@dp1320 I have been on TB since my first pregnancy which was over 10yrs ago and that group still talks daily as well. I've come back with each of my pregnancies (this will be my 7th pregnancy 6th baby) and each one I've made amazing friends. I am excited to do the same with this group!
Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader. , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
How did you find out? I was counting down the days until I could test and got a positive at 11DPO. I have never got a positive test that early with my other pregnancies so it was quite the surprise to see a positive that early.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner? My hubby and I have been together for 8 years. We have 2 boys; 3 and 2 years old. I'm currently a stay at home mom. I love the outdoors. Swimming, biking, boating, paddleboarding, dirt biking, hiking, snowboarding, skating and the list goes on!
First appointment? Any symptoms? My first doctor's appointment isn't until December 1st to confirm my pregnancy. I have had mild symptoms off and on. Sore boobs, cramping, feeling more tired.
How did you find out? home pregnancy test.. cycle has been slightly unpredictable so I figured I'd test since AF didn't start yet, and here I am. Super BFP almost immediately after testing
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) This will be kiddo #2. Daughter will be 5 in the Spring. Currently working remot due to Covid, hoping to keep it that way for as long as I can!
First appointment? Any symptoms? No appointment yet... Calling tomorrow! Symptoms are slightly sore boobs and just being a little tired. If this pregnancy is like my first, major bloating and discomfort is right around the corner!
How did you find out? Took a test on a whim last night and it was very much positive. Have since taken three more and ordered some digitals haha
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I’m a SAHM with a 3 year old and 1.5 year old. I have a small side business. I love to sew and read. And shop 😬
First appointment? Any symptoms? Haven’t scheduled yet but I need to find a high risk OB/MFM. My last baby came pretty early bc of my incompetent cervix (rude) so I’m a little anxious about that. No symptoms yet!
Due date? I’m not sure yet. Based on my LMP it would have been June but my ultrasound is dating me way later.
How did you find out? We’ve been trying for baby #3 (DH’s first) and I have a serious POAS addiction
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I’m a SAHM to two little girls, 4.5 and 2.5. I own a small design business. I love working out, mostly spin class, and being on the boat with my fam.
First appointment? Any symptoms? First appointment was on the 4th...by my LMP I should have been 7 weeks but it was clear I wasn’t. I have a second appointment this Wednesday. Typical nausea, exhaustion. I’ve been having horrific cramps this time around.
How did I find out: I've been nauseous. POAS at 9 dpo. ❤️
About me: this is my 6th pregnancy. I have 3 daughters- 6,3, and 1. Excited to meet baby 4. I'm a SAHM and a photographer. Looking forward to meeting you all.
First appointment: 8 week scan mid December. Pushing for a 6 week scan. Lots of betas- because PGAL mind + COVID is a bad combo. Symptoms: WAY more nauseous than I should be at stage in the game.
How did you find out? Sore boobs, super tired, and hot flashes had me super suspicious. We weren’t planning on TTC for another 6ish months. This morning I had an appt and my usually textbook blood pressure was really elevated. As soon as I got home I took a test and was in slight disbelief that is came back positive!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I’m a military wife and we are currently stationed in Guam! We got here Feb 2020, so we will have a made I Guam baby ❤️. I’ve been with my hubby for 10 years, married for 9, and we met at bootcamp. We’ve got a 14yr old DD, 7yr old DS, (almost) 6yr old DS, and a 2.5yr old DD. So this will be baby #5 and our last baby.
First appointment? Any symptoms? Haven’t had first appt yet, but here your first appt is just a walk in appt, so I’ll probably go in tom to confirm and get assigned an OB/Midwife.
aside from sore boobs, fatigue, and hot flashes no other symptoms. Praying it stays that way, mornin in sickness is my least fave symptom and I’m hoping it skips me this time. Excited to be here with all of you!
Hi everyone! My name is Hannah and I am five weeks as of today. My husband and I were pregnant with our first in February which unfortunately ended in a first trimester loss. However we are cautiously optimistic! I am new to The Bump so am trying to learn all the cool features
How did you find out? So we have been TTC for 5 and TTW for 1. We are technically TCOYF but loosely. I usually have temp drop CD25-27. Since it didn't I tested, and holy crap. We had sex ONCE this time. Unlike other months where we did every other day. The only differences for cycle were we started both of us (last cycle) on big prenatals (Beli for him and OvaVite for me), and I had almost finished a cycle on Premama-Cleanse. Not sure what did it. The relaxation of not "trying" or one of the other addons. But we're excited and fingers crossed this little one hangs on.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I teach First grade in Maine and this is my 9th year teaching first. My husband was a chef but luckily switched professions and became a handyman/construction worker at a great company right at the beginning of the covid madness.
First appointment? Any symptoms? My first appointment is Dec 3rd for intake (7weeks) then we'll have the official meet and greet the following week. No symptoms really, just a bit bloated. I used to be nauseous in the morning but switched my pre-natals to evening and poof gone!
How did you find out? We were trying and I was tracking, I peed on a stick WAY WAY too early and was like is that a super duper faint line, well I tried the next day and it was.
Tell us about yourself (Other
children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I'm 33. My husband and I have been married for 7 years. This is my 4th pregnancy, and fingers crossed third and last baby. We have two daughters a 4.5 yr old and a 2 year old. *TW* I had a MMC with my first pregnancy and that kind of wrecked me from ever enjoying pregnancy and not being nervous literally the entire time. COVID also doesn't help as my DH can't come to any appts or U/S with me. U/S's are where I am the MOST nervous to not have a heartbeat *End TW*
appointment? Any symptoms? I haven't called yet, I'm nervous to, so I'm going to wait to be at least past my expected period date. But I guess sometime next month. No symptoms yet, my boobs may be a little sore.
Anyways HI!!! I was super active on my first BMB, Hugely actived on the loss board after my miscarriage, and then barely active on my second BMB, hopefully I can keep up with you guys here.
BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16). "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18). "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21). "Round 3 FIGHT!"
Just found out I'm pregnant a week or so ago! Was very much a surprise considering I miscarried in September and we only started trying after my first period post miscarriage.
I decided to just take a test because I was anxious about waiting until I missed my period. Didn't think much of it but to my surprise it said positive and then I thought it was a fluke because how can I be this lucky to have done it so fast !
Due date roughly 7/18-7/20. Not sure I am waiting for my 8 week appointment to confirm. I already went for blood as a precaution since my progesterone was low during my miscarriage. So far numbers look great! Just need to retake blood to see HCG doubling !
This will be my second baby ! I have a 20 month old girl! A little nervous how I will manage two kids! But she will be almost 2-1/2 when baby comes so maybe it will get a little easier ?!?
I work a full job as well as my husband but lucky enough to have grandparent day care lol
So far I've had mild nausea on occasion am tired and having hot flashes ! But I know I'm a bit early 6 weeks about.
Due date? July 16 by my calc, but when I made my first appt yesterday they said July 8 🤷🏻♀️
How did you find out? HPT. My period has gotten screwy as I’ve gotten older so my period being two weeks late was no biggie. I took a test just to reassure myself AF was due any day. Good lord, I peed on the stick and the test line turned MAGENTA before the control line made any sort of appearance.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
WELL. I’m Becky. This is definitely a place I never expected to be again, as we thought we were done having kids. Danny and I were pretty shocked yesterday, but overall, we’re excited.
Danny and I have been together 15 years, married 14 on 12/4. We have 3 kids, Annabelle (12), Patrick (10), and Jack (3.5–this one is cute but feral). Two dogs, Betty and Dex, plus one outdoor cat, Greyson, whose become the neighborhood cat. I’ll be 40 in March so if you refer to me as grandma through this pregnancy I won’t get mad. 🤣 I am a registered dietitian and have worked as a K-12 Director of Food Services for 5 years aka, I’m the head lunch lady. It’s stressful, but I feed kids everyday delicious food (I’ll share pictures when we’re all past the 1st tri) and I have the most AMAZING team of people who work for me. Danny has been a submariner for 17 years (where’s my sub sister at who’s in Guam?!) and we’re on the countdown to his retirement.
I curse like a sailor (which is why I married one!), I’m funny, self-confident, kind, love taking care of others and mentoring, but I take no shit.
First appointment? Any symptoms?
12/1 is my first appt. All the “period” symptoms I now know were preg symptoms. Slightly sore boobs, waves of nausea, and fatigue. I’ll be puking my face off in a week or two it will probably be a miserable wretch until July because I love labor, delivery, and my babies, but I HATE being pregnant.
Holy cannoli, that’s a novel. Here’s a 🍪 if you read it all but sorry if you throw the cookie up. 🤣
I’m excited for this journey and getting to know all of you!
@Beckyf321 hey girl hey!!! Yay for having another mil spouse here with me 💜. In the midst of the excitement of a new baby on the way, we are also celebrating my hubby being selected for Chief!! We are aviation side in this house.
Omg, CONGRATULATIONS to all of you!!!!!! My husband made Chief 3 years ago, he’s a nuc. It’s a wild ride, but we’re living that shore duty life now until retirement. Girl, please let me know if you have any questions.
How did you find out? My period has been super irregular so I wasn't even suspicious when AF was a week late. Decided to take a test because my BF wanted to have a bonfire and drinks... Well, that bonfire didn't happen lol.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) BF and I have been together for 3.5 years. Definitely were not trying to conceive as we are working on building a new house this spring. First baby and hoping for a girl, there were 6 girl cousins that came before so lots of hand me downs to use. We have so many chickens and 4 goats on order for the spring/summer. I work in childcare and hopefully will move into autism specialism once my masters are finished. Also, Canadian FTM here!
First appointment? Any symptoms? First appt December 15th, I'll be 11 weeks. Hopefully, first US will be 2-3 weeks after the first appointment. Nausea, heartburn, sore breasts, exhaustion, mood swings, heat flashes - basically I feel awful constantly lol
How did you find out? Woke up with sore boobs and thought I haven't had sore boobs since I was last pregnant. I already had a kit of pregnancy and ovulation sticks on the way so I waited for them to be delivered. First test out of the box was positive!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) We've been married for 5 years and together for 7 years. We have a 2.5yr old boy, 2 dogs, and 2 cats. We love to go camping and riding our side by side. I love to travel and am always planning our next vacation.
First appointment? Any symptoms? My first appointment isn't until December 14th! So around 10 weeks. I have sore breasts and have no energy!
How did you find out? Infertility clinic blood test -modified natural cycle
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) No kiddos, 2 prior MC. 3 fur babies 2 cats and a puppy! Work in sales and love coaching basketball with my hubby!
First appointment? Any symptoms? Many appointments already but first imaging Monday...fingers crossed! Very tired, bloated, and big ol boobs so feeling fortunate.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I have an almost 2 yo DD. We live in a rural area in Ontario and we have a dog and a handful of chickens. I’m a stats analyst and my H is a police officer.
First appointment? Any symptoms? I’ve had a confirmation appointment but my first meaningful one is next week.
Feeling low key gross as of this week but mostly just insanely tired all the time.
How did you find out? We got pregnant via IVF. I was sure this cycle failed like the last one. I don't test before my blood tests because I can't stomach seeing negatives, so we found out via test results being posted in mychart. After that my husband ran to the store to get a test so we could have the experience of watching it turn positive. We both cried and curled up together.
Tell us about yourself: I'm 35 and live in Wisconsin. This is our first pregnancy and we tried for 4 years to get here, 2 years with a reproductive endocrinologist. We have two dogs, Bonnie(St Bernard/Pyrenees mix) and Winston (pitbull/chi mix).
I work for a large healthcare company and I manage logistics for clinical evaluations of ultrasound equipment. My husband is a software engineer.
First appointment? Any symptoms? Fist ultrasound is 12/2, I will be 5w5d. So far I'm feeling good, just over the moon excited.
Found out with HPT at about 3.5 weeks (I was eager)
DH and I were just married in October, but have been together for 8 years. We have a daughter who will be 4 in January, and a husky/lab mix.
First appt is just a phone call 12/14 due to covid . We won’t be able to get a scan to confirm anything until mid-January, the week of our daughters birthday. So we got her a shirt that says “b is for big sister” and will send a picture text to our families to let them know in Jan. since we are trying to hunker down a bit until we can get a scan. It feels so far away!
Also, symptoms are fatigue, waves of nausea but nothing major (I had HG with our daughter and it was the absolute worst), sporadic headaches, a little cramping, and super congested nose. Lots of bloating too, and pretty tender breasts.
Hey everyone! I finally checked to see if this group had been started and it looks like I am late to the party.
Due date? July 12 (for now)
How did you find out? HPT. DH haven't been using contraception since having DS, and this time I just knew it would be positive. I took it 4 week(?) ago and thought this group wouldn't start until later on...pregnancy brain already haha
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
DH and I started our business 3 years ago and I quit my job 1.5 years ago to work with him full-time. It is challenging but we love it. We had our first son in January right before Covid so it has been interesting having a child who will probably be over 1 before meeting some of my family. We love the outdoors, hiking, traveling, etc.
First appointment? Any symptoms? First US and appointment on Dec 3rd. So much more nauseous this time around.
@kfry22@nopegoat I am trying to convince DH to at least get me some chickens or ducks. We live on part of the family farm, but all the animals are at my in-laws and that's where DH says they're staying haha
I'm a bit of a luker, but thought I should introduce myself.
I believe my due date is around July 21st. Hoping to confirm with an ultrasound soon.
I found out by taking a bunch of home pregnancy tests. Sort of was in disbelief!
My husband and I live in rural northern Ontario. He works on trains and I am a teacher. We have a 6 month old daughter. So they are going to be close together. I was told I would never get pregnant on my own. Then, I did and now I have again. Hence, the disbelief! Now that the shock has eased a bit, I am excited, truly happy and nervous!
So far, I've gone for blood work and will have an ultrasound on the coming weeks. My skin is acting up, I am tired and if I let myself get hungry I am nauseous.
July 27 - but I just found out it’s TWINS, so will deliver mid-July at the latest.
How did you find out?
I had super strong lightening crotch the week before my period so I took a test a few days before I was due and got my BFP. I found out it was twins a couple weeks ago when I had to go in for a scan because I was bleeding, it was the biggest surprise of my life!!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) My husband & I have one older kiddo - 3yo and a sweet 5yo pit mix. We used to have more pets but sadly have lost them over the last couple years. We want to wait till our children are older before building up our zoo again. Not much I like to do anymore since first tri has me feeling like crap! But I used to be fairly active and social before the pandemic hit. I work full time and enjoy getting outside when I can since we live in the beautiful southwest.
First appointment? Any symptoms? Had my first official prenatal appointment a couple days ago (2nd US) and everything seems good so far! Awful first tri symptoms, I am so exhausted and nauseous all the time, I’ve gained a bunch of weight already from being super sedentary and having to constantly snack to keep the nausea at bay. Looking forward to 2nd tri when I will hopefully feel somewhat normal again.
Oh, also I have clockwork MOTN insomnia, so expect me to be replying at the weirdest times of day! Lol
Re: Introductions!
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
I was counting down the days until I could test and got a positive at 11DPO. I have never got a positive test that early with my other pregnancies so it was quite the surprise to see a positive that early.
My hubby and I have been together for 8 years. We have 2 boys; 3 and 2 years old. I'm currently a stay at home mom. I love the outdoors. Swimming, biking, boating, paddleboarding, dirt biking, hiking, snowboarding, skating and the list goes on!
My first doctor's appointment isn't until December 1st to confirm my pregnancy. I have had mild symptoms off and on. Sore boobs, cramping, feeling more tired.
Me: 26 DH: 27
TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019
TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021
last night and it was very much positive. Have since taken three more and ordered some digitals haha
OMG @DuchessOfCambridge!!!!!!! Congrats!!
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
aside from sore boobs, fatigue, and hot flashes no other symptoms. Praying it stays that way, mornin in sickness is my least fave symptom and I’m hoping it skips me this time. Excited to be here with all of you!
@nopegoat hey girl hey!!
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Me: 26 DH: 27
TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019
TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021
Due date? July 27th-ish
How did you find out?
So we have been TTC for 5 and TTW for 1. We are technically TCOYF but loosely. I usually have temp drop CD25-27. Since it didn't I tested, and holy crap. We had sex ONCE this time. Unlike other months where we did every other day. The only differences for cycle were we started both of us (last cycle) on big prenatals (Beli for him and OvaVite for me), and I had almost finished a cycle on Premama-Cleanse. Not sure what did it. The relaxation of not "trying" or one of the other addons. But we're excited and fingers crossed this little one hangs on.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets?Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
I teach First grade in Maine and this is my 9th year teaching first. My husband was a chef but luckily switched professions and became a handyman/construction worker at a great company right at the beginning of the covid madness.
First appointment? Any symptoms?
My first appointment is Dec 3rd for intake (7weeks) then we'll have the official meet and greet the following week. No symptoms really, just a bit bloated. I used to be nauseous in the morning but switched my pre-natals to evening and poof gone!
DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16). "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18). "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21). "Round 3 FIGHT!"
Due date roughly 7/18-7/20. Not sure I am waiting for my 8 week appointment to confirm. I already went for blood as a precaution since my progesterone was low during my miscarriage. So far numbers look great! Just need to retake blood to see HCG doubling !
This will be my second baby ! I have a 20 month old girl! A little nervous how I will manage two kids! But she will be almost 2-1/2 when baby comes so maybe it will get a little easier ?!?
WELL. I’m Becky. This is definitely a place I never expected to be again, as we thought we were done having kids. Danny and I were pretty shocked yesterday, but overall, we’re excited.
Danny and I have been together 15 years, married 14 on 12/4. We have 3 kids, Annabelle (12), Patrick (10), and Jack (3.5–this one is cute but feral). Two dogs, Betty and Dex, plus one outdoor cat, Greyson, whose become the neighborhood cat. I’ll be 40 in March so if you refer to me as grandma through this pregnancy I won’t get mad. 🤣 I am a registered dietitian and have worked as a K-12 Director of Food Services for 5 years aka, I’m the head lunch lady. It’s stressful, but I feed kids everyday delicious food (I’ll share pictures when we’re all past the 1st tri) and I have the most AMAZING team of people who work for me. Danny has been a submariner for 17 years (where’s my sub sister at who’s in Guam?!) and we’re on the countdown to his retirement.
I curse like a sailor (which is why I married one!), I’m funny, self-confident, kind, love taking care of others and mentoring, but I take no shit.
12/1 is my first appt. All the “period” symptoms I now know were preg symptoms. Slightly sore boobs, waves of nausea, and fatigue. I’ll be puking my face off in a week or two it will probably be a miserable wretch until July because I love labor, delivery, and my babies, but I HATE being pregnant.
Holy cannoli, that’s a novel. Here’s a 🍪 if you read it all but sorry if you throw the cookie up. 🤣
I’m excited for this journey and getting to know all of you!
Married: 12-04-06
Annabelle: 1-1-08
Patrick: 8-15-10
EDD: 4-20-17
Married: 12-04-06
Annabelle: 1-1-08
Patrick: 8-15-10
EDD: 4-20-17
Married: 12-04-06
Annabelle: 1-1-08
Patrick: 8-15-10
EDD: 4-20-17
Infertility clinic blood test -modified natural cycle
No kiddos, 2 prior MC. 3 fur babies 2 cats and a puppy! Work in sales and love coaching basketball with my hubby!
Many appointments already but first imaging Monday...fingers crossed! Very tired, bloated, and big ol boobs so feeling fortunate.
How did you find out? We got pregnant via IVF. I was sure this cycle failed like the last one. I don't test before my blood tests because I can't stomach seeing negatives, so we found out via test results being posted in mychart. After that my husband ran to the store to get a test so we could have the experience of watching it turn positive. We both cried and curled up together.
Tell us about yourself:
I'm 35 and live in Wisconsin. This is our first pregnancy and we tried for 4 years to get here, 2 years with a reproductive endocrinologist. We have two dogs, Bonnie(St Bernard/Pyrenees mix) and Winston (pitbull/chi mix).
I work for a large healthcare company and I manage logistics for clinical evaluations of ultrasound equipment. My husband is a software engineer.
First appointment? Any symptoms? Fist ultrasound is 12/2, I will be 5w5d. So far I'm feeling good, just over the moon excited.
Found out with HPT at about 3.5 weeks (I was eager)
DH and I were just married in October, but have been together for 8 years. We have a daughter who will be 4 in January, and a husky/lab mix.
Due date? July 12 (for now)
DH and I started our business 3 years ago and I quit my job 1.5 years ago to work with him full-time. It is challenging but we love it. We had our first son in January right before Covid so it has been interesting having a child who will probably be over 1 before meeting some of my family. We love the outdoors, hiking, traveling, etc.
First US and appointment on Dec 3rd. So much more nauseous this time around.
I'm a bit of a luker, but thought I should introduce myself.
I believe my due date is around July 21st. Hoping to confirm with an ultrasound soon.
I found out by taking a bunch of home pregnancy tests. Sort of was in disbelief!
My husband and I live in rural northern Ontario. He works on trains and I am a teacher. We have a 6 month old daughter. So they are going to be close together. I was told I would never get pregnant on my own. Then, I did and now I have again. Hence, the disbelief! Now that the shock has eased a bit, I am excited, truly happy and nervous!
So far, I've gone for blood work and will have an ultrasound on the coming weeks. My skin is acting up, I am tired and if I let myself get hungry I am nauseous.
I have a 9 year old & 6 year old.... eek! Like Becky I'll be 40 when I deliver... OMG!
Due July 22nd I think?!
My husband & I have one older kiddo - 3yo and a sweet 5yo pit mix. We used to have more pets but sadly have lost them over the last couple years. We want to wait till our children are older before building up our zoo again.
Not much I like to do anymore since first tri has me feeling like crap! But I used to be fairly active and social before the pandemic hit. I work full time and enjoy getting outside when I can since we live in the beautiful southwest.
Had my first official prenatal appointment a couple days ago (2nd US) and everything seems good so far! Awful first tri symptoms, I am so exhausted and nauseous all the time, I’ve gained a bunch of weight already from being super sedentary and having to constantly snack to keep the nausea at bay. Looking forward to 2nd tri when I will hopefully feel somewhat normal again.