February 2016 Moms

Everyone introduce yourselves!


Re: Everyone introduce yourselves!

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    Hi, my name is Kara. I'm 27 yo and live in Salt Lake City. It's my first pregnancy and I'm ecstatic! My EDD is Feb 23. I'm just over 7 weeks. Everything is very new for me as I went most of my life believing I wouldn't have children of my own. I am on the road a lot with my SO and the only thing I'm not excited about is being on the road while pregnant. I can't wait for this new adventure in my life and I'm happy to have a home online for support.
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    Hi Everyone! I'm new to message boards but I couldn't resist the idea of support from women going through the same (sometimes terrifying) processing I am!

    My name is Renee and I am so excited and super lucky to be having a honeymoon baby! My newly minted husband and I could not be more shocked!! We are also currently homeless staying with my parents while we build our house. Any advice on handling stress while pregnant would be welcomed!! :)

    I'm 30 and work for my families residential development company and my DH is 32 and works in IT Security.

    I can't wait to get to know all of you! I hope for you all health, happiness and a good sense of humor through this process! ;)
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    @megpinter I live so close to you! On the other side of the mall in auburn, ga. Nice to see someone else "local" on here.
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    Hi I'm Meg and I've been posting a bit in the March 2016 BMB because I was pretty sure I was due early March...but had my dating ultrasound today and discovered my EDD is Feb 23, 2016! 

    I'm 31 and DH is 34...been together 13 years, married 3. This is our first and we are very, very excited...but very, very nervous. Looking forward to meeting everyone else :)
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    Hello, I'm 24 and this will be my husband and my first child. We had an angel baby last september so after a a few more months of trying, it happened! We cannot wait to meet this baby. We will have been married a year next month and it's gone by so fast. 

    This pregnancy has been very different for me than the first. I had nausea during the first, but was also pregnant during my wedding and honeymoon in the caribbean on a cruise so a lot of what I felt was just being tired and not knowing I was pregnant for the first 6 weeks. This time the nausea is crazy bad. I saw my primary care doc this morning just to double check. I was hoping she would prescribe zofran but she didn't. She is calling my morning sickness extreme so I will ask my doc during my first prenatal apt next week for some. I have a strange feeling that it's twins. I just feel like all of my energy is being sucked out of me and I am a bigger girl, so I know that can play a factor. We will see soon though. My due date is february 24! I'm hoping I deliver before march though. I'd like a february baby :)
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    Hi everyone! I'm Devon I'm 29 (soon to be 30) and my hubby is 30. We have been married for almost three years, together for twelve. This is our first baby and we're excited and terrified all at the same time! I work in aerospace and have a busy career with lots of travel so I'm especially nervous about trying to balance home and work life. Based on the dates alone we have an EDD of Feb 26th... First ultrasound is July 27th and time cannot move fast enough!!!! Worrying lots and feeling like I have every symptom under the sun! Looking forward to sharing this experience (good, bad and ugly) with you all! :)
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    Hey everyone! I'm Lily. My fiance and I are both 23 and this is my first pregnancy. :) We dated several years ago and got back together almost a year ago, so this was definitely a surprise. We were hoping to wait another year or two so it's a bit scary and exciting at the same time. We're due Feb 26th and I so can't wait!
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    cvigen Hi Carrie, Wow, congratulations!
    No worries, you aren't the oldest first-time-mommy-to-be here, either. I am 37 and this is my first also. (I did miscarry once before at 5 weeks.) 
    Welcome to the group :)
    BFP 6/26/15 - EDD 2/26/16
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Hi Marie! I too am one of the oldER moms-to-be...and am excited and nervous as well. I had 1 other pregnancy which ended in week 5, so am excited to be in Week 7 now. First US tomorrow. 
    Welcome to the group!
    BFP 6/26/15 - EDD 2/26/16
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Hi Everyone I'm Wynyer, I'm One Of The Young Mommies I'm 19 yr. This Will Be My First Child, Its Not The First For My Fiance...We've Been Together 4yrs Now. I'm 7w 4d I'm Very Excited. Due Date Fed.22.!
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    I'm a little late on the reply to this! 

    My name is Dominique and I am 24, will be 25 in December. 
    I have been with my SO for 1.5 years. Not together very long, and the baby is a surprise for us but we are SO EXCITED for our first. 
    We saw the flicker of light beautiful heartbeat at 6 weeks, we are due February 12. 
    Exactly 9w today and can't wait to experience the rest of pregnancy. 
    Especially the 2nd trimester when all my delightful symptoms ease a bit. My food aversions are insane!!! 

    Hope everyone is having a happy pregnancy!

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    Hi I'm Ashley I'm 21 my husband is 22 we are having our honeymoon baby! This is my first pregnancy and I'm definitely nervous! I'm due February 6th!
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    Hi all! I am 8w3d today with our first baby. Just had our first ultrasound today and it feels real now! DH and I live in a suburb near Houston. He is an Engineer and I am Director of Marketing and Events. We are super excited for this new journey! :x

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Hey y'all. My name is Jen! I've been with my SO for 4years, married for almost 1year. We just found out we're pregnant and we are SO EXCITED!! I miscarried back in April so this is happy news. Just praying everything goes well so our little munchkin will grow up to be happy and healthy. I still haven't had my appt yet (impatiently waiting for another week and a half). Love reading all about y'all and look forward to learning more and getting some advice!
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    I'm Katie, I'm 20 years old and my husband and I have been together for three years, we just had our one year anniversary and went on vacation when I started thinking I might be pregnant! Got home and took a test the next day!! So excited, we wanted to start a family right away. I'm due February 15 so I'll be 9 weeks on Monday and have our first appointment on Wednesday! Hubby is in the navy and we're in Virginia right now
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    I had my boys 15 months apart and it is great! They will grow up close together and always be there for each other. It will be challenging but it will definitely be rewarding
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    prego2febprego2feb member
    edited July 2015
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    cvigen said:

    Hi! I'm Carrie, 36 from Minneapolis. First pregnancy, just over 8 weeks, due February 16. First ultrasound was today and everything looks perfect. Husband is 39, we've been married for 10 years and are really excited. We struggled with infertility and 22 months later here we happily are! I work in higher education human resources and husband is in corporate training and communications. Our fur baby is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. All the best to everyone!

    Love my King Charles!!

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    Hi everyone! I'm Laurie. I'm 31. This is my first pregnancy. Supposedly I'm due February 19 but that will probably change once we figure out how far along I actually am. Just had my first OBGYN and U/S appointment last week. I live in NJ and work in NYC. It's a long commute. Any suggestions from other working moms about how to deal with commuting when pregnant? Thanks and congrats to all!
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    LMMama said:
    Hi I'm Leeann. I'm 28 years old and live in New Jersey with my boyfriend. We just bought a new house and moved in over the weekend. We have a 3 year old daughter already named Lucy. I'm currently in grad school for an MS in School Counseling. In the meantime I work full time at an office job that I haaate. But I only have a few more months of school to go! When I'm at home I'm pretty lame and enjoy cooking, researching Pinterest ideas that I'll never do, and watching HGTV and The Bachelor (currently The Bachelorette).
    Yay, a fellow New Jerseyan!! :)
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    Hi Everyone! My name is Lauren and both my hubby and I are 29. We have been married for 6 years and have known each other for 10. We live in Houston, Tx and I am a natural gas scheduler and he is a apartment construction superintendent. We just started TTC in early June and we managed to get pregnant the first go round! We were a bit surprised but super excited! We had our first appt last Wednesday and our due date is February 27. I look forward to participating with all you ladies on here and congrats to all :)
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    kap25kap25 member
    Hello Everyone! I'm Kim, I'm 25 and DH is 30. We've been together almost 4 years and married 2 1/2. This is our first child and my EDD is 2/24/16. I work in retail management and he is Active Duty Navy. We're currently stationed in FL but I'm originally from Northern California. I had my implant removed late last year and it took a few months for things to get back to normal. We started TTC in April and we're very excited (and a bit nervous) to be parents. Our families are very supportive, and we couldn't be happier. I look forward to getting to know y'all better :)
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    Hello Mommies! My name Haley, I'm 30 years old and I'm pregnant with my 3rd child. :) I have an almost 8 year old boy and a 4 year old and they are my world! I am recently remarried and we are now expecting baby #3 (his 1st). I am a Vascular Dissector at Cryolife in Kennesaw GA and I absolutely love my job! My husband and I have been best friends since 6th grade and I couldn't be any happier than to be able to spend my life with him! He is an incredible step dad to my boys so I know he will be a fantastic daddy as well! Excited to be here ladies! ♡
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    My name is Rocio I'm 35 years old I'm 8weeks and 3 days EDD 2/19/2016 hello everyone :)
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    Hi Everyone!

    So excited to meet you all and hear your stories!

    My name is Abby. I'm 32 (33 next month) and this is my first (hopefully) thb. We had a mmc last summer and natural mc in Nov. We are currently 9 months, 4 days. Because of our history we have already had 3 ultrasounds and all have been positive- showing growth and strong heartbeat so fingers crossed that continues! Our EDD is 2/10/16!

    I'm an elementary teacher so I have the summer off, which is fabulous for resting and nausea but leaves a lot of time to fret and overthink things ;). Loving the gorgeous Seattle weather this year, though! Wishing all of us a happy and healthy 9 months!
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    Hi! I'm Ginger, I'm from Florida and this is my first baby! :) I met my DH on eharmony and we had our first date on January 4th 2014. He took me too the top of a mountain in Canada to propose 6 months later and on Dec 27th we were married! :) I'm 32 and he is 37, so we didn't want to wait too long. I went off BCP in January but was told that I would have a hard time getting pregnant because I have PCOS and am overweight. To make matters worse, I stopped talking victoza, which was keeping my weight down. .. because I knew it is not safe to take during pregnancy. As a result I gained 35 pounds before I even got pregnant! Eek! My doctor put me back on it the week I found out I was pregnant, so I guess I'm stuck at this awful weight. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life! My doc was surprised I got pregnant and so far I have had no issues. They are monitoring my sugar because I'm high risk for GD. Its scary but I'm going to try to stay positive. :) I am 8 w + 1d and our 2nd US is on Tuesday. First one all we saw was the sac. Excited to see my little "Sackary". Lol

    First Date w/DH- 1/4/14
    Proposal by DH - 6/21/14
    Married DH - 12/27/14
    Stopped BC - 12/28/14
    LMP - 5/16/15
    IB - 6/15/15
    FRER/BFP (x3) - 6/18/15
    1st Ultrasound (Gestational Sac seen) - 6/30/15
    2nd Ultrasound - 7/14/15 - Healthy little "Hamster" with a strong heartbeat!!! :)

    PCOS, 2000mg Metformin/day, and told by Docs I couldn't get pregnant!

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    jlcoop4 said:
    @megpinter I live so close to you! On the other side of the mall in auburn, ga. Nice to see someone else "local" on here.

    That's awesome! Yes, definitely nice to see someone else local! :) Congrats on your pregnancy!!
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    Hey I'm KayDee. I'm 25 & this is my 3rd baby. I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant and I'm very anxious to meet my little "guy" (wishful thinking) lol!
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    PerniciousPernicious member
    edited July 2015
    Hi! My name is Jackie and I'm eighteen--and totally terrified. My ex boyfriend has some serious issues I wasn't aware of during the year we were together, so he will not be in the picture as I raise this child. I really hope my child doesn't inherit some of those psychological issues, but I know I'll do my very best to keep him/her happy and healthy no matter what. EDD is 2/23/16. I have a wonderful, wonderful job writing papers for college students who don't want to write or cannot write their own. I have lived on m own since the day I turned sixteen, and I have one roommate-- a lovely adopted rabbit named Severus (he is my life). He is rather mean towards everyone except for me, (and exceedingly complex, for a rabbit) so I thought the name fit...
    I am definitely open to any advice I receive. If you have anything to share, good or bad, let me know. 
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    Hello! My name is Madelyn but I mostly go by Maddy. So far I seem to be one of the youngest. I'm 19 turning 20 in September and this is my first pregnancy. I'm currently in nursing school with not to much longer to go. Of course this wasn't planned by my partner and I but overall I believe everything happens for a reason and we're very excited to welcome our bundle of joy. So far DD is 2/4/2016 but that's subject to change after my first ultrasound on this coming up Friday. I am very very nervous but I'm sure everything will be just fine.
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    Hi! My name is Teri and I live in Florida. My DH and I have been together for almost 9 years, married for three. We have a beautiful 20 month old boy. We are very excited for this pregnancy, even though I have been feeling horrible for what feels like forever.
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    LieseyLiesey member
    Hi my name is Hanneliese, I live in Los Angeles. I'm 32 and my old man is 34, this is our first child and we've been trying since last December. I'm not excited just yet because I've been so sick but I'm sure I'll get there.
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    My name is Sasha I'm almost 26 and DH is almost 31. We celebrate our 1 yr anniversary Aug. 30th and I am due Feb. 1st! We are beyond excited, seems like a dream come true!

    We have two dogs and live in NW Indiana.
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    Hi I'm Jaime- I'm 31 and my hubby is 27. We are both active duty Air Force and expecting our first. We are so excited! I am 9 weeks today!
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    Hi my name is Courtney. I am 21 my DH is 27 soon 28. Well be married a year this coming weekend but been together over 2 years now.
    I am currently finishing up my EMT schooling. We are both volunteer firefighters so I took my career to the next level. We have 2 dogs a german shepherd named Boomer and a chocolate lab names Cooper.
    I am currently 8 weeks and 2 days I believe. This is our 1st after trying for 7 long months! So ready for this journey ahead
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    Hello my name is Hailey and I just joined I found out how far along I was last Friday and my due date is feb 3rd although I was wishing for the 14 :) I'm 20 years old and me and my fiancé are so excited to have our first child that we are hoping for a boy but either is just as good as long as my baby is healthily
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    Hello ladies! I'm Stephanie, 28 years old, and I'm in Indiana. Due date is 2/16/16 and hopefully everything goes right to make me a first time mama. I had a miscarriage very young so every little cramp or pain causes a complete meltdown. I'm lucky to have my patient, loving fiancé by my side. He proposed on valentines day and we are still going through with the wedding September 18th. He's the best husband I could ever imagine having and I still wonder how I got so lucky. He's on page 213 of the baby book we got and is filling me in as we go haha. Look forward to talking more with you all as our babies grow!
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    Hi ladies! I'm a little late to the party. I got my BFP last Thursday and by my lmp I am due 2/25! I had weight loss surgery back in October, so I'm having to carefully monitor my food intake (to make sure I eat enough), and hopefully there won't be any issues with that!

    I'm 35 as is my husband of 6 years, and we live in Arlington, Tx. We have a 3 year old son who is our world, and an 8 yr old pug who was our first baby.

    I work as an early intervention specialist with Early Childhood Intervention, and I'm a developmental teacher who helps families with babies and toddlers with developmental delays. I love my job, but I'm working on getting certified to teach special Ed in the public school setting.

    I'm so excited to meet everyone here!
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    MelJavMelJav member
    This is my first pregnancy that made it this far. I'm 10 weeks and just know this baby is here to stay... Why this time you ask? Cause I'm sick all day long. I'm fat and bloated. I'm
    Super mean and super sensitive. Everyone avoids me cause i am irrational. Oh and my sono's are perfect. :)
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    It's so nice seeing so many lovely women coming from all walks of life!

    My name is Alaina, I'm 22 and my amazing boyfriend is 28. We have been together for 2 and a bit years. I am a registered nurse and he is an engineer. This little baby is our welcomed surprise. We have a fur-baby named Jenny, a 36lb Siberian husky. We live in south western Ontario. Our EDD is February 24th. We had our first U/S on 7W2D because I was having some sharp abdominal pain, turned out to be first trimester round ligament pain. Baby is already measuring bigger than expected. Looking forward to seeing all of you lovely ladies and your baby's progress and grow over the next 7 or so months!

    If there are any other moms from north of the border, please feel free to connect :)
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