April 2022 Moms

Covid Thread


Re: Covid Thread

  • @meow719 - I’m so sorry you tested positive! I hope you’re doing ok. I tested positive back in September and it was an awful two-ish weeks. I’m so thankful I didn’t have to go to the hospital, but it was not easy to get through, that’s for sure. When I tested positive I mostly was extra sneezy at first, then got a sore throat, followed by super bad congestion and exhaustion that stuck around forever. Take it easy and I hope you get well soon!
  • So I’m feeling kind of dumb. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, sneezing, slight cough. It felt like a run of the mill cold and I had my booster appointment yesterday. With omicron, the holidays coming up and having to wait 2 weeks for an appt. I didn’t want to give it up. So, I got my booster. The pharmacist said he hasn’t seen any side effects from the booster except a sore arm. Well, a couple hours later I was hit with exhaustion and spent the night fighting a fever and extreme chills. Now, I don’t know if it was from the booster (seems like a fast reaction) or if I’m legit sick. Now im
    panicking that I have covid and got my covid booster at the same time. Waiting on a call back from my doctor. 
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
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  • @winterviolethope, I got my booster at 1pm and by late evening had chills/fever, felt fine by the next evening. Sounds totally normal. If you are still feeling down by this/next evening then it may not be the booster. That’s why they don’t recommend getting the vaccine while sick, hard to tell which is which. How are you feeling now?
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @queenklau I still have a low grade fever (100 ish) and headache. Hope to be back
    to normal tomorrow but want to take a covid test before going back to life just in
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
  • @winterviolethope My booster gave me near identical symptoms as my 2nd dose- so I had the whole shabang.  I would bet it's just from that.
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • @winterviolethope ditto @shlecks. My friend has a high fever and has been sick for 2 days after her booster.
  • @lemonlove86 thanks for letting me know! I feel much better today. Took a covid test just in case though 
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
  • @winterviolethope have you gotten your results? hope you're feeling better

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

  • Has anyone gotten the monoclonal antibodies? I have covid and pretty miserable. 
  • So I'll slide over from randoms where I put my post when I was mid panic. Because I'm sitting in front of urgent care waiting on my appointment last checked was 14 the in line that was 2 hours ago. My husband and child got their positive Covid results. So now I'm full panic. Ah.........
  • Oh no! I hope you escape! I'm so sorry, I know this changes your Christmas plans!
  • Oh no @rbflei 😞. Hoping it is mild for them and holding out hope that you are negative 🤞
  • I'm so sorry @rbflei! I hope you remain negative...or that you at least have mild symptoms if you end up positive. 

  • So status update. My quick test was negative. Great for me and Violet. Not so great for my husband as I will now live in the guest room and have daughter's bathroom and he has single parent life for the next 10 days. Of course I also did the long test as it's more reliable so could change tomorrow. OB said I'm in the best place as I had OG Covid in March 2020 and have had 3 vaccinations so he's not as worried about me be brought up true quarantine might mean a hotel. But that as I had my child on my lap this morning the cats out of the bag on exposure and just do your best from here on out. So for 10 days I will dodge Covid at home. Weird to wear a mask to go pee in your house. But again could change tomorrow. Hope I don't have it but exposure is high.
  • @Avrilmai sorry just getting around to answering! I was negative so must have just been the double whammy of a cold + booster.
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
  • So my husband was exposed on Tuesday. Ughhhh. He tested negative today (day 3) and has no symptoms so we are trying to decide what to do from here and guidance is kind of all over the place. 
  • @kiki2628 So sorry been in a similar place. Hope it all turns out alright and you all dodge Covid this time.
  • That big holiday festival/concert I have been planning for months was supposed to be today and we had to cancel it last night due to a covid outbreak.  😣  I tested myself and my son- who's been sick the last few days - and we are thankfully both negative.  But I have been wallowing in my emotions ever since the cancellation.  
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • @shlecks so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine the time and energy put in. But I am glad you didn't have covid.
  • kiwi2628kiwi2628 member
    edited December 2021
    So we spent 30 minutes together last night after his negative test. 

    He Tested positive this morning. 

  • @kiwi2628 I’m so sorry! Hope it’s super mild for you and you get better soon.

    my mom just called and cancelled Christmas because of covid fears :(
    Not with us — we will still go there with our kids because she sees us nearly everyday anyway and watches my kids… but with our larger family. They are worried about
    my grandparents around my 20-something year old cousins — which I get. They go out to parties and have boyfriends and friends etc they are seeing. One of them just gave covid to her family and they will only be two days out of quarantine by Christmas. 
    But I’m still sad. We are thinking we can maybe have my grandparents over for
    christmas Eve just with my little family… since every single one of us will be freshly boosted and my 5 year old is vaxxed. The only wild card is my  2 year old 
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
  • Currently waiting on an at home Covid test. Significantly less expensive and reminiscent of a pregnancy test ironic I want an opposite outcome.

    5yo yesterday: Good news Bad news mom. 
    Good news is we passed our Covid test.
    Bad news is we have covid.

    It was only $23.00 at cvs BTW. I feel like that's a useful stocking stuffers.
  • Status update...we all have covid! My OB said they stopped all monoclonal antibody infusion yesterday in the hospitals in Texas medical center because it's in effective against Omicron. So if I start having SOB go to labor and delivery. Not what I wanted at 22 weeks. What a shit show.
  • @rbflei oh no 😔 hope that symptoms are mild. What a tough time to get it too 😞😞
  • SmashJamSmashJam member
    edited December 2021
    @rbflei oh no! How rough. Also I didnt know that about monoclonal...I hope your symptoms are mild and no one would have needed it.

    @kiwi2628 oh no!! Hope you escape! Are you isolating from each other? 
  • Ugh @rbflei so sorry. Hopefully your symptoms will be mild since you already had and had all the boosters. I read that Glaxo’s antibody treatment works against the new variant but I’m sure not all hospitals have access to all treatments. Sending positive vibes for mild symptoms. 
  • Oh no @rbflei! Sorry to hear you guys all have it! I hope it passes quickly and you can all enjoy the holidays together!!

    @kiwi2628 I hope you are spared and DHs case is mild!!
  • Uggghhhh I'm so sorry @rbflei and @kiwi2628
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • So sorry everyone’s getting it 😩
  • Two members of my choir tested positive last week, so H and I got tested just to make sure, and we were both negative. Whew!
    Me: 30 // Hubs: 31
    Married May 2019
    Baby #1 due April 19, 2022
  • So many close calls and so many scary positives! Thinking of you all during the holidays. I’m at my in-laws’ and while they’re all vaccinated, they seem to think it frees them to do whatever they want with DD6 and my nephew (neither of whom is vaxxed yet), so my SIL and I have been fielding suggestions all week trying to avoid them taking the kids to Chuck E Cheese or other packed Petri dish locations.
  • @rbflei oh no I'm so sorry. How are you feeling?

    @kiwi2628 how are you?

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

  • So sorry to hear about everyone’s scares and positive tests. Sending you all positive vibes💛💛💛
  • Aaaaaand I’m positive. Woke up this morning with a headache so I tested and it was positive. I have body aches and don’t feel great so let’s see how this goes 
  • I hope you all are doing ok! I keep thinking about my experience with COVID my first trimester...and I hope you all end up with mild cases. Please take care of yourselves! I've been waiting for my third trimester to get my booster (end of January) but now I'm reconsidering...sending you all healing vibes!
  • I'm so sorry so many of you are dealing with this! I'm so ready for this to just be over, but it feels like it never will be.

    For anyone who hasn't gotten your booster, definitely get it now. Recent data shows that 2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna are only roughly 30% effective against Omicron, but boosters help! 
  • I am so sorry everyone is getting exposed / sick right before the holidays.  🤞🏻 Hopefully everyone has mild and uneventful cases!

    I got my booster on Friday. I decided to stick with Pfizer since I knew I reacted well to this the first 2 times. I don’t wanna mess with what works. Arm was sore and maybe a bit more tired on Saturday. But mostly and uneventful shot! 🎉
  • @kiwi2628 so sorry you are on the Covid train too.

    @Avrilmai So far it feels like a nasty sinus infection with chills, fatigue and diarrhea. 2 stars do not recommend. Better than the last time I had Covid when my fingers turned blue and I also couldn't walk to my mailbox. That was 1 star OG Covid. Thank God for being triple vaccinated I think just for peace of mind although this isn't a great 10 day vacation. 
  • Ugh I’m living the self isolation life waiting to see if I get sick :( 
    I was exposed Friday so I’ll be basically in my own room or masked to use the bathroom until after Christmas. Here’s hoping the 2 vaccines do their thing. My co-worker who was confirmed Covid positive has super mild symptoms (headache and fever for maybe 2 days) and is now only experiencing loss of taste and smell. Fingers crossed that baby and I are safe and that we managed not to spread it to others in the house. So far I tested negative on a rapid test (about 3 days after exposure) but am booked to get a full test on Friday. No symptoms so far (other than being a bit stuffy but that’s pretty normal for me, we’re also renovating so the dust around here isn’t helping).
  • @chrsell so sorry you have that worry. I'm glad you feel ok and ai hope it all comes back negative. Here's to vaccines. Hope they work really well for you.
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