@sliztee baby has a head!! I am so hopeful that next week at 8+3 mine will look a little less blob-y. My dad asked if he was supposed to be able to know which end was up or down
Me: 34 DH: 43 Our Journey for #1
2014 -- Started TTC casually 2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
My picture quality is poor (old iPhone), you can see the head and bodies IRL. Here are the little beans at about 8 weeks. Just kidding, I can’t figure it out. How did you all post pics?
@mack262006 Click the little photo icon (1) then click “choose files” (2) and then click on “photo library” (3). Pick your picture and then select “Add” in the top right corner
I wasn’t going to post because I was afraid of bad news... Apparently 7 weeks and “a few days”, LMP started 8 weeks 1 day ago. Saw a heartbeat but know nothing else. I think the top part is my over-full bladder lol... not sure what the dark is on the right 😞 kind of afraid to know.
Update to the ultrasound appointment: Everything was great and normal. Heart rate 143. Due date is now November 8, she said it’s also crazy normal to be within a week +/- of what I thought. Next appointment is April 6th in person ❤️
This was the ultrasound at 5+5 that I had done last Tuesday to confirm not ectopic again. Proud big sister to be showing you. The doctor said she was pretty sure she say the fetus and maybe even a heartbeat but it was super early so I’m going back next week when I’ll be about 7+5 to confirm there is a heartbeat.
I had my last appointment with my RE today at 8w4d and baby had perfect heart rate of 175. Baby is also starting to look a little less blob-y. I'll be so excited to finally see a face in a few weeks
Me: 34 DH: 43 Our Journey for #1
2014 -- Started TTC casually 2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
Had my first appt today. Baby is perfect and measuring right on schedule. To top it all off, we found out the gender right after from our clinical blood test. It’s a girl!!!💕
@tmk2021 Congrats! What’s this blood test?! I’ve only heard of the one they do around 12 weeks that takes a while to come back but I want your doctors office lol
@rabtaido1214 I did sneakpeak. You can look it up on Google. I did the clinical blood test, not the at home test. It has the same accuracy as an NIPT test (99.9% accurate) but you can get it as early as 8 weeks. The local place I had it done at has never had a wrong test, and they even offered me a confirmation ultrasound at 14 weeks just for fun and to prove the result. If the sneakpeak is ever wrong you also get a full refund. It was worth every.single.penny.
@rabtaido1214 I did sneakpeak. You can look it up on Google. I did the clinical blood test, not the at home test. It has the same accuracy as an NIPT test (99.9% accurate) but you can get it as early as 8 weeks. The local place I had it done at has never had a wrong test, and they even offered me a confirmation ultrasound at 14 weeks just for fun and to prove the result. If the sneakpeak is ever wrong you also get a full refund. It was worth every.single.penny.
And if you got XX results, that’s a 100% slam dunk.
2014 -- Started TTC casually 2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
Ok, so I cheated and its not the best but now I'm so anxious and curious for my real US 4/20. We have a machine at work but it doesn't switch to OB, only abdominal.
We just had our first ultrasound today and thankfully Vanilla Bean was visible and measuring about right for my expected O date. They dated me at 6 weeks 4 days and changed my due date to Thanksgiving (11/25). We couldn't hear the heartbeat yet, but got to see if flickering which made MH and I very happy (nurse estimated 120bpm).
I had my ultrasound today. Saw a heartbeat. It measured 7w4d, which is 1 day off from my calculation from lmp. Very tadpole like so far lol. Heart beat I think was 152. Due date 11/18.
Getting nervous, first viability ultrasound is tomorrow afternoon. Hoping we see a sticky bean with a heartbeat and I have a first "baby" picture to post here tomorrow.
No pic since it’s in the other room and I’m being lazy but I got to see the jelly bean today and see/hear a heartbeat. I’m 7w3d by LMP but measuring 6w5d which is right on track with when I know I ovulated. Babe’s HR was 130. The tech has me slightly worried because as she was doing her normal check of all the boring not my little jelly bean baby stuff she mentioned seeing some free fluid and then took a picture of it and of course I won’t know anything until the dr reviews it all and she can’t say anything. Dr google says it could be nothing or something but since I have no symptoms it’s probably nothing
@chartput -delurking from December Moms- I was hoping for good news from you today! Getting that HB is such a major step; I never got a HB before my daughter in 2017. I have to admit, from a medical standpoint, I'm fascinated with the success of a mosaic. I know that they can and do produce healthy babies (I've read stories/research) but you're one of the first people I've encounter actually in the process of doing it. FX for you and hopefully an uneventful 9 months!!
~~ Our Story in Spoiler! TW loss/child~~
Fall 2012 -- started TTC Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016. September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo. Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice. August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP. Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18 September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!
TTC #2 January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156, #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!
@mbradfo2 thank you!! Yes we were very cautious about transferring. Especially since it was a high level mosaic. It also wasnt a great "grade" a 4CC. But our RE wasnt really concerned with the level of mosaicism or the grading. Our genetic abnormality was only a segmental triploidy of a chromosome they had no literature on having any kind of "syndrome" so she felt pretty confident about transfer. Basically with the thought that it either wouldnt stick at all or would self correct. I havent encountered anyone with a mosaic either (Im not on facebook) but after all the research and since it was our only one out of 2 ivf cycles we decided to give it a shot. We are still early days, but this is a milestone we've never gotten to with any other pregnancy, so fingers crossed this is our rainbow.
10w6d yesterday -- the second scan I've had this pregnancy and everything is on point, progressing as it should. I was so anxious going into this appt because of MMC in the fall, but feeling so much more relaxed and confident with good growth and strong heartbeat. Had my blood draw for genetic screenings, so we should know the sex in the next two weeks!
10w6d U/S on Tuesday. Everything is going well and we also did a genetic screening, excited to learn the sex. So grateful and excited to announce to our family this week! Purchased these really cute announcements on Etsy.
All of my symptoms have pretty much dissipated which is a welcomed change. Sleep is still not solid but overall all is well.
10w6d U/S on Tuesday. Everything is going well and we also did a genetic screening, excited to learn the sex. So grateful and excited to announce to our family this week! Purchased these really cute announcements on Etsy.
All of my symptoms have pretty much dissipated which is a welcomed change. Sleep is still not solid but overall all is well.
I think it's a girl. pls keep me posted then. Am getting excited about the gender reveal as well.
Re: Ultrasound Thread
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Our Journey for #1
2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI
Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Everything was great and normal. Heart rate 143. Due date is now November 8, she said it’s also crazy normal to be within a week +/- of what I thought. Next appointment is April 6th in person ❤️
Our Journey for #1
2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI
Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
Our Journey for #1
2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI
Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Due: 6 Nov 2021
We have a sticky bean!!!!! Measuring right on track at 6+5 and with a heart rate of 136!!!
-delurking from December Moms-
I was hoping for good news from you today! Getting that HB is such a major step; I never got a HB before my daughter in 2017. I have to admit, from a medical standpoint, I'm fascinated with the success of a mosaic. I know that they can and do produce healthy babies (I've read stories/research) but you're one of the first people I've encounter actually in the process of doing it. FX for you and hopefully an uneventful 9 months!!
Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE
Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016.
September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo.
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC
June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice.
August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP. Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18
September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks
March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!
TTC #2
January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle
March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156, #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!
"When all is lost then all is found."
@artsiefartsie that’s a good looking little peanut! Congratulations!!
@BumpAdmin @rosesareblue242 @mod14 can we PLEASE get a sticky on this thread?
Due: 6 Nov 2021
10w6d yesterday -- the second scan I've had this pregnancy and everything is on point, progressing as it should. I was so anxious going into this appt because of MMC in the fall, but feeling so much more relaxed and confident with good growth and strong heartbeat. Had my blood draw for genetic screenings, so we should know the sex in the next two weeks!
All of my symptoms have pretty much dissipated which is a welcomed change. Sleep is still not solid but overall all is well.