After my son was born I had major problems with my SI joints. I spent months unable to lay on my side or sit in any position that had my hips uneven. I still to this day have to take muscle relaxers after strenuous exercise like hiking. So I kind of expected my hips to be worse than they have been really. I think that given round ligament pains start earlier with subsequent pregnancies it could affect these ligaments too. It hurts at night but activity so far hasn't changed. I'm debating getting a sacroiliac belt for when I'm further along.
I have been feeling good the last two days. Like so normal I was worried. Then I randomly threw up an hour ago. Pregnancy really messes with your brain. I thought it would be predictable by the third time. I also forgot to put the seasoning packet in the rice a roni last night and could not figure out why it was so different looking until my husband asked if I forgot it. I forgot how spacey I get when pregnant.
Ugh, I thought I was over the nausea. Nope. Threw chicken in the pan tonight to make dinner for the kids and as soon as I did, I had to make a mad dash to the bathroom to throw up. Didn’t quite make the bowl, and when I finally had nothing left in my stomach, I rushed out of the bathroom to find that the chicken had set off all the smoke detectors and my oldest had emptied the cat bowl all over the floor. I had to air out the house, hand pick up tiny cat kibble pieces while keeping the twins from eating them, and then clean up the vomit on the bathroom floor...which triggered another bout of dry heaving. And, I swear to God, this shit only EVER happens when my husband isn’t around. It’s his first duty day in two weeks, so he’s sleeping on the boat tonight, and of COURSE tonight is the night I end up feeling like I got sucker punched in the gut.
I got the kids fed, bathed, and into bed, cleaned the cat box (with gloves, no worries), fed the dog, let her out, watered the Christmas tree, and said screw it, I’m going to bed.
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Is anyone getting random bad tastes in their mouth? I just started getting this sour funky taste in my mouth that just pops up randomly even after brushing. Almost like a metal taste or horrible morning breath taste.
@KissMeImScottish that' entire day of productivity you crammed into a couple hours. I continue to live in amazement of like everything you do.
@BlondePeanut me! It’s a totally normal pregnancy symptom. Not sure there’s really a way to fix it or prevent it. The worst for me is when t shows up and ruins food for me but the random times it happens suck too. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it too
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
I really hope you ladies get relief and your MS stops soon! It’s such an icky feeling. My nausea is better. Not sure if it’s the B6 and Unisom or that I’m further along now. I might wean off the meds next week and see. My appetite came back today! So much so that I went to a Chinese food buffet with DH for lunch and ate a ton. Also my nipples feel like they’re on FIRE and my boobs are still so sore. I also feel like my hips are loose! I felt like one almost popped out of its socket at work the other day! I also can’t drink enough water. I’m so thirsty all the time which makes me pee all the time too. I think that’s aboit it for symptoms, but I’m sure I’ll have new ones next week 😜
Ditto on the hip and boob pain! I've started feeling a small twinge on one of my nerves one the the left side of my mouth. I've had Bell's palsy twice in my life and that's what it feels like. I'm a little worried because last time I had it didnt go away completely (and probably never will) but although uncomfortable it didn't seem to be anything to serious.
@ki1244 and @antera23, oh God, seriously, not amazing! This was, like, disaster central, haha. It was like something out of a sitcom. I had such grand ambitions for last night - I wanted to get the playroom back in order from Thanksgiving, get the bookshelves decorated for Christmas, fill the planters outside the door with greens, and finish cleaning the kitchen/dining room (still playing catch-up on that from Thanksgiving as well). I was doing really well until my stomach rebelled and at that point I was like, welp, guess the bare minimum is getting done (make sure the kids are taken care of, the animals are squared away, and the house isn’t going to burn down overnight because of a dry tree) and I went to bed. Hubby will be home this afternoon, so I’m totally tagging out, haha. On the upside, the kids did have a good day before I completely fell apart.
Someone asked what TMJ stands for, I think? It’s the shorthand for Tempromandibular Joint Dysfunction - basically, pain or clicking or locking up of the jaw joint (where your low jaw hinges with your upper). It’s a pain in the butt, but for what it’s worth, mine usually gets better after delivery.
For ladies with hip pain, I’m right there with you. It sucks. Mine only gets worse through pregnancy, so not looking forward to that. I need to get my pregnancy pillow back from my sister. It supports both my midsection and my hips, which keeps my spine aligned, which helps TREMENDOUSLY. Highly recommend if anyone is considering one - I wouldn’t have made it through my twins’ pregnancy without it.
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@KissMeImScottish your kiddos look like they had so much fun! I should really do something like that with DS. Also, your house looks like an ad! Gorgeous!
I've had some hip pain, not terrible yet. Sometimes it wakes me up at night though. I'm mostly just extremely fatigued with random nausea, especially when I wait too long to eat something. I also think I'm fighting a cold, which isn't helping the fatigue.
I'm so far away from glowing it is ridiculous. I'm almost 100% certain this is a girl because of how bad MS was and how my face looks. I look like a pubescent teenage girl. I doubt I glow at all this pregnancy.
@emeraldcity603 aww! Maybe it'll get better. I have no experience to say that since this is my first, so I have no idea what to expect. But I definitely don't feel like I'm glowing either, unless it's the greenish hue from puking As far as the acne goes (full disclosure, I have never had a really hard time with acne/pimples), but what I have found to be effective is I bought one of those Clarisonic face brushes (like the Mia). I wash my face with that once a day, usually the end of the day, using some Cetaphil. Then I make sure I put on some basic face lotion like Neutrogena. In the morning, I just make sure to wash my face again, but not with the brush, because it dries out my face too much. But I have found that routine to be incredibly effective, especially now because I have noticed I'm breaking out more than normal.
so tonight I ran too pee but by the time I made it to the rr ms hit so I ended throwing up in the toilet and pottying on myself!😭 Needless to say I had a meltdown while trying clean everything up and jumping in the shower.
@emeraldcity603 Electronic toothbrushes are life changing! Ever since I bought one 2 years ago I have not had a single cavity, which is saying a lot because I was averaging 2-3 fillings per year
@wearfuzzball I have soft teeth and get them easily if I don't floss and brush really good every day. My husband on the other never flosses and he has only ever had 1 cavity.
@vv826 oh dear! That just sounds awful! I can totally appreciate how that could all come to pass and then crying cuz it’s just not fair. Probably TMI but sometimes I throw up so violently that I pee myself a bit. So I can only imagine. Get some rest and maybe tomorrow will be easier. Hugs
@chrssyms thank you! thats basically what happened the ms came on violently and since I already had to potty it just all happened at once. I'm hoping to be in bed soon
13 weeks today, nausea almost gone! But I didn’t have it too badly to start with, haven’t vomited at all so far.
@harrierwife I went to the physio about this exact issue today. She said that relaxin actually peaks around 13 weeks! I have hyper mobile joints and apparently with relaxin this means my hips have come out of alignment and it now spasms when I do anything. Physio has said I’ll have to wear a belt and will most likely be in it for the rest of my pregnancy 😞 helping with the sacroiliac pain, but god damn it’s so uncomfortable!
ETA - I didn’t see the last few posts about joints!
I don’t post here often because my main symptom has just been nausea, but it and the food aversions are really getting to me. And everything I’ve puked up so far has become a new aversion, so there’s very little food that sounds good anymore.
I’ve also got a sore lower back and off and on nerve pain in my hip joints (maybe sciatic pain, but I really don’t know what it is).
@kjr9519 is your hip pain in the lower back? Have a read of this article to see if it sounds similar. They do say it typically comes in at 18 weeks but my physio says it can start at any time due to the hormones we release and how our bodies were before our pregnancy.
So I just got woken up by a weird dream. I was eating some regular food and then I was eating plastic. Onve I woke up, I didnt actually want to eat plastic anymore but Im not sure if I should chalk it up to random pregnancy hormones and weird dreams or if its actually a sign of pica? Im going to ask my doctor and up my iron and vitamin intake in the meantime. Has anyone else had something like this?
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@wiseh That is exactly what the lower back pain I’ve been experiencing is! Thanks for the article. The hip pain, though, seems to be at the very top of my femur, like right where it connects, and the pain is very localized. It almost only ever happens when I’m walking or sitting down. It almost feels like I’m pinching a nerve or something.
@vv826 and @antera23 I was lurking on the May 2019 board, and I came across their symptom's thread. Apparently, they have dubbed this phenomenon "snissing." It's derived from peeing after sneezing, but is also an all-encompassing term for peeing from sneezing, coughing, vomiting, etc. I think I like this term.
@chrssyms that's perfect! by the way now I'm afraid to even gag now🤦🏻♀️idk what I'd do if happens at work. I literally need to start carrying extra clothes
Aside from the fact that everyone who is experiencing bad MS is totally over it, do you feel like it's lessening, staying the same, or getting worse? I feel like I'm starting to wonder now if I'm just having back reflux/heartburn or if it's still morning sickness. I'm going to try taking some Zantac tonight, because I'm not sure the Gaviscon or Tums really does anything except make it burn less when I vomit. I feel like my nausea has been getting a bit better in the mornings. I wake up feeling okay and then after eating breakfast, I might feel kinda "uncertain" nauseous. Then as the day progresses, I start to feel more and more uncomfortable in my chest and throat. And usually I end up throwing up at least once at night. But sometimes I just throw up a little bit and then I feel a bit better, but still crappy. I don't know. I think I'm really hoping that one day I'm just going to wake up and *poof* it's gone. Being in my 13th week, I was really hoping that this would have gone away. If I'm honest, it is way better than how I felt in week 6-8 especially, but I still want it gone.
@chrssyms - YMMV, but I feel like my MS (which isn't totally gone, btw, just lessened greatly) has morphed into reflux. It's a strange hybrid and it generally takes me a moment to be able to identify the feeling more specifically. Does that make any sense?
I've not had MS and reflux like you've had, but I was able to manage my MS with ginger/B6 candies and the reflux I can manage with Apple Cider Vinegar or yogurt. I'm 11w1d today.
Hopefully you're at the end of your MS....I know its been really tough for you!
@chrssyms I have noticed most of my nausea when I have it (I've been very lucky in this area, so can't speak for bad MS) is reflux related or if I haven't eaten soon enough. I need to take 2 zantac a day, once in the morning and once at night or I start feeling nauseous.
@chrssyms I feel like my symptoms have become more predictable, which is making it easier to manage. Like, I know MS is rough when I wake up, but once I eat something small and sit up for a bit, it gets better. Then I always feel like crap after dinner, but I'm now wondering if that could be heartburn. Going to try some heartburn meds after dinner and see if that helps!
@chrssyms My nausea is about the same. It persists throughout the day and I dry heave or vomit at random times. Mostly after I’ve eaten, which is frustrating. I don’t know if it’s going to magically go away. With my son it was present my entire pregnancy, just mild.
Re: Symptoms Week of 11/25
I got the kids fed, bathed, and into bed, cleaned the cat box (with gloves, no worries), fed the dog, let her out, watered the Christmas tree, and said screw it, I’m going to bed.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@BlondePeanut yup! I’ve got that taste in my mouth too. It’s so gross.
Someone asked what TMJ stands for, I think? It’s the shorthand for Tempromandibular Joint Dysfunction - basically, pain or clicking or locking up of the jaw joint (where your low jaw hinges with your upper). It’s a pain in the butt, but for what it’s worth, mine usually gets better after delivery.
For ladies with hip pain, I’m right there with you. It sucks. Mine only gets worse through pregnancy, so not looking forward to that. I need to get my pregnancy pillow back from my sister. It supports both my midsection and my hips, which keeps my spine aligned, which helps TREMENDOUSLY. Highly recommend if anyone is considering one - I wouldn’t have made it through my twins’ pregnancy without it.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
I've had some hip pain, not terrible yet. Sometimes it wakes me up at night though. I'm mostly just extremely fatigued with random nausea, especially when I wait too long to eat something. I also think I'm fighting a cold, which isn't helping the fatigue.
Edit: spelling
Compared to you guys its a cake walk. You ladies are amazing.
@harrierwife I went to the physio about this exact issue today. She said that relaxin actually peaks around 13 weeks! I have hyper mobile joints and apparently with relaxin this means my hips have come out of alignment and it now spasms when I do anything. Physio has said I’ll have to wear a belt and will most likely be in it for the rest of my pregnancy 😞 helping with the sacroiliac pain, but god damn it’s so uncomfortable!
ETA - I didn’t see the last few posts about joints!
I’ve also got a sore lower back and off and on nerve pain in my hip joints (maybe sciatic pain, but I really don’t know what it is).
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
I've not had MS and reflux like you've had, but I was able to manage my MS with ginger/B6 candies and the reflux I can manage with Apple Cider Vinegar or yogurt. I'm 11w1d today.
Hopefully you're at the end of your MS....I know its been really tough for you!