March 2015 Moms

In L&D again **Update 3**

goofygoffgoofygoff member
edited January 2015 in March 2015 Moms
I woke up this morning in excruciating pain in my lower right back. My guess was kidney stones, so I called L&D and they told me to come on in.

The ultrasound wasn't conclusive, but they're still leaning towards stones. The pain was so intense that I vomited 3 times and was crying before they finally got me on painkillers.

Since my cervix hadn't been checked since week 24, they decided to do a digital one. Turns out I'm 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The team is going to decide whether or not to give me steroids for Theodore's little lungs since I'm also having light contractions.

There's a chance this is directly related to the pain I was experiencing and may not mean imminent labor. Doesn't mean I'm freaking out any less .

Update: They were able to get my pain under control with Dilaudid. It's been making me super sleepy, hence the lack of update. ;)

A kidney stone is still the main suspect, and it looks like they will keep me here until it either passes, or, as a last resort, they have to go up and retrieve it. The latter involves putting me under to insert a stent, so they're going to deploy a wait and see approach for the time being. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to keep any food down, and have been vomiting frequently. So they may not wait too long.

Theodore is doing fabulous! Even with the pain meds, his heartbeat is great and he's been moving around a ton! We've been getting a ton of comments about our "very healthy boy". At this point, it doesn't seem like they are concerned with him making an appearance just yet. They've decided to hold off on the steroids and took me off the belly monitors.

Thank you so much again, ladies, for all the love and support. All 3 of us are extremely grateful! <3

Update 2!: Last night, my nausea and vomiting subsided and I was able to scarf down dinner and keep it down. And the Flomax started to work...boy howdy did it! Once the flood gates opened, I started to pass some "gritty material", according to my nurse.

This, coupled with no more blood or ketones in my urine, meant they could finally take me off of the glucose drip, Zofran, and IV liquids and pain meds. They have me on oral oxycodone at the moment and it's doing the trick.

I'm not sure if everything has passed. What I passed seemed very small in relation to the pain (without exaggeration, the worst of my life, so far). But I should find out more when I talk to the urologist. Things are definitely looking up though!

And our little man is still doing great and seems content to stay put for now. There's no sense of urgency on the OB side of things. Which puts my mind at ease.

Thank you so much again for all your support. You ladies rock!

Update 3: The good news is I'm home! The bad news is my pain is back. I'm hoping to at least be able to handle it until something passes again, and to keep the vomiting at bay. The oxycodone is helping and I'm lying in bed with some attentive kitties and lots of water. Here's hoping I don't have to go back to a cat-less hospital!

For SuzyQ and all March 15 loss moms

Re: In L&amp;D again **Update 3**

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