December 2019 Moms




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    @peachie89 we did with our daughter and plan to again this time around. You can get newborn cloth diapers that are smaller. We have some "traditional" prefolds that were newborn that I got from my sister but I never got good at folding them right and then using the clips so we opted to use disposables until she grew out of the new born diapers. To prep this time around I just plan on washing with Charlies detergent and sun bleaching before it gets too close to fall and we still have lots of good day time sun. 
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    These cloth diapering items are interesting,  @rjgmcmanus. I really wanted to cloth diaper but with daycare, and only a mini washer and spin dry (no heat) in unit,  I'm not sure it'll work. 
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    @rjgmcmanus we bought one of those sprayers and ended up opening it up so we sold it. We found dunking the diaper when need be easier... mainly because I was afraid of poopy water spraying all over!
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    @bookworm492 Yeah, our daycare isn't big on cloth diapering, so we'll see if they're cool with hybrids...if not, we'll just give them the disposable biodegradable diapers and call it a day. But we figure these will be good for home, at least. We're trying to save money and not totally destroy the earth at the same time, and this seems like it might be a good balance. 

    @ashorkey Yeah, I'm a little nervous about the spraying too, lol! We'll see how it goes!
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    Did anyone start the process of getting a breast pump through insurance?  Which one are you planning to get?  I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to pay extra to upgrade to a closed system pump.  I'm looking at the Medela Pump in Style Advanced vs the Medela Sonata.  I'm worried that the open systems might be difficult/time consuming to clean, but also don't want to overspend if the open system is good enough.
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    @blueskychicago12 I didn't get a script for my pump until I was like 28 weeks and a lot of insurances (like mine) won't send you your pump until after you deliver the baby. I had a Medela pump in style advanced and it worked fine for me. Not sure if I will try something new this time around- I've heard a lot of good things about the Spectra. 
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    @blueskychicago12 with my daughter I didn’t get my prescription until 28 weeks either as my insurance wouldn’t allow me to purchase one until after then. We have a local medical supply store that sells pumps and works with insurance so I just brought them my Rx and had the choice between 2. I’m unsure if I’ll get a different one this time around. I’m thinking maybe so I can leave one at work and have one at home. 
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    @blueskychicago12 I insisted on a closed system with my last one. I could order early then they waited until I was 28 or 32 weeks before they sent it. I have the Lansinoh smart pump. This time though I’m going to get the Spectra, I think my insurance will pay for the S2 so that’s my plan. I like my Lansinoh. But I’ve heard and read the suction is better in the Spectra. I struggled with supply at the end and would like to better my chances this time. I had to quit because I was pregnant so I plan to try to make it longer this time. 

    I’ll probably keep the Lansinoh at home for at hone pumping where the environment is more conducive and I can use baby stimulus to help. And use the Spectra at work. 
    Me: 39  DH: 30
    Married 1/28/17
    BFP #1 2/26/17, MMC 5/2/17
    BFP #2 10/10/17, MC 11/4/17
    BFP #3 12/17/17 Birth 8/13/18
    BFP #4 4/21/19 Birth 12/5/2019

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    mrszoobearmrszoobear member
    edited July 2019
    @blueskychicago12 - I used Aeroflow Breastpumps to get mine. They contacted my insurance and doctor for me and got the prescription filled. I just had to pick out my pump and went with the Spectra after reading a ton of reviews. I did this in my first tri without any issues. But I'm sure it all depends on your insurance. I did like my experience with Aeroflow if that helps.

    @Peachie89 - We plan on cloth diapering too! I did a ton of research on it (including months before I even got pregnant lol) but no first hand experience as I am a FTM. However, based on what system we want to use, it doesn't make sense to cloth diaper until she is at that 10lb/size 1 stage. We are doing the pocket cloth diapers. Those can be used starting at the 10lb mark. Some newborns are already that big at birth (hopefully not ours!) And others are out of newborn sizes in a month. So it doesn't make sense for us to cloth diaper during the newborn stage. We are going with disposables until she can fit the pocket diapers. We are getting ours from Nora's Nursery. Great reviews, patterns, pricing and free shipping there 😁
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    We're planning to cloth diaper from the start. I can't handle throwing that many diapers away every single day. From what I've read you don't need to spray the diapers when the baby is on 100% milk diet - only once it switches to solids.

    Also, unless biodegradable diapers are better for your baby, I don't think they're necessarily worth the extra cost. In the US they'll likely be landfilled, and because it's an anaerobic environment they won't decompose. Scientists have dug up old landfills to learn about trash and human behavior and have found newspapers from 50 years ago that are still legible, hotdogs that are still recognizable, and so on. Without air, even a biodegradable diaper won't decompose. I study trash, so this is a bit of an interest of mine...
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    Some may recall I had a close friend who has stopped reaching out to me and muted me online likely due to my pregnancy. 

    I don't often go on Twitter but I logged in this morning to see that earlier this week she announced she has asherman syndrome and will need to travel to Boston to have surgery with a specialist.  The syndrome is related to the 3 miscarriages she's has and the d&c required of them. Now I understand more about why she pulled away so much. 

    Does anyone know about this syndrome? I was thinking I would reach out to offer support but concerned this would just be too upsetting if I did.  Thoughts?
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    Thank you everyone for your feedback about cloth diapering. I used pockets with DS, they say they can be used at 8lbs so instead of buying newborn cloth (because we are not sure if we want a 3rd child later) I may just use disposables for the month-ish it takes to get big enough for cloth. Plus I know several people will probably gift us diapers because not many people around us cloth diaper-I'm sorta considered crunchy because extended breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing, make my own baby food, etc lol
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    @bookworm492 I have heard of ashermans.  I have had 3 d&c, two within a month of each other, so I was concerned, but it was not an issue for me.

    if i were you friend, and I have been in similar shoes, I would think it best for you to reach out, but I would do it through text or email to give her a chance to process emotions and respond when she is ready.  
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    @holly321 thanks.  I figured I'd write her a private message on Twitter.  Since she announced it there  so I'm figuring she's considering Twitter a "safe space " to process it. In a comment she replied that they are losing hope of ever having a baby now. 
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    Anyone else still having morning sickness. 18 weeks today so I didn't take my morning sickness medicine and I have done nothing but puke all morning. With DS I think I stopped at 17 weeks but don't remember for sure. I'm really tired of taking my medicine because it makes me so tired but I also don't want to puke all day. 
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    @peachie89 I still have morning sickness and it has gotten worse this week.  I have been taking zofran, but added compazine too.  I am still slightly nauseous, but a bit better.  I had morning sickness for the entirety of both my other pregnancies, so I don’t expect it to go away.
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    McKBabyMcKBaby member
    edited July 2019
    @bookworm492 I don’t know anything about Asherman syndrome, but I’m sorry for your friend.  I bet she’d love to hear from you, but I think a handwritten note would be so thoughtful and unexpected.

    When I was pregnant with DS I had a friend dealing with infertility. I met up with her just before she was scheduled for her 2nd round of IVF, and I gave her a card with a heartfelt note. She told me afterwards that she was so touched by my words that she actually brought the card with her to the procedure for good luck. She did conceive that cycle and had a son 6 months after DS was born.

    Edited about 6x because words are hard. 

    DS - 7.5
    DD #1 - 6
    ~ mmc 7.11.2018 @ 9w ~
    DD#2 - born 12.24.19

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    @Peachie89 this is us too! I nursed my first until 2.5 and people thought I was nuts. I was also fortunate enough to be allowed to pump at work until 18 months. This may be an UO but I honestly don’t understand the purpose of store bought baby food. It’s expensive and wasteful (packaging). We didn’t even mash most foods, went straight to solids with baby led weening and I’m convinced That’s a big reason as to why we’ve never had any choking scares and she’s always been a great chewer.  
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    @holly321 I've heard of morning sickness throughout entire pregnancy but was praying it wouldn't happen to me. Sending positive thoughts your way. 
    @ashorkey we made it to 2 years nursing on demand and had to stop because my thyroid levels were going crazy. My son never liked the texture of baby food so we did baby led weaning too and we've not had any choking scares either. He actually now at 3 doesn't like "soft" stuff like pudding, applesauce, etc 
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    KTZ17KTZ17 member
    @bookworm492 although I wasn’t diagnosed with asherman’s syndrome, I did have scar tissue in my uterus from either from my d&c for the molar pregnancy or from the two hemorrhaging episodes I had, and my reproductive endocrinologist did a hysteroscopy to remove the tissue.  It was an outpatient procedure and I was under the impression that the treatment is the same for Asherman’s.  The recovery was easy and I conceived this pregnancy a month later.  I know some women from my molar pregnancy group on FB who have also had asherman’s and are pregnant now, so there’s is hope!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    @KTZ17 I did reach out to her and she wrote back.  She did not say how advanced or complicated her case is  but she did say that she switched RE's , the new RE caught it.  She was with her old RE 8 months and frustrated with the lack of time and attention from that doctor (can't blame her).  So seems like she is in a bad place and I told her I would be happy to get together whenever she's ready.  
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    @bookworm492 so happy she responded. A good RE seriously makes a huge difference. I’m sorry to hear she’s going through this, but happy to hear it was caught with her new RE. 
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    I am concerned...but also kind of not if that makes here it goes: I started this pregnancy overweight. My other 2 I was normal weight gained 40lbs (145 with first and 165 with my 2nd at the start)
    I will be 19 weeks next week and I have maybe gained 1 pound. I lost 8ish lbs initially and have not gained any back. Nausea is to blame. I'm 208 now. So I started overweight. (Chart says obese) Is it possible to gain little to no weight this pregnancy and baby still be a healthy weight at birth? I have major food adversions and nausea. It's kind of letting up but I still eat very little but as healthy as I can. 
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    @babynumbero3 I have known women who weren’t overweighted and lost weight in the earlier parts of their pregnancy and they were fine. If you are overweight/obese, you are supposed to gain much less weight.  If you are taking your prenatal vitamins and able to keep some food down each day, and not getting dehydrated, I would not be overly concerned.

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    @babynumbero3 - I too am overweight. I gained 3 lbs in my first tri but because of not being able to keep food down I am now 10lbs lighter then my pre-pregnancy weight. My doctors are not concerned about it because at my ultrasounds baby girl shows to be a healthy weight and her heartbeat is always great.

    One of the reasons women with a healthy weight gain so much more then overweight women is because their bodies are building a fat layer. That is used as a backup to provide nutrients incase they cannot eat for a longer period of time. Overweight women have the "benefit" of already having a fat layer stored up. I've never been so happy to be fat in my life then in the past month because even though I'm not eating every day, I know she is still getting what she needs.
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    Question re: Post nasal drip

    I've been sneezing and a bit snotty throughout this pregnancy, but yesterday I woke up with a sore throat after a night of Post nasal drip and today I am feeling awful.... (Still eating, hydrating, and all that good stuff)

    Any strategies for dealing with post nasal drip and sore throats?

    I'm also low key worried I have a cold but I can't tell the difference right now. 
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    @jandawg Saline nasal spray and some Robitussin DM helped me when I had a cold a few weeks ago, and they were both on my pregnancy medication list from my doc.
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    @rjgmcmanus - thanks! I'll look into those. 

    @CapricaAndrea - if I recall this is something you've been dealing with too? How are you coping these days?
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    @babynumbero3 I am also overweight going into pregnancy. I was with my DS as well (born last August). I gained 8 lbs with him through the entire pregnancy, and he weighed 7 lbs 1 oz. plus all the other stuff that comes out I left the hospital weighing less than pre-pregnancy. My doctor was thrilled. You need no extra calories first trimester, 300-400 extra during second trimester, and 500ish for third trimester. Crazy amount of weight gain is not necessary. 
    Me: 39  DH: 30
    Married 1/28/17
    BFP #1 2/26/17, MMC 5/2/17
    BFP #2 10/10/17, MC 11/4/17
    BFP #3 12/17/17 Birth 8/13/18
    BFP #4 4/21/19 Birth 12/5/2019

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    @jandawg it tastes horrible, but gargling warm salt water can help with the sore throat portion of it all too. 
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    jandawgjandawg member
    edited July 2019
    Thanks @ashorkey. I managed to get through the night not too badly, slept propped up on three pillows but was still able to turn on my sides. Miraculously I was not up coughing all night. The salt water helps sooth a bit for sure! Still not sure if this is a random cold or sinusitis.

    *Edit words are hard
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    @rjgmcmanus  @jandawg  do you mean like mucus stuck in your throat often at night? I get it almost every single night and wake up and have to cough it clear (feels like I'm popping a mucus bubble to breath correctly sometimes)...and then in the morning it makes me nauseous bc it's stuck where my gag reflex seems to be . let me know if thats what you have, bc I've become rly frustrated with it! I do not have the sore throat tho! Hope you feel better.
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    @ktmaesim No, I haven't had that...I had a legit cold with sinus drainage.
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    @jandawg Yes I've had problems with it. Having a humidifier in the room with me overnight helps, as does using a neti pot/saline rinse. It so far hasn't completely gotten rid of it though. 

    @bookworm492 *TW* One of my friend's was diagnosed with asherman's about a year ago. She already has a 5 year old who was an "oops" baby, but has been trying again since then. They did IVF, IUI, and even with genetic testing to find a "perfect" embryo, she miscarried last Christmas day. HOWEVER, she had given up completely after that, to the point that they took a trip to an area known for Zika, and on the plane ride home she was throwing up. Her husband said she should take a pregnancy test to which she responded "f*ck you!" and it turns out she's due around Halloween! So it is possible! 

    @Peachie89 yup, still having some morning sickness here too. 

    @babynumbero3 I lost some weight 1st trimester with my first pregnancy and the midwife wasn't at all concerned. With morning sickness and food aversions it's relatively common. I've also read that for women starting out overweight it can actually be healthy to lose weight over the course of the pregnancy if it's for the right reasons, like changes in diet leading to a reduction in sugars etc and healthier eating overall. But definitely talk to your midwife/OB at your next appointment. 
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    @CapricaAndrea thank you for sharing. I really hope my friend can have a baby.  She's been trying for years.  I got pregnant after 4 months.  I had always said, we will try, but if we don't  have results we'd can only afford minimal intervention and after that then parenthood just isn't in the cards for us.  So sometimes I feel guilty even though it's not rational. 
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    @bookworm492 I totally get it. I have a number of friends who have struggled and it's hard not to feel a little bit guilty that *knock on wood* so far we haven't with either pregnancy. 
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    @ktmaesim - Yes! I have the same problem! If you do figure out something that helps please let me know. I feel like I've tried everything. 
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    @ktmaesim - you got it! I haven't had issues with my gag reflex so far though. I actually had dreams about needing to clear my throat the other night, it was so weird! Woke up really phlegmy.

    @CapricaAndrea - thanks for the tips, I'm in a hotel this week and will see if they can put a humidifier in my room and hopefully that will help 

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    @ktmaesim for weeks, I've had mucus in my throat at when I lie down night and I sometimes end up coughing rather hard to clear it.  I dont have other cold symptoms so I'm guessing it could be pregnancy related.
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    sjai59sjai59 member
    This is actually my first post and I have a question.. I'm 21 weeks pregnant and about 2 weeks ago I've come down with sore throat, nasal congestion, and a bad cough. As it didn't get any better, I went to  PCP -- test showed a bacterial infection. Now I got prescription for antibiotics.. has anyone taken amoxicillin during pregnancy? 
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