February 2016 Moms

Everyone introduce yourselves!


Re: Everyone introduce yourselves!

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    BHoddBHodd member
    edited July 2015
    Hello ladies! My name is Beth, I'm 32, and excited and surprised that we are expecting our 2nd LO 2/29/16! DS turns one 7/21.
    We live in Athens, Ga and will be married 3 years in August. I am a physician and love my job.
    I'm very happy to be here and looking forward to getting to know you all!
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    Hi ladies!

    My name is Susan, I'm 30, and hubs and I live in Chicago.  We have been TTC since the New Year.  This is my first pregnancy, and still very early yet - due date is 2/25.  We have our first doctor's appt on Saturday morning, and I'm not sure how much he'll be able to do, but excited nonetheless that it will feel more "real" once a doctor says I'm expecting! :)  I am overweight, so that is a huge concern - now just hoping for a healthy pregnancy and kid!

    We have taken to calling our new addition "Stanley," as we are huge Blackhawks fans and this little one was conceived during the Stanley Cup finals! :)  We are hoping that he/she is a few days late and can be a leap day baby!

    So excited to go through this journey w/ all of you!

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    I'm 18, married since February 4, 2015, living in Maine, and due on February 10th! I lost my first baby February 27 of this year and found out I was pregnant on June 1st. I'm completely in love with my baby already and just praying for the best!
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    I am due 2/27 an my DS will be 1 7/29. We are in the same boat!
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    RN0107RN0107 member
    Hi! I'm 28 and DH is 35. We have been married for 5 years and live in the Midwest. We have 2 boys already and they are 3.5 and 2. So excited to hopefully meet this little gummy bear in February! EDD 2/26 but I will have a RCS sometime the week before.

    MMC Aug 2010
    DS1 Jan 2012
    DS2 July 2013
    DS3 February 2016

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    Hi I'm Tara , 29 and from vermont. I have a 10 month old son and an amazing husband. We have an English Setter and two cats who love to play with our boy. I keep dreaming I'm having twins this time!!
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    Hello all! My name is Haley, I'm 22 and this is my second pregnancy DH and I were totally surprised but so happy as well! Our DD will be two this October and is the light of our life! As for our jobs I am a nursing student, I work at the local hospital on the medical surgical unit as a pct. and hubby works construction! We can't wait to add this little one to the mix!
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    Hello! My name is Ashley and I have been married for almost 3 years and we have a 16 month old daughter. We just found out 3 weeks ago that we are pregnant with number 2. We originally wanted to wait until our daughter was 2 - 3 years old before starting to try for #2.... out of diapers, in toddler bed, sleeping thru the night and done with nursing. But, God had others plans! Haha. Now, I am trying to rest as much as possible since our daughter has been waking a ton at night lately. :O :'( :-( I am a working stay-at-home mom and run my own craft/apparel/accessories business. We are very excited (after the initial shock) to have two of our children close in age!
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    Hi I am Desiree I am 22 I am pregnant with my first and I am beyond excited! Dad wants his daddy's little girl I just want a healthy baby! I live in Chicago! Any other new time Chicago moms on here?
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    Hi, my name is Megan.  I am 27 and my husband is 30.  We are celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary this weekend.  
    Right now our only child is our dog, Mia.  But we are excited to give her a sibling!  
    We had a miscarriage last fall, and are very happy to have gotten a positive test in June.  

    I am a 3rd grade teacher in a school with a mostly young, female staff.  So I will be joining 5 other women (so far) in taking a maternity leave during the next school year.  

    I also have ulcerative colitis and recently had a very bad flare (after the miscarriage).  So we're hoping for a smooth pregnancy and recovery, but feeling very positive.  I've started Remicade infusions and have been feeling great.  

    Happy to be in the February 2016 group!  Congratulations to everyone!

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    Hi! I am Misti. 35 yrs. old from Alabama. This is baby #3 technically. I had a miscarriage in February so trying to be positive and hope for the best this time around. My first appt. is July 20. I am anxious for it to get here. My husband and I have been married 7 years and have a 5 yr. old son. We'd love a girl this time!! Based on the calculators the due date should be Feb. 25. Happy to be here!
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    Hi I'm 30 and this is our first baby. We live in Texas. Our current child is a 3 year old rescue mutt :) just had our first appointment yesterday and were able to see the heartbeat ❤️ hoping for a healthy happy baby around Feb 22. I'm a little worried, but trying not to be. I'll be high risk thanks to factor v Leiden so I'll be on daily blood thinner injections starting at 10 weeks. Hubby is still in the shocked/worried phase. Any tips on dealing with an anxious hubby
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    Hi! I'm Kate. I'm 26 and DH is 38. We live in Nevada with our doggie and two cats. We will be married 2 years in September, but have been together for 4. I have my master's degree in Literacy Studies, and have been teaching 5th grade for 5 years. DH is also a teacher, so it's nice to have the same schedules! We have been TTC for about 10 months, and are very excited to meet our little bean on February 18th. Other than teaching, we enjoy running, biking, camping, cooking, and working in our garden. I look forward to sharing this experience with you ladies!
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    Hi Carlise,
    Congrats on your pregnancy! And congrats on your coming move to Hawaii. I lived there half my life and truly love it!
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    Hi everyone, my name is Cindy and I'm feeling a bit out of place here as a 37 (almost 38yr old) and having our first baby.
    My husband and I have had a great time traveling and starting a business and it was only now that we were ready to start a family. He is 45 and laughs that the teachers at our kids school will think he's their grandfather:)
    We have two 2 dogs that rescued from the shelter and they bring us so much joy and laughter.

    At my age, I am very nervous for this pregnancy. My first appt. is on 7/9 so hopefully the doctor can help ease my nerves. I love this forum and want to thank all you ladies for sharing your stories.
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    I am 41. Just married my wife at the end of May. We have been trying to get pregnant for 8 months doing IUI, and one round of IVF. The embryo transfer was one week to the day after the wedding and I am knocked up with twins. Guess it is almost like getting pregnant on your honeymoon. Lol. Due date is 2/22.
    I love to craft, cook, can food, garden and wander around in nature. I learned to knit this year, so I want to get to work on some baby blankets.
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    Hi everyone! Congrats to you all, I'm so happy to be here with you :)

    You can call me Nats, and I'm 27 from northern Virginia. DH is 28 and this will be our first child. We currently have 2 fur babies who are the loves of our lives! I was pregnant shortly after we got married in 2012, but that ended in a miscarriage and I spent the next 2.5 years with an RE. I already had thyroid issues (removed in 2012) and then was diagnosed with PCOS and prediabetes. So we tried several rounds of Clomid + TI, Clomid + IUI, and finally injectables that resulted in this pregnancy. I got a positive HPT super early and the RE feared multiples, but there's just one in there :)

    I waited to intro because I had (and still have) a bit of anxiety over losing this baby like my last. But we just had an u/s yesterday-- baby is 9w4d, hb was 170, and s/he was moving around like crazy!

    Can't wait to get to know you ladies!

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

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    Hi everyone! Congrats to you all, I'm so happy to be here with you :) You can call me Nats, and I'm 27 from northern Virginia. DH is 28 and this will be our first child. 

    Congrats! Glad to see another northern Virginia mommy on here :) 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    vtwd40vtwd40 member
    Hi. I've been lurking a while and will try to post. I'm 36. This is my second child. I have a 3 yr old daughter. I was a huge part of my old BMB, we've since relocated and are still super close.
    I am high risk. I had 3 MC before having my daughter. Then they figured out I have multiple clotting disorders, so I'm on Lovenox daily. I'm still pretty nervous about this pregnancy, and will be until my NT scan in a few weeks. I'm due Feb 7th
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    smn14smn14 member
    Hi all,

    My name is Sarah, a teacher from the UK and I'm 30. DH is also 30. I'm nearly 7 weeks with my first child and am due at the end of February. We have to wait til 12 weeks here for first scan, so a long time to wait still!
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    Hi! I'm Christian. I'm 24 years old and pregnant with my 3rd lo. I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old, both boys. Ive been with my wonderful husband for a little over 6 years now. We're so excited to have our 3rd lo next year! I've been on the bump before, mainly during my last pregnancy, but wasn't able to keep up much after he was born. I can't wait to get to know all you wonderful mamas!
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    Hi!  I live in Los Angeles and I'm 32, soon to be 33.  This is my first pregnancy.  I'm an office manager now but will probably switch to SAHM once I give birth.  Good daycares in our area are out of this world expensive and DH is fine with me not working for awhile, as am I.  Due date is 2/16/16 but that could change after my first U/S, which sadly isn't till next week when I'll be almost 9 weeks along.  Excited to join you all on this adventure!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Hi ladies,
    So nice to read through the intros. I'm 26 and DH is turning 31 next month, married 4.5 yrs and this will be our first. We are both very excited. Estimated for feb 10th. We have 2 airedales terriers. Both of us are computer programers. And I enjoy the arts and outdoors.

    Best of luck to all you ladies as we start this journey!

    Pregnancy Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hi Ladies!

    I'm new to this site and I am very excited and happy to see they offer boards that we can communicate on. My husband and I recently moved to New Jersey from the Upper Westside Manhattan. I work full time in the city until I'm too big to move around. ;) I'm 26 and we are expecting our second child on February 14th Valentine's Day!!! I'm very excited but nervous! Our first is 7 years old so it's been awhile for me!
    Nice to meet everyone!
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    Hi! My name is Jackie, and I'm eighteen. About me? Well, I had a full ride scholarship to Cornell Uni, but that'll have to wait. I was going to go for Personal Law. My former paramour will not be in the picture as I raise this child. I have a job editing and writing articles for anyone who wants them--I'm a mercenary with a pen.  :)  So, if you need a paper written, hit me up! Also, any advice is very appreciated-- I have never been around babies much before, nor have my parents. (They adopted me when I was eleven.) 
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    Hi everyone! I'm Janice and I'm 29. I live near Atlanta and I have a bachelor's degree in biology. My SO is 37 and we are super excited (and appropriately terrified) to have our first baby. We met and still work together in a biotech lab.  We work crazy hours- 4pm to 4am three nights a week.  I'm a little worried about our work situation since one of us will need to quit or switch to another shift but I'm sure we will find a way to make it work. EDD is 2/20/2016.
    Congrats to everyone!
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    Hi everyone! I'm Brittney and I'm 25. My husband and I have known each other for 11 years, dating for 5.5 and married for a whole whopping 3 months! We've talked about having kids soon after marriage but were pleasantly surprised that it happened so quickly.
    We live in Ohio and have 3 annoying but extremely adorable cats. I work for a real estate development company and my husband works for an up and coming tech company.
    We are both HUGE nerds, totally into Star Wars, Star Trek and doctor who.
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    Hi! I'm late to the game because I have been in denial but figured it's about time to get real. We are expecting #3 late February - not at all planned, but slowly getting excited! DD1 just turned 3 and DD2 is 15 months. I had an emergency csection the second time due to her being breech (something that the doctor somehow missed until I was a 9.5 and begging to push...) and am hoping to do VBAC this time.

    DH and I are mid 30s. I'm a speech language pathologist and do early intervention, and I know just enough about development and disorders to freak myself out on a daily basis. I am working part time right now and love having days to spend with my girls.

    I read way more than I post, but wanted to introduce myself!
    Due 3.27.14 (lame because I cannot figure out how to save a fun ticker.....)
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    Hi everyone! I'm Tessa, 32 and my husband is 34. This will be our first child and we are so beyond excited! Due Feb 19th! Congrats everyone!
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    Hi all, my name is Katie and I am 27 years old. This is my first pregnancy and I am 9 weeks along. I'm a teacher and have spent my life around kids, but now I feel like I have no idea what to expect. My SO and I have been married 2 years and together almost 11. This is going to be an interesting life change to say the least, still trying to get him onboard with it all as we were waiting a few more years to be "stable" financially but of course life has other plans for us now:)
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    Hi I'm Kimberly.. This is my second child which I never thought happen after years of trying. I'm 30 yr old from Texas with an oil field hubby.
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    Hi ladies. I'm April and 36 years old. This is my second baby. My daughter is 12 and we have 2 fur babies. We live in central Florida. My so is 37 and this is our first child together. I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I'm a home health nurse and he is a veteran/sahd. It's awesome to meet ya'll.
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    Hey y'all I'm happy Chels from south Alabama. I'm 25 and while you all may hate me I'm a telemarketer that raises money for non profit charities. I'm also a six year veteran and like being able to help others. My DD is 2/25 and we are both very excited after 2 years of trying. We too are highschool sweethearts that separated when I joined the army and reconnected 2 years ago. I'm right at 7 weeks and had a scare last Wed with bleeding cramping and a low heart rate. The doctor honestly told me not to get my hopes up but we went in and proved them all wrong! Were healthy and strong and happy to be here. And a first timer so I'm sure I'll have lots of questions!
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    Hi! My name is Melanie! I am 29 and my husband is 32. I am a 1st grade teacher and my husband is a software engineer. This is our first child! We are due Feb 21! Our first appointment is next week and I just can't wait!!
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    AnjaromAnjarom member
    edited July 2015
    Hello! May I still join you guys? I´m Anja all the way from Finland and would like to take part in an English-speaking baby forum. I´m expecting my second baby and I have a 4yo son and a husband whom I speak English with. I´m 29, he´s 31 (turning 32 in the fall). Due date is Feb 21st, on my mother´s birthday. We´re having our first prenatal appointment on July 14th and the first u/s on the next day, July 15th. :)

    We gave up birth control (Nexplanon) in the end of March this year and had a positive pregnancy test already in the beginning on May but that ended up in miscarriage two weeks later. I managed to get pregnant right after that so here I am, nervous and scared on another round.

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    Hi all,

    My name is Meg and I live in Sugar Hill, GA. I am 23 years old and have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 3 years! We are currently expecting our first child! Our due date seems to be around Feb. 26th. I am an elementary school teacher, and I absolutely love what I do! We also have two dogs and are very excited for our growing family!
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    Hi, I'm Meredith and this is my first pregnancy (that I know of?). We found out on Father's Day, which was pretty cool, and are currently due Feb 28th.

    I live in Los Angeles with my husband of two years and our big mutt dog. We own a web design business and love it.

    I'm excited about everything that's happening, but nervous because I've fallen prey to looking up everything online and psyching myself out. I'm currently 6w4d and just really want an ultrasound to confirm that things are cool. Have to wait two more painfully long weeks!
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    cvigencvigen member
    Hi! I'm Carrie, 36 from Minneapolis. First pregnancy, just over 8 weeks, due February 16. First ultrasound was today and everything looks perfect. Husband is 39, we've been married for 10 years and are really excited. We struggled with infertility and 22 months later here we happily are! I work in higher education human resources and husband is in corporate training and communications. Our fur baby is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. All the best to everyone!
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