May 2014 Moms

The Big Snooze (Sleep Thread)

We've had way too many sleep discussions and I had a question but didn't want to get flamed for ANOTHER sleep question so I made a thread so we can ask all sleep related questions here.

Q: I put E to sleep on her back. After a little fussing and rolling all over, she falls to sleep either on her side or stomach. When she's in a deep sleep, I flip her back over to her back before I go to bed. I will wake up and she's back on her stomach. I'm terrified of SIDS. Should I let her sleep that way? What would you do? Advice?

 M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
DD Born @ 40+4

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Re: The Big Snooze (Sleep Thread)

  • Oh @Jcrewgirl85‌ not another sleep thread!

    Haha no I like a general thread to lurk and post on :)

    I think once they can roll it's okay. Just a huge stressor for the parents.

    We're in the 4 month wakeful. So tireeeeed.
  • I know @usernewname‌ - I'm that person. Dreading the 4 month wakefulness. I feel like E is already starting.

    Okay, so consensus is it's okay. I feel like I am always so worried when she's on her belly. It's so bad that I even have a hard time gallons asleep at night.

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • Im just playing.

    Don't stress. I know it's easier said than done. I'll probably loose sleep over it too when it happens.

    The regression started around 3 months and this past week it's been awful. Kinda was a build up bit by bit then boom. Started with squirming from 5 am on. Then the stretches got shorter. Then it took forever for him to fall asleep at night. Now 30 min naps or less. I'm hoping we've peeked.

    I don't buy into the wonder weeks so I was skeptical. Guess karma slapped me around for it.
  • My LOs sleep probs have flip flopped. She used to take lots of naps and at least one or two of them would be an hr or two. For a couple weeks she's even at a solid 4 naps a day, each only 20-40 mins in length. She is fighting all sleep hard. BUT I am finally getting long stretches and less night waking! Before she was waking every 1-2 hrs and would only sleep while co sleeping or being rocked. Now she's waking 1-3x per night, and sleeping in her crib. So I'm getting used to the cat naps but I'll take it over shitty night sleep. But just when I get used to this she will change it up again so whatevs:) babies be babies

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  • I was having the same issues with dd rolling onto her tummy while in her crib @Jcrewgirl85‌ , except mine won't just sleep on her tummy. She cries once she lets her head drop after 10-15 minutes. So I wasn't getting much sleep and hubby doesn't feel comfortable with her in the crib until she can roll back over or at least rest on her tummy with her head facing outward. Glad your LO is comfy sleeping that way :-)
  • @kendy20‌ - she is favoring her side tonight. See pic. It's so frustrating. What are you guys doing with her now?

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • DD favored sleeping on her belly as soon as she was able and still sleeps that way today. I always heard too that if they could get to that position themselves they're fine to be like that. It seemed to hold true for us.
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  • If you are really worried, you could always buy a motion monitor. I have the angel care and it gives me piece of mind
  • Great call with the thread!

    I've been worried about this too! Although DS only rolls during the day and never at night (yet). He does however rotate and squirm all over the crib and typically I find him in the opposite direction with his feet propped on the sides of the crib. But I was told once they can roll over on their own not to worry. Especially if they have the neck strength.
  • I agree with PPs that I think you are okay since she is able to roll on her own. Try not to stress.

    And since the sleep thread seems like the appropriate place.... Let me say this 4mo sleep regression sh*t can kiss my @ss. My sleep through the night, 10hr stretches, sleeping champ is now waking up every 1 to 2 hrs. Sigh. It's not even 3am and this is time #4. :(
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  • @Jcrewgirl85‌ unfortunately she's back in her RnP. Which she doesn't mind, I just feel like it's moving backwards. But that's alright, she will eventually get back in the crib.
  • I finally got LO to take a nap in his swing by playing my 80's rock Pandora station... he is happily sleeping-- dreaming about boobs with 80's hair no doubt. I get to enjoy the beatz too!

    He has been fighting sleep pretty bad for about a week now. He used to go down in his crib drowsy but awake and fall asleep no probs, but now he has to be in deep sleep for him to let me put him down period. Lots more night wakings, won't go back to sleep without the boob, ect. It has been a joy to be completely exhausted again. I think that babies can sense when you think you have a schedule figured out and they decide to f it all up. Either that or we just entered the 4m wakefuls early. Idk, all I know is that I'm tired. Is it wrong that I am looking forward to 6m for sleep training???????
  • edited September 2014
    DD2 started rolling over to her side, I let her sleep like that. Once DD1 figured out how to roll over to her stomach that is the only position she would sleep in. I agree with PP, once they can get themselves in that position it's fine to leave them.

    Can I vent about the "3 month wakeful" too. Just went through 2 weeks of DD2 not sleeping unless my boob is in her mouth. Tried all sorts of pacifiers, holding them in, pulling them out, putting it in with my boob before I take my boob out, she won't take it. As soon as boob comes out of mouth she wakes up. Last 2 nights have been better, after she's in deep sleep she lets the boob fall out of her mouth and she stays asleep. For 1 hour that is. Then we start all over again with nursing. Was up 4 times last night before 2.30am to nurse. Then at 2.45 DD1 wakes up screaming. Sat with her til 4, before I had to nurse DD2 again. DD1 screaming for mama. Finally, DH decides to help and goes to sleep with DD1 to get her back down. DD2 won't stop squirming, finally I fall asleep around 5.30am. 6am DH gets up and wakes me to say he's busy with work and can't help with MOTN wakings anymore. 7am DD1 is up for the day and goes wake up DD2. Sorry for the novel, I'm tired! Definitely not looking forward to the 4 month wakeful period.
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  • spacepotatoesspacepotatoes member
    edited September 2014
    We've been having issues with day time sleep and in doing some reading, I came across a couple of links that may be useful: 

    This one is not really about CIO but more about why babies cry when it's time to sleep: 

     And more on tension increasers, which it turns out I have:
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  • spacepotatoesspacepotatoes member
    edited September 2014
    Not sure why that first link won't show up. 

    ETA: got it!
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  • So I've been working with LO to get her out of her RNP, because she's so much more mobile lately. Turns out, as of her 4 month visit, she's also 15 pounds 4 oz, which complicates things even more. We first went from RNP to the newborn napper on top of the PNP. I read that the weight limit on that was 15 pounds, so then I moved her to the bassinet portion of the PNP. She is not sleeping as well with all of the free space around her, but I am convinced it is getting better (or maybe I am just lying to myself). Then, upon further research about the PNP, I realized that the bassinet portion is only good until 15 pounds as well, so last night she was at the bottom of the PNP. Part of me just wants to throw up my hands and move her into her crib, but I wanted to keep her in my room until 6 months. There is a daybed in the nursery, so if I do put her in the crib, I could sleep there, but it is so much less comfortable than my room. I don't know the point of this post, maybe I'm just tired and wanted to share..? 

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  • @spacepotatoes‌ thanks for the articles! Really interesting. I've got a tension releaser, interesting to understand that.
  • Interesting. I have a tension gainer. When I would lay him down he would cry. And he usually cries or fusses before naps either in the car stroller or carrier. Hmmm. I usually give in quite fast when he starts crying on his bed. Maybe I was jumping the gun.
  • @kendy20‌ - she is favoring her side tonight. See pic. It's so frustrating. What are you guys doing with her now?

    Twinsies! We gave up watching the monitor and constantly moving her after one night. We all need sleep, so side it is.
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  • This is where we are. One arm busted out of the swaddle and on her side. I'm afraid to lose the swaddle but may buy the magic sleep suit so many ppl talk about. It has a weight to it I believe. Maybe that will keep DD from rolling?
  • @britab and @kellyq116 - yeah, i've given up - I let her sleep on her side and stomach. We haven't swaddled since she was 3 weeks old - she hated it. I do have her in sleep sacks or just jammies now. I'm a side or stomach sleeper so I don't blame her for wanting to be comfortable. :)

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • spacepotatoesspacepotatoes member
    edited September 2014
    KellyQ116 said:
    This is where we are. One arm busted out of the swaddle and on her side. I'm afraid to lose the swaddle but may buy the magic sleep suit so many ppl talk about. It has a weight to it I believe. Maybe that will keep DD from rolling?

    The weight helps suppress the startle reflex, I don't know about the rolling. 

     We use the same swaddle sack :)
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  • KellyQ116 said:
    This is where we are. One arm busted out of the swaddle and on her side. I'm afraid to lose the swaddle but may buy the magic sleep suit so many ppl talk about. It has a weight to it I believe. Maybe that will keep DD from rolling?

    I believe the manufacturer of the magic sleep suit says not to wear it once they can roll. That's why I haven't tried it. 

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  • yeah @nikkipal82 I saw that once they can roll in the suit, then they should be transitioned out of it...just though the suit was weighted so they probably can't/won't roll.   Hmm... maybe I should just move on to pjs cold turkey.   I have to say I haven't used PJs at all since we use the sleep sacks.  I had her in a pair the other day bc she had a MOTN poo.   I have to say I think I fell even more in love with her if possible.  PJs on babies.... just. too. cute.
  • I just had to switch from PJs to sleep sack. She moves around so much in her sleep, I kept finding her with both legs stuck in one PJ leg. Silly girl.

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  • @cook251 - here's my advice/story. 

    A few weeks ago, DD was being extremely fussy around bed time. She had ate and didn't want to be rocked/held, etc. so DH put her in her crib and put her Little Einstein's aquarium on - she put her hands in her mouth, started sucking and fell asleep. 

    Since then, I've done this for naps and bedtime. She will fuss for 2-5 minutes (never crying). Maybe try that? 

    This is the aquarium that has been a godsend. 

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • MK1013 said:

    Please tell me it's a lie and they actually go through their wakeful time at 3 mos. So. Tired. Also, what's with the cluster feedings from 4-7 am??? I'm officially in zombie mode. I've really yet to complain about sleep, but I'm friggin exhausted at this point. Almost a week now of waking up 12:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, and then have to get DS up for school.. Naps are also measly and don't much count anymore.

    3 months is when things started happening. He turns 4 months Monday and it's just starting to get better again.

    Such a nosey curious little guy.
  • DH is so paranoid about DS's ability to roll. When we woke up this morning DS was sleeping on his stomach with his head to one side. Right as DH was about to walk out the door for work, DS started to roll. So he went in, turned the light on, woke the baby up, and brought DS to me saying he was too worried. So now instead of pumping and going back to sleep like yesterday morning, I'm dealing with a fussy baby. How can I reassure DH that DS will be ok?
    If he won't listen to you, I would suggest he call the pediatrician and ask what to do. I can't imagine they would say anything other than it's okay since baby can roll on his own now. Hearing it from the professional may do the trick. :)
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  • Here's my problem. DS has been sleeping like crap for the past week. He moves A LOT in his sleep. No rolling, but he spins circles and wiggles all over. We have discovered that he keeps waking up because he is pushing himself head first into the sides of the crib! Ouch! I can't blame him for waking, but how do I prevent him from doing this? 
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  • O.M.G. Well 4 month sleep regression started two nights ago.. (Yawn) we have been blessed with a great sleeper. He's slept 12 hours since he was 8 weeks with once a night wake up at 4 in the morning for a bottle. Well. He goes down at 7 up at 10,1,4,630 now.. My lord please tell me this goes quickly! I'm so not looking forward to this for weeks and weeks.
  • Cook251 said:

    Maddie: 1 Mommy: 0

    I just spent an hour hunched over DDs crib with my hand on her stomach shushing. I caught her sleepy signs right away and figured I'd try having her lay in her crib to go to sleep to see if it worked. She was SO close a few times and was yawning, rubbing her eyes, the whole bit but it just wouldn't take. And after an hour of leaning over the crib my back was killing me so I caved and picked her up......she is now sleeping my arms. I guess we'll give this a try another time.

    This was me yesterda, exactly. Kept trying to get her in her crib once she fell asleep and every time she woke up :-/ then wouldn't go back down unless I was holding her.
  • Has anyone else used Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth? It has been our lifesaver!
  • For babies born early, he says everything will be delayed. Example, if baby was four weeks early, sleep changes that would normally happen at six weeks will happen at ten weeks. We are using method b as well with success. Only thing I have not done is not skip the 2am feeding. I will nurse if he wakes up then, but he has been getting closer and closer to not needing it so I think he will not need it soon.
  • I'm going to join in the 4 mo sleep regression convo/frustration. It has been getting progressively worse over the last few nights. DD was up 4 times last night. The first time I got her back down with her paci. The next 3 she screamed til I fed her, and immediately passed out. FX that this passes quickly!

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  • Baby girl is 16 weeks tomorrow and i still nurse her to sleep. I planned to stop earlier but time just snuck up on me. It's not too late to try putting her down in her crib drowsy but awake?

    Also, and this is worse, when napping she refuses her pacifiers and will only continue napping if she can use my nipple as her pacifier! As soon as I move her off she wakes up and gets so angry when I try the real pacifier. I'm going to try simply not letting her use me as her pacifier anymore even if it wakes her up but I'm not sure how easy it is to change habits or preferences at this age and I still want her to sleep.

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • Ok, just put baby girl to bed. I had to do a combination of rocking her with a pacifier and finally nursing her to get her down. She fought for sure. I read the moxie article and think it is a very interesting theory. During the day baby girl is a partial tension releaser since she can fall asleep after screaming/crying for like 5 minutes in the car or stroller. I never pull the car over to help her because I know she will zonk out and the less I touch her the faster she falls asleep. When my parents were here they tried to comfort her or entertain her while sitting in the back and it made it worse and she couldn't fall asleep. The whole using me as a pacifier to stay asleep only applies when I nurse to sleep.

    Tonight she did not escalate her crying...I could see she was almost asleep but she fought it for a good half hour with shorts bursts of crying between calm sucking until I nursed her for a minute and then she passed out.

    Whew! I feel a little triumphant I solved a puzzle. Thanks for posting that Moxie article! We shall now see what the 4 month wakefuls bring!

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • Ok the 4 month pain-the-a$$ wakeful.....
    Do you feed them every time they are up? I gave her the boob at 12a when she woke up. She seemed to eat a lot. At 3am I tried to calm her wo feeding her but she wasn't having it. More boob. She fussed around 4 but when back to sleep on own. Then she was up again at 5am. DH thankfully took this over. She was up until 6:20! She took 2 oz of a bottle but that's it.

    So are yours eating each time? Are you having any success getting them back down wo doing so?
  • @KellyQ116‌ if it's nighttime ds always gets the boob. Sometimes I've sat down and he just passes back out but that's a rare occurrence.

    Even if he doesn't eat a few moments of comfort sucking will knock him back out.
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