We've had way too many sleep discussions and I had a question but didn't want to get flamed for ANOTHER sleep question so I made a thread so we can ask all sleep related questions here.
Q: I put E to sleep on her back. After a little fussing and rolling all over, she falls to sleep either on her side or stomach. When she's in a deep sleep, I flip her back over to her back before I go to bed. I will wake up and she's back on her stomach. I'm terrified of SIDS. Should I let her sleep that way? What would you do? Advice?
M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!
TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
DD Born @ 40+4
Re: The Big Snooze (Sleep Thread)
Haha no I like a general thread to lurk and post on
I think once they can roll it's okay. Just a huge stressor for the parents.
We're in the 4 month wakeful. So tireeeeed.
Okay, so consensus is it's okay. I feel like I am always so worried when she's on her belly. It's so bad that I even have a hard time gallons asleep at night.
Don't stress. I know it's easier said than done. I'll probably loose sleep over it too when it happens.
The regression started around 3 months and this past week it's been awful. Kinda was a build up bit by bit then boom. Started with squirming from 5 am on. Then the stretches got shorter. Then it took forever for him to fall asleep at night. Now 30 min naps or less. I'm hoping we've peeked.
I don't buy into the wonder weeks so I was skeptical. Guess karma slapped me around for it.
I've been worried about this too! Although DS only rolls during the day and never at night (yet). He does however rotate and squirm all over the crib and typically I find him in the opposite direction with his feet propped on the sides of the crib. But I was told once they can roll over on their own not to worry. Especially if they have the neck strength.
Can I vent about the "3 month wakeful" too. Just went through 2 weeks of DD2 not sleeping unless my boob is in her mouth. Tried all sorts of pacifiers, holding them in, pulling them out, putting it in with my boob before I take my boob out, she won't take it. As soon as boob comes out of mouth she wakes up. Last 2 nights have been better, after she's in deep sleep she lets the boob fall out of her mouth and she stays asleep. For 1 hour that is. Then we start all over again with nursing. Was up 4 times last night before 2.30am to nurse. Then at 2.45 DD1 wakes up screaming. Sat with her til 4, before I had to nurse DD2 again. DD1 screaming for mama. Finally, DH decides to help and goes to sleep with DD1 to get her back down. DD2 won't stop squirming, finally I fall asleep around 5.30am. 6am DH gets up and wakes me to say he's busy with work and can't help with MOTN wakings anymore. 7am DD1 is up for the day and goes wake up DD2. Sorry for the novel, I'm tired! Definitely not looking forward to the 4 month wakeful period.
The weight helps suppress the startle reflex, I don't know about the rolling.
Such a nosey curious little guy.
This was me yesterda, exactly. Kept trying to get her in her crib once she fell asleep and every time she woke up :-/ then wouldn't go back down unless I was holding her.
Also, and this is worse, when napping she refuses her pacifiers and will only continue napping if she can use my nipple as her pacifier! As soon as I move her off she wakes up and gets so angry when I try the real pacifier. I'm going to try simply not letting her use me as her pacifier anymore even if it wakes her up but I'm not sure how easy it is to change habits or preferences at this age and I still want her to sleep.
Tonight she did not escalate her crying...I could see she was almost asleep but she fought it for a good half hour with shorts bursts of crying between calm sucking until I nursed her for a minute and then she passed out.
Whew! I feel a little triumphant tonight...like I solved a puzzle. Thanks for posting that Moxie article! We shall now see what the 4 month wakefuls bring!
Do you feed them every time they are up? I gave her the boob at 12a when she woke up. She seemed to eat a lot. At 3am I tried to calm her wo feeding her but she wasn't having it. More boob. She fussed around 4 but when back to sleep on own. Then she was up again at 5am. DH thankfully took this over. She was up until 6:20! She took 2 oz of a bottle but that's it.
So are yours eating each time? Are you having any success getting them back down wo doing so?
Even if he doesn't eat a few moments of comfort sucking will knock him back out.