@SheHulk723 I'm hoping the best for you! I also have longer cycles so my baby for more is reading a week behind my lmp but that's ok for us! Fx that your baby is just too small and you will see appropriate growth in a week or two
Anyone else having bizarre nausea triggers?? Right now the mere sight of tupperware (whether clean or dirty or storing food, doesn't matter!) makes my stomach turn. Also opening the fridge, freezer, or cupboards is a trigger. I guess because everywhere I look I see unappealing food. SO. WEIRD!
@malloryfrommn. YES! I can’t stand to look at my pet food bowls. They’re not dirty and we use dry food...but still. I think my brain makes an association with “meat cereal.”
I cried last night because I love my kitty. My husband saw me and made fun of me and then I was laughing and crying at the same time. The whole thing was absurd.
@malloryfrommn, in my 1st pregnancy I couldn’t grocery shop for a period of time because the mere thought of being in a store full of food was too much.
@malloryfrommn I got home the other night and the idea of the dinner I had pre-prepped was suddenly stomach turning to me. I’m starting to feel the same way about what I have planned for tonight. I didn’t eat my usual breakfast or my salad for lunch either because I was like ehhh, don’t think I want that. So random!
@Swiftlet I did the same thing yesterday and fed my family dinner while I ate cold noodles. Feeling the same about tonight's food. I'm going to have a bowl of mango while they eat burgers and mashed potatoes...
I ate a full sized dinner last night, immediately felt nauseated, and then 30 minutes later I was starving again. I can’t let myself get too hungry because then I feel like I’m going to get sick, but also if I eat I feel like I’m going to get sick.
Faint spotting on toilet paper last night and this AM- I sent a note to my nurse through our portal just to confirm she’s OK with it. Nervous but it’s really faint so hopefully it’s all good.
@Swiftlet I had brown spotting yesterday evening and then pink/red spotting this evening. It was scary to see it be worse today than yesterday, but *knock on wood* it appears to be turning brown and lightning again. At this stage of pregnancy, there's nothing we can do to affect it; the baby will either stick or they won't. And I thought IF was nerve wracking.
@noxacanthus I’m glad to hear yours is improving! Mine is stable- pink once last night but brown again this AM. My nurse got back to me and said could be from my progesterone suppositories, just to take it easy and keep her updated. Good reminder that there’s nothing to do either way! Fingers crossed for both of us that it goes away soon
appreciate the love @DDRRT1982 and @brookert615 - I’m so glad to have found such a sweet group of women for support
@Swiftlet, are you on Crinone? Like your nurse said that can definitely cause spotting especially brown or light pink. I have some peachy colored stuff but I didn’t even tell the nurse because it’s not really spotting.
@brookert615, @DDRRT1982, @therealbitts Thanks for the support everyone. If obsessive worrying were an olympic support, us pregnant women would have it on lock.
@Swiftlet I am also on progesterone suppositories, so maybe that is a data point. My doctor also mentioned that they can cause spotting, but I've been trying to not insert them too deep for that very reason.
@jvk2012 Prometrium capsules I’ve been on them for two week durations after IUIs and not had an issue but this is obviously the longest I’ve been on them so maybe that’s it part of it!
@noxacanthus Oh interesting, I usually try to insert them as deep as I can to try and avoid as much of the discharge I’ll try not going so far up there!
@Swiftlet@noxacanthus Sorry, that is so nerve wracking. I had some yesterday (2nd time so far)... if it weren’t for the fact that I had *just* returned from my first appointment and US and been told that everything is healthy and great, I’d be a total mess. I mean, I was super freaked out anyway... because it was more than last time. But between the wand being up there and having had intercourse twice (when I hadn’t had it since the first spotting out of fear), I was able to at least not have a total melt down. I’m sending lots of love and support. Hope you’re able to find some calm in the anxiety.
@craftywitch@Swiftlet@malloryfrommn SAME on the food aversions! I feel like I'm going to have to grocery shop daily because it's overwhelming to try and make decisions for the week when moment by moment different foods will make me nauseous.
Update: still spotting but it's been brown instead of pink all day (good thing!) and I had my "graduation" US at the RE where we were able to see the heartbeat and everything measuring right on track for 8 weeks. Hubby even came and saw the heartbeat for the first time.
Thanks to all who wished me well with the spotting. Sorry to ghost for a few days! I went in on Wednesday, met my OB for the first time (she's wonderful!), and they did a pelvic and ultrasound. She said I was 5w,5d (so today is 6 weeks), and we could see the gestational and yoke sacs but no tadpole visible yet. She said that the ultrasound looked completely normal for where I was and that there was nothing in the ultrasound that suggested this has to be a miscarriage. No guarantees that it will last either, but she wasn't alarmed and emphasized that a miscarriage is not inevitable. In the last few days, I've still had spotting, but it's been fainter, less of it, and continued to be darker. I felt so much better after that visit. I'm coming back on Tuesday for a follow up because we're going on vacation next week and she wants me to have another opportunity at peace of mind before we leave--she said we might not see anything new or different because not much time will have gone by, but then I'll be vacation+a week away from my 8 week ultrasound anyway. Continuing to hope for the best and trying to have faith in the face of uncertainty! My dad alway said not to "borrow worry" so I'm trying to live by those words right now. Thanks again for all of the support and love earlier this week
First baby due February 21, 2019 Located in Columbia, SC
@babylawyer I’m glad your doctor was able to give you some hope. There is uncertainty in the beginning of any pregnancy and it sounds like you don’t have cause for alarm yet. Hang in there.
I have now developed an aversion to toast. My house smells like toast. I have an aversion to the smell of my house now. I just can’t. Does MS and food aversions get worse the older you are? This is the first pregnancy I have an aversion to everything. I seriously can’t think of anything that sounds good or smells good these days. This is going to be a long first tri.
oh, and because I can’t stomach the thought of drinking my usual kombucha, I haven’t gone to the bathroom in over four days. I am basically full of shit, lol.
@DDRRT1982 I empathize! I usually eat mostly vegetables in my diet. But now it's really hard to stomach almost any vegetables. And I too am completely full if shit as a consequence! I hope this goes away after the first trimester.
Re: June Symptoms
DH: 34
Married: May 2011
TTC #1: May 2015
DS: 10/20/2016
TTC #2: June 2019
#2 EDD: 2/20/2020
Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
Your tupperware reaction is so interesting!!
Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
Nausea ramped up overnight and this AM...ergh
Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
appreciate the love @DDRRT1982 and @brookert615 - I’m so glad to have found such a sweet group of women for support
@Swiftlet I am also on progesterone suppositories, so maybe that is a data point. My doctor also mentioned that they can cause spotting, but I've been trying to not insert them too deep for that very reason.
@noxacanthus Oh interesting, I usually try to insert them as deep as I can to try and avoid as much of the discharge I’ll try not going so far up there!
Located in Columbia, SC
oh, and because I can’t stomach the thought of drinking my usual kombucha, I haven’t gone to the bathroom in over four days. I am basically full of shit, lol.
DH: 34
Married: May 2011
TTC #1: May 2015
DS: 10/20/2016
TTC #2: June 2019
#2 EDD: 2/20/2020