I'm ready to not be nauseous anymore. I can't tell if it's getting a bit better or if I'm better at managing it. It's definitely worse in the morning and evenings, but I get random episodes during the day. Still dealing with dizziness and feeling like I could faint (even though it hasn't happened again, thank goodness). I just hate this pity party and answering the question "How are you feeling?" with "Horrible"
@wearyfuzzball and @luckystar28 totally agree with you ladies. I’m 13 weeks tomorrow too. I’ve been fortunate the vomiting has reduced to about 1 time per day, usually in the later afternoon or before bed. But I’m just so tired of it. Not nearly as bad off as @luckystar28 for sure. I hope we all get relief soon. I just want to be able to eat healthy and normal again. I want to be able to drink water normally again. Ugh 🤢
@wearyfuzzball I am still battling the nausea too and mine seems to be worse at night, although I get bouts all day. I had 2 major dizzy spells in the past week that felt like I was going to lose my footing so I sat down right away and they eventually passed. My newest addition is a daily headache/sinus headache that acetaminophen does not really help. I've noticed even with my nausea that I've actually been getting more hungry than usual so I have been making sure to eat more small meals to keep my stomach as full as I can without making myself throw up.
@wearyfuzzball I'm with you I'm not sure if its getting better or if I'm handling it better. My mornings and nights are still pretty bad though. the thought of going back to work tomorrow is making me nervous too it's going to be super busy and if I don't truly feel better I'm afraid of how I'm going to be able to handle it.
@luckystar28 I really hope you start feeling better soon and that your 2nd tri is GLORIOUS!
I’m tired of puking. It’s an accomplishment when I can keep food down. It gets worse at night. My most frustrating symptom is the extra mucus. It triggers my gag reflex and makes me throw up. Certain foods trigger it also and those foods tend to be the ones I’m craving. I feel like a broken record, lol.
Im sorry we are all in the same boat! Hopefully it gets better. It has to!
@antera23 I definitely second the being tired of puking. I puked up my entire dinner tonight and it was such a terrible feeling. Now my throat burns and I feel like I have a lump in my throat. Probably because it inflamed and dried out my throat/esophagus. Ugh the frustration from wanting it to end makes me want to cry. I’m going to be transitioning from working from home to working in an office in a couple weeks. I’m really nervous that I won’t feel better. And it’s a new clients office that I’ll be working in, so I’m also going to have the added pressure of trying to make a good impression. 😬😩😭
@chrssyms I’ve had that feeling with my throat a few times too, and it’s horrible! I have noticed, because I also get acid reflux, that if I’ve had a tums recently before puking, the acid isn’t nearly as bad or painful. It could help to take one when you get really nauseous to prevent most of the burning.
13w3d today (11/25) and nausea is getting better. I still take meds daily to manage but the gagging and dry heaving have slowed considerably. I’ll see next weekend if I can stop taking them all together.
Fatigue isn’t too bad thankfully. Other than that not much going on here!
FTM here. While my boobs have grown and become more dense, which I expected, my nipples look different. They’re bigger and almost seem to be layered. Like the area around the nipple is raised also. This may be TMI for some people. I think it’s super cool! It’s really amazing for me to notice all the changes my body is going through. This change in particular soothes my PGAL brain because I just started noticing it and I never got to these changes before.
@chrssyms oh man. Good luck transitioning offices! I really really hope you start feeling better before that. I also have that feeling in my throat tonight. It’s not fun.
Insomnia and tired still for me. I am 13+1 today and i am hoping the puking and nausea stay away. Been fortunate the nausea appeared around week 6/7 but able to combat just by eating consistently. Feeling for you mamas with the uncontrolable state of praying to the porcelain god
You ladies are truly saints. I feel like I have NO business complaining to y'all especially because I have only puked a few times total (not daily). I honestly have no idea how you guys do this, but I have so much respect for you guys!
@luckystar28 been thinking of you. I really hope you are getting better, even if its small baby steps!
@chrssyms glad you are getting better! Hopefully you can knock off the puking soon.
@BlondePeanut the dizzy spells are super scary! I definitely was not prepared for this pregnancy symptom.
@vv826 I REALLY hope it's getting better for us. ❤
My nausea isn’t everyday anymore but it comes on hard on the days it shows up. Sometimes I find myself so exhausted I can’t imagine being this tired WITH a baby to boot! Anyone else feel this way?
Ive started getting good sleep again but still wake up exhausted and my neck/shoulders are sore in the mornings, I must be holding a weird sleep position.
Still nauseous but seems to be getting a little better. I haven't thrown up this pregnancy but like the others, I gag A LOT. And not just once, but like 5 times in a row. It makes me wish I did throw up cause it just makes my stomach hurt. Waking up at night a lot, partly thanks to a 2yo and have to pee each time. Sciatica is killing me all day. Need to find a chiropractor this week for sure.
@blondepeanut and @wearyfuzzball I'm with you both on the dizzy spells. Really caught me off guard this weekend! I'm trying to make sure I drink a lot of water and nibble on tiny snacks throughout the day to manage them.
I'm sick of worrying if the burp I'm trying to hold back is going to bring vomit with it.
My boobs are also huge and my bras are now so uncomfortable. I'm trying to not buy any new bras until the 2nd tri, but I'm struggling. The bands are so tight. I feel like someone's blowing me up like a balloon.
We were out of town sleeping on a friend's guest room bed for the last 5 days and I am SO HAPPY to be in my own bed. I'll brag - we have a tempurpedic. It was a wedding gift to ourselves last year and we both say it was the best money we've ever spent.
My nausea has gone but my food aversions are still full force. We ate at several restaurants this past weekend and there were a few times that I ordered something and by the time it arrived I couldn't stand the smell or sight of it in front of me. That made for some fun meals.
I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. I'm counting on the second tri bringing a magical unicorn wave of relief.
New pregnancy symptom for me: TMJ, at least I'm assuming that's what it is. I haven't been able to fully close the right side of my jaw for the last week or more. I'll ask my OB about it on Friday.
@bakerstreetboys, sounds like TMJ to me. Sorry about that one - it’s always one of my first symptoms that makes me go, oh boy, better test. My jaw has been clicking for weeks - it’s painful and it’s annoying. I believe it’s connected to the relaxin in our systems. As that chemical rises, the ligaments and tendons in the jaw are affected (along with pretty much everything else, at least for me...my hips are SO sore. I’m dreading the next 6-7 months of side sleeping). Hopefully your OB can offer you some help!
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@kissmeimscottish My hips are killing me too! I've had the hip/back/knee pain in previous pregnancies, but not the TMJ. Thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy Some Advil would be delightful right now.
My hips hurt SO bad when DH and I stay with his parents. Our mattress is a super fancy latex memory foam one with super hidden inner springs (so comfy) and my hips are fine.
@harrierwife SO jealous that you can drink coffee again. I seriously miss it so much, but everytime I smell it I just gag.
@bakerstreetboys I think I'm getting TMJ as well! It was actually one of my very first symptoms. I kept noticing a "clicking" noise when I was chewing, especially gum. I dismissed it for a while, then finally googled it and realized what it was. Plan on talking to my OB about it at my appointment today.
The MS easing up was a fluke I literally just cried because it's all back and with a vengeance. I don't want to be stuck in the rr all day again I just want to be productive
What does TMJ stand for? It's a new day and at least my throat isn't so sore anymore. I feel constantly nauseous though today. I'm feeling like the vom is coming... it just feels inevitable. Ha the weirdest thing is that I clearly have gas in my stomach because my first gag always comes with a huge gross burp. Then it's just like my body is like... "ohhh it's coming!" and then I just puke up everything. @bakerstreetboys , @KissMeImScottish and @battleangel My hips hurt off and on. It's not an everyday occurrence luckily and I usually can just deal with the pain. @harrierwife and @marijaa333 My boobs clearly don't fit in my bra anymore, but luckily the band doesn't seem to hurt or anything. They are just spilling out of the cup. They are very unwieldy now - just won't behave! I feel like my breasts have gained like 3-5 lbs each. @antera23 I think things have changed for me but it has been so gradual that I'm not sure I would notice unless I took a before pic. Ha, which I did not do.
YES to the hip pain, especially at night. This sounds nuts, but somehow if I wedge a pillow under the few inches of blump I'm rocking, it doesn't hurt anymore and I can actually sleep through the night better (where it was waking me up every couple hours before). The pillow between my legs made it worse, so I thought I just was screwed, but a friend said she did that with her bump later in pregnancy, I tried it now, and somehow it did the trick.
And I will sing this from the mountaintops -- check your local Walmarts and Kohls for bras. $4 at Walmart for a t-shirt bra (biggest size mine had was a 40D, which is a little on the big side for me, but smallest band setting + letting the straps down a little = a bra that fits well enough that I'm not hurting), and Kohls has some great sales on nursing bras in S-M-L-XL format (so there's some stretchiness and give to them, in case there's more growth). I got two of them on the BOGO half off + additional 20% off and they wind up being about $20 each. Been LIVING in them the past few weeks. So much more comfortable, and if I wind up outgrown them, so be it, but for a few months anyway, it's a worthwhile investment.
I couldn't deal with coffee for a while (which broke my heart) but then came across Dunkin Donuts' peppermint white chocolate coffee (bagged in the store for like $6!) and that's been about the only coffee I want. Something about the mint made it tolerable, and making it iced is so refreshing. No other coffee actually sounds good, but that one's GOOD.
My heart goes out to you gals with nausea/MS. Seriously, I'm so sorry you're having to face that. Sincerely hope it lets up soon. I feel like a jerk even mentioning other symptoms here because that one's so bad...but we're almost to 2nd tri, right?
Hip pain here too...and what feels like muscle spasms in my butt muscle. It feels like my butt cheek got a charlie horse. I had horrible leg spasms with my daughter, right in my calfs, but this time it seems to be centered to my hips, butt, and thighs more than anything. And the RLP has really picked up...I hold my stomach if I sneeze because man oh man does that hurt!!
@wearyfuzzball - Randomly on Thanksgiving coffee smelled appetizing to me again since week 3/4. I'm taking it day by day because the thought of it at the moment makes me want to gag, too. I haven't really had many consistent aversions other than coffee which is so sad because next to wine it might be one of my favorite things to put in my mouth.
YES to the hip pain, too! Though its mostly my sciatica.
Anyone else notice their joints (mostly hip and knee?) are looser? I thought that didn't happen until much later? I feel almost unstable when I go for long walks....like my hip joint will just pop out or something.
And YES to the sex drive, too. Though it lasts for like 10 mins and then its gone. Poor H.
When I was pregnant with DD (my second pregnancy) I had such severe hip pain I could barely walk. We had stairs and I came down once a day and back up at the end of the day. Then after she was born, I limped for awhile until my joints tightened back up. It was the worst pregnancy I have had.
Re: Symptoms Week of 11/25
Well, 13 weeks tomorrow and still vomiting nonstop with relentless nausea. Oh boy 😂😓😬😑
@luckystar28 I really hope you start feeling better soon and that your 2nd tri is GLORIOUS!
Im sorry we are all in the same boat! Hopefully it gets better. It has to!
Fatigue isn’t too bad thankfully. Other than that not much going on here!
@luckystar28 been thinking of you. I really hope you are getting better, even if its small baby steps!
@chrssyms glad you are getting better! Hopefully you can knock off the puking soon.
@BlondePeanut the dizzy spells are super scary! I definitely was not prepared for this pregnancy symptom.
@vv826 I REALLY hope it's getting better for us. ❤
@Erin1510 you are giving me hope!!!!!
@antera23 same! I have been staring at my boobs a ton and it's crazy how different they look (and feel 😂)
Sometimes I find myself so exhausted I can’t imagine being this tired WITH a baby to boot! Anyone else feel this way?
Ive started getting good sleep again but still wake up exhausted and my neck/shoulders are sore in the mornings, I must be holding a weird sleep position.
My boobs are also huge and my bras are now so uncomfortable. I'm trying to not buy any new bras until the 2nd tri, but I'm struggling. The bands are so tight. I feel like someone's blowing me up like a balloon.
We were out of town sleeping on a friend's guest room bed for the last 5 days and I am SO HAPPY to be in my own bed. I'll brag - we have a tempurpedic. It was a wedding gift to ourselves last year and we both say it was the best money we've ever spent.
Good news - I can drink coffee again.
I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. I'm counting on the second tri bringing a magical unicorn wave of relief.
New pregnancy symptom for me: TMJ, at least I'm assuming that's what it is. I haven't been able to fully close the right side of my jaw for the last week or more. I'll ask my OB about it on Friday.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@bakerstreetboys I think I'm getting TMJ as well! It was actually one of my very first symptoms. I kept noticing a "clicking" noise when I was chewing, especially gum. I dismissed it for a while, then finally googled it and realized what it was. Plan on talking to my OB about it at my appointment today.
It's a new day and at least my throat isn't so sore anymore. I feel constantly nauseous though today. I'm feeling like the vom is coming... it just feels inevitable. Ha the weirdest thing is that I clearly have gas in my stomach because my first gag always comes with a huge gross burp. Then it's just like my body is like... "ohhh it's coming!" and then I just puke up everything.
@bakerstreetboys , @KissMeImScottish and @battleangel My hips hurt off and on. It's not an everyday occurrence luckily and I usually can just deal with the pain.
@harrierwife and @marijaa333 My boobs clearly don't fit in my bra anymore, but luckily the band doesn't seem to hurt or anything. They are just spilling out of the cup. They are very unwieldy now - just won't behave! I feel like my breasts have gained like 3-5 lbs each. @antera23 I think things have changed for me but it has been so gradual that I'm not sure I would notice unless I took a before pic. Ha, which I did not do.
And I will sing this from the mountaintops -- check your local Walmarts and Kohls for bras. $4 at Walmart for a t-shirt bra (biggest size mine had was a 40D, which is a little on the big side for me, but smallest band setting + letting the straps down a little = a bra that fits well enough that I'm not hurting), and Kohls has some great sales on nursing bras in S-M-L-XL format (so there's some stretchiness and give to them, in case there's more growth). I got two of them on the BOGO half off + additional 20% off and they wind up being about $20 each. Been LIVING in them the past few weeks. So much more comfortable, and if I wind up outgrown them, so be it, but for a few months anyway, it's a worthwhile investment.
I couldn't deal with coffee for a while (which broke my heart) but then came across Dunkin Donuts' peppermint white chocolate coffee (bagged in the store for like $6!) and that's been about the only coffee I want. Something about the mint made it tolerable, and making it iced is so refreshing. No other coffee actually sounds good, but that one's GOOD.
My heart goes out to you gals with nausea/MS. Seriously, I'm so sorry you're having to face that. Sincerely hope it lets up soon. I feel like a jerk even mentioning other symptoms here because that one's so bad...but we're almost to 2nd tri, right?
My sex drive came back for a hot second last week. My poor husband assumed this was permanent and tried to charm me this weekend. I looked at him like
DS: March 2014
DD: May 2015
BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN
Hopefully soon you'll be back to drinking it too.
Anyone else notice their joints (mostly hip and knee?) are looser? I thought that didn't happen until much later? I feel almost unstable when I go for long walks....like my hip joint will just pop out or something.
And YES to the sex drive, too. Though it lasts for like 10 mins and then its gone. Poor H.