March 2016 Moms

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Re: *** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***

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    My sister thought it would be funny to buy me the 50 Shades of Grey dvd.  Yep, sis, pelvic rest and pregnancy are the best times to receive this present......  At least she realized that it was no longer as funny as she had originally thought.

    And what gives, TB?  Where are all the good smileys?  I wanted to use the finger drumming guy, but the old choices are mostly gone.
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    @SparkE82 congrats on the raise!
    @annamakesthings congrats on the new apartment.
    @ecwk sorry you are feeling so down about the weight gain. I gained a ton with Ds 1! About 70 lbs. part of it was swelling and a month of bedrest and part of it was just enjoying eating a little too much. I dread the scale at the doctors office. The good news is, after Ds was born I ate healthy and began excersizing again and the weight slowly but surely came off. Took me about 15 months but I got there. i am less worried this time because I know I can do it again (although I am trying to be a little more careful overall).

    The baby kicked me so hard in the cervix today i thought I would look down and see a foot coming out. Ouch!! That area seems to be his favorite target lately.

    I have my first 2 week appointment tomorrow. I am really hoping we get to schedule my c section! I keep giving vague time frames because I really don't know how close to my date the ob usually schedules. I also hope all goes well because dh said traveling to see my family in Canada for the holidays is contingent on a good report from the ob. I really want to see my siblings even if it is only for a day or two.
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    So ladies...looking for suggestions on something to help this sore sore throat. I don't have a cough, so meds are out. I am going to make myself some hot lemon and honey water...but do any of you have any tried and true solutions for a severely sore throat?
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I was worried about my apt today but dr said she's really happy with my weight gain. I started out a tub-o lard so that was a sigh of relief. They're doing an ultrasound at my next appointment to check on babies growth. So excited to see her in two weeks!! They measured my belly for the first time today too and I thought that was just cute. I had assumed they were going to do it around my waist but she just did it up and down. Idk it's sweet in a way.

    @cmerribury I do honey in hot green tea and that does it for me. Has to be green tea, I don't know why, it just seems to work.
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    So ladies...looking for suggestions on something to help this sore sore throat. I don't have a cough, so meds are out. I am going to make myself some hot lemon and honey water...but do any of you have any tried and true solutions for a severely sore throat?

    Mmmm a hot whiskey (shot of whiskey, boiling water, honey or sugar, lemon and cloves) but since hat is out of the question you could try hot tea with honey and lemon or gargling warm salty water! Feel better!!

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    10 minutes to go on the glucola test I am sooooo boorreeedddd. Monday UO - I didn't hate the drink. Actually, it wasn't really bad at all.

    I did mine today too. I told the woman who gave me the drink the same thing, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. However, like 20 minutes into the waiting I was dying for some water. It really coated the inside of my mouth and left a grimy feeling that was more unpleasant than the drink itself.
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    @ecwk I was about to recommend a Hot Toddy lol Great minds!
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    @kynbar5 hope everything is good with you!!!!!

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    I also had a midwife appointment today and managed to only gain 4 lbs this month, whoot whoot! I actually think I gained slightly less than that, but the lady didn't seem as interested in being neurotic and fastidious with the slide measure thingy as I would have liked *shakes fist* That brings me to just 19 lbs at 27 weeks, which I think shows remarkable restraint and warrants celebration by the consumption of copious amounts of chocolate. All of the  chocolate. 

    In much less exciting, and much more disgusting news, I found a louse at my hairline today while getting in the car after picking my toddler up from daycare. I scratched a sudden itch and felt a bug, so luckily I had the foresight to put it on a piece of paper and snap a picture of it before squashing it. Googled, and sure enough--it's a louse. I had the mister check my hair when I got home, even though he has absolutely no idea what to look for. Mostly I just made him do it because it feels so damn good when someone rifles through my hair.

    I plan to check the girls over tonight, but an initial look at my toddler's skull didn't seem to show any signs of lice. So what do I do next? Should I treat my head even if I don't find any evidence of it on the girls? Should I treat our whole house just in case? (and what exactly does that consist of?)

    UGH, there goes my restful, stress-free holiday break!
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    I )plum
    ecwk said:

    So ladies...looking for suggestions on something to help this sore sore throat. I don't have a cough, so meds are out. I am going to make myself some hot lemon and honey water...but do any of you have any tried and true solutions for a severely sore throat?

    Mmmm a hot whiskey (shot of whiskey, boiling water, honey or sugar, lemon and cloves) but since hat is out of the question you could try hot tea with honey and lemon or gargling warm salty water! Feel better!!
    I was going to say hot whisky with lemon and honey as well. You could probably gargle with hot whiskey and just spit it out. It kills anything living in there.
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    Hot whiskey with lemon and honey is my usual go to. I actually remember having them when I was like 10. (My dad has a bit of a drinking problem, you'll remember, though he at least mixed mine with black tea to temper it.) Anyway, the lemon and honey hot water helped. Green tea and honey tomorrow. Thanks ladies.

    @kitteh81 I'd treat as if it were more than 1. Clean the bedding, treat your hair, etc. Better safe than sorry! I'm so sorry, what an awful start to the week!!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    JLaVO888JLaVO888 member
    edited December 2015
    kitteh81 said:

    I also had a midwife appointment today and managed to only gain 4 lbs this month, whoot whoot! I actually think I gained slightly less than that, but the lady didn't seem as interested in being neurotic and fastidious with the slide measure thingy as I would have liked *shakes fist* That brings me to just 19 lbs at 27 weeks, which I think shows remarkable restraint and warrants celebration by the consumption of copious amounts of chocolate. All of the  chocolate. 

    In much less exciting, and much more disgusting news, I found a louse at my hairline today while getting in the car after picking my toddler up from daycare. I scratched a sudden itch and felt a bug, so luckily I had the foresight to put it on a piece of paper and snap a picture of it before squashing it. Googled, and sure enough--it's a louse. I had the mister check my hair when I got home, even though he has absolutely no idea what to look for. Mostly I just made him do it because it feels so damn good when someone rifles through my hair.

    I plan to check the girls over tonight, but an initial look at my toddler's skull didn't seem to show any signs of lice. So what do I do next? Should I treat my head even if I don't find any evidence of it on the girls? Should I treat our whole house just in case? (and what exactly does that consist of?)

    UGH, there goes my restful, stress-free holiday break!

    If you caught it early you may just be able to get a lice shampoo and kill those bad boys off quick! But if you have had them long enough for them to lay eggs you are going to need to wash everything(bedding, pillows, stuffed animals) in hot water and bleach and probably treat everyone's scalp just to be safe. You will need to use a lice comb to vet the eggs out as well. Anything that cannot be washed will need to go into air tight bags for a while. There really is no way of telling how long you have had them but if your scalp already iches you have probably had them a few days. Sorry you have to deal with that.... it's a real pain in the ass.
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    @cmerribury you can do chloroceptic (sp?). It totally numbs everything.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    kitteh81kitteh81 member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks for the advice @JLaVO888

    I don't really recall feeling itchy lately, but of course now my psychosomatic neurosis has kicked in and I'm feeling extremely itchy all over. The same thing happened when I was working in a kindergarten and we had 9 (yes NINE!) different cases of lice going around one year. It was non stop and I itched like the dickens, but never found any signs of lice despite repeated checks by the school nurse. So I can't trust my own itchiness.

    I'm just going to buy the shampoo and treat all of our heads. Do I need to wash all the sheets in bleach, or is just hot water sufficient? Won't bleach mess up my green sheets? What about towels?

    This is our first brush with lice! :( Now we have both roaches and possibly lice, I think I'm just going to burn my apartment down instead, and start over.
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    JLaVO888JLaVO888 member
    edited December 2015
    kitteh81 said:

    Thanks for the advice @JLaVO888

    I don't really recall feeling itchy lately, but of course now my psychosomatic neurosis has kicked in and I'm feeling extremely itchy all over. The same thing happened when I was working in a kindergarten and we had 9 (yes NINE!) different cases of lice going around one year. It was non stop and I itched like the dickens, but never found any signs of lice despite repeated checks by the school nurse. So I can't trust my own itchiness.

    I'm just going to buy the shampoo and treat all of our heads. Do I need to wash all the sheets in bleach, or is just hot water sufficient? Won't bleach mess up my green sheets? What about towels?

    This is our first brush with lice! :( Now we have both roaches and possibly lice, I think I'm just going to burn my apartment down instead, and start over.

    I totally get the itch being all in the head...happens to me every time one of my students gets lice. I itch for days. I think HOT water will work but you can also buy color safe bleach. I would bleach just to be safe. When it rains it really pours. Sorry you are having to deal with all this.

    Edited to add: yes even the towls. If you thinks it's spread you even need to put your couch cushions in bags.
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    I think I'm going to just go ahead and do it all up as if we were in the midst of a total infestation, because I actually have the time to deal with it now (not that I WANT to be dealing with this, of course.) Once the second week of January hits we're back into the thick of it with my last full semester of grad school and prepping for the baby, and I definitely don't want to be dealing with this with a newborn around.

    I'm going to google here in a bit, but how long should I put the cushions in bags? The girls and I sleep on the pull out couch most of the time (it's a really nice memory foam style one, actually more comfortable than our main bed!) but I think that means I should treat the whole couch. 

    Any recommendations on good products that you've used and that worked? Thanks for the tip about colorfast bleach. I honestly never would have thought about that!
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    Ugh lice is the worst. Last year we had an epidemic in my schools (literally hundreds of kids) and since our families often can't afford to clean properly it just went on and on. You can buy a spray called lice shield which is made of oils that repel lice. You may want to use it on your kids if there is lice at the daycare. You dont need to shampoo if there is no sign of lice or eggs in the hair. As far as washing, 48 hours in a garbage bag is sufficient to kill them. Anything that can't be washed can be bagged. Everything else should be fine on hot cycle with regular detergent (bleach is not necessary). If you are really worried about it bag the bedding and then wash it. But the lice shield really helps I didn't get ice despite having repeated cases in my room for 6-8 weeks.

    I spent the night baking and decorating cookies. I may have eaten to many and will probably live to regret it at my weigh in tomorrow lol. They are delicious though.
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    kitteh81 said:

    I think I'm going to just go ahead and do it all up as if we were in the midst of a total infestation, because I actually have the time to deal with it now (not that I WANT to be dealing with this, of course.) Once the second week of January hits we're back into the thick of it with my last full semester of grad school and prepping for the baby, and I definitely don't want to be dealing with this with a newborn around.

    I'm going to google here in a bit, but how long should I put the cushions in bags? The girls and I sleep on the pull out couch most of the time (it's a really nice memory foam style one, actually more comfortable than our main bed!) but I think that means I should treat the whole couch. 

    Any recommendations on good products that you've used and that worked? Thanks for the tip about colorfast bleach. I honestly never would have thought about that!

    I don't know which brands are best. Getting the eggs out is key though if it has reached that stage in the life cycle. You should google their life cycle. There are photos of all the stages, egg through adult. I have thankfully never actually had lice, I have just been around a lot of students that have and a few friends. I think your plan of being proactive is good. Better to overdo it now and kill the few stray lice than let a full on out break happen. If your daughters don't have it yet, that is a good sign.
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    So ladies...looking for suggestions on something to help this sore sore throat. I don't have a cough, so meds are out. I am going to make myself some hot lemon and honey water...but do any of you have any tried and true solutions for a severely sore throat?

    Marshmallows I know it sounds weird but eating marshmallows helps soothe a sore throat I was The strep queen before they took my tonsils and marshmallows were the only thing that helped my throat feel better.

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    JLaVO888 said:

    kitteh81 said:

    I think I'm going to just go ahead and do it all up as if we were in the midst of a total infestation, because I actually have the time to deal with it now (not that I WANT to be dealing with this, of course.) Once the second week of January hits we're back into the thick of it with my last full semester of grad school and prepping for the baby, and I definitely don't want to be dealing with this with a newborn around.

    I'm going to google here in a bit, but how long should I put the cushions in bags? The girls and I sleep on the pull out couch most of the time (it's a really nice memory foam style one, actually more comfortable than our main bed!) but I think that means I should treat the whole couch. 

    Any recommendations on good products that you've used and that worked? Thanks for the tip about colorfast bleach. I honestly never would have thought about that!

    I don't know which brands are best. Getting the eggs out is key though if it has reached that stage in the life cycle. You should google their life cycle. There are photos of all the stages, egg through adult. I have thankfully never actually had lice, I have just been around a lot of students that have and a few friends. I think your plan of being proactive is good. Better to overdo it now and kill the few stray lice than let a full on out break happen. If your daughters don't have it yet, that is a good sign.
    I'm actually pretty sure I got it from one of my daughters, as all 3 of us bedshare.

    I have no idea how I'm going to manage to comb through my toddler's hair, though. She doesn't have much, thankfully, but she has some mild sensory issues and freaks out over stuff like that.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread mamas, but thanks for all the great tips and advice. You guys are way better than google!
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    @kitteh81 sorry Bout the bugs- they plain old suck! I caught them a couple years ago from one of my kids in class, but i didn't find them for a couple weeks. Having scalp psoriasis, I didn't think twice about my head being itchy until I pulled a bug out! I had to take the next day off work and clean my head- and when I went back I make sure we found the culprit- which ended up missing over 8 weeks of school because she had chronic lice. I went for months freaking out whenever my head itched because of that!

    A good tip if you have a sensitive scalp like mine- use a really dense/thick hair treatment(i used some generic hair "cholesterol" I found at the drug store) and donot wash first, but slather it on dry, and cover with a shower cap or grocery bag for an hour. Then wash and rinse and wash again, or re - treat it. The cholesterol/mayo/mask is so thick if you leave it on it will suffocate any live bugs. I also had read that using apple cider vinegar to rinse will help pop nits because the vinegar is acidic and will eat through the shell of the nit. As a final treatment I dyed my hair lol- again the chemicals will kill aanything crawling in your hair. When I went back to work the next day I only had 1 dead nit left in my head that the nurse was able to pull out.

    And I quickly learned hair spray is my friend!!! You wear that stuff and the lice can't stick to the hair shaft. Whenever I found more bugs on that kid I ran to my office and doused my head in hair spray!!!
    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @cmerribury Instead of a hot toddy with whiskey, you could sub in Dr. Pepper.  That's what we used to do.

    Or, by my mother's golden standard, gargle with warm salt water (warm water with a spoonful of salt).  Then you alternate that with gargling with something else (that's not coming to mind).  The idea is to change the pH of your mouth and kill the buggies?  IDK.  That wouldn't necessarily work if it's a post nasal drip obviously.  

    @jlavo888 Marshmallows are great for sore throats because of the pectin I think?  It's the same stuff they put in non-instant jello mix.  I remember being little and actually drinking warm jello mix as well to soothe our strep throat.  
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    Thanks ladies, for all the advice. Having my husband pick up some marshmallows and jell-o mix today!! I do have chloraseptic and I use that before I eat. It's when I'm sleeping that it's the worst.

    Last night I woke at 2 am with a brain-splitting headache and congestion and sore throat. I couldn't speak or even explain to my husband what was wrong. Fortunately, with us both being migraine sufferers, he knows my sign language for "please, cut my head off and end the torture" so he got me Tylenol. I broke down and researched more on the Internet and finally took sudafed too. I hope I didn't doom my son, but it was the only thing that would help. Most of the concerns seem to be in first trimester...

    Anyway, I see my doc today so we shall see what she says. I may go get a strep culture to be sure...
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Good luck and fx for you @pinksunglasses16!  I go tomorrow to see if mine has moved any.  I'm not sure if they will keep waiting to see if it has moved or not, or if I will schedule a C-section (I'll be 30 weeks on Thursday) and honestly while I love seeing my little man on the screen, I'm sick of taking time off work to get these ultrasounds done- they are beginning to cut into my maternity leave I have saved up.
    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Thanks ladies, for all the advice. Having my husband pick up some marshmallows and jell-o mix today!! I do have chloraseptic and I use that before I eat. It's when I'm sleeping that it's the worst. Last night I woke at 2 am with a brain-splitting headache and congestion and sore throat. I couldn't speak or even explain to my husband what was wrong. Fortunately, with us both being migraine sufferers, he knows my sign language for "please, cut my head off and end the torture" so he got me Tylenol. I broke down and researched more on the Internet and finally took sudafed too. I hope I didn't doom my son, but it was the only thing that would help. Most of the concerns seem to be in first trimester... Anyway, I see my doc today so we shall see what she says. I may go get a strep culture to be sure...
    Oh man feel better.  That sounds awful!  Especially the week of Christmas!  You should go in just in case it's a sinus/ear infection (weird - I get awful throat pain for ear infections).
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Trying to decide what to do for stocking stuffers for DH and me.  We aren't doing gifts for each other because of the new house/appliances, but I want to do something as stuffers - besides chocolate.  Any ideas?
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    smount2011smount2011 member
    edited December 2015
    @skruhmin we usually just do toiletries/things we need for stocking stuffers.  DH and I go through razors like no ones business (because he burns through his then uses mine up too), soap/deodorant, new toothbrush...

    I'm irritated- I told DH no presents this year for us (we just can't afford them) and guess what I found under the tree for me from guess who?  I don't get paid till Thursday so I'll have to wait till then.  Makes me mad.
    ETA:  QBF
    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Ooh another question.  We don't have any wrapped presents out due to DS2 getting into everything - so yeah, we have our tree gated off.  Should I put our presents for the boys out before Christmas or with Santa's presents?  What do you ladies do?
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Lotto scratchers always end up in our stockings. We always got them from my mom so I just continued that tradition with Dh and he seems to enjoy it. I also stock him up with beef jerky, a gift card to his favorite local burger joint (both his "man food" according to him) and his favorite candy. Also last year I put a USB plug for the car in there since his car doesn't have one built in.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    @skruhmin I would just go ahead and wait, put them out with Santa's gifts- it would make for a huge surprise.  I don't have that luxury this year- my daughter stopped believing last year :( it broke my heart. My mother refuses to let go of "Santa" so she still wraps presents and brings them over after DD goes to bed- from Santa.  However I did tell DD next year she gets to pretend to be Santa with us for the baby, and because we need to keep him believing she will get "Santa" presents again lol. 
    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Has anyone seen the Owlet Monitor advertised on Facebook? I'm kind of at odds here - it seems like an awesome technology but in the back of my mind I'm thinking two of my kids were fine without any monitors like this.  What say you BTDT moms?  Am I being dumb by not buying this?
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    @skruhmin We wait to put all of my son's gifts out until after he goes to bed on Christmas Eve. That's not how I was raised, but my husband firmly believes that the only way to do Christmas is how HIS MOM did Christmas, so we continue the tradition. My son always asks me, though, who the gifts under the tree are for. Poor kid is always disappointed. 

    For stocking stuffers we usually do little snacky things (like flavored nuts, beef jerkey, and little mini bottle of Tabasco cause he's addicted), I always throw some new fun boxers in there, and because my husband loves them, fun patterned socks. A universal tool that he can keep in his wallet is nice. Also a thumb drive. A desk calendar. Last year I got him one of those bobble heads of Norman Reedus, but I realize that's pretty personal. :) 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @skruhmin We wait to put all of my son's gifts out until after he goes to bed on Christmas Eve. That's not how I was raised, but my husband firmly believes that the only way to do Christmas is how HIS MOM did Christmas, so we continue the tradition. My son always asks me, though, who the gifts under the tree are for. Poor kid is always disappointed. 

    For stocking stuffers we usually do little snacky things (like flavored nuts, beef jerkey, and little mini bottle of Tabasco cause he's addicted), I always throw some new fun boxers in there, and because my husband loves them, fun patterned socks. A universal tool that he can keep in his wallet is nice. Also a thumb drive. A desk calendar. Last year I got him one of those bobble heads of Norman Reedus, but I realize that's pretty personal. :) 
    lol I was going to mention the Ron Swanson bust I got DH for his desk at work but I thought that was a little too specialized. He is a big Daryl fan though....maybe next year ;)

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    Hey y'all! Glad to see everyone's doing good! @skruhmin We always wait until all the kids are asleep on Christmas Eve to put out all the presents. I love the look on their faces when they get up and see them! I'm sure I missed a lot of other things I could have said but I just had to go through 4 pages to catch up lol.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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