@humblebumble123 that sounds sufficient for now. I try to avoid buying too far ahead especially for infants because some babies grow faster or slower than the size on clothes and you dont want a bunch of stuff in the wrong season which may matter more or less depending on where you live.
@humblebundle123 I definitely found it helpful to have a few things in sizes up to 12 months when my first was born. Baby growth spurts are really unpredictable. He outgrew onesies of one size during a nap once. I could snap them when he went down, and I swear I couldn't make it fit anymore after his diaper change when he woke up. Sleepers too. Depending on your climate, babies can basically live in their jammies all day and all night, for the first year. Especially during safer at home, there's no one to impress! You can cut down on the number of things you feel you need to buy by focusing on sleepers, onesies, and a few pairs of pants (for variety).
Sleep items are tough because they depend so much on the individual kid's preferences. My son wanted to be swaddled like he was in a straight jacket and as soon as he got one tiny finger out.... He was awake. When he outgrew swaddles and we tried a sleep sack, it was awful for everyone. We moved to the magic merlin suit, and then to a zipadeezip (which he's still in at almost 2.5). Other moms from my BMB were talking about how their kid could nap in anything and it sounded amazing. Who knows if I'll even need to break out those sleep tools with this one!
Unfortunately, babies create a LOT of laundry. We went through a ton of burp cloths (he spit up after almost every meal), and a ton of clothes for us whenever we got tagged.
@humblebumble123 honestly depends on the kid but that sounds reasonable to start. My DS was born at just over 8 lbs and was in nb clothes for like 5 minutes. He wasn’t a huge spitter or big blowouts, but peed through everything. That said, I don’t have an issue doing laundry a few times a week. You’ll be able to find baby clothes, I wouldn’t worry about 9 months. Just focus on what you need for the very immediate future. How about blankets, burp cloths, washcloths and towels, and crib or bassinet sheets (just trying to think of commonly washed things). Not sure where you live either but babies don’t care if it’s warm and they have to hang in their diaper and a blankie for a while until you get things washed
Thanks for all of the suggestions from S/T/F etc time moms! We're also trying to order everything we might need for the first few months given that we have no clue what might be available later. We ordered some diapers as well, even though it's still so early. But they were already sold out in many places!
@runwmusic While we bought a few disposables to start, my eventual goal is to use cloth diapers. I'm still trying to figure out what all is involved and it's a bit overwhelming. The cloth diapers you linked to still need a waterproof cover right? Is that how it works? I imagine a lining and a cover, though I know there are different types out there. (I know there's a diapering/cloth diapering thread somewhere out there, so I'll try to find it!)
@mariabele I used those cloth diapers for burp rags because they were cheap and way better than any burp rag I had. We never tried cloth diapers so I am no help there.
Just got the news that I passed my one hour! I'm excited because so far every doom and gloom "You're 39 and this PG could be worse" warning from my Dr hasn't happened. And the weather is supposed to get much better on Monday. I'm focusing on little happy things right now.
@humblebumble123 you should be good with that. Tbh often newborns are just chilling in Jammie’s most of the time anyways. They aren’t playing or getting dirty it’s just if you have a particularly spitty baby that you need to change clothes more often.
Seconding @runwmusic's suggestion for cloth diapers as burp cloths. My mom friends filled me in on that tip before I had my son and by far and away, the cloth diapers were better for spit up than any thing else we tried.
I know people mentioned stocking up on baby things since stores and deliveries are weird right now. Just a reminder you probably want to start stocking up on things you'll need postpartum too. I ordered a bunch nursing pads, milk bags, maxi pads, nipple cream, etc. Most of the stuff came pretty quick, but the nipple cream I like best won't be arriving until sometime in May, so it's definitely something to start thinking about now.
Thanks for all of the suggestions from S/T/F etc time moms! We're also trying to order everything we might need for the first few months given that we have no clue what might be available later. We ordered some diapers as well, even though it's still so early. But they were already sold out in many places!
@runwmusic While we bought a few disposables to start, my eventual goal is to use cloth diapers. I'm still trying to figure out what all is involved and it's a bit overwhelming. The cloth diapers you linked to still need a waterproof cover right? Is that how it works? I imagine a lining and a cover, though I know there are different types out there. (I know there's a diapering/cloth diapering thread somewhere out there, so I'll try to find it!)
I'm a cloth mama! I CD my first two and plan to use that stash with this little guy. For newborns, my favorite are the Blueberry newborn diapers. They have a waterproof cover. For when they're a bit bigger, with my oldest I used bumgenius pocket diapers (I believe called 5.0s right now) and with my 2nd I primarily used Blueberry onesize all in one diapers. They fit him better than the bumgenius.
For wipes I just bought a couple packs of baby washcloths and used those. They lasted 2 kids, but need to be replaced for the third. No biggie. They are a pretty minimal expense, especially because they are reusable.
I brought this up before but don’t think anyone responded to it. Anyone else ready to move to Facebook? With the quarantining at home, I’m not checkin the bump as much but I still keep up with my newsfeed. Also, I’m just not as comfortable posting specifics about myself on here but wanting to engage with you ladies more. You’re all so supportive even if some of us are only on a few times a week. Just wanted to gauge everyone’s thoughts on when they’re thinking of the move.
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17 EDD: 5/16/18 DD born 5/10/18 Postpartum Complications
I brought this up before but don’t think anyone responded to it. Anyone else ready to move to Facebook? With the quarantining at home, I’m not checkin the bump as much but I still keep up with my newsfeed. Also, I’m just not as comfortable posting specifics about myself on here but wanting to engage with you ladies more. You’re all so supportive even if some of us are only on a few times a week. Just wanted to gauge everyone’s thoughts on when they’re thinking of the move.
@alli392 I'm ambivalent on it, but I'll probably join if the board decides to move. My previous BMB moved closer to delivery and still lost a handful in the switch. I can't promise I'd be any more active on FB, either.
Friendly reminder-every two weeks that you're not driving your car you should start it up and let it run for at least 15-20 min. This is important for your battery to stay charged as well as making sure engine warms all the way up to normal temperature so that all fluids get going and lubricate hoses, gaskets, pipes, etc that can all wear out/dry rot much faster if they aren't regularly moistened.
But you really don't want both cars in driveway with dead batteries during time of physical distancing and quarantining.
As for more private...I am accustomed to doing a private group first before moving to facebook, but I'm really not terribly picky I guess? I do like the idea of some sort of vetting to make sure people aren't cat fishes, etc.
Me: 33 DH: 32 Married 7/18/15 1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16 Team green turned BLUE! 2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 Team green turned PINK! Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
My other BMB facebook group is secret (or whatever that's called now) with an admin team that has to approve any new adds. I definitely am not down for an open/public group, especially if we are sharing little one wednesday pictures, etc. My D17 group also has whittled down inactive accounts over the years so pretty much everyone in there is active (or we know why they aren't... life with littles is demanding!).
Also okay with moving to FB. My D16 group moved over there right around the time we were all due.
@mariabele I'm a cloth diaper Momma too. I didnt start until Ds was 6 weeks, but we plan to start with this little guy as soon as we get home. DH was so happy he got on board with doing new born and let me build a stash so that we domt have to worry about diapers at all this time.
I'm an AIO ( all in one) OS ( one size) fan myself but have used a variety of things and am playing with flats and covers for the new baby. My stash carries but I have Bumgenius Freetimes, Best Bottoms, Lighthouse Kids Company, Lalabye Baby, and some others. For newborn I have Bluberries Simplex and Lalabye Baby and some sweet pea diapers. My suggestion would be to get a few of each and see what you like. Everyone's preference is super different.
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Anyone have any insight into how the move usually goes? I’ve never moved with a group before so I don’t have any experience with this. I DEFINITELY agree to the private group. That’s mainly why I suggested the move here now with as weird as the world is.
How do we go about moving over?
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17 EDD: 5/16/18 DD born 5/10/18 Postpartum Complications
I think someone needs to create a private group on FB and then maybe do the rest through PMs, so it can be screened just for members who have posted here for a bit.
How my last BMB moved: We chose an admin team from active users on our board. Someone created the BMB, added all the other admins (they must have swapped emails/Facebook IDs in PMs). Then we were invited to PM one of the admins here to share our FB info to get added/invited.
Before moving, we set some general guidelines... like you have to have participated in a certain number of threads, or the admins had to agree by majority vote that you were an actual boardie. New adds to the BMB weren't really brought over to FB because at that point they were basically just posting announcements or scans but not actually part of the community (AW posts, mostly, without supporting others). But we've got some due dates that are just now rolling into 3rd tri, and the world is crazy and there could be real community members just now reaching out for support, so we should decide as a group whether we'd want to bring someone to FB if they were new and active-ish here.
Also our BMB died down a lot after the move. So it may not be possible to add new people after we move, because there wouldn't be an active BMB here for them to participate in to "prove" they're bumpies.
ETA: I am one of the admins for DS’s BMB. One of the admins set up the secret group, invited us (I think we messaged her our emails) and then we split the group up - names with A-F messaged one admin, F-J another, and so on. If any of the admins questioned whether the person was “active” enough, they brought it to the other admins to decide. This is probably not super necessary to split since it seems like we have a tiny group. But it worked well for us and our BMB has had only a very small amount of issues.
I'd be interested in joining a FB group too if someone starts one. I feel like I would be more active on FB than here just because this website is so dang glitchy!
I agree. Definitely prefer the FB app but understand the drawbacks of switching. But I do feel like I’ll connect with all of you more once I have names and faces to associate with members of the group.
@ErikandAfton@diagonalley thanks for the suggestions!! It looks like the all-in-ones are the easiest because they most closely approximate disposable diapers. But given how many diaper changes are involved and how many times they need to be washed in their entirety, have you found that they've held up?
I am interested in a FB group. I kind of hate this app and spend a lot more time on FB (more than I should probably). I just wish searching was easier, the product spotlight posts are handy
Just a note that private and secrect groups are two different things. A private group has admins that have to approve all members but we could all find the group by searching its name. All posts on a private group are hidden unless you're a member. A secret group means the admin would have to send each of us an invite. I know with my profile settings I have had trouble being found to be invited to secret groups before. We could also start as private and switch to secret once we think everyone has found the group.
Me 29 DH 33 Married 10/2016 TTC since 04/2019 BFP 10/12/2019, estimated 6 weeks EDD 06/07/2020
Tbh I hate using the bump app so I don’t check in or post here very often. I’m much more active on the Facebook groups I’m part of because it’s just more simple.
Not related at all but is anybody else dealing with eyelash loss? I’m assuming (because google) it’s because I’m severely iron deficient, though I’m taking a prescribed iron supplement. But it sucks! Normally I have really thick, full, long lashes and they’re a quality I’ve always been pretty proud of. So my sparse lashes now are bugging me even more than the weight gain and other things.
Posting here for the first time in weeks because some sort of weird glitch with the bump is preventing me from logging in from my phone anymore (it logged me out and won’t let me log back in) but my iPad is still logged in apparently. It’s weird to catch up with such a long chunk of time! I hope everyone is staying safe and well.
@mariabele@diagonalley and @ErikandAfton I made a cloth diapering thread. I then proceeded to word vomit a lot of things, lol, sorry. But feel free to chime in with questions for newbies or further thoughts from experienced mommas.
Me: 33 DH: 32 Married 7/18/15 1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16 Team green turned BLUE! 2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 Team green turned PINK! Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
@ErikandAfton@diagonalley thanks for the suggestions!! It looks like the all-in-ones are the easiest because they most closely approximate disposable diapers. But given how many diaper changes are involved and how many times they need to be washed in their entirety, have you found that they've held up?
I'm about to use them on my 3rd baby, so I'd say they hold up!
Just piggybacking on the transition to FB - both of my previous BMB have secret groups. I happened to be part of the "admin" panel to screen members to move them over. Basically if someone requested to join and one of the admins personally recognized them, they would be added in. If they weren't sure, it was brought to the group of admins to discuss and make a decision. We definitely had people in both that didn't meet our joining criteria (basically had a couple of posts, if that) and so they were declined admission. I'm pretty sure we added people by using their e-mail address they have associated with FB and then they accept the admission. I can't entirely remember as the last one was almost 4 years ago. I know I have not been super super active in the past couple of months, but I'm willing to help in any way
Are we starting a new April randoms thread? I feel uncomfy making threads.
Question, can you tell by where your feel the most kicks/punches how the baby is positioned? For example, most of the kicks I feel and can see are on the left side of my abdomen at or a bit above belly button level and some lighter ones in my lower abdomen @ bit rightish of center. Can I assume he's flipped so his legs are above my belly button or is it not something you can tell?
@SpartanCat I know a lot of people can tell based on where the kicks are, but I am not one of them. Baby boy is breech and likes to keep his feet on his head, so I feel a lot of kicks up high. I also feel them frequently down low. I guess when he decides to put his feet down. My DD liked the same position and I didnt find out until 38 weeks that she is breech
@SpartanCat Generally, no. Baby can be head down or butt down and have their legs by their head or butt. So even though I'm carrying my third breech baby I have had kicks everywhere from cervix to ribs. My second did flip before labor. We'll see if this one does. But I can feel and sometimes see baby's head just an inch under my bra band.
Me: 33 DH: 32 Married 7/18/15 1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16 Team green turned BLUE! 2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 Team green turned PINK! Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
@SpartanCat I've been trying to figure this out as well. I feel baby mostly low and last time I had a scan she was breech. But then other times I feel her in my ribs so who knows. It's one reason I'm looking forward to my growth scan in a few weeks so I can see if she is still breech or not.
Also regarding moving, I am open to private group or FB whatever everyone wants is good with me.
Re: March Randoms
Sleep items are tough because they depend so much on the individual kid's preferences. My son wanted to be swaddled like he was in a straight jacket and as soon as he got one tiny finger out.... He was awake. When he outgrew swaddles and we tried a sleep sack, it was awful for everyone. We moved to the magic merlin suit, and then to a zipadeezip (which he's still in at almost 2.5). Other moms from my BMB were talking about how their kid could nap in anything and it sounded amazing. Who knows if I'll even need to break out those sleep tools with this one!
Unfortunately, babies create a LOT of laundry. We went through a ton of burp cloths (he spit up after almost every meal), and a ton of clothes for us whenever we got tagged.
@runwmusic While we bought a few disposables to start, my eventual goal is to use cloth diapers. I'm still trying to figure out what all is involved and it's a bit overwhelming. The cloth diapers you linked to still need a waterproof cover right? Is that how it works? I imagine a lining and a cover, though I know there are different types out there. (I know there's a diapering/cloth diapering thread somewhere out there, so I'll try to find it!)
I know people mentioned stocking up on baby things since stores and deliveries are weird right now. Just a reminder you probably want to start stocking up on things you'll need postpartum too. I ordered a bunch nursing pads, milk bags, maxi pads, nipple cream, etc. Most of the stuff came pretty quick, but the nipple cream I like best won't be arriving until sometime in May, so it's definitely something to start thinking about now.
For wipes I just bought a couple packs of baby washcloths and used those. They lasted 2 kids, but need to be replaced for the third. No biggie. They are a pretty minimal expense, especially because they are reusable.
Any questions, ask away
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17
EDD: 5/16/18
DD born 5/10/18
Postpartum Complications
BFP: 10/1/19
EDD: 6/12/20
I would be OK with it.
But you really don't want both cars in driveway with dead batteries during time of physical distancing and quarantining.
As for more private...I am accustomed to doing a private group first before moving to facebook, but I'm really not terribly picky I guess? I do like the idea of some sort of vetting to make sure people aren't cat fishes, etc.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
Married 10/2016
TTC since 04/2019
BFP 10/12/2019, estimated 6 weeks
EDD 06/07/2020
@mariabele I'm a cloth diaper Momma too. I didnt start until Ds was 6 weeks, but we plan to start with this little guy as soon as we get home. DH was so happy he got on board with doing new born and let me build a stash so that we domt have to worry about diapers at all this time.
I'm an AIO ( all in one) OS ( one size) fan myself but have used a variety of things and am playing with flats and covers for the new baby. My stash carries but I have Bumgenius Freetimes, Best Bottoms, Lighthouse Kids Company, Lalabye Baby, and some others. For newborn I have Bluberries Simplex and Lalabye Baby and some sweet pea diapers. My suggestion would be to get a few of each and see what you like. Everyone's preference is super different.
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17
EDD: 5/16/18
DD born 5/10/18
Postpartum Complications
BFP: 10/1/19
EDD: 6/12/20
Before moving, we set some general guidelines... like you have to have participated in a certain number of threads, or the admins had to agree by majority vote that you were an actual boardie. New adds to the BMB weren't really brought over to FB because at that point they were basically just posting announcements or scans but not actually part of the community (AW posts, mostly, without supporting others). But we've got some due dates that are just now rolling into 3rd tri, and the world is crazy and there could be real community members just now reaching out for support, so we should decide as a group whether we'd want to bring someone to FB if they were new and active-ish here.
Also our BMB died down a lot after the move. So it may not be possible to add new people after we move, because there wouldn't be an active BMB here for them to participate in to "prove" they're bumpies.
@ErikandAfton @diagonalley thanks for the suggestions!! It looks like the all-in-ones are the easiest because they most closely approximate disposable diapers. But given how many diaper changes are involved and how many times they need to be washed in their entirety, have you found that they've held up?
Married 10/2016
TTC since 04/2019
BFP 10/12/2019, estimated 6 weeks
EDD 06/07/2020
Not related at all but is anybody else dealing with eyelash loss? I’m assuming (because google) it’s because I’m severely iron deficient, though I’m taking a prescribed iron supplement. But it sucks! Normally I have really thick, full, long lashes and they’re a quality I’ve always been pretty proud of. So my sparse lashes now are bugging me even more than the weight gain and other things.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
Question, can you tell by where your feel the most kicks/punches how the baby is positioned? For example, most of the kicks I feel and can see are on the left side of my abdomen at or a bit above belly button level and some lighter ones in my lower abdomen @ bit rightish of center. Can I assume he's flipped so his legs are above my belly button or is it not something you can tell?
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
Also regarding moving, I am open to private group or FB whatever everyone wants is good with me.
TTC#1 - March 2013
BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14
TTC#2 November 2015
Dx: Secondary IF June 2016
Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN
Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018
"She believed she could so she did..."
Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19
Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!
Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN
Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-
Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal
Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever
Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1
But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET
IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19
ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!
Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1
FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844
DD born 6/15/20