Hello, welcome, and congratulations on your BFP! Kindly take a few minutes to review the following and jump right in to the discussions and check-ins!
Maybe people can take control of weekly posts?
Some links that you may find helpful:
What do all of those abbreviations mean? How to add a signature How to GIF How-To Guides:
-How to quote: Hit the "quote" at the bottom of the post you want to quote. You will be taken to the reply box with the quote set up already.
-How to tag: Add an "@" in front of the username of the person you are talking to.
-How to change your username: log in to TheKnot, hover over My Knot, and click Account Settings. Be sure to log out and log back in after changing your username. If you are having issues doing it that way, you can email community@thebump.com and ask them to change your username. Give them a few suggestions just in case your top choice is taken. It may take up to 24 hours for the name to update. (It's also possible to change your username on The Bump sometimes under your account!)
-How to insert a spoiler box: click the drop down list arrow next to the paragraph symbol (sixth from the left, next to the emoji button) and choose spoiler. It will insert a grey box, and everything that you type in there will go into the spoiler. Or, highlight what you would like to be in the spoiler, then select spoiler in the dropdown.
For the sake of board organization, here are some simple guidelines for posting threads:
-Introduce yourself in the "Introductions" thread
-Feel free to start one of the weekly posts listed below if you don't see it started yet
-Check to see if a thread has already been started on your topic or question so we can avoid too many threads of the same topic
-Post a thread that would apply to a fair amount of the community and doesn't fall into one of the categories for daily threads listed below (Ex: What to pack in your hospital bag, baby gear, etc.)
-Comment, share advice, and show support for your fellow bumpies; this is a two-way street, to get support, you must show it as well
-Ask the community if you are pregnant, it is against the Bump's Terms Of Use (TOU)
-Post pictures of your pregnancy test, this is also against TOU (there is a thread on the open 1st tri page for this)
-Post a thread that asks a question only applying to yourself unless you suspect you may be going through a MC
-Get bent out of shape if someone calls you out for not following these guidelines; if you expect to be part of a supportive board (which we are), you need to be able to take the time to learn the ins and outs of the board.
Here are some weekly/monthly ideas that may be good to start with. We can always add to best suit our boards needs, so please let me know if you have any other ideas!
- Due Date By Group Check-In
- Good Questions
- Weekly Randoms
- Meal Plan Monday
- PGAL Check-in
- TW Tuesday
- Plus-size Mom Check-In
- HDBD (Hump Day, Bump Day)
- WTF Wednesday
- TTGP Grad Check-In
- Thankful Thursday
- Unpopular Opinion (UO)
- Flame Free Friday Confession (FFFC)
- Appointments Thread
- GTKY Threads
- High Risk
- Milestone Threads (specific appointments/weeks gestation, etc)
- Breastfeeding
- PGAIF (Pregnant After Infertility)
- Single Moms
- Moms of Multiples
*Please feel free to start any thread you wish*
I've copy/pasted this from previous boards and deleted some to keep it small now but we definitely can figure out what we like and don’t like!
If anyone has a suggestion for other threads, let us know here
*borrowed from feb*
Re: Welcome! *read this first*
@kvh22 I love that idea . This go round I want to be as active as possible!
Married: August 2013
Son: December 2018
Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept
@BumpAdmin please pin this thread and add a link to this April 2021 BMB to the mobile app.
Married: August 2013
Son: December 2018
Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept
@kelseyhh haha I've definitely posted a few the night before when I never got to post if I was up late. I've probably started more threads here than in my other two BMBs combined being on the west coast - I had so few opportunities to actually post anything lol.
Married: August 2013
Son: December 2018
Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept