Had my first appointment today! Based on LMP I was 9+ weeks.. they pushed me back to 6+5 but said it was normal with IUD removal to ovulate super late. We got to hear an adorable and super strong heartbeat!
For those who don’t read the PGAL thread.... Had my official first pregnancy appointment today at 9w, my first at 6w was bc of prior loss. They did an ultrasound, baby measured 9w1d and a heart rate of 182, met with my midwife to ask questions/talk about genetic testing, then had the initial bloodwork. Next appointment is Nov 26th when I’ll do my NT scan and blood draw for MaterniT. The thanksgiving holiday pushed it back a week but still within the 11-13 week window.
@nmbrcrnchr1 thanks for the update. I like to skim the PGAL thread but it kind of brings my (totally unfounded yet still very real) anxieties to the surface so selfishly I've been avoiding it this week. But, I also want to know what's going on!
I go for an u/s next Friday and I'm excited and a little anxious. I've had a decrease in symptoms this week which is 180 from last time. I know every pregnancy is different so I'm just going to hope that the lack of bad symptoms is good.
Had my first appt today. Thought we were 8w3d but ended up pushing it back to 7w3d. I only have one period after my IUD was removed in August...so I’m not totally surprised. HR was 153 and everything looked great! I’ll go back in 3 weeks for a checkup and then back at week 12 for another ultrasound and to have the genetic testing done and find out the sex (via genetic testing)
First OB appointment is next Tuesday! We will find out if she agrees with the US tech and moves me back 3 days from LMP. I'm hoping we can schedule genetic testing for before Thanksgiving because we'd really like results back before we tell everyone. FX!
Went to see OB yesterday for nausea. She prescribed Diclegis, so hopefully that will help. She also did an U/S and dated us at 6W6D today (based on LMP I would have been 9W2D). It's not surprising to me because my cycles were very irregular (anywhere from 30-38 days) but it was still frustrating to have 2 weeks added to my first trimester. It was still awesome to see the little jelly bean! They moved my next appt from Mon 11/5 to Weds 11/21.
I have an appointment on the 16th that I THINK is for the optional scans and screenings. I was so caught up in seeing the baby for the first time that all the information they gave me about the next appointment flew out the window. I gave DH the names of the tests so he could research and decide (for his part) if we’re doing the optional ones without my input then we’ll actually decide together.
Got a call yesterday afternoon from my OB. My first (non-ER) US had been scheduled for 11/21, but she got my ER records and apparently my hormone levels were good and the US they did there showed the yolk sac in the right place but there was no detectable heartbeat. I had that US way earlier than most (by LMP it would have been at 4w5d) so they said not to panic, the tech would have had to be a heck of a marksman to be able to find it (and they were more focused on Baby's location at that point since they were worried about an ectopic). That was where the doc told me I was 5+2, which surprised me (knock off a few days? heck yes). But not being able to detect a heartbeat gives me an automatic high risk marker, at least for the time being, and protocol dictates that I have another US ASAP now. Sooooo I got bumped up to 11/8, although they may not be able to find it then, in which case I'd be back the next week, and so on until they find a heartbeat or give me some awful news.
I'm glad they're so on top of this, and taking it seriously even if there wasn't really a reason they SHOULD have been able to find it. And I know it isn't a big deal that they didn't last time. But man...I think my own heart stopped for a minute when they said that. Their sweet office manager told me this is great, just means insurance is going to buy us lots of extra ultrasounds, so I'm really intentionally choosing not to worry but that might be a little easier said than done until Wednesday.
I had my first appt this past week. Doc was able to find a heartbeat on the Doppler at 8w4d so that was really exciting!! Go back the week after thanksgiving.
First appointment was on Nov 1st. Based on LMP I was 8 weeks, but was pushed back to 6w3d based on the ultrasound. I had an IUD for 4 years (maybe cause of late ovulation?) which was removed last year after imbedding itself into my uteran wall. Doc found a small cyst that is 'supporting' my pregnancy. Baby is healthy with heartbeat and I go back during the last week of November. Due date went from June 11 to June 22! (I hope I didn't break any of the rules this time 😝)
@noodles22 I also had a small cyst on my right ovary. The tech called it a pregnancy cyst and said she could tell the egg came from my right ovary because of the cyst. Benign...and I thought that was pretty neat!
My first appointment is November 29th for my first US. I'll be 9+2. First US has been notoriously bad for me the last 2 pregnancies so I'm really hoping we get good news at this one! But I'll be quietly freaking out until then:)
My first US is the 13th, around 10:30. I'm starting to get nervous with only a week to go. I have to go back to work when it's over, so if it's bad news, in going to have to keep it together till the end of the day.
@ki1244 thinking positives thoughts for you! i'm sure everything is fine and it was just too early to find!
had my first US this past tuesday and we did have a heartbeat! after the miscarriage last time this was truly a surreal thing! i think i was holding my breath until she found it. heart rate at about 160 bpm. measured within a couple days of LMP so they kept my due date based on that which is 6/6. go back the tuesday after thanksgiving for my 12 weeks anatomy scan. however we are going to do blood work between now and then so we should also find out gender in the next couple weeks as an added perk! just told my family a couple days ago and going over to dinner at his parent's tonight to tell them
My first appointment is Tuesday and I’m nervous as I’ve ever been. For whatever reason, I’m having a hard time with anxiety in general this pregnancy, so I’m hoping that a positive appointment will help alleviate a lot of that. And I know that telling my family will help too - I just really am emphatic about waiting until after my sister has her baby.
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@ruby696 I'm sure your appointment will go perfectly:)
Mine will be in the morning so I'm taking the whole day off just in case. I'm a teacher so going back to work after possible bad news to a room full of children (even if they are teenagers) is not an option for me. If it goes well though I might manage to make it back for the pm.
@Panaceia I hope so! I have two LC and *TW* two MMC's, so hoping this one will complete our family. Symptoms are good, so I'm cautiously optimistic this time.
@harrierwife I have my first u/s tomorrow too! Here’s to good results all around.
@ruby696 I am with you. I just keep assuming the worst (reading into every symptom or lack thereof). I’m just ready know what’s happening in there - whether good or bad.
My first appointment was scheduled for the 14th, but I’ve been having twinges and discomfort in my abdomen on my left side, so I decided to call and see if I could get a sooner appointment. I’m now scheduled for an ultrasound this afternoon.
Thanks! The ultrasound was quick, but I got good news. There’s a LO in the uterus measuring two days ahead based off of ovulation with a heartbeat of 149.
i have my blood draw on Friday for NIPT, but next appt isn’t until a week later. I was so distracted with my original dating US that I didn’t even take the US pic home! So, hopefully I’ll have a nice NT pic to share next week
Just had my first appointment this afternoon. I am SO relieved to report that there is only one baby in there (I honestly almost cried, I was so relieved), measuring 4 days ahead with a heartbeat in the 160s. I feel like I can breathe now.
They took about 12 vials of blood for a whole panel of tests, which was super fun, I got my flu shot, and they did the standard work up they always do. Next appointment is the prenatal testing stuff - I hate dealing with insurance (it all seems so inconsistent), so I’ll be following the referrals pretty closely to make sure this all clears without issue, but my doctor said she was ordering the tests specifically, so hopefully it’s not a problem. I know it wasn’t for my sister about 6 months ago, and she’s only 25 with no known risk factors, so hopefully this is a smooth road.
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Had my first appointment yesterday. Just the standard questions and blood work. I was bummed she didnt try to find the heartbeat with the fetal doppler but she always seemed to wait until at least week 11 with my other 2 pregnancies as a precaution if we couldnt find it yet. Shes booking my US today for my 12 week scan, cant wait.
@kissmeimscottish - 12 vials!?! Dear LORD they took 4 from me and I thought that was a lot! The least they could have done after that is give you cookies and juice!
Went to see the OB yesterday for the fainting. They checked my blood, urine and BP and said it was most likely caused by not drinking enough water (however I'm not truly dehydrated). She gave me new meds for my nausea (Phenergran) so hopefully this helps a little more than the Diclegis. Also had another US and baby is growing appropriately (measuring at 7+4) with a HB of 150. Happy that my crappy eating and drinking does not seem to be harming my little nugget, which is always my biggest fear.
@liamsmommy09 it is next to impossible to find the HB before 11-12 weeks with a doppler. The uterus is still behind the pelvic bone and its just super hard. Even on really skinny people, but especially on anyone with any extra weight in their midsection. It causes more distress than anything. My OB actually did a TV u/s at my 12 week appointment last time just because he says its more reliable plus, obviously, people love seeing the baby vs just hearing the HB.
@harrierwife, right?? The phlebotomist looked at the blood order and was like, dear God, we’re going to bleed you dry. I was like 😳. Then she goes, at least it’s the small vials! Didn’t help much, haha. And more blood next appointment.
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@jhems776 - I'm with you on the blood draw anxiety. I find its helpful to be upfront with the phlebotomist about my anxiety, try to crack jokes, and look far away. And don't hold your breath
The appointment went pretty good. She did another u/s which was great, she says well we have the room and I need the heart rate anyways. The baby was super active and wiggling, that was so great to see. Then during the cervical exam, my cervix started bleeding and hurt to the touch. She thinks it is a bacterial infection but I can't take anything till after the first trimester. She is normally super duper annoyingly chill but she was just uh we'll send a sample. I asked what else it could be and she just restated how still will send the sample to check, so I'm a bit anxious. They took nine vials of blood but it went just fine though.
Had my appointment yesterday. All I did was pee in a cup so they could confirm pregnancy I'm surprised they didn't give any orders for bloodwork yet. I go back in three weeks for first ultrasound and first real appointment. They wanted me back in a week or two but of course with Thanksgiving they couldn't get me in that soon. EDD 6/22 *TW* this was my due date with the baby I miscarried *END TW*
Ended up seeing one of my friends there so she now knows i'm pregnant. I had wanted to tell her in person. *TW* her ultrasound didn't go so well and she's having to do blood work so I feel awful *END TW*
Just got done with our first real US. What a surreal thing that is! Little heartbeat was flickering away at 134, which she said was just fine. Only weird thing was that Baby was measuring big enough that they bumped my EDD up again -- where the math says June 29/30, they now think June 25. OK? DH and I were both huge babies (I was 9lb12oz, DH was 10+) sooooo if Baby is going to be a giant, go ahead and keep cranking up that due date...and if it comes off first trimester, so much the better. That was just so bizarre though -- didn't even care that I had a big gooey stick shoved up my junk, I just wanted to keep watching it all day and it didn't even do anything and kind of looks like an alien. Guess this is motherhood?
Re: Appointments Thread November
Had my official first pregnancy appointment today at 9w, my first at 6w was bc of prior loss. They did an ultrasound, baby measured 9w1d and a heart rate of 182, met with my midwife to ask questions/talk about genetic testing, then had the initial bloodwork.
Next appointment is Nov 26th when I’ll do my NT scan and blood draw for MaterniT. The thanksgiving holiday pushed it back a week but still within the 11-13 week window.
I go for an u/s next Friday and I'm excited and a little anxious. I've had a decrease in symptoms this week which is 180 from last time. I know every pregnancy is different so I'm just going to hope that the lack of bad symptoms is good.
I'm glad they're so on top of this, and taking it seriously even if there wasn't really a reason they SHOULD have been able to find it. And I know it isn't a big deal that they didn't last time. But man...I think my own heart stopped for a minute when they said that. Their sweet office manager told me this is great, just means insurance is going to buy us lots of extra ultrasounds, so I'm really intentionally choosing not to worry but that might be a little easier said than done until Wednesday.
edit because, words.
had my first US this past tuesday and we did have a heartbeat! after the miscarriage last time this was truly a surreal thing! i think i was holding my breath until she found it. heart rate at about 160 bpm. measured within a couple days of LMP so they kept my due date based on that which is 6/6. go back the tuesday after thanksgiving for my 12 weeks anatomy scan. however we are going to do blood work between now and then so we should also find out gender in the next couple weeks as an added perk! just told my family a couple days ago and going over to dinner at his parent's tonight to tell them
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Mine will be in the morning so I'm taking the whole day off just in case. I'm a teacher so going back to work after possible bad news to a room full of children (even if they are teenagers) is not an option for me. If it goes well though I might manage to make it back for the pm.
@ruby696 I am with you. I just keep assuming the worst (reading into every symptom or lack thereof). I’m just ready know what’s happening in there - whether good or bad.
i have my blood draw on Friday for NIPT, but next appt isn’t until a week later. I was so distracted with my original dating US that I didn’t even take the US pic home! So, hopefully I’ll have a nice NT pic to share next week
Measuring 6w/3d, minus 3 days from what I thought I was, but kept my June 21st due date.
HR was 133!
Next appointment is Friday, November 30th - i'll be over 10 weeks then!!!!!
They took about 12 vials of blood for a whole panel of tests, which was super fun, I got my flu shot, and they did the standard work up they always do. Next appointment is the prenatal testing stuff - I hate dealing with insurance (it all seems so inconsistent), so I’ll be following the referrals pretty closely to make sure this all clears without issue, but my doctor said she was ordering the tests specifically, so hopefully it’s not a problem. I know it wasn’t for my sister about 6 months ago, and she’s only 25 with no known risk factors, so hopefully this is a smooth road.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Next appt is scheduled for 11/26. I'll be 10+2.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Ended up seeing one of my friends there so she now knows i'm pregnant. I had wanted to tell her in person. *TW* her ultrasound didn't go so well and she's having to do blood work so I feel awful *END TW*