June 2019 Moms

Symptoms Week of 11/25


Re: Symptoms Week of 11/25

  • I’ve been getting so many headaches. I don’t know if it’s due to vomiting or just being tired? I get enough sleep (I think) and I try to drink water throughout the day, even if I throw it up. It’s a constant headache too, like an all day fog. Anyone else? 
  • @chrssyms a lot of my MS now is caused by acid reflux. 
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  • @luckystar28 YES to the headaches. I have an awful one right now. I have been thinking that mine are due to water intake, but I still get them when I drink a ton of water so IDK. Tylenol does nothing either  :'( 
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

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  • @eleven_ I’m sorry you’re dealing with them too. If you find relief let me know. I haven’t found a correlation between them and what I do differently throughout the day so it’s a little frustrating not knowing how to stop them! 
  • Headaches and the sinus pressure has been brutal. Yesterday and today my hips have really started aching badly and my back, my poor back. My OB warned me of impending back pain with my uterus tilt but man oh man it huuuurts. Almost like I pulled my back. And I spoke to soon about not having spasms in my calves because my right calf has been throbbing since yesterday too. My MS has lessened a little to the point where it is mostly night sickness now instead of all day sickness....but now I think the aches and pains have replaced the all day nausea lol
  • Omg, migraine today. I hardly get them. And I hate tjem. Luckily I caught it early and it wasn't terrible.
  • This is why I love this board. I didn’t really have this problem with my
    son, especially this early, but after reading what some of the women here are going through I think Im having the same issue. It’s not nausea, it’s heart burn. No wonder it’s acting differently 🙄
    I’m glad I have this over MS but I am
    hoping it doesn’t last all pregnancy. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • +1 for reflux and headaches. 

    @luckystar28 and @eleven_ my doctor prescribed me Reglan since I can’t take any of my normal migraine meds. It helps with the headaches and the nausea, although it does knock me out. Ice packs and Powerade are my normal go to when I get a headache that won’t respond to meds. Tylenol definitely does not help. 

    Is it second tri yet?
  • @TJtheGoat That’s interesting, I had no idea Reglan was for headaches? I have it for nausea too, though I use the Zofran more (it works better for me). I’ve been wondering if my headaches are a side effect of the Diclegis I take at night? Perhaps I should start taking Reglan more to see if it alleviates the headaches. It’s hard to choose, headache or severe nausea? haha. Also, I’m 13 + 2 today and still no second trimester glory here 😑
  • @harrierwife yeah, I totally get what you mean. That's why I asked the question because I was starting to wonder if it's still the MS or it's reflux, or it's a combo. I chatted with my dad (GI doc) and he says it sounds like a combo of both. 

    @wearyfuzzball I agree that I'm not sure my MS has gotten better, but it definitely seems to follow more of a pattern now. Night time is generally the worst, which really sucks because it makes it hard to go to sleep, which makes it a challenge to wake up early. That will be more of a problem when I actually need to go to work instead of just travel downstairs to my laptop. I tried taking a Zantac tonight to see if that improves my symptoms before I go to bed a bit. FX is works so I can at least get to bed at a reasonable time!

    @luckystar28 You have totally had it the worst. I can't even imagine. I think that I still have some sort of general nausea that follows me throughout the day as well. It can't all be reflux. I actually feel the best in the morning on an empty stomach, which seems to go against most advice. But if I don't eat something, then I feel bad. I tried to drink a lot more water and ditch anything with carbonation in it. I also tried to eat less seasoned foods even though for some reason I'm really into tacos right now. I seriously only ate apples, cheez-its, peanut butter and cheese today. 
  • @luckystar28 maybe try the Reglan and see if it helps since you already have it. You can also stack it with Tylenol and caffeine for maximum effectiveness. Although that might be tough on your stomach. I’m sorry you are really going through it! 
  • how I feel already this morning, thank you insomnia!

  • Headaches and the sinus pressure has been brutal. Yesterday and today my hips have really started aching badly and my back, my poor back. My OB warned me of impending back pain with my uterus tilt but man oh man it huuuurts. Almost like I pulled my back. And I spoke to soon about not having spasms in my calves because my right calf has been throbbing since yesterday too. My MS has lessened a little to the point where it is mostly night sickness now instead of all day sickness....but now I think the aches and pains have replaced the all day nausea lol

    It's been keeping me awake at night - or at least waking me up periodically. I have a tilt, too, btw. 

    I spent 40 mins last night trying to stretch it out and it helped for like, 30 mins.  :'(
  • @chrssyms - Oh sweet Jesus, lucky you.  :(  

    And +1 to the headaches - and Tylenol does jack for me too.
  • The baby brain is alive and well with me. I paid for parking today and the lot i was at needed my license plate number. I punched in the letters from the car i was in and the numbers for our other car parked at home. *facepalm*
  • I’ve had horrible morning sickness since 5 weeks hit but as I’m at 14+5 it is now suddenly so severe that it has been waking me up out of a dead sleep. My stomach will become tight ,I’ll feel queasy and I’ll have to rush to make it to the bathroom :( I didn’t have these symptoms or morning sickness with my daughter and all of this is new to me. Any other ladies facing a similar issue?
  • I had wretched back pain my first 2 pregnancies, it was right in the middle of my back I remember, and it made sleeping impossible. I had to sit with a wedge and that helped immensely since by nighttime it wasn’t acting up as much. At night I tried to use a heating pad and body pillow to get comfortable. I am sorry for you both, it was not a fun time. 

    Definitely a valid reason for a massage appointment as well. I might get back pain this pregnancy too ;) 
  • @wearyfuzzball I will report that yesterday I took the Zantac before dinner and I think it greatly improved my overall bad feelings. I was still kinda nauseous and felt generally icky, but I didn't have the same burping/urping and strong desire to vomit. So maybe reflux is, at a minimum, exacerbating it. So that's for the tip and I think I'll just try to take one zantac in the late afternoon to help. I also just forced myself to drink a lot more water. I'm not being very scientific with changing variables.
  • @chrssyms Thanks for the report, back! I took tums after dinner last night and actually didn't feel too horrible before bed. I have no idea if they actually did anything though because yesterday was just overall a pretty decent day for me, but I'm willing to keep trying!
  • ellem29ellem29 member
    edited November 2018
    @chrssyms - While my nausea was never nearly as bad as yours (I only actually vomited 3 times - most days I just felt queasy/seasick), I will say that at just shy of 13 weeks, it's 98% gone. Now I only get it when I smell or taste certain, very specific foods.

    HOWEVER, my heartburn is awful. Granted, I had GERD before getting pregnant, so I knew going into this that it would be an uphill battle.  I take a Zantac first thing every morning, and another around dinner time to get through my day/prevent the worst of it. I also have to supplement with Tums at least once (but more often 2-3x) a day. If I don't, I get the sensation that I'm going to vomit - but it's def acid vomit, not MS vomit. For me, acid vomit is more contained to the "upper" part of my stomach (almost, but not quite, my chest) and is accompanied by a feeling of fullness or (TMI) like I need to burp.

    You might want to try a couple days of taking Zantac (ideally about 20-30 minutes before your largest meal of the day) and see if you get any relief. I think - for me, at least - I need to consistently do it for several days in a row in order to see any marked difference.
  • Sorry for the double post! I hit "submit" too soon.

    @Luckystar28, @eleven_ & everyone else with headaches/migraines: I called into my midwife's office about a raging 48-hour migraine that Tylenol would not touch, and along with suggesting lots of water and a little caffeine, she recommended I take a daily magnesium supplement of 300mg to help prevent them. Might be worth asking your docs about!
  • @ellem29 thanks! I will definitely try to take the Zantac consistently. I'm a little nervous about taking it though, consistently, because there have been concerns about the long-term effects of proton-pump inhibitors. The theory that is emerging is that in addition to turning of the pumps that reduce acid in your stomach, it might be turning off other acid-generating cells in other parts of your body as well. Those cells are critical for getting rid of other waste in your body. So they think that might be why they are observing an increase in things like dimentia, kidney disease and heart disease in people who take PPIs. Obviously, this is a theory that people are actively researching now, so I'm not bringing this up to be alarmist by any means. It's just my personal reason for why I was trying to avoid using them if at all possible. It might just not be possible though.
  • @harrierwife At night I try switching positions, using a pillow between my legs...nothing really helps too much. Sometimes if I prop on leg up on a pillow while I'm laying on my side it feels like it is taking some pressure off my back. 
  • @harrierwife I don't think I have the same kinds of issues, but I bought a maternity pillow. I'm still waiting for it to arrive, but I have high hopes that it will help me to lay comfortably on my side when my hips are kind of hurting
  • @luckystar28 yay!! You are still 100 x worse off than me, but I'm so glad you had a good (for you) day! ❤
  • Threw up for the first time in this pregnancy at almost 13 weeks. Thought I was just gonna get away with just nausea and gagging. And to make it worse, ran to the bathroom and partially missed the toilet 
  • I thought the nausea was starting to get better, but both yesterday and today have been horrible as far as keeping food down goes. I’m just anxiously awaiting getting to the second trimester and hoping it’ll get better then.
  • I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling better @luckystar28!! 

    I had two whole days this week with no puking and I felt like I could eat anything! It was so nice to have a break. The next two days I had the worst heartburn I’ve ever experienced. Oh, and I threw up on myself and the bathroom rug last night. My nausea isn’t that bad and doesn’t last as long so that’s really nice. Now I just get a feeling and then I know I’m going to throw up in 2 seconds. 
  • @luckystar28 congrats! That’s so great that you might be seeing light at the end of the tunnel! Since taking Zantac in the afternoon, I haven’t vomited for the last couple days so that’s been awesome! I still have a mild all-day nausea and aversion to food, but I agree that it feels a lot better. Really waiting for that day when we glow in our 2nd trimester glory and enjoy cake or something hah 
  • @chrssyms yay no evening vomiting!! 
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