Husbando: 49 Married Since: 7/29/2012 omgosh
@Tourmalily try different low back stretches. The one that works best for me right now is to find a pole (or something that can hold your weight) bend at the waist and hold the pole while shifting all your weight back. I hope that made sense but it really takes the pressure off your lower back and feels amazing.
@bcashaw She said it might be a pinched nerve. She did an upper back and neck massage near the trapezius and a light adjustment. My right arm just went numb again when I laid back down. I have a screw in it, so I'm gonna try to see my orthopedist in a few weeks. Probably headed back to PT. @Tourmalily not yet, just RLP with quick movement, but I do have SI joint dysfunction. And it sucks. I hope you feel better soon. PT does some nice stretching for it. (All of my problems stem from being battered in sports.)
It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*
@BayCamp no, that totally makes sense. Like the same type of stretching that downward facing dog would do in Yoga but without the inversion which is not so great for a pregnant woman. I will definitely try it, thanks!
Me: 32 Husbando: 49 Married Since: 7/29/2012 omgosh
@Tourmalily Yes! Mine is definitely my SI joint. I had 2w of moderate to severe pain that affected my left side when walking, going up stairs, and moving around in bed in particular. I was unable to stretch most days because it was too painful and making it worse. I rested it as much as possible and am feeling so much better and can now work more on stretching/preventing reoccurrence (hopefully). It was terrifying though because I didn't know how I'd manage the next 6mo if it didn't get better. The only thing my doctor suggested was a chiro, but the pain did go away on its own in my case.
@baycamp I have had that pain in my pregnancies (not this one yet). I had to be very aware of my posture while sitting, especially on the ground. I found as I got bigger, I had a tendency to sit on the ground to play with my kids and lean my back against the wall, and it pulled something in that joint a way it shouldn't go. For me, stretching only made it worse:/ Probably a different issue since its earlier in PG for you, but just thought I'd chime in:)
Anyone getting headaches every day? I don't feel like taking Tylenol all the time but I have had a headache every day this week and I am getting frustrated.
@angkay711 I get migraines like every other day!! I never had them before being pregnant or even during my other pregnancies. I mentioned it to my doctor and since my blood pressure is good (great actually) she kind of blew it off and said I could take Benadryl if it's really necessary. She said that's what they would give me if I were to go to the ER. I'm kind of nervous though because I read somewhere that you can have pre-e without having blood pressure problems and migraines are also an indicator of GD (which I've had twice).
@baby3forme migraines are terrible. My headaches aren't that bad at least right now. Just more annoying. I didnt know that about blood pressure but I am sure I will google it now. Hope you get some relief!!
@angkay711 I don't get headaches every day, but definitely a few days a week, whereas before pregnancy I only got them if I was sick. Seems to be a common symptom.
+1 on the migraine train. It started around bedtime and I hoped I'd sleep it off but it just woke me up a couple times and it's still there. Meaning I won't be of much use to do anything today. So much ouch.
@Tourmalily Yes! I already have SI joint issues and they're definitely getting worse. My tailbone is also frequently sore, even without activity (my SI joint usually flares up after bending over a lot). I'm hobbling around like an old person.
Re: Symptoms 5/8
TTC 9/2016 BFP 12/9/16 EDD 8/21/17 NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC 2/2017 BFP 3/6/17 EDD 11/17/17 DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018 BFP 6/2/19 EDD 2/12/20 NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019 BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19 IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20
AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
Does anyone have achy legs? My hips and thighs feel like I did some intense leg work out lately...
Me: 28
#1 DS: 11/24/2016
#2 EDD: 11/15/2017
@cmessamore I had 1/2 day off and then it has been back w a vengeance. 12 w on sunday. really hope we all get some relief soon.
DS: 18 months
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Pregnancy"><img
@bananers when I found out I was pregnant a friend brought me 4 bags of maternity clothes and 3 large bottles of Gaviscon for heart burn which I imagine is safe during pregnancy? I will double check though because you're the second person who told me tums!
But! I'm choosing to believe I felt the baby tonight! I had just had a sort of sugary snack, was paying super close attention, and felt the movement where my waistband was digging in a little. I first felt DS also while sitting and having my seatbelt press in on me, so it feels pretty familiar with the added benefit of knowing my cereal snack might've woken baby!!
TTC 9/2016 BFP 12/9/16 EDD 8/21/17 NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC 2/2017 BFP 3/6/17 EDD 11/17/17 DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018 BFP 6/2/19 EDD 2/12/20 NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019 BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19 IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20
AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
TTC 9/2016 BFP 12/9/16 EDD 8/21/17 NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC 2/2017 BFP 3/6/17 EDD 11/17/17 DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018 BFP 6/2/19 EDD 2/12/20 NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019 BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19 IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20
AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
@NYTino24 could it be a circulation issue? I'm just making up potentially helpful things now
Married Since: 7/29/2012
@Tourmalily not yet, just RLP with quick movement, but I do have SI joint dysfunction. And it sucks. I hope you feel better soon. PT does some nice stretching for it. (All of my problems stem from being battered in sports.)
TTC 9/2016 BFP 12/9/16 EDD 8/21/17 NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC 2/2017 BFP 3/6/17 EDD 11/17/17 DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018 BFP 6/2/19 EDD 2/12/20 NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019 BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19 IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20
AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
Married Since: 7/29/2012