"Ease my mind" US tomorrow morning. I was measuring 12 days behind last week and while there was a HB, I'm terrified by the difference. I want to go in tomorrow and magically be measuring closer to 9wks (where I should be), or at least mid 8.
@marijaa333 interesting. I know the math, because we actually were charting things and I haven't been on any sort of hormonal BC since 2014 (and never had an IUD) so either I randomly ovulated four days early, DH has some aggressive swimmers, or Baby is measuring big/off. Super curious to see how this continues but now no ultrasounds until 20 weeks, boo.
Side note, I don't even have OB education until the 21st, when I'll be 9 weeks. Is that normal? Seems like an awfully long time to just be Googling what's safe/unsafe for Baby instead of having a time to just ask the OB (or nurse). On one hand I'm going to be real miffed to find out I could have been using my same eyeshadow/lipstick all along, but I'll also be a little freaked out if I find out I've been doing something inadvertently not good for Baby for most of the first trimester.
@ki1244 totally normal to not have an appointment until 8/9 weeks. That’s how it was with my first and when they gave me the list I thought “you think they would email this to me when I called after my BFP to make my appointment” this time around I knew the major “no no’s” although I honestly forgot about all the beauty product warnings and I’ve definitely ate lunch meat from a local deli a few times. 😬
@prpl11butterfly, I’ve been thinking about you. I’m so hopeful for you for tomorrow. All the good vibes headed your way.
@meatballs37, not sure where to put it, but I am SO happy to see a good ultrasound for you! And how cool is that 3D ultrasound!
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@KissMeImScottish and @meatballs37 totally agree about the 3D ultrasound! I saw that and was impressed! I didn't know they did the 3D ones this early and I thought you had to go to a special place to get them done.
@prpl11butterfly definitely will be thinking of you lots today and tomorrow. The worry is just awful in the first tri.
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
@KissMeImScottish@chrssyms thanks. it was really cool to see 3D baby today. I have one like this of all of my little ones at 8 weeks. I wanna say our OB got new US machines right before I got pregnant with DD 3 years ago. They are nicer than the ones my MFM uses! Which you would think it would be the other way around.
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
Our appointment today went much better than expected. Baby is measuring a little ahead and they moved my EDD to June 15. I think that makes me part of group 2 now? I did ask if the HR was a little crazy fast at 184 and they didn’t seem concerned. It’s hard to not over analyze these things.
They also said both of my cysts have resolved on their own. Thank goodness! And they think my back pain is from my tilted uterus. Hopefully it will go away in a few weeks.
Whew! Now to just worry until the next appointment.
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
@meatballs37 my LO HB was 182 at 9 weeks. I thought that seemed fast but the dr said it was great. I’m pretty sure DDs was that fast too at our first US, I need to look at her book when I get home.
Holy crap ya'll! We just had our appointment and we had another ultrasound. Baby is like so much more baby looking now! They've gotta a head and two little arms and two little legs and a booty! And baby was wiggling around like the Caddyshack gopher, it was so hard to get a good picture of them! Technically, my OB had my EDD at June 3rd, but this little one is measuring at an EDD of May 29th! She said we keep the original date of June 3rd though, because that's how it's done. HB was around 150.
I also had my blood drawn for the NIPT and for my NT. The actual ultrasound will be done on Nov 27th, but I should be able to get my results same day once I have the scan, so that's good. FX that we learn the gender before Thanksgiving!
chrssyms - That's awesome that they'll give you the results so quickly! My office does an "integrated" test that consists of two NIPT blood tests and the NT, and they won't share the results until after the second blood test, which isn't until sometime between week 16-20. Which seems ridiculous to me, but they say it reduces the risk of false positives.
@ellem29 that's probably not a bad thing (trying to reduce the risk of false positives). It's interesting they do two NIPT blood tests. Not really sure what that would be. The NIPT, I believe, has a pretty low false positive. The NT Scan has more room for "false positives" because they are also looking at the anatomy of the baby. My brother and SIL had a scare because they had their NT scan super early and they told them they saw a cyst on the umbilical cord, which ended up being a non-thing. But they got them all worked up about it and was pressuring them into doing the CVS which was not really the next step. So luckily they got the NIPT and everything looked fine.
ETA: It seems kind of redundant to me, since I think the Panorama checks everything that's in the second test anyways (maybe? I could be misunderstanding their website completely), but insurance is covering it, so I'm just rolling with it. *shrug*
@ellem29 oh I see. They are just combining the NT Scan with the Quad Screen. It doesn’t read like it includes the NIPT but if that’s what they told you you were getting then I’m not going to dispute that. So an NT Scan includes an ultrasound to measure the thickness of the nose bridge and the back of the neck. The blood draw measures the HCG and PAPP-A of the mother. Given the time of gestation they should expect to see certain things on the US and the HCG/PAPP-A should be at certain levels for that time period. The NIPT draws blood and is looking at the chromosomal “stuff” in the cell-free DNA of the mother. Both tests will look at TRisomy 13, 18, and 21 but the NIPT will only look at chromosomal info whereas the NT also gives you the anatomy scan to identify gross abnormalities.
The quad screen is a blood draw that can only be done in the 2nd trimester. It looks at HCG, estriol, AFP, and Inhibin-A. This is also looking for Down syndrome, but it also could identify concerns with spina bífida as well. In the “old days” they didn’t have good enough technology to do the NT scan so women generally had to wait until the quad screen unless they opted for more invasive testing like CVS in the first trimester.
So so it sounds like you are doing the same type of stuff they just combine it all into one “integrated” test.
I was too exhausted to post, but I had another ultrasound last Wednesday. I was supposed to have the CVS, but the doctor wanted to wait another week for the placenta to develop more, which will make the procedure easier. So, I get another appointment next Wednesday, exactly a week later. I'll be 11w2d then. Fingers crossed he can do it vaginally -- I have a posterior placenta, apparently, and the default path for that seems to be through the abdomen *gulp*.
On the bright side, at my first U/S, I was measuring 3 days behind, but last week, I was measuring exactly to the day, so that was a relief. HB at 10w2d was 166, which the tech said was great. Seeing the head, nose, eye, mouth, arms and legs was crazy, given how small the fetus is. I'm trying hard not to get attached, as I know things could still go wrong...
I finally have my first ultrasound this afternoon! I am 7+4 weeks. My symptoms have been pretty mild, but they have been really tame the last week or so. I know that it is normal for symptoms to come and go, and I should probably just consider myself lucky to be feeling good right now. However, this is my first pregnancy and I just don't know what to expect. For my own peace of mind, I finally just asked the OB if we could do an ultrasound. I know insurance typically only covers one, so we will likely have to pay out of pocket, but I will feel much better seeing that little heartbeat. If all goes well, I will be posting an ultrasound picture later today. Fingers crossed!
first appointment 11/28 but now I'm freaking out my insurance doesn't go into effect until jan 1st so we are going to have to pay $500 oop and I would have waited but I'm on citalopram and now I find out it's not safe and I have to wean off! 🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ This pregnancy so many challenges that I've never had to deal with
Eta to add that I have had to call in to work yesterday and today because MS has just gotten so bad since this weekend and with Thanksgiving coming up I don't have enough pto to cover! the 😭😭
@vv826. I’m so sorry to hear you’re having a rough go of it with the MS! It’ll get better and you will have some good days. Can your doc switch you to a different medication that’s safer? I’m sorry it’s hard right now but these are good steps and I’m sure it’ll be okay. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and hope it gets a little easier sooner. At least the US might help to give you some piece of mind even if it is expensive. Giving you a big virtual hug!
Had my first appointment yesterday. I’m always pretty much on denial/negative before the first appointment (I can’t help it!) appointment went great, they put me back to 9w4d (I thought I was 10w1d) but everything feels much more real now that I’ve seen the wiggly baby in action. 💛 hoping everyone has great appointments the rest of the month!
Had my second apt today. At my first apt I was measuring a week behind which made me nervous (pgal). I was also super bitter about having to "redo" a week of first trimester. But baby measured 10 weeks today which is in line with lmp! Dr won't call my official due date until I meet with mfm next week but I'm guessing they will go with 6/11. So mfm next Monday and regular OB the Monday after. Luckily I really like my ob since we seem to be spending so much time together. (I was high risk before my last pregnancy then had complications so I scare Drs)
Had my first OB appt after graduating from my fertility Dr. I got all my bloodwork and she said with twins I will be having a scheduled C between 36 & 38 weeks. We will also get monthly US to make sure the babies are growing correctly. My next one is 11/30 at 12 weeks. My pgal worries kicked in today so went to a boutique for an elective US and saw them measuring a few days ahead with hb of 161 and 171 so I’m reassured.
CVS today went fine, thankfully they were able to get a good sample vaginally (instead of abdominally). No spotting or cramping so far and it wasn't too uncomfortable (similar to a pap). Heartbeat before the procedure was 170, and after it was 161. Now the dreaded wait for the results...
Second ultrasound scheduled for monday. Should show 12+1 that day. Already have a third US scheduled Dec 10. Nervous for monday to see the heartbeat just to confirm everything is ok. Not that i have had any signs it isnt just peace of mind!
I had an appointment yesterday. We had an ultrasound and saw the baby! When I mentioned we had gone to the ER and had an ultrasound, the techs whole demeanor changed and she said “well you don’t really need the one today then”. I was a bit taken aback because, oh yes I did! The ultrasound was super short and she didn’t point out anything. I’m trying not to be disappointed because I got really good pictures and I got to see the baby. I just wish I had more time to take it all in.
I got my flu shot and blood drawn also at that appointment. Easy peasy and I go back in 3 weeks!
Tomorrow afternoon is my ultrasound. I am so nervous and excited. @canuckbaby I get those stupid scary thoughts that creep in too. I'm praying tomorrow is peace of mind for us both!
@BlondePeanut i will post after mine at 930 mst. I gots the insomnia tonight. Ugh. Part out of worry part out of excitement part out of just pregnancy insomnia lol
My first appt was good. Baby's heartrate was 153 bpm. We did adjust my due date to 7/03 from 6/30 after measuring baby, but I am having a scheduled c-section June 26th at 39 weeks, I did find out I have a tilted uterus which made the ultrasound more difficult but everything looks great.
@BlondePeanut and @antera23 LOL i am such a dummy i couldnt find which thread I posted on earlier to respond until just now. This baby is stealing all my brain cells plus the insomnia. Glad yours was good @BlondePeanut mine was good with the exception of having to pee not once but 4 times to empty my bladder to an acceptal amount so they could get measurements for NT. 2 arms 2 legs a head and heart beat (dont remember what the bpm was on the form). Now just to await the results but seeing all the parts was relief! Thanks for all the positive vibes! So good knowing not alone in the crazy thoughts.
I had my NT ultrasound today. Everything is looking good, thankfully. He was very cooperative, sleeping at the beginning. So cute that they sleep in there, right!?
Just got back from my "OB Education" appointment with a nurse at my clinic. I'm 9+1, so telling me NOW that I should avoid sushi or unheated lunchmeat (pffft) or Advil or super vigorous exercise where my heart rate gets above 140 is...maybe a little after the fact. If I had been doing that for the past 9 weeks, Baby might be in a little trouble. Weird.
When she was quizzing me on my symptoms, I told her I was actually quite nervous because I'm generally fairly asymptomatic right now. Like, everything -- the food aversions, the breast soreness, most of the fatigue (and I'd blame some of that on it getting dark so early anyway). I never really had nausea or heartburn (except the night I mowed down on a really greasy quesadilla). On the one hand, I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but on the other, I was under the impression that at 9-11ish weeks, the hormones kind of hit their crescendo before they start tapering off. She just kept saying that "every pregnancy is different" and "it's fine, enjoy your pregnancy!" And now I'm irritated. Clearly I had done my homework (I was asking her some very specific questions, prefacing them with "I've read that..." or "I know XYZ, but is ABC acceptable at...") and even if this is my first pregnancy, I'm not a moron. I get that every pregnancy is different, and this is probably nothing, but I'm just kind of annoyed that she wouldn't give me any sort of logical reasoning as to WHY I shouldn't worry. I know they can't just send me over to use a Doppler yet, and an unscheduled US on the day before Thanksgiving is probably a tall order, but just telling me "Oh, you're fine!" is pointless -- she's never met me, she has no idea that I'm fine -- and surely I'm not the first patient to present like this. It reminded me of all the fools who would tell me to "just relax and enjoy the process!" when we were TTGP -- and I was damn close to strangling the next person to say that to me.
Sorry to go on a rant. In my heart of hearts, I'm sure Baby is just fine. I just wanted to be reassured of that with actual evidence. My OB came super highly recommended so I still want to stick with her (...haven't actually gotten to meet her yet, that's in two more weeks) but the more I think about this whole thing today, the more annoyed I get.
Re: Appointments Thread November
Side note, I don't even have OB education until the 21st, when I'll be 9 weeks. Is that normal? Seems like an awfully long time to just be Googling what's safe/unsafe for Baby instead of having a time to just ask the OB (or nurse). On one hand I'm going to be real miffed to find out I could have been using my same eyeshadow/lipstick all along, but I'll also be a little freaked out if I find out I've been doing something inadvertently not good for Baby for most of the first trimester.
@meatballs37, not sure where to put it, but I am SO happy to see a good ultrasound for you! And how cool is that 3D ultrasound!
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
They also said both of my cysts have resolved on their own. Thank goodness! And they think my back pain is from my tilted uterus. Hopefully it will go away in a few weeks.
Whew! Now to just worry until the next appointment.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
I also had my blood drawn for the NIPT and for my NT. The actual ultrasound will be done on Nov 27th, but I should be able to get my results same day once I have the scan, so that's good. FX that we learn the gender before Thanksgiving!
But the first part is the "typical" NIPT test - they do Panorama, instead of Harmony, but it's basically the same thing.
ETA: It seems kind of redundant to me, since I think the Panorama checks everything that's in the second test anyways (maybe? I could be misunderstanding their website completely), but insurance is covering it, so I'm just rolling with it. *shrug*
The quad screen is a blood draw that can only be done in the 2nd trimester. It looks at HCG, estriol, AFP, and Inhibin-A. This is also looking for Down syndrome, but it also could identify concerns with spina bífida as well. In the “old days” they didn’t have good enough technology to do the NT scan so women generally had to wait until the quad screen unless they opted for more invasive testing like CVS in the first trimester.
So so it sounds like you are doing the same type of stuff they just combine it all into one “integrated” test.
Eta to add that I have had to call in to work yesterday and today because MS has just gotten so bad since this weekend and with Thanksgiving coming up I don't have enough pto to cover! the 😭😭
@whitney812 yay! it's so amazing to see the lo wiggle around!
I got my flu shot and blood drawn also at that appointment. Easy peasy and I go back in 3 weeks!
@canuckbaby I get those stupid scary thoughts that creep in too. I'm praying tomorrow is peace of mind for us both!
When she was quizzing me on my symptoms, I told her I was actually quite nervous because I'm generally fairly asymptomatic right now. Like, everything -- the food aversions, the breast soreness, most of the fatigue (and I'd blame some of that on it getting dark so early anyway). I never really had nausea or heartburn (except the night I mowed down on a really greasy quesadilla). On the one hand, I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but on the other, I was under the impression that at 9-11ish weeks, the hormones kind of hit their crescendo before they start tapering off. She just kept saying that "every pregnancy is different" and "it's fine, enjoy your pregnancy!" And now I'm irritated. Clearly I had done my homework (I was asking her some very specific questions, prefacing them with "I've read that..." or "I know XYZ, but is ABC acceptable at...") and even if this is my first pregnancy, I'm not a moron. I get that every pregnancy is different, and this is probably nothing, but I'm just kind of annoyed that she wouldn't give me any sort of logical reasoning as to WHY I shouldn't worry. I know they can't just send me over to use a Doppler yet, and an unscheduled US on the day before Thanksgiving is probably a tall order, but just telling me "Oh, you're fine!" is pointless -- she's never met me, she has no idea that I'm fine -- and surely I'm not the first patient to present like this. It reminded me of all the fools who would tell me to "just relax and enjoy the process!" when we were TTGP -- and I was damn close to strangling the next person to say that to me.
Sorry to go on a rant. In my heart of hearts, I'm sure Baby is just fine. I just wanted to be reassured of that with actual evidence. My OB came super highly recommended so I still want to stick with her (...haven't actually gotten to meet her yet, that's in two more weeks) but the more I think about this whole thing today, the more annoyed I get.