June 2019 Moms

Weekly randoms 12/3


Re: Weekly randoms 12/3

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    I only ever fall when I’m pregnant. I fell when I was 32 weeks with my DD and went into labor. I dilated 4 inches, but it stopped fortunately. I fell with my son around 28 weeks and spent 24 hours in the hospital getting the contractions to stop. Today I fell at 11 weeks. Fortunately I landed on my knees and no cramping or anything, but I feel like I need a walking stick this pregnancy. 
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    @emeraldcity603 my cat spent i dont know how long locked in our bedroom yesterday. We always keep the door from the hallway closed and have an ensuite that doubles as our main floor bathroom. We keep the two doors in the bathroom open but i guess DH didnt put anything in the doorways like we normally do to ensure they dont close since we have a catio off our bedroom window and the window is open causing a weird air pressure. I came home from work and she was slamming herself against our door when she heard me. Didnt notice her pee anywhere thank goodness but she also definitely didnt go outside lol. No fresh tracks in the snow. Shes now not leaving me alone as i get ready for work. Guess shes paranoid about being left in there again.
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    @canuckbaby my cat wouldn't come out of the cage at the vet yesterday. DH had to go back and get him. Everyone acted like they were terrified of him. I'm assuming he bit some people. He isalways clingy when he has been away from me. Clingy in a, let me be in the same room as you and rub against you but if you touch me I may RIP your hand off kind of way. 

    He got locked in our bedroom once and ended up pooping in the PNP. I was so upset. I had to hose it off and disinfect it. So gross! If he had peed on it, I would have just tossed it. 
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    @KissMeImScottish daycare is so expensive it is more than some college tuitions. I don't think I could stay home, I make more than DH so it doesn't make sense to quit my job.  We will just have to tighten our belts for the next year or so. But I do WFH so I may keep baby home part time. Babies are easy to work around, toddlers who try and kill themselves by jumping off the sofa. Not so much. Lol
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    @luckystar28 from the previous page, but we're doing bilingual german + english with our son. since we're in switzerland, he's definitely getting way more german than english, but his (few) words are definitely more german, although he understands everything i say in english. raising bilingual kids is definitely interesting... 
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    @nmbrcrnchr1 Ugh, sorry you’re still sick too. I agree, shouldn’t we be done with this!? Makes me grouchy and jealous of those “done” with morning sickness 
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    @die_frau Where are you living in Switzerland? My husband is Swiss and we lived in Biel for a year. I miss it so much! We talk about moving back all the time. We really want our kids to learn German so we are looking at dual immersion schools here. 
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    All of those raising bilingual kids are awesome. I would have loved to be bilingual and be able to teach DS two languages but I did not pick up Spanish very well in high school.  We also live in a very small town so I didn't know dual immersion schools were a thing but that sounds like an awesome way for kids to learn two languages. 
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    I had my first gender based dream last night. We went to the dr and during the ultrasound she said oh what a healthy little girl you have! So maybe I will be bumping that girl to boy ratio up one more? I have another 6 weeks or so to wait unless they tell me at the NT appt in 15 days. I will keep you all posted lol 
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    @emeraldcity603 yeah he’ll have to eat soft food only eventually but I don’t think his fat butt will complain haha 
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    Had a crazy busy day yesterday and got home kinda late, almost 8pm. DH said he’d get up with the 2yo this morning so I could sleep in since this is day 2 off for him. Well that would’ve been nice but he for some reason slept on the couch so guess who got up at 630?? And he’s just waking up now at 8... thanks a lot
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    I thought I had escaped my son and husbands' cold but nope. Somehow last time I didn't get sick at all. 

    I agree this BMB is very nice, I seems to have lucked out both times. 
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    Ditto on this BMB board being wonderful and really quite drama-free. Go team!
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    My brain is just gone.  I can't even remember how to do easy tasks sometimes.  I couldn't remember how to pick up a parked call at work and ive done it a million times.  I had to even go ask someone how.
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    +1 on the gender dream train. I had a dream that they said, “There’s your boy!” earlier this week and then last night I had a dream I gave birth to a gigantic baby boy that resembled my stepson. Pregnancy dreams are wild, guys.
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    Can someone explain what the hell a flutter feels like? I’m so confused when people say it feels like gas.. is this true? Curious FTM
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    @cricket1688 the first time I felt DS move it was closer to 17 weeks but it felt like little bubbles popping. This time I've felt the same thing, little bubbles popping, but it was earlier and less noticeable. I think I only noticed it because I was laying down resting. 
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    @runyogamom thank you! Okay I won’t expect them for a little while then. Though I do feel like I had a dose of lightening crotch this week and if that wasn’t it and it actually feels worse I’m in trouble. 
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    @cricket1688 with my first I didn't feel it for a while. It kinda feel like someone flicking you from the inside. You won't feel it front the outside for a long while, but you can feel it from the insides, if that makes sense. With my first I attributed it to gas probably longer than I needed to.

    This baby I was 13 weeks at the ultrasound and I knew the baby was moving up a storm so it was kinda fun to put 1 and 2 together to what those "gas bubbles" were.
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    The tiniest bubbles popping, not just a tiny kick, jab or a punch, like you uterus had a little bubbly or soda for a second. So light in the beginning I only noticed it at night when I was lying down. Usually by the time you noticed it, it was gone lol so you spend hours wondering if it was what it was or you were crazy/hopeful. 
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    Hi Everyone!  I was thinking about starting a new thread for this topic, but I thought maybe I should put it here in Weekly Randoms first just to test it out.

    Anyway, my boyfriend is Puerto Rican and I'm white.  I wanted to see if there are other white moms of biracial babies here and find out how you're doing with making sure you're doing well with diversity, handling prejudices, ensuring exposure to culture, etc. etc.  It's so important to me that I do a good job with this, and I thought reaching out to other moms in a similar situation might be a good starting point.  I do have family members who have biracial kids that I'll ask about this later, but I'm not at an announcing point just yet.

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    @skatejawn27 I am Caucasian/white (the sun hates me as a rule) and my husband is Mexican heritage. We have 3 going to be 4 biracial children. I definitely think it’s a good topic if you want a seperate thread. We had done so in previous BMBs I was in! 
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    @skatejawn27 I am biracial and my husband is full PuertoRican. My family is also very mixed, my stepfather is african-american with biracial kids and grandchildren and my Mom and 1/2 sister are white. I think telling your kids that all families are different and love is what makes a family is a good starting point. Also understanding that unfortunately there are judgmental people regardless (not just from judging the biracial aspect) and instilling a strong sense of confidence in your kids and empathy towards others. 

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    @wearyfuzzball - this is my first BMB too - do I need to go lurk, too?  :D  

    Also - so envious of you ladies with the chance for a bilingual household. I used to speak very good French, but I've lost it, and my Spanish is awful. We have a family friend whose one year old son is learning Spanish, English and Tagalog because his 1st generation American parents are either Cuban or Filippino. 

    I plan to baby sign with this kid and have started teaching myself ASL. 
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    luckystar28luckystar28 member
    edited December 2018
    Raising biracial kids is such a personal experience, I’ve found. Dependent on where you live, the population you’re around and how much you choose to identify with your culture. Experiences also change as babies grow. For example, my son is the only Latino kid in his nursery class but that wasnt prevalent until he was a toddler. Sure, I was the only Mexican mom in my mommy groups and such, but I was used to that from my past experiences/upbringing. If anything, I feel it’s tougher to know how to relate or how to cope when you’re raising a minority and you’re not a minority, if that makes sense. Oh, I’m Mexican and my husband is Brazilian and Hungarian btw lol @skatejawn27

    ETA: I’ve had my share of “Are you the nanny?” questions and have learned to shake them off. People will be people and people can be dumb ha. I am sure as my son grows we will face more and have more conversations on “we are all the same and different.” 
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     @harrierwife My BIL/SIL used baby sign and it was amazing to be able to communicate with the twins before their verbal language developed. 'More', 'All done' were clutch when I was baby sitting and didn't know when to stop feeding them crackers :D  I'm going to do this as well.
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    So let me first say I love DH dearly and appreciate having him in my life and am grateful that he does most of the cooking at home. He is a FANTASTIC dad too. But today I am extremely emotional and pissed off and want to vent. I literally left my house for work today and told him I changed my name to Cinderella.

    He does no cleaning, not even after himself half the time. He is currently not working because he had some health issues that took him out of work, but he is physically capable of doing things, he had a mental health issue that surfaced a few months ago and needed to get a medication regimen stabilized. He watches DD while I work and cooks our meals (which I do appreciate like I said). However, I have been asking him forever to at least pick up around the house so I don't come home from working a long ass day to a tornado of toys and mess. And I bought paint to makeover our bathroom a year ago, and it still isn't painted. It looks like total shit. He always says he will do it but never does. Whenever I start getting ready to paint b/c I want it done already, he won't let me.

    Today I feel like total shit, mentally and physically. I dragged my ass out of bed after trying to take a nap, nearly tripped over a hallway full of toys and found the kitchen the biggest mess ever. I mention to him AGAIN about how I could really use some help around the house since I am picking up extra hours at work and he is not working at all and I am exhausted, achy and getting overwhelmed. He responds how much he loves me and he will get on top of things. So I start washing dishes and picking up the mess of a kitchen.....and he doesn't do jack shit with the toys. So instead of blowing my top I sucked it up, cleaned up the house and got ready for work. Then when I go to leave for work, DD refused to say bye to me and give me a kiss, she just acted like I was invisible which made me sad (I understand she is a toddler and I'm not upset at her at all) so I just commented to DH my new name was Cinderella since I feel like the maid and invisible otherwise (he said nothing, not even bye) and literally cried the whole drive to work. And now I am sitting at my desk fuming at him b/c I am not the f-ing maid, and would like some damn help and attention once in a while.

    Granted I know my emotions are up and down with the pregnancy, but I just feel super underappreciated and overwhelmed.    
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    @BlondePeanut I'm sorry and can relate. Why do they suck at cleaning and can't they tell the floor is bad? Ugh, I go back and forth if I expect too much but nope, he is on his phone/laptop all the time. Time to get up do things. My H is opposite though and will whine on how he really is doing so much, until kids I did 80% so now that he does 40% he will act like it's 90%.
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    @ohheyitsb - Right? We have several friends who do it and I love being able to communicate with them so young. I've even seen those kids sign to each other to communicate. Its mind blowing!
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    @jhems776 DH does that too, he is like I do alot. And I want to literally say ok.....I am working full time and overtime and coming home and cleaning the house, taking care of DD and our pets......what exactly are you doing other than cooking and having fun stay at home dad time while I work?
    But I don't, because it isn't his fault he is out of work right now.....but at the same time it's like hellloooo do you grasp everything I am doing? Cuz I don't think you do
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    @BlondePeanut I hear you. That would be incredibly frustrating to have to deal with. Growing a human is hard! Doing that and then making sure others peoples lives run smoothly, and running a household, and working. No wonder you’re overwhelmed. Unfortunately I think a lot of women can relate to how you feel. It’s hard and I hope your H can pull it together and start helping you out. 
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