April 2014 Moms

Longest Thread EVER! (aka Random Thoughts Thread )


Re: Longest Thread EVER! (aka Random Thoughts Thread )

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    FFWC: I let LO watch "pardon the interruption" with DH when I am trying to cook dinner. Shame on me.
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    smushi said:

    @jessieann1020 We're seeing a pediatric urologist for DS's adhesion.  There is a tiny strip adhered to the head.  The urologist called it a skin bridge and gave us cream to loosen the skin and help break the bridge.  That was 8 weeks ago.  No such luck :(  So we're going back next week to see the next step.

    Yikes! Poor baby wang! :(
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    Stupid Juice.
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    I can't guarantee I can post tomorrow for uo, Thursday is so busy. So I'll post here

    I'm seriously annoyed by the ebola shit.

    I can't wait for no more campaign ads.

    I am excited for elf on the shelf to start.

    I hate SVU now without cragen, munch, stabler, the frequent absence of finn and Olivia sucks as captain.
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    I'm sorry, @edoliesmom‌. You're better off with old seasons anyway. Super disappointing.
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    I'm sorry, @edoliesmom‌. You're better off with old seasons anyway. Super disappointing.

    That's okay. I was really disappointed when Stabler didn't come back.
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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    aronie82 said:

    My boss actually almost called a team meeting to talk about Ebola. The 2nd nurse infected was visiting family in my town right before she was diagnosed. My news feed and the halls at work are a-buzz

    Apparently the director of the CDC said that she knew she wasn't supposed to fly on a commercial aircraft because she was exposed to it but she did it anyway. So irresponsible.
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    I'm sorry, @edoliesmom‌. You're better off with old seasons anyway. Super disappointing.

    That's okay. I was really disappointed when Stabler didn't come back.
    He's soooo hot.

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    i find elf on a shelf creepy too. although if i was a crafty sort of person I would probably appreciate it .
    LO s bedtime is all fucked up and super early because when he was sick for the couple of days he slept a lot and went to bed early. He was in bed by 6;00 tonight.  :\

    Also I have made like 5 kinds of soup in the past couple of weeks, and I decided I should be kind and finally cook something solid for DH . Took out some ground beef and I am now so lazy ( despite this very delicious PSL from sbux ) due to waking at 5;45 am that I will likely make pasta and call it a day. 
    FTM to Drake born 04/19/2014
    8 lbs 7.6 oz 21 Inches

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    Congratulations @meg.elise!
    2014-08-24 15.36.57-2  2014-08-23 17.20.12
    2014-08-24 15.22.00  2014-08-20 12.19.26
    Fell in Love: January 2003 
    Married: May 2006
    Baby Girl Born: April 2014
    If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, I will answer you: 
    I am here to live out loud!
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    I feel for you mamas whose LOs have been legit sick.  We've had our first fever day after getting shots yesterday and this is miserable.   :(

    I foresee a very long night ahead...
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    ooh I didn't know he had like a job of "watching " the kids or whatever. I just thought you hid him around the house doing things. 
    My cousin who is into things like that blogged about it one year. she had him fishing for cheerios in the toilet and such . 
    FTM to Drake born 04/19/2014
    8 lbs 7.6 oz 21 Inches

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    Xxlilies said:
    ooh I didn't know he had like a job of "watching " the kids or whatever. I just thought you hid him around the house doing things. 
    My cousin who is into things like that blogged about it one year. she had him fishing for cheerios in the toilet and such . 
    Yes, there is a book that goes along with it.  The elf is Santa's eyes and ears in your house.  In a way, I guess it is a cute idea.  I would be more likely to participate in dinovember, but that's just more my style.
    Chase was born 4/23/2011
    Carlene was born 4/18/2014                          A14 siggy challenge:  Junk Food
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    purespark said:
    Ugh @hlm184, I'm sorry.  Shots can be so rough on them.
    Thanks, we've been fortunate thus far and haven't had any trouble.  Of course, tonight is the night that DH needs to invite someone from work over for drinks...
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    NoLaLinz said:
    Last year was our first Christmas with DSD so we got an elf on the shelf. One night I spelled out 'Be Good' with marshmallow pieces on the kitchen counter next to the elf. Well, DH proceeds to get drunk and EAT THE MARSHMALLOWS! I was so pissed...I wish I would have just done what @poru‌ does!!
    LOL!  I'm guessing that your DH didn't get a gift from Santa last year!
    Chase was born 4/23/2011
    Carlene was born 4/18/2014                          A14 siggy challenge:  Junk Food
    image  image image

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    Does anyone remember Herself the Elf? (80s child)
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    :-< I feel guilty that I didn't do any research and take preventative measures to instill good sleep habits in Edolie when she was young. I didn't know to do it. And now I'm considering CIO, which I think will break my heart! I've had my husband hold/rock her a couple times when I needed a break, and she cried so much. Even though he was there and comforting her and shushing her, I cried when I took her because I couldn't handle it. I just feel responsible that she doesn't know how to self-soothe, and now I'm like, "Sorry, baby, but you have to pay for my ignorance! Whoops!"

    I want to try the no-cry sleep solution, but I've read from a couple different moms on here that it wasn't very effective and they wished they had just gone with Ferber instead. I don't want that to happen to me too, but I'm also worried that I'll be questioning if that's the route I should've taken if I should Ferber and it's too much.
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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    aronie82 said:

    My boss actually almost called a team meeting to talk about Ebola. The 2nd nurse infected was visiting family in my town right before she was diagnosed. My news feed and the halls at work are a-buzz

    Apparently the director of the CDC said that she knew she wasn't supposed to fly on a commercial aircraft because she was exposed to it but she did it anyway. So irresponsible.
    Voluntary manslaughter charges I see in her future...if she lives. Also if she did indeed know then she needs her license revoked. So stupid. This does make me very nervous to go back to work, since we EDRNs are exposed to everything.
    I agree! Makes me wonder what other questionable decisions she made in her nursing career.
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    @dani+california‌ the Elf on a shelf is gaining popularity around here. SIL does it. H's boss does it as well. Last year the night of H's shop Christmas party, boss's "elf" got drunk and knocked a ton of movies and books off the shelves.
    But I'm with everyone who's anti-Elf. He gives me the heeby-jeebies. I just picture waking up to him looming over me with a butcher knife Chucky-style.
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    @edoliesmom‌ don't beat yourself up it's not too late! She's almost 6 months not almost 6 still needing to be rocked to sleep! Chase is 6 months and has done ok 2 weeks in he only fusses and falls to sleep. MOTN too! It was a rough first week but you're a strong mommy & it's better for all of your mental health! Good luck!
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    Congrats meg! That's so awesome! 

    I saw a 7 day old baby at Aiden's doctor's office, and now another A14 baby make me want another now - I have the insanes. Aiden is easy, but no way we could swing it right now.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    DS is a rnp addict. I need to just deal with pnp transition but...sleep.

    Edolie is too. I'm not going to worry about it until we get this self-soothing thing down! That's another thing. I don't know if I should sleep train and transition to PNP all at once, or if I should conquer one thing at a time.

    Thanks for the encouraging words, everyone. My husband and I decided to order both Ferber's book and Sleepeasy Solution. Getting her to sleep is rarely the problem, it's the putting her down and the getting her to stay asleep that are the problems! It takes up so much of our (mainly my) time, and it's starting to wear on my sanity.
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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    Did you GBCB @ashleypixie? I'm calling your ass out because Im worried about you and miss seeing you. I saw that you liked my FB post but now I'm gonna need for you to come back to us mmkay?

    I've noticed her absence too, but she just made the "what are you wearing?" thread yesterday. She's just been MIA from RTT. That's not allowed @Ashleypixie‌. Come back!
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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    Did you GBCB @ashleypixie? I'm calling your ass out because Im worried about you and miss seeing you. I saw that you liked my FB post but now I'm gonna need for you to come back to us mmkay?

    I've noticed her absence too, but she just made the "what are you wearing?" thread yesterday. She's just been MIA from RTT. That's not allowed @Ashleypixie‌. Come back!
    Well that makes me feel a little better. I still vote that she should at least post one word or a punctuation mark or something in RTT juts because we is her
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    edoliesmomedoliesmom member
    edited October 2014
    mamrotu73 said:

    @3crazykitties‌ and @edoliesmom‌
    When you do transition to the PnP, I recommend getting a real mattress for it. Especially if they are going to stay in your room because the one that comes with the PnP is super noisy.

    Amazon sells real ones that fit perfectly. I got one for A after our house hunting trip was a sleep disaster. He slept sooo much better during the move with it and was way quieter so I slept better, too.

    Thank you sooo much for telling me this!! I honestly didn't know what I was going to do once I did transition her. My one failed attempt at putting her in there was ruined because of how loud it is. I put her down asleep, she kicked her feet and just started playing because she liked the noise!
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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    That's the PNP mattress we have too. Highly recommend!! No sleep training here either. He falls asleep on me until I put him in his PNP. We are going to attempt the crib this weekend but will continue to let him fall asleep on me for now. I likes the snuggles too. :)

    But does it take you an hour to an hour and a half to transfer him from your arms to the PNP? I would enjoy the snuggles if it was for maybe 20-30 minutes but not an hour or longer.
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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    This whole name change thing is crap. I change my name and now my picture disappears. Add a picture old name back and community@thebump won't fix it. Ugh.
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    @dani+california - I had a cricket doll too. Mine was " custom" though and had  blue ink scribbles on her forehead c/o my younger brother :)  Ugh porcelin dolls. why were they a thing?! I have dozens of pretty expensive ones in boxes. My gramma bought them for me or I d get rid of them

    Re; sleep training . 
    I totally need to find a method and get on it. 

    As it is , I feed him a bottle he falls asleep , i put him in his crib . Hes a good sleeper but there is no way he would do anything but scream if I just put him in his crib awake. 

    Also still have yet to find a halloween costume for baby. I was anti halloween sleeper but I am thinking I will end up going this route if i cant find anything . 
    Also need to find either Medela Medium Flow Nipples at a reasonable price or a whole new set of bottles that dont have the ginormous playtex style nipples and aren't full of BPA or a million parts to clean . 
    Currently am using Medela slow flow nipples ( they dont seem that slow . or at least arent bothering him) with the 8 oz Medela "bottles" .  
    Probably should just buy  new everything since Medela are money grubbers and dont include the nipple collars  grrr.  I Cant remember my rationale for purchasing all the Medela crap .
    FTM to Drake born 04/19/2014
    8 lbs 7.6 oz 21 Inches

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