May 2014 Moms

The Big Snooze (Sleep Thread)


Re: The Big Snooze (Sleep Thread)

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    ns1 said:
    @spinsoffresonance‌ - not sure if I've given you my sympathy in writing yet or only in my head - so here it is (maybe again?) -my sympathy. We had 5 nights of four of us in one room and I thought I was going to loose it with the roundabout chorus of screaming. Good luck and I hope it gets better soon!

    Thanks. 10 more days before we go home!
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    Oh my gosh! Last night was awful! I'm thinking it's teething but she doesn't have any teeth yet and I've thought this before. We tried intervals when she kept waking up screaming and that just made it worse so I gave her Advil and she finally slept a little longer. I don't know what is going on other than that this week. She won't put herself to sleep all the sudden. She just escalates and she's waking multiple times again after having a week of 1 wake up I got used to that then bam! I'm so tired!!! I just keep thinking about Christmas traveling and how it's probably going to get even worse. Is there another sleep regression coming up or could it just be teeth? Who knows I feel like I'm always trying to find something to blame for her poor sleep but maybe she just sucks at sleeping.

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    @Hbird05‌ this was us last night too. After convincing DH to try sleep training this last week has been amazing with 1 wakeup. Last night was hell, every hour and half DS woke up screaming. No idea why!
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    Cook251 said:

    DD woke up screaming at 10pm last night and I also have no idea why. She calmed down when I was nursing her but as soon as I stopped her she went right back to screaming. She NEVER does this and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She didn't have a fever but we gave her Tylenol thinking it might be her non-existent teeth but it took almost an hour & a half to get her back to sleep. Poor baby :(

    This exact thing! It started at 10 and she just would not go back to sleep for like an hour. We did the same with Advil thinking the same thing. What is up with these babies?! I felt bad because she hasn't done that in so long but at the same time she was then doing it all night waking screaming and not going back down unless I nursed her.

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    @kittyriot I wondered the same thing about nightmares. We went tot he mom and baby movie yesterday morning and I thought maybe it was too much visual stimulation causing bad dreams? We saw Exodus, so not a particularly baby friendly movie
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    Yeah, LO has been waking up screaming lately too. No slow build up, just full on cries and screams from a sound sleep. She also isn't settling after that unless at the boob or if I turn the light on and she looks me in the face. She's not soothed by being picked up, rocked, me talking or singing to her, etc. I'm thinking nightmares?
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    Last night was a nightmare!! We are at the in-laws and she was up every 45 min to an hour and then at 4 wouldn't go back to sleep until 6. Then woke up at 7. I did not sleep and I am so worried about our trip to Michigan in a couple days! There is no rocking chair and with teething and being away she will not put herself to sleep. I'm excited to see my family but feel like a zombie!

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    Hbird05 said:

    Last night was a nightmare!! We are at the in-laws and she was up every 45 min to an hour and then at 4 wouldn't go back to sleep until 6. Then woke up at 7. I did not sleep and I am so worried about our trip to Michigan in a couple days! There is no rocking chair and with teething and being away she will not put herself to sleep. I'm excited to see my family but feel like a zombie!

    This sounds like our night tonight. First night at the ILs was better than I expected, so I was fooled into thinking vacation sleep might not be a nightmare. Ha! Tonight she's been up so many times I've lost count. It's almost three and I've only just managed to wash my face and get into pjs. I certainly haven't been to bed yet.

    Teething + excitement + messed up routines is not a winning combo for sleep.
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    hbird0723hbird0723 member
    edited December 2014
    Katzalia said:

    Hbird05 said:

    Last night was a nightmare!! We are at the in-laws and she was up every 45 min to an hour and then at 4 wouldn't go back to sleep until 6. Then woke up at 7. I did not sleep and I am so worried about our trip to Michigan in a couple days! There is no rocking chair and with teething and being away she will not put herself to sleep. I'm excited to see my family but feel like a zombie!

    This sounds like our night tonight. First night at the ILs was better than I expected, so I was fooled into thinking vacation sleep might not be a nightmare. Ha! Tonight she's been up so many times I've lost count. It's almost three and I've only just managed to wash my face and get into pjs. I certainly haven't been to bed yet.

    Teething + excitement + messed up routines is not a winning combo for sleep.
    This was us the 2nd night as well. We are now home and the first night was great since she was so tired from not sleeping but tonight she's been up since 2:30 and it's 4:00. I've nursed, rocked and gave Tylenol since she's teething. She won't go back to sleep so now she's crying. I feel bad but what else can I do. I know she'd sleep if I rocked her the rest of the night but that's just not happening. If she was sick then I could see that but she's just yelling because I'm not holding her. We are leaving tomorrow for my family Christmas and we will be 10 hours away so that should be fun! @comicsans‌ we are right there with you tonight!
    What is going on?! All I know is the doctor was not joking when he said teething is next...good luck!

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    Oh and we were up 2 hours before the 2:30 wake up and 3 times before going to bed.

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    DS screamed at bedtime again. I finally got him to sleep by rubbing his back. Then he was up at 5am screaming. He was wet so I changed him but he wouldn't go back down and kept screaming. I finally gave him a bottle which worked but I'm afraid I'm creating a habit. DH was no help. See venting thread. What happened to my good sleeper????
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    Here's hoping the LOs sleep better tonight. Last night was brutal. Good luck, mamas!

    @Hbird05‌ @comicsans‌
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    @comicsans‌ hope your last night home before travel goes better than ours! We leave today. She's a mess! 6 hour drive to the hotel and she hates sleeping in the car. Then 4 more hours in the morning. Like you said new places for naps and bedtime. She met my family at 3 months but by now they will all be strangers again and she has some major stranger anxiety these days. Should be all around fun for everyone! It stinks because I never get to see my family and I'll probably be exhausted the whole time. I also feel bad for my mom because she wants her to be ok with her so bad and I'm just not sure what will happen.

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    Well DD has officially decided she will not sleep unless she is sucking on my boobs, all night long! 3 nights in a row. I'm so tired!
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    Up every hour so far tonight. LO, all I want for Christmas is a few hours of good sleep. Pretty please?
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    Katzalia said:

    Up every hour so far tonight. LO, all I want for Christmas is a few hours of good sleep. Pretty please?

    This was us too last night. Ugh!!

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    DS has been in the pnp while we travel and he likes to scratch the mesh side when he wakes up.
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    Anyone with mobile babies finding that they are waking more often at night? Over the past week or so now, DD has mastered crawling and pulling herself up and will side step while holding onto things. Before this she would sleep 5-6 hours before a motn feed then another 3 hours, eat then back down for another 1-2 hours. Now she's up every 2-3 hours, not sure if it's because she's more mobile and burning more calories, therefor feeling like she needs to eat more? I've tried soothing her back to sleep, giving her the paci but nursing her is the only thing right now that gets her back to sleep. Any thoughts or advice? It's driving me insane right now.
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    KatzaliaKatzalia member
    edited January 2015
    kendy20 said:

    Anyone with mobile babies finding that they are waking more often at night? Over the past week or so now, DD has mastered crawling and pulling herself up and will side step while holding onto things. Before this she would sleep 5-6 hours before a motn feed then another 3 hours, eat then back down for another 1-2 hours. Now she's up every 2-3 hours, not sure if it's because she's more mobile and burning more calories, therefor feeling like she needs to eat more? I've tried soothing her back to sleep, giving her the paci but nursing her is the only thing right now that gets her back to sleep. Any thoughts or advice? It's driving me insane right now.

    No advice, but we're there, too. We didn't have awesome sleep before, but it's ridiculously bad now after she started sitting up unsupported, crawling, babbling, walking with assist, and pulling to stand all in the last three weeks.

    It's like she's working overtime in her sleep trying to process all of it. She's tossing and turning and letting out a random coo or cry in her sleep, and when she wakes, nothing but the boob will settle her.

    I'm exhausted and feeling frazzled, but am going around childproofing, glass of wine in hand, now that she is finally down to sleep.

    Edited because I'm clearly not competent to type on mobile (generally but especially this tired + wine)
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    Katzalia said:

    kendy20 said:

    Anyone with mobile babies finding that they are waking more often at night? Over the past week or so now, DD has mastered crawling and pulling herself up and will side step while holding onto things. Before this she would sleep 5-6 hours before a motn feed then another 3 hours, eat then back down for another 1-2 hours. Now she's up every 2-3 hours, not sure if it's because she's more mobile and burning more calories, therefor feeling like she needs to eat more? I've tried soothing her back to sleep, giving her the paci but nursing her is the only thing right now that gets her back to sleep. Any thoughts or advice? It's driving me insane right now.

    No advice, but we're there, too. We didn't have awesome sleep before, but it's ridiculously bad now after she started sitting up unsupported, crawling, babbling, walking with assist, and pulling to stand all in the last three weeks.

    It's like she's working overtime in her sleep trying to process all of it. She's tossing and turning and letting out a random coo or cry in her sleep, and when she wakes, nothing but the boob will settle her.

    I'm exhausted and feeling frazzled, but am going around childproofing, glass of wine in hand, now that she is finally down to sleep.

    Edited because I'm clearly not competent to type on mobile (generally but especially this tired + wine)
    At least I know I'm not alone.
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    @kendy20‌ and @Katzalia‌ same here. I feel like we finally get back to normal with retraining and now nothing will get her back to sleep besides nursing. As soon as midnight hits she's up constantly! Before that though she's yelling out and tossing around. If I try soothing her other ways she's up for like 1-2 hours. Then we are all exhausted! She just started walking really well assisted and pulls up on things. Yesterday I noticed she was doing really well practicing crawling. She can't crawl yet but it seems like she's getting closer. I know she just hit a leap and maybe sleep regression? Ugh! Will we ever sleep again?! Lol

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    @Hbird05‌ , lol my DH always tells me I'll be able to sleep in 18 years. I told him once we are done bf'ing, he's taking all the night wake ups ;-)

    But I hope once the leap is done, all the babes will go back to their nice sleep stretches!
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    Cook251 said:

    Ok, this isn't meant to be a humble brag in any way so I hope no one takes it that way. This is an actual concern...DD has been a pretty crap napper in the past and a decent night sleeper with 1 or 2 wake ups to eat & then back to sleep. The past 2 weeks I have been home from work with her on vacation and she has slept SO much! There were a few days when she took 2 2 hour naps & was still ready for bed by 6ish and just this morning we went out to breakfast and she fell asleep in the car on the way home but stayed asleep when we brought her inside & is currently still sleeping in her carseat in her room. Could sleeping so much signal that something is wrong or is it more likely that she is just able to sleep so much better than when she is at daycare? I'm starting to feel super guilty that this is possibly how much she would like to sleep and she just isn't able to because she's at daycare.

    Has she learned a new skill? I noticed last week and this week that DD has been doing the same thing. 2 hour naps and last night she slept 12 hours straight. In the last week, she has become incredibly mobile. Crawling all over the place, trying to stand up, playing jungle gym on the dog, etc. I heard they sleep more when they learn new skills.

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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    ns1ns1 member
    @Cook251‌ DS sleeps a lot more at home than at dc. I think it's because we're boring and dc is full of excitement. Plus I chalk it up to him catching up on sleep on the weekends. I think growth and developmental spurts can also cause them to sleep more. They have to process everything going on.
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    Lately DD has woke up once or twice an hour, fuss for a minute and then go back to sleep. Also she usually goes to sleep great for her first nap but her second nap is awful. She fussed and cried for awhile in her crib this afternoon before I finally took her out. She wont let me rock her, I have tried. Any ideas?
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    @bridetobe9132013 - a few times I've had to do what I refer to as "the bounce and squat" - so you have your DD laying in your arms (like you would be BFing her) and you are bouncing and doing some squats. My DD always ends up humming or uhhhhing with her eyes closed until she falls back to sleep. Give that a try. 

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

    image   image image image image
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    @Jcrewgirl85‌ I have tried the bouncing and she still gets mad. @comicsans‌ We used to do white noise alot when she was real little but haven't done it for awhile. We have a sound machine in her room and I will try it :) I would be fine if she didnt need the afternoon nap but she is a hot mess if she doesn't get it.
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    @usernameedit‌ I just transferred DD from my bed and nursing all night long to her own bed. I wasn't up for Ferber or CIO so I'm following the happiest baby on the block guide to great sleep. In a nutshell he recommends using strong white noise all night long, having a consistent bedtime routine. Then you get your baby to sleep however you like. I nurse to sleep. BUT when you transfer LO to the crib and set him down; you wake him up just a little. So he has to learn to go back to sleep by himself. Book says if the baby starts crying, shake the bed a little or pat him to help settle. No advice on what to do if that doesn't work to settle the baby. So if DD starts escalating and screaming I pick her back up, nurse to sleep, set her down in the crib and wake her up again. You do the same thing after MOTN feedings, wake them up slightly once LO is in his own bed.

    It worked incredibly well for us. The first few nights she fell back asleep on her own within 2min. She immediately slept better at night too, went from waking up and nursing every hour to sleeping 3-5hour stretches. I can hear her wake up in the night and put herself back to sleep now, which she had never done while bed sharing. Her crib is in our room, the first 4 nights we started sleep training I had the crib right up against my bed so she could still see me, but now it's against the wall. I've been posting our progress in the sleep training thread. We haven't worked on naps yet, so she is currently sleep nursing as I write this, LOL. fyi she isn't mobile yet.
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    what about sleep training for us mamas? now that we have DS sorted out (again), my inner clock is still set to wake up at his previous wake-up times (11, 130...stay awake until 330). 

    what do you ladies to do reset your own internal clocks once the LOs are sleeping for long (or STTN) stretches at night?
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    edited January 2015
    @usernameedit‌ you're welcome. I started reporting sleep training progress on page 11 of the sleep training thread.This is the book, it's on kindle too. I like it a lot. Helped me a lot with DD2 and with DD1 as a baby and now with toddler sleep issues and tantrums.
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    It's not quite 2 am and I've already been up with DD at least eight times. New lows. Sleep training is on the agenda as soon as I get a chance to read enough to get started.
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    andoll8andoll8 member
    edited January 2015
    becole42 said:
    Hang in there @Katzalia‌. Those are tough nights (and days).
    @becole42 @Katzalia

    solidarity, sisters. hang in there. "this too shall pass."
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    LO was up every 2 hours last night! Is there some growth spurt I'm not aware of happening around now? She also was up from 5-6 and then I got her to sleep and she slept 10 minutes and is up again. Just GO TO SLEEP! Seriously! I'm just feeling like she's never going to sleep well and her naps always suck so she'll probably just be grumpy all day because she didn't get enough sleep. All she did was whine yesterday. I know there is a leap right now and we still have a lot of days left. God help us all!! I'm exhausted!

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    hell hath frozen: DS went from 630PM until 530AM without so much as a peep! i have no idea if he was actually sleeping the whole time, but he didn't need any help in the night.

    not sure if i should celebrate, or brace for the backlash that may come tonight...
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    DS will be 8 months on Monday (35wks): born 41 weeks pretty much right on with babyBecole. :-)

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    becole42 said:
    So maybe we really are through the regression! There is hope!
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    hbird0723hbird0723 member
    edited January 2015
    Here's hoping 35 weeks is the magic number! Only a few more days of this crap sleep if that's the case!

    I like seeing the sleeping through the night comments. It gives me hope :) I would be celebrating too!

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    I was raving about our unusually awesome night of sleep last night on the FFFC thread. Short version: 

    The stats:
    One 3 hour stretch
    One 5.5 hour stretch
    Two wake-ups total overnight
    One (only one!) feeding
    One very surprised but happily well-rested mama
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    @katzalia - congrats :)  One question... how?

    Umm, that's the FFFC part. I know she slept 3 hours straight without so much as a whimper, because I was awake. That alone is both miraculous and inexplainable. I don't *think* she woke up during the 5.5 hour stretch, but we might have accidentally had the monitor turned off during that part of the night.
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