I really need to try to be more active here. Part of me has basically ignored the fact that I'm pregnant - nothing is done or ready for baby (although we have pretty much everything we could need aside from a car seat - but could make do with ones we already have - I just really prefer a bucket seat when they are newbies!) and this show is going down in approximately 13 weeks, which means I'm about to be in my last trimester, and ish is about to get real.
I’m only 25w next week, so I’ve still got some time but reading your above comments makes me want to throw up 🙈😂 I’m soooo not ready! I don’t remember feeling like this with my other two. You can stay in there as long as you’d like buddy 😂
@brose1117 ahahahha that was not intentional but I loveeeeee moana. DD is sadly not into it. We try to get her to watch it all the time but it’s usually Cinderella, frozen or little mermaid
I got a call to book my c section appointment next month. (The appointment not the actual surgery) it feels too soon to talk about the end 😭 this pregnancy is going by way faster than my first.
Saw my OB today and had a conversation about the likelihood of being able to vbac, pending that my placenta moves up enough. Because I was completely dilated, in a reasonably short amount of time, and pushed for 5 hours with no descending of baby’s head, it doesn’t look great. However, she’s open to whatever I want. We discussed setting a limit - like if I push for an hour and nothing happens, we move to c section. I’m really torn. We agreed to have the discussion again when the time is closer.
I have just under 6 weeks to get everything ready over here. And I can't even figure out how to get my house vacuumed, lol. Not meaning I expect baby here in 6 weeks, but I need to be done with stuff by then as I know that doing things after 32 weeks sets me into continuous contractions. I'm only 9 weeks from gestation my first was born at. And 12 weeks from the gestation my second was born at. I'm hoping for 12 more weeks, but to do that, I've got to make sure to stay chill and be productive this next 6 weeks, then be as lazy as possible after that.
Me: 33 DH: 32 Married 7/18/15 1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16 Team green turned BLUE! 2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 Team green turned PINK! Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
@kerco925 I’m not sure it really matters if it’s 27 or 28 but my mind game makes me not it at 28 because then it feels like I’m closer 🤪
im so not ready over here but also starting to get those uncomfortable third trimester aches and pains (even though I’m only 25 weeks) so I’m getting there.
@ch@chaos-and-coffee that seems like a really hard decision. I hope whatever you ultimately pick you’re happy with and don’t feel pressured either way!
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17 EDD: 5/16/18 DD born 5/10/18 Postpartum Complications
Officially failed the 3 hour glucose tolerance test, and the specialist I was referred to can’t get me in until March 23. So now I get to spend a couple weeks stressing and trying to figure out what to eat and do.
@sheshe3386 ugh I’m so sorry! I need to take my 3hr but have sorta been irresponsibly putting it off 😕 when i posted about failing my 1hr @kyrwyn was suuuper supportive! She may be able to answer some questions you have. Good luck mama!
@sheshe3386 I'm so sorry. I have a ton of information to help you get started on your diet changes and meal planning, when you're ready. ❤️ It's very overwhelming at first, emotionally and logistically, so please let yourself have whatever feelings you're feeling -- it's all valid and understandable. Nothing you did caused this. It's just the pregnancy hormones stressing your metabolism.
@thinkpositive2017 You may want to read the new law super carefully and/or talk to someone who can explain the changes. It may be based on when you start your claim instead of when your baby is born (this is how it goes in CA). You may still be able to benefit depending on how the pregnancy disability (I don't know if this is a thing in NJ) and family leave all work in your state.
In order to get the nursery ready for my new bub, I have to get a big boy room ready for DS1. So this is kind of baby related, I swear, I'm just really excited about this duvet cover I made for DS1's new room. He picked out the fabric with me online (glow in the dark rockets) and it's EXACTLY what he wanted for his big boy bed. I finished it last night, so I can finally finish moving the sewing stuff out of the room, so we can paint and change the furniture and get it ready to go.
kyrwyn Thank you! I get short term disability through my job first, so I won't be filing the NJ claim until mid July. My human resource rep thought the eligibility date for NJ benefits would still be based off the delivery date, but I called the state department and they said it was based off the filing date! So it looks like I will be eligible for the new benefits (higher weekly rates in addition the the extended time)!
@thinkpositive2017 yay! I love it when things work out this way. I'm so excited for you. CA upped paid family leave (for dads too) from 6 to 8 weeks this year AND DH's company added 2 paid weeks to their policy (from zero). It's apparently a good year to have a summer baby!
@thinkpositive2017 yay! I love it when things work out this way. I'm so excited for you. CA upped paid family leave (for dads too) from 6 to 8 weeks this year AND DH's company added 2 paid weeks to their policy (from zero). It's apparently a good year to have a summer baby!
You just made my day!!! Two more weeks with baby!!!
@kyrwyn our two guys need new furniture for us to give babe the crib set. We switched DS1 last week and it was so exciting and emotional for me! I loved picking out all of his new big boy stuff with him. It was such a fun bonding experience for us! I’m so not ready to switch DS2 from crib to the twin bed though so I’m putting that off 🙈😂
@kyrwyn@brose1117 thank you for your thoughtful words. I had a couple of breakdowns yesterday when they called and just felt so guilty and sad. But then it hit me that I’m ok, baby is healthy and I can do this. But man, it just had to happen during Cadbury cream egg season lol. I’m totally down for a GD info thread, and I appreciate you for suggesting it.
I commented last week that I found out I am mildly anemic, so I started taking iron. Last night I had a dream about raw meat, lol. That has to be related. I wanted to puke when I woke up.
@sheshe3386 Do you know if they freeze well? You could stick some in the way back of the freezer to have as your GD survival treat after delivery. I froze some cookie dough for my favorite cookies and DH had the friends who were dog sitting for us bake them while we were on our way home from the hospital. It's nice to give yourself an endpoint reward!
I'll start a thread tomorrow. I'm super fried right now. It's been a rough day. The best thing you can do until I get you more specific info is to avoid added sugars, and keep your portions of healthy carbs small. Prioritize protein and veggies, then carbs. And always eat carbs and protein together. The match is about 15g of carbs and at least 8-11 g of protein. You can totally do this. Walking for 10-15 min soon after eating helps a ton too.
@JessiBride yeah, I wasn’t surprised that it was my biggest gain. I suddenly got my appetite back end of January and I’ve just been so hungry lately. Pair that with back pain so bad I can’t even walk my dogs, basically all I can do is lie on the couch and snack. Oops.
I have a cold *pouts* I went to my primary care doctor because my ears hurt. She walked in the door and said "wow you're really pregnant!" I'm only 24 weeks *grumbles* and it turns out I have an ear infection for the like, third time ever. They gave me antibiotics and told me I could basically expect a yeast infection. Does probiotic yogurt work as a preventative? I know it's not perfect but anything proactive is better than nothing.
Art Van furniture is going out of business if you're in the Midwest area. H and I are going tonight to see if we can find a nice glider rocker or a small dresser.
I had a cold back to back with the flu back to back with another cold that I'm not all the way done with. And our dogs got hit by a skunk late last night. I need a break.
Me: 33 DH: 32 Married 7/18/15 1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16 Team green turned BLUE! 2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 Team green turned PINK! Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
Re: March Randoms
TTC#1 - March 2013
BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14
TTC#2 November 2015
Dx: Secondary IF June 2016
Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN
Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018
"She believed she could so she did..."
Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19
Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!
Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN
Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-
Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal
Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever
Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1
But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET
IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19
ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!
Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1
FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844
DD born 6/15/20
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
im so not ready over here but also starting to get those uncomfortable third trimester aches and pains (even though I’m only 25 weeks) so I’m getting there.
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17
EDD: 5/16/18
DD born 5/10/18
Postpartum Complications
BFP: 10/1/19
EDD: 6/12/20
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17
EDD: 5/16/18
DD born 5/10/18
Postpartum Complications
BFP: 10/1/19
EDD: 6/12/20
Do you want me to start a thread for GD info?
You just made my day!!! Two more weeks with baby!!!
I'll start a thread tomorrow. I'm super fried right now. It's been a rough day. The best thing you can do until I get you more specific info is to avoid added sugars, and keep your portions of healthy carbs small. Prioritize protein and veggies, then carbs. And always eat carbs and protein together. The match is about 15g of carbs and at least 8-11 g of protein. You can totally do this. Walking for 10-15 min soon after eating helps a ton too.
Art Van furniture is going out of business if you're in the Midwest area. H and I are going tonight to see if we can find a nice glider rocker or a small dresser.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green